A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W _ 


abort() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSUploadStream
Aborts the upload and deletes any data.
abortPipe() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Return true if the current execution of the pipe method should be aborted.
abortPipe() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
abortTransaction() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ClientSession
Abort a transaction in the context of this session.
AbortTransactionOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
AbortTransactionOperation(WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.AbortTransactionOperation
Construct an instance.
AbstractBsonReader - Class in org.bson
Abstract base class for BsonReader implementations.
AbstractBsonReader() - Constructor for class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Initializes a new instance of the BsonReader class.
AbstractBsonReader.Context - Class in org.bson
The context for the reader.
AbstractBsonReader.Mark - Class in org.bson
AbstractBsonReader.State - Enum in org.bson
The state of a reader.
AbstractBsonWriter - Class in org.bson
Represents a BSON writer for some external format (see subclasses).
AbstractBsonWriter(BsonWriterSettings) - Constructor for class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Initializes a new instance of the BsonWriter class.
AbstractBsonWriter(BsonWriterSettings, FieldNameValidator) - Constructor for class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Initializes a new instance of the BsonWriter class.
AbstractBsonWriter.Context - Class in org.bson
The context for the writer.
AbstractBsonWriter.Mark - Class in org.bson
Capture the current state of this writer - its AbstractBsonWriter.Context, AbstractBsonWriter.State, field name and depth.
AbstractBsonWriter.State - Enum in org.bson
The state of a writer.
Accumulators - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
Builders for accumulators used in the group pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline.
acknowledged(int, boolean, BsonValue) - Static method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernResult
Create an acknowledged WriteConcernResult
acknowledged(int, int, int, Integer, List<BulkWriteUpsert>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Create an acknowledged BulkWriteResult
acknowledged(long) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult
Create an acknowledged DeleteResult
acknowledged(long, Long, BsonValue) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult
Create an acknowledged UpdateResult
acknowledged(WriteRequest.Type, int, Integer, List<BulkWriteUpsert>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Create an acknowledged BulkWriteResult
acknowledged(WriteRequest.Type, int, List<BulkWriteUpsert>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Create an acknowledged BulkWriteResult
ACKNOWLEDGED - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Write operations that use this write concern will wait for acknowledgement, using the default write concern configured on the server.
action(MapReduceAction) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Specify the MapReduceAction to be used when writing to a collection.
action(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets the output action one of: "replace", "merge", "reduce"
add(int, Object) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
add(int, BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
add(int, BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
add(ConnectionPoolListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster
Adds the given connection pool listener to the list of listeners to invoke on connection pool events.
add(Object) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
add(String, Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder
Same as append
add(BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
add(BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends BsonValue>) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
addAll(int, Collection<? extends BsonValue>) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
addAll(Collection) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
addAll(Collection<? extends BsonValue>) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
addAll(Collection<? extends BsonValue>) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
addClusterListener(ClusterListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Adds a cluster listener.
addClusterListener(ClusterListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Adds the given cluster listener.
addCommandListener(CommandListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Adds the given command listener.
addCommandListener(CommandListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Adds the given command listener.
addConnectionPoolListener(ConnectionPoolListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
Adds the given connection pool listener.
addConnectionPoolListener(ConnectionPoolListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Adds the given connection pool listener.
addDecodingHook(Class<?>, Transformer) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Registers a Transformer to use when decoding a specific class from BSON.
addEachToSet(String, List<TItem>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that adds each of the given values to the array value of the field with the given name, unless the value is already present, in which case it does nothing
addEncodingHook(Class<?>, Transformer) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Registers a Transformer to use to encode a specific class into BSON.
addErrorResult(MongoBulkWriteException, IndexMap) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner
Add an error result
addErrorResult(List<BulkWriteError>, WriteConcernError, IndexMap) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner
Add a list of error results and a write concern error
addFields(Field<?>...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates an $addFields pipeline stage
addFields(List<Field<?>>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates an $addFields pipeline stage
addLabel(String) - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoException
Adds the given error label to the exception.
addOption(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
addOption(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
addOption(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
addOption(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Add options instead on instances of DBCursor
address(ServerAddress) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the address of the server.
addResult(BulkWriteResult, IndexMap) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner
Add a result
addServerListener(ServerListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings.Builder
Add a server listener.
addServerListener(ServerListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Adds the given server listener.
addServerMonitorListener(ServerMonitorListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings.Builder
Adds a server monitor listener.
addServerMonitorListener(ServerMonitorListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Adds the given server monitor listener.
addSpecial(String, Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Prefer per-operator methods, e.g. DBCursor.comment(String), DBCursor.explain(), etc.
addToSet(String, TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators
Gets a field name for a $group operation representing all unique values that results from applying the given expression to each document in a group of documents that share the same group by key.
addToSet(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that adds the given value to the array value of the field with the given name, unless the value is already present, in which case it does nothing
addTxnNumberToCommand(ServerDescription, ConnectionDescription, BsonDocument, SessionContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
addUser(String, char[]) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Use DB.command to call either the createUser or updateUser command
addUser(String, char[], boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Use DB.command to call either the createUser or updateUser command
addWriteConcernErrorResult(WriteConcernError) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner
Add a write concern error result
addWriteConcernToCommand(ConnectionDescription, BsonDocument, SessionContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
addWriteErrorResult(BulkWriteError, IndexMap) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner
Add a write error result
advanceClusterTime(BsonDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
advanceClusterTime(BsonDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Advance the cluster time.
advanceOperationTime(BsonTimestamp) - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
Set the operation time of the last operation executed in this session.
advanceOperationTime(BsonTimestamp) - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Advance the operation time.
advanceTransactionNumber() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ServerSession
Return the next available transaction number.
advanceTransactionNumber() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Advance the transaction number.
AFTER - com.mongodb.client.model.ReturnDocument
Indicates to return the document after the update, replacement, or insert occurred.
aggregate(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline.
aggregate(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Runs an aggregation framework pipeline on the database for pipeline stages that do not require an underlying collection, such as $currentOp and $listLocalSessions.
aggregate(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline.
aggregate(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Runs an aggregation framework pipeline on the database for pipeline stages that do not require an underlying collection, such as $currentOp and $listLocalSessions.
aggregate(DBObject, DBObject...) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
aggregate(List<? extends DBObject>) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
aggregate(List<? extends DBObject>, AggregationOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Method implements aggregation framework.
aggregate(List<? extends DBObject>, AggregationOptions, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Method implements aggregation framework.
aggregate(List<? extends DBObject>, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
aggregate(List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline.
aggregate(List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Runs an aggregation framework pipeline on the database for pipeline stages that do not require an underlying collection, such as $currentOp and $listLocalSessions.
aggregate(List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline.
aggregate(List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Runs an aggregation framework pipeline on the database for pipeline stages that do not require an underlying collection, such as $currentOp and $listLocalSessions.
AggregateIterable<TResult> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
Iterable for aggregate.
AggregateOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
AggregateOperation(MongoNamespace, List<BsonDocument>, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Construct a new instance.
AggregateOperation(MongoNamespace, List<BsonDocument>, Decoder<T>, AggregationLevel) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Construct a new instance.
AggregateResponseBatchCursor<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.operation
Aggregates - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
Builders for aggregation pipeline stages.
AggregateToCollectionOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
AggregateToCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace, List<BsonDocument>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
AggregateToCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace, List<BsonDocument>, ReadConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Construct a new instance.
AggregateToCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace, List<BsonDocument>, ReadConcern, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Construct a new instance.
AggregateToCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace, List<BsonDocument>, ReadConcern, WriteConcern, AggregationLevel) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Construct a new instance.
AggregateToCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace, List<BsonDocument>, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Construct a new instance.
AggregateToCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace, List<BsonDocument>, WriteConcern, AggregationLevel) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Construct a new instance.
AggregationLevel - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
AggregationOptions - Class in com.mongodb
The options to apply to an aggregate operation.
AggregationOptions.Builder - Class in com.mongodb
Builder for creating AggregationOptions.
AggregationOptions.OutputMode - Enum in com.mongodb
There is no replacement for this. Applications can assume that the driver will use a cursor for server versions that support it (>= 2.6). The driver will ignore this as of MongoDB 3.6, which does not support inline results for the aggregate command.
AggregationOutput - Class in com.mongodb
Replace with use of aggregate methods in DBCollection that return instances of Cursor.
all(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $all operand
all(String, Iterable<TItem>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field is an array that contains all the specified values.
all(String, TItem...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field is an array that contains all the specified values.
ALL - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
ALL_PLANS_EXECUTIONS - com.mongodb.ExplainVerbosity
Runs the query optimizer and chooses the winning plan, but then runs all generated plans to completion.
allocator(ByteBufAllocator) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactoryFactory.Builder
Sets the allocator.
allowDiskUse(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions.Builder
Set whether to enable external sort capabilities.
allowDiskUse(Boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable
Enables writing to temporary files.
allowDiskUse(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Enables writing to temporary files.
allowDiskUse(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Enables writing to temporary files.
alwaysUseMBeans - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets whether JMX beans registered by the driver should always be MBeans, regardless of whether the VM is Java 6 or greater.
alwaysUseMBeans(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
there is no replacement for this property
and(DBObject...) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to an $and operand
and(Iterable<Bson>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that performs a logical AND of the provided list of filters.
and(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to QueryBuilder.put(key).
and(Bson...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that performs a logical AND of the provided list of filters.
AND - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
ANNOTATION_CONVENTION - Static variable in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.Conventions
The annotation convention.
annotations(List<Annotation>) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Sets the annotations for the model
append(String, Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Add a key/value pair to this object
append(String, Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder
Appends the key/value to the active object
append(String, Object) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Add a key/value pair to this object
append(String, Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Put the given key/value pair into this Document and return this.
append(String, BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Put the given key and value into this document, and return the document.
append(String, BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
applicationName(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the logical name of the application using this MongoClient.
applicationName(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets the logical name of the application using this MongoClient.
apply(ClassModelBuilder<?>) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.Convention
This method applies this Convention to the given ClassModelBuilder
apply(T) - Method in interface com.mongodb.Block
Apply some logic to the value.
apply(T) - Method in interface com.mongodb.Function
Yield an appropriate result object for the input object.
applyConnectionString(ConnectionString) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Takes the settings from the given ConnectionString and applies them to the builder
applyConnectionString(ConnectionString) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
Takes the settings from the given ConnectionString and applies them to the builder
applyConnectionString(ConnectionString) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings.Builder
Takes the settings from the given ConnectionString and applies them to the builder
applyConnectionString(ConnectionString) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings.Builder
Takes the settings from the given ConnectionString and applies them to the builder
applyConnectionString(ConnectionString) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings.Builder
Takes the settings from the given ConnectionString and applies them to the builder
applyConnectionString(ConnectionString) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Takes the settings from the given ConnectionString and applies them to the builder
applyDecodingHooks(Object) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Transforms the objectToDecode using all transformers registered for the class of this object.
applyEncodingHooks(Object) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Transforms the objectToEncode using all transformers registered for the class of this object.
applySettings(ClusterSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Applies the clusterSettings to the builder
applySettings(ConnectionPoolSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
Applies the connectionPoolSettings to the builder
applySettings(ServerSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings.Builder
Applies the serverSettings to the builder
applySettings(SocketSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings.Builder
Applies the socketSettings to the builder
applySettings(SslSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings.Builder
Applies the sslSettings to the builder
applyToClusterSettings(Block<ClusterSettings.Builder>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Applies the ClusterSettings.Builder block and then sets the clusterSettings.
applyToConnectionPoolSettings(Block<ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Applies the ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder block and then sets the connectionPoolSettings.
applyToServerSettings(Block<ServerSettings.Builder>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Applies the ServerSettings.Builder block and then sets the serverSettings.
applyToSocketSettings(Block<SocketSettings.Builder>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Applies the SocketSettings.Builder block and then sets the socketSettings.
applyToSslSettings(Block<SslSettings.Builder>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Applies the SslSettings.Builder block and then sets the sslSettings.
arbiters(Set<String>) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the arbiters in the replica set
array() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Returns the byte array that backs this buffer (optional operation).
array() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
ARRAY - org.bson.BsonContextType
A BSON array.
ARRAY - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON array.
ARRAY - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
arrayDone() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
arrayDone() - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called the end of the array, and returns the completed array.
arrayDone() - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
arrayFilters(List<? extends DBObject>) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteRequestBuilder
Specifies that the request being built should use the given array filters for an update.
arrayFilters(List<? extends DBObject>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Sets the array filters option
arrayFilters(List<? extends DBObject>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Sets the array filters option
arrayFilters(List<? extends Bson>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the array filters option
arrayFilters(List<? extends Bson>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions
Sets the array filters option
arrayFilters(List<BsonDocument>) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
Sets the array filters option
arrayFilters(List<BsonDocument>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Sets the array filters option
arrayStart() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
arrayStart() - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Signals the start of a BSON array.
arrayStart() - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
arrayStart(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.util.JSONCallback
arrayStart(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
arrayStart(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Signals the start of a BSON array, with its field name.
arrayStart(String) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
asArray() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonArray if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asBinary() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonBinary if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asBoolean() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonBoolean if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asBsonDocument(Object, CodecRegistry) - Static method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
A helper to convert an document of type Object to a BsonDocument
asBsonReader() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the first value in the document
ASC - com.mongodb.operation.OrderBy
Ascending order
ascending(String...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
Create an index key for an ascending index on the given fields.
ascending(String...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts
Create a sort specification for an ascending sort on the given fields.
ascending(List<String>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
Create an index key for an ascending index on the given fields.
ascending(List<String>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts
Create a sort specification for an ascending sort on the given fields.
asDateTime() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonDateTime if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asDBPointer() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonDbPointer if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asDecimal128() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonDecimal128 if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Gets this collation options as a document.
asDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
Gets this read concern as a document.
asDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Gets this write concern as a document.
asDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonDocument if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asDouble() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonDouble if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asExplainableOperation(ExplainVerbosity) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Gets an operation whose execution explains this operation.
asExplainableOperation(ExplainVerbosity) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Gets an operation whose execution explains this operation.
asExplainableOperation(ExplainVerbosity) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Gets an operation whose execution explains this operation.
asExplainableOperation(ExplainVerbosity) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets an operation whose execution explains this operation.
asExplainableOperation(ExplainVerbosity) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets an operation whose execution explains this operation.
asExplainableOperation(ExplainVerbosity) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets an operation whose execution explains this operation.
asExplainableOperationAsync(ExplainVerbosity) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Gets an operation whose execution explains this operation.
asExplainableOperationAsync(ExplainVerbosity) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Gets an operation whose execution explains this operation.
asExplainableOperationAsync(ExplainVerbosity) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets an operation whose execution explains this operation.
asExplainableOperationAsync(ExplainVerbosity) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets an operation whose execution explains this operation.
asExplainableOperationAsync(ExplainVerbosity) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets an operation whose execution explains this operation.
asInt32() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonInt32 if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asInt64() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonInt64 if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asJavaScript() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonJavaScript if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asJavaScriptWithScope() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonJavaScriptWithScope if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asNIO() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Gets the underlying NIO ByteBuffer.
asNIO() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
asNumber() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonNumber if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asObjectId() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as an BsonObjectId if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asReadOnly() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Creates a new, read-only byte buffer that shares this buffer's content.
asReadOnly() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
asRegularExpression() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonRegularExpression if it is one, otherwise throws exception
Assertions - Class in com.mongodb.assertions
Design by contract assertions.
Assertions - Class in org.bson.assertions
Design by contract assertions.
asString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonString if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asSymbol() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonSymbol if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asTimestamp() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets this value as a BsonTimestamp if it is one, otherwise throws exception
asUuid() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinary
Returns the binary as a UUID.
asUuid(UuidRepresentation) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinary
Returns the binary as a UUID.
AsyncAggregateResponseBatchCursor<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.async
AsyncBatchCursor<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.async
Prefer the Reactive Streams-based asynchronous driver (mongodb-driver-reactivestreams artifactId)
AsyncClusterBinding - Class in com.mongodb.binding
AsyncClusterBinding(Cluster, ReadPreference) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncClusterBinding
AsyncClusterBinding(Cluster, ReadPreference, ReadConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncClusterBinding
Creates an instance.
AsyncCompletionHandler<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.connection
Completion handler for asynchronous I/O.
AsyncConnection - Interface in com.mongodb.connection
AsyncConnectionSource - Interface in com.mongodb.binding
AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactory - Class in com.mongodb.connection
Factory to create a Stream that's an AsynchronousSocketChannelStream.
AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactory(SocketSettings, SslSettings) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactory
Create a new factory with the default BufferProvider and AsynchronousChannelGroup.
AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactory(SocketSettings, SslSettings, AsynchronousChannelGroup) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactory
Create a new factory.
AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A StreamFactoryFactory implementation for AsynchronousSocketChannel-based streams.
AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory
Use AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory.builder() instead to construct the AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory.
AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory.Builder - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A builder for an instance of AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory.
AsyncOperationExecutor - Interface in com.mongodb.operation
there is no replacement for this interface
AsyncReadBinding - Interface in com.mongodb.binding
AsyncReadOperation<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.operation
AsyncReadWriteBinding - Interface in com.mongodb.binding
AsyncSingleConnectionReadBinding - Class in com.mongodb.binding
AsyncSingleConnectionReadBinding(ReadPreference, ServerDescription, AsyncConnection) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleConnectionReadBinding
Construct an instance.
AsyncSingleServerBinding - Class in com.mongodb.binding
AsyncSingleServerBinding(Cluster, ServerAddress) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleServerBinding
Creates an instance, defaulting to ReadPreference.primary() for reads.
AsyncSingleServerBinding(Cluster, ServerAddress, ReadPreference) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleServerBinding
Creates an instance.
AsyncWriteBinding - Interface in com.mongodb.binding
AsyncWriteOperation<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.operation
AtomicBooleanCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes AtomicBoolean objects.
AtomicBooleanCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.AtomicBooleanCodec
AtomicIntegerCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes AtomicInteger objects.
AtomicIntegerCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.AtomicIntegerCodec
AtomicLongCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes AtomicLong objects.
AtomicLongCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.AtomicLongCodec
AuthenticationMechanism - Enum in com.mongodb
An enumeration of the MongodDB-supported authentication mechanisms.
autoEncryptionSettings(AutoEncryptionSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Set options for auto-encryption.
autoEncryptionSettings(AutoEncryptionSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets the auto-encryption settings
AutoEncryptionSettings - Class in com.mongodb
The client-side automatic encryption settings.
AutoEncryptionSettings.Builder - Class in com.mongodb
A builder for AutoEncryptionSettings so that AutoEncryptionSettings can be immutable, and to support easier construction through chaining.
autoIndex(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
this option was deprecated in MongoDB 3.2 and removed in MongodB 4.0
autoIndex(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Sets if _id field of the collection is indexed.
automatic(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PojoCodecProvider.Builder
Sets whether the provider should automatically try to wrap a ClassModel for any class that is requested.
available() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream
AVAILABLE - com.mongodb.ReadConcernLevel
The available read concern level.
AVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
The available read concern.
avg(String, TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators
Gets a field name for a $group operation representing the average of the values of the given expression when applied to all members of the group.


B_BINARY - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
B_FUNC - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
B_GENERAL - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
B_UUID - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
background(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Should the index should be created in the background
background(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Should the index should be created in the background
backwards(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation.Builder
Sets the backwards value
BaseFindAndModifyOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
BaseFindAndModifyOperation(MongoNamespace, WriteConcern, boolean, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
Construct a new instance.
BaseWriteOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
BaseWriteOperation(MongoNamespace, boolean, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.BaseWriteOperation
BaseWriteOperation(MongoNamespace, boolean, WriteConcern, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.BaseWriteOperation
Construct an instance
BasicBSONCallback - Class in org.bson
An implementation of BsonCallback that creates an instance of BSONObject.
BasicBSONCallback() - Constructor for class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
Creates a new instance.
BasicBSONDecoder - Class in org.bson
Basic implementation of BSONDecoder interface that creates BasicBSONObject instances
BasicBSONDecoder() - Constructor for class org.bson.BasicBSONDecoder
BasicBSONEncoder - Class in org.bson
This is meant to be pooled or cached.
BasicBSONEncoder() - Constructor for class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
BasicBSONList - Class in org.bson.types
Utility class to allow array DBObjects to be created.
BasicBSONList() - Constructor for class org.bson.types.BasicBSONList
BasicBSONObject - Class in org.bson
A simple implementation of DBObject.
BasicBSONObject() - Constructor for class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Creates an empty object.
BasicBSONObject(int) - Constructor for class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Creates an empty object.
BasicBSONObject(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Creates a BSONObject initialised with a single key/value pair.
BasicBSONObject(Map) - Constructor for class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Creates a DBObject from a map.
BasicDBList - Class in com.mongodb
An implementation of List that reflects the way BSON lists work.
BasicDBList() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.BasicDBList
BasicDBObject - Class in com.mongodb
A basic implementation of BSON object that is MongoDB specific.
BasicDBObject() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Creates an empty object.
BasicDBObject(int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Creates an empty object
BasicDBObject(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Creates an object with the given key/value
BasicDBObject(Map) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Creates an object from a map.
BasicDBObjectBuilder - Class in com.mongodb
Utility for building complex objects.
BasicDBObjectBuilder() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder
Creates a builder intialized with an empty document.
BasicOutputBuffer - Class in org.bson.io
A BSON output stream that stores the output in a single, un-pooled byte array.
BasicOutputBuffer() - Constructor for class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
Construct an instance with a default initial byte array size.
BasicOutputBuffer(int) - Constructor for class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
Construct an instance with the specified initial byte array size.
BatchCursor<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.operation
batchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ChangeStreamIterable
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.DistinctIterable
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream
Sets the number of chunks to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSFindIterable
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ListCollectionsIterable
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ListDatabasesIterable
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ListIndexesIterable
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ParallelCollectionScanOptions
The batch size to use for each cursor.
batchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoIterable
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Limits the number of elements returned in one batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListIndexesOperation
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ParallelCollectionScanOperation
The batch size to use for each cursor.
batchSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.ParallelScanOptions.Builder
The batch size to use for each cursor.
batchSize(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions.Builder
Sets the size of batches to use when iterating over results.
batchSize(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
batchSize(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Sets the number of documents to return per batch.
BEFORE - com.mongodb.client.model.ReturnDocument
Indicates to return the document before the update, replacement, or insert occurred.
Beta - Annotation Type in com.mongodb.annotations
Signifies that a public API (public class, method or field) is subject to incompatible changes, or even removal, in a future release.
BigDecimalCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes BigDecimal objects.
BigDecimalCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BigDecimalCodec
bigDecimalValue() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Gets a BigDecimal that is equivalent to this Decimal128.
Binary - Class in org.bson.types
Generic binary holder.
Binary(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.Binary
Creates a Binary object with the default binary type of 0
Binary(byte, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.Binary
Creates a Binary object
Binary(BsonBinarySubType, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.Binary
Creates a Binary with the specified type and data.
BINARY - org.bson.BsonBinarySubType
Binary data.
