
Class OutputBuffer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.AutoCloseable, BsonOutput
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class OutputBuffer
    implements BsonOutput
    An abstract base class for classes implementing BsonOutput.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close​()  
      abstract java.util.List<ByteBuf> getByteBuffers​()
      Get a list of byte buffers that are prepared to be read from; in other words, whose position is 0 and whose limit is the number of bytes that should read.
      abstract int pipe​( out)
      Pipe the contents of this output buffer into the given output stream
      int size​()
      Gets the output size in bytes.
      byte[] toByteArray​()
      Gets a copy of the buffered bytes.
      java.lang.String toString​()  
      abstract void truncateToPosition​(int newPosition)
      Truncates this stream to the new position.
      void write​(byte[] b)  
      void write​(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)  
      void write​(int value)  
      protected abstract void write​(int position, int value)
      Write the specified byte at the specified position.
      void writeBytes​(byte[] bytes)
      Writes all the bytes in the byte array to the stream.
      void writeCString​(java.lang.String value)
      Writes a BSON CString to the stream.
      void writeDouble​(double x)
      Writes a BSON double to the stream.
      void writeInt​(int value)
      Writes the given integer value to the buffer.
      void writeInt32​(int value)
      Writes a 32-bit BSON integer to the stream.
      void writeInt32​(int position, int value)
      Writes a 32-bit BSON integer to the stream at the given position.
      void writeInt64​(long value)
      Writes a 64-bit BSON integer to the stream.
      void writeLong​(long value)
      Writes the given long value to the buffer.
      void writeObjectId​(ObjectId value)
      Writes a BSON ObjectId to the stream.
      void writeString​(java.lang.String str)
      Writes a BSON String to the stream.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from class

    • Constructor Detail

      • OutputBuffer

        public OutputBuffer​()
    • Method Detail

      • write

        public void write​(byte[] b)
        write in class
      • close

        public void close​()
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface BsonOutput
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        close in class
      • write

        public void write​(byte[] bytes,
                          int offset,
                          int length)
        write in class
      • writeBytes

        public void writeBytes​(byte[] bytes)
        Description copied from interface: BsonOutput
        Writes all the bytes in the byte array to the stream.
        Specified by:
        writeBytes in interface BsonOutput
        bytes - the non-null byte array
      • writeInt32

        public void writeInt32​(int value)
        Description copied from interface: BsonOutput
        Writes a 32-bit BSON integer to the stream.
        Specified by:
        writeInt32 in interface BsonOutput
        value - the value
      • writeInt32

        public void writeInt32​(int position,
                               int value)
        Description copied from interface: BsonOutput
        Writes a 32-bit BSON integer to the stream at the given position. This is useful for patching in the size of a document once the last byte of it has been encoded and its size it known.
        Specified by:
        writeInt32 in interface BsonOutput
        position - the position to write the value, which must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the current size
        value - the value
      • writeInt64

        public void writeInt64​(long value)
        Description copied from interface: BsonOutput
        Writes a 64-bit BSON integer to the stream.
        Specified by:
        writeInt64 in interface BsonOutput
        value - the value
      • writeDouble

        public void writeDouble​(double x)
        Description copied from interface: BsonOutput
        Writes a BSON double to the stream.
        Specified by:
        writeDouble in interface BsonOutput
        x - the value
      • writeString

        public void writeString​(java.lang.String str)
        Description copied from interface: BsonOutput
        Writes a BSON String to the stream.
        Specified by:
        writeString in interface BsonOutput
        str - the value
      • writeCString

        public void writeCString​(java.lang.String value)
        Description copied from interface: BsonOutput
        Writes a BSON CString to the stream.
        Specified by:
        writeCString in interface BsonOutput
        value - the value
      • writeObjectId

        public void writeObjectId​(ObjectId value)
        Description copied from interface: BsonOutput
        Writes a BSON ObjectId to the stream.
        Specified by:
        writeObjectId in interface BsonOutput
        value - the value
      • size

        public int size​()
        Gets the output size in bytes.
        the size
      • pipe

        public abstract int pipe​( out)
        Pipe the contents of this output buffer into the given output stream
        out - the stream to pipe to
        number of bytes written to the stream
        Throws: - if the stream throws an exception
      • getByteBuffers

        public abstract java.util.List<ByteBuf> getByteBuffers​()
        Get a list of byte buffers that are prepared to be read from; in other words, whose position is 0 and whose limit is the number of bytes that should read.

        Note that the byte buffers may be read-only.

        the non-null list of byte buffers, in LITTLE_ENDIAN order
      • truncateToPosition

        public abstract void truncateToPosition​(int newPosition)
        Description copied from interface: BsonOutput
        Truncates this stream to the new position. After this call, both size and position will equal the new position.
        Specified by:
        truncateToPosition in interface BsonOutput
        newPosition - the new position, which must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the current size.
      • toByteArray

        public byte[] toByteArray​()
        Gets a copy of the buffered bytes.
        the byte array
        See Also:
      • write

        public void write​(int value)
        Specified by:
        write in class
      • writeInt

        public void writeInt​(int value)
        Writes the given integer value to the buffer.
        value - the value to write
        See Also:
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • write

        protected abstract void write​(int position,
                                      int value)
        Write the specified byte at the specified position.
        position - the position, which must be greater than equal to 0 and at least 4 less than the stream size
        value - the value to write. The 24 high-order bits of the value are ignored.
      • writeLong

        public void writeLong​(long value)
        Writes the given long value to the buffer.
        value - the value to write
        See Also: