Interface AnnotationEngine

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultAnnotationEngine, InjectingAnnotationEngine, SpyAnnotationEngine

public interface AnnotationEngine

Configures mock creation logic behind @Mock, @Captor and @Spy annotations

If you are interested then see implementations or source code of MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(Object)

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object createMockFor(java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation, java.lang.reflect.Field field)
          Deprecated. Please use process(Class, Object) method instead that is more robust

Creates mock, ArgumentCaptor or wraps field instance in spy object. Only if of correct annotation type.

 void process(java.lang.Class<?> clazz, java.lang.Object testInstance)
          Allows extending the interface to perform action on specific fields on the test class.

Method Detail


java.lang.Object createMockFor(java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation,
                                          java.lang.reflect.Field field)
Deprecated. Please use process(Class, Object) method instead that is more robust

Creates mock, ArgumentCaptor or wraps field instance in spy object. Only if of correct annotation type.

annotation - Annotation
field - Field details


void process(java.lang.Class<?> clazz,
             java.lang.Object testInstance)
Allows extending the interface to perform action on specific fields on the test class.

See the implementation of this method to figure out what is it for.

clazz - Class where to extract field information, check implementation for details
testInstance - Test instance