BINARY - org.bson.BsonType
BSON binary data.
BINARY - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
BinaryCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for the BSON Binary type.
BinaryCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BinaryCodec
binaryConverter(Converter<BsonBinary>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON Binary values to JSON.
bits(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the number of precision of the stored geohash value of the location data in 2d indexes.
bits(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the number of precision of the stored geohash value of the location data in 2d indexes.
Bits - Class in org.bson.io
there is no replacement for this utility class
Bits() - Constructor for class org.bson.io.Bits
bitsAllClear(String, long) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where all of the bit positions are clear in the field.
bitsAllSet(String, long) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where all of the bit positions are set in the field.
bitsAnyClear(String, long) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where any of the bit positions are clear in the field.
bitsAnySet(String, long) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where any of the bit positions are set in the field.
bitwiseAnd(String, int) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that performs a bitwise and between the given integer value and the integral value of the field with the given name.
bitwiseAnd(String, long) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that performs a bitwise and between the given long value and the integral value of the field with the given name.
bitwiseOr(String, int) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that performs a bitwise or between the given integer value and the integral value of the field with the given name.
bitwiseOr(String, long) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that performs a bitwise or between the given long value and the integral value of the field with the given name.
bitwiseXor(String, int) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that performs a bitwise xor between the given integer value and the integral value of the field with the given name.
bitwiseXor(String, long) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that performs a bitwise xor between the given long value and the integral value of the field with the given name.
Block<T> - Interface in com.mongodb
An interface for applying some logic against the given parameter.
BOOLEAN - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON bool.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
BooleanCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes Boolean objects.
BooleanCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BooleanCodec
booleanConverter(Converter<Boolean>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON Boolean values to JSON.
BOX - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
Bson - Interface in org.bson.conversions
An interface for types that are able to render themselves into a BsonDocument.
BSON - Class in org.bson
there is no replacement for this class
BSON() - Constructor for class org.bson.BSON
BSON_OBJECT_ID_GENERATOR - Static variable in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.IdGenerators
A IdGenerator for BsonObjectId
BsonArray - Class in org.bson
A type-safe representation of the BSON array type.
BsonArray() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonArray
Construct an empty BsonArray
BsonArray(List<? extends BsonValue>) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonArray
Construct an instance with the given list of values.
BsonArrayCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A codec for BsonArray instances.
BsonArrayCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonArrayCodec
Creates a new instance with a default codec registry that uses the BsonValueCodecProvider.
BsonArrayCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonArrayCodec
Construct an instance with the given registry
BsonBinary - Class in org.bson
A representation of the BSON Binary type.
BsonBinary(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinary
Construct a new instance with the given data and the default sub-type
BsonBinary(byte, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinary
Construct a new instance with the given data and binary sub type.
BsonBinary(UUID) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinary
Construct a Type 4 BsonBinary from the given UUID.
BsonBinary(UUID, UuidRepresentation) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinary
Construct a new instance from the given UUID and UuidRepresentation
BsonBinary(BsonBinarySubType, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinary
Construct a new instance with the given data and binary sub type.
BsonBinaryCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for the BSON Binary type.
BsonBinaryCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonBinaryCodec
BsonBinaryReader - Class in org.bson
A BsonReader implementation that reads from a binary stream of data.
BsonBinaryReader(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
Construct an instance.
BsonBinaryReader(BsonInput) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
Construct an instance.
BsonBinaryReader.Context - Class in org.bson
BsonBinaryReader.Mark - Class in org.bson
BsonBinarySubType - Enum in org.bson
The Binary subtype
BsonBinaryWriter - Class in org.bson
A BsonWriter implementation that writes to a binary stream of data.
BsonBinaryWriter(BsonWriterSettings, BsonBinaryWriterSettings, BsonOutput) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
Construct an instance.
BsonBinaryWriter(BsonWriterSettings, BsonBinaryWriterSettings, BsonOutput, FieldNameValidator) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
Construct an instance.
BsonBinaryWriter(BsonOutput) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
Construct an instance.
BsonBinaryWriter(BsonOutput, FieldNameValidator) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
Construct an instance.
BsonBinaryWriter.Context - Class in org.bson
BsonBinaryWriter.Mark - Class in org.bson
BsonBinaryWriterSettings - Class in org.bson
The customisable settings for writing BSON.
BsonBinaryWriterSettings() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriterSettings
Creates a new instance of the settings with Integer.MAX_VALUE as the maximum document size.
BsonBinaryWriterSettings(int) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriterSettings
Creates a new instance of the settings with the given maximum document size.
BsonBoolean - Class in org.bson
A representation of the BSON Boolean type.
BsonBoolean(boolean) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBoolean
Construct a new instance with the given value.
BsonBooleanCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for BsonBoolean instances.
BsonBooleanCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonBooleanCodec
BSONCallback - Interface in org.bson
A callback interface for describing the structure of a BSON document.
BsonCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A codec for encoding Bson Implementations
BsonCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonCodec
Create a new instance
BsonCodecProvider - Class in org.bson.codecs
A codec for encoding simple Bson interface implementations
BsonCodecProvider() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonCodecProvider
BsonContextType - Enum in org.bson
Used by BsonReader and BsonWriter implementations to represent the current context.
BsonCreator - Annotation Type in org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations
An annotation that configures a constructor or method as the Creator for the Pojo.
BsonDateTime - Class in org.bson
A representation of the BSON DateTime type.
BsonDateTime(long) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDateTime
Construct a new instance with the given value.
BsonDateTimeCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for BsonDateTime instances.
BsonDateTimeCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonDateTimeCodec
BsonDbPointer - Class in org.bson
Holder for a BSON type DBPointer(0x0c).
BsonDbPointer(String, ObjectId) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDbPointer
Construct a new instance with the given namespace and id.
BsonDBPointerCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Converts BSON type DBPointer(0x0c) to database references as DBPointer is deprecated.
BsonDBPointerCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonDBPointerCodec
BsonDecimal128 - Class in org.bson
A representation of the BSON Decimal128 type.
BsonDecimal128(Decimal128) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDecimal128
Construct a new instance with the given value.
BsonDecimal128Codec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for BsonDecimal128 instances.
BsonDecimal128Codec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonDecimal128Codec
BSONDecoder - Interface in org.bson
An interface for decoders of BSON documents.
BsonDiscriminator - Annotation Type in org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations
An annotation that configures the discriminator key and value for a class.
BsonDocument - Class in org.bson
A type-safe container for a BSON document.
BsonDocument() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDocument
Construct an empty document.
BsonDocument(String, BsonValue) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDocument
Construct a new instance with a single key value pair
BsonDocument(List<BsonElement>) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDocument
Construct a new instance with the given list BsonElement, none of which may be null.
BsonDocumentCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A codec for BsonDocument instances.
BsonDocumentCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentCodec
Creates a new instance with a default codec registry that uses the BsonValueCodecProvider.
BsonDocumentCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentCodec
Creates a new instance initialised with the given codec registry.
BsonDocumentReader - Class in org.bson
A BsonReader implementation that reads from an instance of BsonDocument.
BsonDocumentReader(BsonDocument) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
Construct a new instance.
BsonDocumentReader.Context - Class in org.bson
BsonDocumentReader.Mark - Class in org.bson
BsonDocumentWrapper<T> - Class in org.bson
A BsonDocument that begins its life as a document of any type and an Encoder for that document, which lets an instance of any class with an Encoder be treated as a BsonDocument.
BsonDocumentWrapper(T, Encoder<T>) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
Construct a new instance with the given document and encoder for the document.
BsonDocumentWrapperCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec
BsonDocumentWrapperCodec(Codec<BsonDocument>) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentWrapperCodec
Construct a new instance,
BsonDocumentWriter - Class in org.bson
A BsonWriter implementation that writes to an instance of BsonDocument.
BsonDocumentWriter(BsonDocument) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
Construct a new instance.
BsonDouble - Class in org.bson
A representation of the BSON Double type.
BsonDouble(double) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDouble
Construct a new instance with the given value.
BsonDoubleCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for BsonDouble instances.
BsonDoubleCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonDoubleCodec
BsonElement - Class in org.bson
A mapping from a name to a BsonValue.
BsonElement(String, BsonValue) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonElement
Construct a new instance with the given key and value
BSONEncoder - Interface in org.bson
A BSONEncoder is a class which can be used to turn documents into byte arrays.
BSONException - Exception in org.bson
A general runtime exception raised in BSON processing.
BSONException(int, String) - Constructor for exception org.bson.BSONException
BSONException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.bson.BSONException
BSONException(String) - Constructor for exception org.bson.BSONException
BSONException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.bson.BSONException
BsonField - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A representation of a BSON document field whose value is another BSON document.
BsonField(String, Bson) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.BsonField
Construct an instance
BsonId - Annotation Type in org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations
An annotation that configures the property as the id property for a ClassModel.
BsonIgnore - Annotation Type in org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations
An annotation that configures a property to be ignored when reading and writing to BSON
BsonInput - Interface in org.bson.io
An input stream that is optimized for reading BSON values directly from the underlying stream.
BsonInputMark - Interface in org.bson.io
Represents a bookmark that can be used to reset a BsonInput to its state at the time the mark was created.
BsonInt32 - Class in org.bson
A representation of the BSON Int32 type.
BsonInt32(int) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonInt32
Construct a new instance with the given value.
BsonInt32Codec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for BsonInt32 instances.
BsonInt32Codec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonInt32Codec
BsonInt64 - Class in org.bson
A representation of the BSON Int64 type.
BsonInt64(long) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonInt64
Construct a new instance with the given value.
BsonInt64Codec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for BsonInt64 instances.
BsonInt64Codec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonInt64Codec
BsonInvalidOperationException - Exception in org.bson
An exception indicating an invalid BSON operation.
BsonInvalidOperationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.bson.BsonInvalidOperationException
Construct a new instance.
BsonInvalidOperationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.bson.BsonInvalidOperationException
Construct a new instance.
BsonJavaScript - Class in org.bson
For using the JavaScript Code type.
BsonJavaScript(String) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonJavaScript
Construct a new instance with the given JavaScript code.
BsonJavaScriptCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for the BsonJavaScript type.
BsonJavaScriptCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonJavaScriptCodec
BsonJavaScriptWithScope - Class in org.bson
A representation of the JavaScript Code with Scope BSON type.
BsonJavaScriptWithScope(String, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonJavaScriptWithScope
Construct a new instance with the given code and scope.
BsonJavaScriptWithScopeCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for BsonJavaScriptWithScope instances.
BsonJavaScriptWithScopeCodec(Codec<BsonDocument>) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonJavaScriptWithScopeCodec
Construct a new instance with the given codec to use for the nested document
BsonMaximumSizeExceededException - Exception in org.bson
An exception indicating a failure to serialize a BSON document due to it exceeding the maximum size.
BsonMaximumSizeExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception org.bson.BsonMaximumSizeExceededException
Construct a new instance.
BsonMaxKey - Class in org.bson
Represent the maximum key value regardless of the key's type
BsonMaxKey() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonMaxKey
BsonMaxKeyCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A codec for BsonMaxKey instances.
BsonMaxKeyCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonMaxKeyCodec
BsonMinKey - Class in org.bson
Represent the minimum key value regardless of the key's type
BsonMinKey() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonMinKey
BsonMinKeyCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A codec for BsonMinKey instances.
BsonMinKeyCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonMinKeyCodec
BsonNull - Class in org.bson
A representation of the BSON Null type.
BsonNull() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonNull
BsonNullCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for BsonNull instances.
BsonNullCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonNullCodec
BsonNumber - Class in org.bson
Base class for the three numeric BSON types.
BsonNumber() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonNumber
BSONObject - Interface in org.bson
A key-value map that can be saved to the database.
BsonObjectId - Class in org.bson
A representation of the BSON ObjectId type.
BsonObjectId() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonObjectId
Construct a new instance with a new ObjectId.
BsonObjectId(ObjectId) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonObjectId
Construct a new instance with the given ObjectId instance.
BsonObjectIdCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for BsonObjectId instances.
BsonObjectIdCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonObjectIdCodec
BsonOutput - Interface in org.bson.io
An output stream that is optimized for writing BSON values directly to the underlying stream.
BsonProperty - Annotation Type in org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations
An annotation that configures a property.
BsonReader - Interface in org.bson
An interface for reading a logical BSON document using a pull-oriented API.
BsonReaderMark - Interface in org.bson
Represents a bookmark that can be used to reset a BsonReader to its state at the time the mark was created.
BsonRegularExpression - Class in org.bson
A holder class for a BSON regular expression, so that we can delay compiling into a Pattern until necessary.
BsonRegularExpression(String) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonRegularExpression
Creates a new instance with no options set.
BsonRegularExpression(String, String) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonRegularExpression
Creates a new instance
BsonRegularExpressionCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A codec for BSON regular expressions.
BsonRegularExpressionCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonRegularExpressionCodec
BsonSerializationException - Exception in org.bson
An exception indicating a failure to serialize a BSON value.
BsonSerializationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.bson.BsonSerializationException
Construct a new instance.
BsonString - Class in org.bson
A representation of the BSON String type.
BsonString(String) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonString
Construct a new instance with the given value.
BsonStringCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for BsonString instances.
BsonStringCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonStringCodec
BsonSymbol - Class in org.bson
Class to hold a BSON symbol object, which is an interned string in Ruby
BsonSymbol(String) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonSymbol
Creates a new instance.
BsonSymbolCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A codec for BSON symbol type.
BsonSymbolCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonSymbolCodec
BsonTimestamp - Class in org.bson
A value representing the BSON timestamp type.
BsonTimestamp() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonTimestamp
Construct a new instance with a null time and a 0 increment.
BsonTimestamp(int, int) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonTimestamp
Construct a new instance for the given time and increment.
BsonTimestamp(long) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonTimestamp
Construct a new instance for the given value, which combines the time in seconds and the increment as a single long value.
BSONTimestamp - Class in org.bson.types
This is used for internal increment values.
BSONTimestamp() - Constructor for class org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp
Creates a new instance.
BSONTimestamp(int, int) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp
Creates a new instance.
BsonTimestampCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for BSON Timestamp instances.
BsonTimestampCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonTimestampCodec
BSONTimestampCodec - Class in com.mongodb
Knows how to encode and decode BSON timestamps.
BSONTimestampCodec() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.BSONTimestampCodec
BsonType - Enum in org.bson
Enumeration of all the BSON types currently supported.
BsonTypeClassMap - Class in org.bson.codecs
A map from a BSON types to the Class to which it should be decoded.
BsonTypeClassMap() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonTypeClassMap
Construct an instance with the default mappings.
BsonTypeClassMap(Map<BsonType, Class<?>>) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonTypeClassMap
Construct an instance with the default mapping, but replacing the default mapping with any values contained in the given map.
BsonTypeCodecMap - Class in org.bson.codecs
An efficient map of BsonType to Codec
BsonTypeCodecMap(BsonTypeClassMap, CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonTypeCodecMap
Initializes the map by iterating the keys of the given BsonTypeClassMap and looking up the Codec for the Class mapped to each key.
BsonUndefined - Class in org.bson
Represents the value associated with the BSON Undefined type.
BsonUndefined() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonUndefined
BsonUndefinedCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Allows reading and writing of the BSON Undefined type.
BsonUndefinedCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonUndefinedCodec
BsonValue - Class in org.bson
Base class for any BSON type.
BsonValueCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A codec for unknown BsonValues.
BsonValueCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonValueCodec
Creates a new instance with a default codec registry that uses the BsonValueCodecProvider.
BsonValueCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonValueCodec
Creates a new instance initialised with the given codec registry.
BsonValueCodecProvider - Class in org.bson.codecs
A CodecProvider for all subclass of BsonValue.
BsonValueCodecProvider() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.BsonValueCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with the default codec for each BSON type.
BsonWriter - Interface in org.bson
An interface for writing a logical BSON document using a push-oriented API.
BsonWriterSettings - Class in org.bson
All the customisable settings for writing BSON.
BsonWriterSettings() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonWriterSettings
Creates a new instance of the settings with the default maximum serialization depth of 1024.
BsonWriterSettings(int) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonWriterSettings
Creates a new instance of the settings with the given maximum serialization depth.
bucket(TExpression, List<Boundary>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $bucket pipeline stage
bucket(TExpression, List<TBoundary>, BucketOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $bucket pipeline stage
bucketAuto(TExpression, int) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $bucketAuto pipeline stage
bucketAuto(TExpression, int, BucketAutoOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $bucketAuto pipeline stage
BucketAutoOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options for a $bucketAuto aggregation pipeline stage
BucketAutoOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketAutoOptions
BucketGranularity - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
Granularity values for automatic bucketing.
BucketOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options for a $bucket aggregation pipeline stage
BucketOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketOptions
bucketSize(Double) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the specified the number of units within which to group the location values for geoHaystack Indexes
bucketSize(Double) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the specified the number of units within which to group the location values for geoHaystack Indexes
BufferProvider - Interface in com.mongodb.connection
A provider of instances of ByteBuf.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions.Builder
Return the options based on this builder.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings.Builder
Build an instance of AutoEncryptionSettings.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation.Builder
Creates a new Collation object with the settings initialised on this builder.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientEncryptionSettings.Builder
Build an instance of ClientEncryptionSettings.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientSessionOptions.Builder
Build the session options instance.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory.Builder
Build an instance of AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Build the settings from the builder.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
Creates a new ConnectionPoolSettings object with the settings initialised on this builder.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactoryFactory.Builder
Build an instance of NettyStreamFactoryFactory.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Create a new ServerDescription from the settings in this builder.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings.Builder
Create a new ServerSettings from the settings applied to this builder.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings.Builder
Build an instance of SocketSettings.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings.Builder
Create a new SSLSettings from the settings in this builder.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Build an instance of MongoClientOptions.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Build an instance of MongoClientSettings.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoDriverInformation.Builder
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.ParallelScanOptions.Builder
Creates a ParallelScanOptions with the settings initialised in this builder.
build() - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions.Builder
Build the transaction options instance.
build() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DecoderContext.Builder
Build an instance of DecoderContext.
build() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.EncoderContext.Builder
Build an instance of EncoderContext.
build() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Creates a new ClassModel instance based on the mapping data provided.
build() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PojoCodecProvider.Builder
Creates the PojoCodecProvider with the classes or packages that configured and registered.
build() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Creates the PropertyModel.
build() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Build a JsonWriterSettings instance.
build() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings.Builder
Build a JsonWriterSettings instance.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions
Creates a new Builder for AggregationOptions.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings
Convenience method to create a Builder.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Convenience method to create a Builder.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.ClientEncryptionSettings
Convenience method to create a Builder.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.ClientSessionOptions
Gets an instance of a builder
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory
Gets a builder for an instance of AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Get a builder for this class.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
Gets a Builder for creating a new ConnectionPoolSettings instance.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactoryFactory
Gets a builder for an instance of NettyStreamFactoryFactory.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets a Builder for creating a new ServerDescription instance.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings
Creates a builder for ServerSettings.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings
Gets a builder for an instance of SocketSettings.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings
Gets a Builder for creating a new SSLSettings instance.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Creates a builder instance.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Convenience method to create a Builder.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoDriverInformation
Convenience method to create a Builder.
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.ParallelScanOptions
Create a builder for the options
builder() - Static method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions
Gets an instance of a builder
builder() - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.DecoderContext
Create a builder.
builder() - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.EncoderContext
Create a builder.
builder() - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PojoCodecProvider
Creates a Builder so classes or packages can be registered and configured before creating an immutable CodecProvider.
builder() - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
builder() - Static method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
Create a builder for JsonWriterSettings, which are immutable.
builder() - Static method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings
Create a builder for StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings, which are immutable.
builder(Collation) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Convenience method to create a from an existing Collation.
builder(ClientSessionOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ClientSessionOptions
Gets an instance of a builder initialized with the given options
builder(ClusterSettings) - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Creates a builder instance.
builder(ConnectionPoolSettings) - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
Gets a Builder for creating a new ConnectionPoolSettings instance.
builder(ServerSettings) - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings
Creates a builder instance.
builder(SocketSettings) - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings
Creates a builder instance.
builder(SslSettings) - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings
Creates a builder instance.
builder(MongoClientOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Creates a builder instance.
builder(MongoClientSettings) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Convenience method to create a from an existing MongoClientSettings.
builder(MongoDriverInformation) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoDriverInformation
Convenience method to create a Builder.
builder(Class<S>) - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
Creates a new Class Model builder instance using reflection.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Creates a Builder for MongoClientOptions, getting the appropriate system properties for initialization.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.ParallelScanOptions.Builder
Builder(MongoClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Creates a Builder from an existing MongoClientOptions.
BulkUpdateRequestBuilder - Class in com.mongodb
A builder for a single update request.
bulkWrite(ClientSession, List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
bulkWrite(ClientSession, List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>, BulkWriteOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
bulkWrite(List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
bulkWrite(List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>>, BulkWriteOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.
BulkWriteBatchCombiner - Class in com.mongodb.connection
BulkWriteBatchCombiner(ServerAddress, boolean, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner
Construct an instance.
BulkWriteError - Class in com.mongodb.bulk
Represents an error for an item included in a bulk write operation, e.g.
BulkWriteError - Class in com.mongodb
Represents an error for an item included in a bulk write operation, e.g.
BulkWriteError(int, String, DBObject, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.BulkWriteError
Constructs a new instance.
BulkWriteError(int, String, BsonDocument, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteError
Constructs a new instance.
BulkWriteException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception that represents all errors associated with a bulk write operation.
BulkWriteOperation - Class in com.mongodb
A bulk write operation.
BulkWriteOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply to a bulk write.
BulkWriteOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
BulkWriteRequestBuilder - Class in com.mongodb
A builder for a single write request.
BulkWriteResult - Class in com.mongodb.bulk
The result of a successful bulk write operation.
BulkWriteResult - Class in com.mongodb
The result of a successful bulk write operation.
BulkWriteResult() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
BulkWriteResult() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.BulkWriteResult
BulkWriteUpsert - Class in com.mongodb.bulk
Represents an item in the bulk write that was upserted.
BulkWriteUpsert - Class in com.mongodb
Represents an upsert request in a bulk write operation that resulted in an insert.
BulkWriteUpsert(int, Object) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.BulkWriteUpsert
Constructs an instance.
BulkWriteUpsert(int, BsonValue) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteUpsert
Construct an instance.
bypassAutoEncryption(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings.Builder
Sets whether auto-encryption should be bypassed.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions.Builder
Sets whether to bypass document validation.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Sets the bypassDocumentValidation
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertManyOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertOneOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.InsertOptions
Sets whether to bypass document validation.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseWriteOperation
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
bypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation
Sets the bypass document level validation flag.
ByteArrayCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes byte arrays.
ByteArrayCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.ByteArrayCodec
ByteBuf - Interface in org.bson
An interface wrapper around a java.nio.ByteBuffer which additionally is Closeable, so that pooled byte buffers know how.
ByteBufferBsonInput - Class in org.bson.io
An implementation of BsonInput that is backed by a ByteBuf.
ByteBufferBsonInput(ByteBuf) - Constructor for class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
Construct an instance with the given byte buffer.
ByteBufferBsonOutput - Class in com.mongodb.connection
ByteBufferBsonOutput(BufferProvider) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
Construct an instance that uses the given buffer provider to allocate byte buffers as needs as it grows.
ByteBufNIO - Class in org.bson
Implementation of ByteBuf which simply wraps an NIO ByteBuffer and forwards all calls to it.
ByteBufNIO(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
Creates a new instance.
ByteCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes Byte objects.
ByteCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.ByteCodec
Bytes - Class in com.mongodb
there is no replacement for this class
Bytes() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Bytes


C_SHARP_LEGACY - org.bson.UuidRepresentation
The legacy representation of UUID used by the C# driver BSON binary subtype 3
callGetLastError() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
canonicalAddress(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the canonical host name and port of this server.
CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Mechanism property key for specifying whether to canonicalize the host name for GSSAPI authentication.
capacity() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Returns this buffer's capacity.
capacity() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
capped(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
sets whether the collection is capped.
capped(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Sets whether the collection is capped.
caseLevel(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation.Builder
Sets the case level value
caseSensitive(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.TextSearchOptions
Set the case-sensitive flag for the text search
causallyConsistent(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientSessionOptions.Builder
Sets whether operations using the session should causally consistent with each other.
CENTER - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
CENTER_SPHERE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
ChangeStreamDocument<TDocument> - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.changestream
Represents the $changeStream aggregation output document.
ChangeStreamDocument(OperationType, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, TDocument, BsonDocument, BsonTimestamp, UpdateDescription) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
ChangeStreamDocument(OperationType, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, TDocument, BsonDocument, BsonTimestamp, UpdateDescription, BsonInt64, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Creates a new instance
ChangeStreamDocument(BsonDocument, MongoNamespace, TDocument, BsonDocument, OperationType, UpdateDescription) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
ChangeStreamDocument(BsonDocument, MongoNamespace, TDocument, BsonDocument, BsonTimestamp, OperationType, UpdateDescription) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
ChangeStreamDocument(BsonDocument, BsonDocument, TDocument, BsonDocument, BsonTimestamp, OperationType, UpdateDescription) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
ChangeStreamIterable<TResult> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
Iterable for change streams.
ChangeStreamLevel - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model.changestream
ChangeStreamOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
ChangeStreamOperation(MongoNamespace, FullDocument, List<BsonDocument>, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Construct a new instance.
ChangeStreamOperation(MongoNamespace, FullDocument, List<BsonDocument>, Decoder<T>, ChangeStreamLevel) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Construct a new instance.
CharacterCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes Character objects.
CharacterCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.CharacterCodec
checkCollectionNameValidity(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
Check the validity of the given collection name.
checkDatabaseNameValidity(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
Check the validity of the given database name.
checkedDiscriminator(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DecoderContext.Builder
Sets the checkedDiscriminator
checkPreconditions(String, AbstractBsonWriter.State...) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Checks the writer is in the correct state.
checkPreconditions(String, BsonType) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Ensures any conditions are met before reading commences.
checkState(AbstractBsonWriter.State[]) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Checks if this writer's current state is in the list of given states.
choose(ClusterDescription) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Chooses the servers from the given cluster than match this read preference.
chooseForNonReplicaSet(ClusterDescription) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
chooseForNonReplicaSet(ClusterDescription) - Method in class com.mongodb.TaggableReadPreference
chooseForReplicaSet(ClusterDescription) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
chunkSizeBytes(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions
Sets the chunk size in bytes.
CLASS_AND_PROPERTY_CONVENTION - Static variable in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.Conventions
The default class and property conventions Sets the discriminator key if not set to _t and the discriminator value if not set to the ClassModels simple type name. Configures the PropertyModels.
ClassMap<T> - Class in org.bson.util
there is no replacement for this class
ClassMap() - Constructor for class org.bson.util.ClassMap
ClassModel<T> - Class in org.bson.codecs.pojo
This model represents the metadata for a class and all its properties.
ClassModelBuilder<T> - Class in org.bson.codecs.pojo
A builder for programmatically creating ClassModels.
clear() - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
clear() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
clear() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
clear() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Clears this buffer.
clear() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
clear() - Method in class org.bson.Document
clear() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
clear() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
clear() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
clear() - Method in class org.bson.util.ClassMap
As per java.util.Map, removes all of the mappings from this map (optional operation).
clearAllHooks() - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Remove all decoding and encoding hooks for all classes.
clearDecodingHooks() - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Clears all decoding hooks.
clearEncodingHooks() - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Clears all encoding hooks.
CLI - Class in com.mongodb.gridfs
there is no replacement for this class
CLI() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.gridfs.CLI
CLIENT - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamLevel
Observing all changes on the Client
ClientEncryption - Interface in com.mongodb.client.vault
The Key vault.
ClientEncryptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.vault
Factory for ClientEncryption implementations.
ClientEncryptionSettings - Class in com.mongodb
The client-side settings for data key creation and explicit encryption.
ClientEncryptionSettings.Builder - Class in com.mongodb
A builder for ClientEncryptionSettings so that ClientEncryptionSettings can be immutable, and to support easier construction through chaining.
ClientSession - Interface in com.mongodb.client
A client session that supports transactions.
ClientSession - Interface in com.mongodb.session
A client session.
ClientSessionOptions - Class in com.mongodb
The options to apply to a ClientSession.
ClientSessionOptions.Builder - Class in com.mongodb
A builder for instances of ClientSession
clone() - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
clone() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
clone() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
clone() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
clone() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
close() - Method in interface com.mongodb.async.AsyncBatchCursor
close() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream
close() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSUploadStream
close() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Close the client, which will close all underlying cached resources, including, for example, sockets and background monitoring threads.
close() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor
close() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.vault.ClientEncryption
close() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
close() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Cluster
Closes connections to the servers in the cluster.
close() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Stream
Closes the connection.
close() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.TlsChannelStreamFactoryFactory
close() - Method in interface com.mongodb.Cursor
Terminates this cursor on the server.
close() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
close() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Closes all resources associated with this instance, in particular any open network connections.
close() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Closes all resources associated with this instance, in particular any open network connections.
close() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.BatchCursor
close() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
close() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Closes the reader.
close() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
close() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
close() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
close() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
close() - Method in class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
close() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
close() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
close() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
close() - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
CLOSED - org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.State
The reader is closed.
CLOSED - org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.State
The writer is closed.
Cluster - Interface in com.mongodb.connection
ClusterBinding - Class in com.mongodb.binding
ClusterBinding(Cluster, ReadPreference) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.binding.ClusterBinding
ClusterBinding(Cluster, ReadPreference, ReadConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.binding.ClusterBinding
Creates an instance.
clusterClosed(ClusterClosedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterEventMulticaster
clusterClosed(ClusterClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ClusterListener
Invoked when a cluster is closed.
clusterClosed(ClusterClosedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterListenerAdapter
ClusterClosedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
A cluster closed event.
ClusterClosedEvent(ClusterId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ClusterClosedEvent
Constructs a new instance of the event.
ClusterConnectionMode - Enum in com.mongodb.connection
The cluster connection mode.
ClusterDescription - Class in com.mongodb.connection
Immutable snapshot state of a cluster.
ClusterDescription(ClusterConnectionMode, ClusterType, MongoException, List<ServerDescription>, ClusterSettings, ServerSettings) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Creates a new ClusterDescription.
ClusterDescription(ClusterConnectionMode, ClusterType, List<ServerDescription>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Creates a new ClusterDescription.
ClusterDescription(ClusterConnectionMode, ClusterType, List<ServerDescription>, ClusterSettings, ServerSettings) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Creates a new ClusterDescription.
clusterDescriptionChanged(ClusterDescriptionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterEventMulticaster
clusterDescriptionChanged(ClusterDescriptionChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ClusterListener
Invoked when a cluster description changes.
clusterDescriptionChanged(ClusterDescriptionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterListenerAdapter
ClusterDescriptionChangedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event signifying that the cluster description has changed.
ClusterDescriptionChangedEvent(ClusterId, ClusterDescription, ClusterDescription) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ClusterDescriptionChangedEvent
Constructs a new instance of the event.
ClusterEventMulticaster - Class in com.mongodb.event
register multiple cluster listeners instead
ClusterEventMulticaster(List<ClusterListener>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ClusterEventMulticaster
Construct an instance with the given list of cluster listeners
ClusterFactory - Interface in com.mongodb.connection
ClusterId - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A client-generated identifier that uniquely identifies a connection to a MongoDB cluster, which could be sharded, replica set, or standalone.
ClusterId() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterId
Construct an instance.
ClusterId(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterId
Construct an instance.
ClusterListener - Interface in com.mongodb.event
A listener for cluster-related events.
ClusterListenerAdapter - Class in com.mongodb.event
An adapter for cluster listener implementations, for clients that want to listen for a subset of cluster events.
ClusterListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ClusterListenerAdapter
clusterOpening(ClusterOpeningEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterEventMulticaster
clusterOpening(ClusterOpeningEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ClusterListener
Invoked when a cluster is opened.
clusterOpening(ClusterOpeningEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterListenerAdapter
ClusterOpeningEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
A cluster opening event.
ClusterOpeningEvent(ClusterId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ClusterOpeningEvent
Constructs a new instance of the event.
ClusterSettings - Class in com.mongodb.connection
Settings for the cluster.
ClusterSettings.Builder - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A builder for the cluster settings.
ClusterType - Enum in com.mongodb.connection
An enumeration of all possible cluster types.
Code - Class in org.bson.types
For using the Code type.
Code(String) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.Code
Construct a new instance with the given code.
CODE - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
CODE_W_SCOPE - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
codec(Codec<T>) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Sets a custom codec for the property
Codec<T> - Interface in org.bson.codecs
Implementations of this interface can both encode and decode values of type T.
CodecConfigurationException - Exception in org.bson.codecs.configuration
An exception indicating that a codec registry has been misconfigured in some way, preventing it from providing a codec for the requested class.
CodecConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecConfigurationException
Construct a new instance.
CodecConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecConfigurationException
Construct a new instance and wraps a cause
CodeCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes instances of type Code.
CodeCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.CodeCodec
CodecProvider - Interface in org.bson.codecs.configuration
A provider of Codec instances.
CodecRegistries - Class in org.bson.codecs.configuration
A helper class for creating and combining codecs, codec providers, and codec registries
codecRegistry(CodecRegistry) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the codec registry
codecRegistry(CodecRegistry) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets the codec registry
CodecRegistry - Interface in org.bson.codecs.configuration
A registry of Codec instances searchable by the class that the Codec can encode and decode.
CodeWithScope - Class in org.bson.types
A representation of the JavaScript Code with Scope BSON type.
CodeWithScope(String, Document) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.CodeWithScope
Construct an instance.
CodeWithScopeCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes CodeWithScope instances.
CodeWithScopeCodec(Codec<Document>) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.CodeWithScopeCodec
Creates a new CodeWithScopeCodec.
CodeWScope - Class in org.bson.types
Represents the CodeWScope BSON type.
CodeWScope(String, BSONObject) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.CodeWScope
Creates a new instance
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions.Builder
Sets the collation
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.DeleteRequest
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkUpdateRequestBuilder
Sets the collation
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteRequestBuilder
Sets the collation
collation(Collation) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ChangeStreamIterable
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.DistinctIterable
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSFindIterable
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateViewOptions
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Sets the collation
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionDistinctOptions
Sets the collation
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Sets the collation
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the collation
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionRemoveOptions
Sets the collation
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Sets the collation
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCreateViewOptions
Sets the collation
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteOptions
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateViewOperation
Sets the default collation for the view.
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DistinctOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets the collation options
collation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Sets the collation options
Collation - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options regarding collation support in MongoDB 3.4+
Collation.Builder - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A Collation builder.
collationAlternate(CollationAlternate) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation.Builder
Sets the alternate
CollationAlternate - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
Collation support allows the specific configuration of whether or not spaces and punctuation are considered base characters.
collationCaseFirst(CollationCaseFirst) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation.Builder
Sets the collation case first value
CollationCaseFirst - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
Collation support allows the specific configuration of how character cases are handled.
collationMaxVariable(CollationMaxVariable) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation.Builder
Sets the maxVariable
CollationMaxVariable - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
Collation support allows the specific configuration of whether or not spaces and punctuation are considered base characters.
collationStrength(CollationStrength) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation.Builder
Sets the collation strength
CollationStrength - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
Collation support allows the specific configuration of how differences between characters are handled.
CollectibleCodec<T> - Interface in org.bson.codecs
A Codec that generates complete BSON documents for storage in a MongoDB collection.
COLLECTION - com.mongodb.client.model.AggregationLevel
Collection level aggregation
COLLECTION - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamLevel
Observing all changes on a specific collection
collectionExists(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Checks to see if a collection with a given name exists on a server.
collectionName(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the collectionName for the output of the MapReduce
com.mongodb - package com.mongodb
The core mongodb package
com.mongodb.annotations - package com.mongodb.annotations
Contains annotations that can apply to any part of the driver code.
com.mongodb.assertions - package com.mongodb.assertions
Contains design by contract assertions
com.mongodb.async - package com.mongodb.async
This package contains async interfaces
com.mongodb.binding - package com.mongodb.binding
This package contains classes that manage binding to MongoDB servers for various operations.
com.mongodb.bulk - package com.mongodb.bulk
Contains classes for representing the result of a bulk write operation.
com.mongodb.client - package com.mongodb.client
This package contains the synchronous CRUD API.
com.mongodb.client.gridfs - package com.mongodb.client.gridfs
This package contains the new GridFS implementation
com.mongodb.client.gridfs.codecs - package com.mongodb.client.gridfs.codecs
This package contains codecs for use with GridFS
com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model - package com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model
This package contains models for use with GridFS
com.mongodb.client.jndi - package com.mongodb.client.jndi
This package contains a JNDI ObjectFactory implementation.
com.mongodb.client.model - package com.mongodb.client.model
This package contains models and options that help describe MongoCollection operations
com.mongodb.client.model.changestream - package com.mongodb.client.model.changestream
This package contains classes for the change stream api
com.mongodb.client.model.geojson - package com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
This package contains classes that represent GeoJSON objects.
com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs - package com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs
This package contains classes that encode and decode GeoJSON objects.
com.mongodb.client.model.vault - package com.mongodb.client.model.vault
This package contains options classes for the key vault API
com.mongodb.client.result - package com.mongodb.client.result
This package contains classes representing operation results
com.mongodb.client.vault - package com.mongodb.client.vault
This package contains the Key Vault API
com.mongodb.connection - package com.mongodb.connection
Contains classes that manage connecting to MongoDB servers.
com.mongodb.connection.netty - package com.mongodb.connection.netty
This package contains netty specific classes
com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging - package com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging
This package contains logging classes
com.mongodb.event - package com.mongodb.event
This package contains cluster and connection event related classes
com.mongodb.gridfs - package com.mongodb.gridfs
Contains the classes for supporting MongoDB's specification for storing very large files, GridFS.
com.mongodb.lang - package com.mongodb.lang
This package contains JSR 305-compatible annotations related to nullability.
com.mongodb.management - package com.mongodb.management
Contains classes for monitoring the server/driver via Java Management Extensions (JMX).
com.mongodb.operation - package com.mongodb.operation
The core of the MongoDB driver works via operations, using the command pattern.
com.mongodb.selector - package com.mongodb.selector
Contains classes that determine how to select the server to connect to in order to send commands or queries.
com.mongodb.session - package com.mongodb.session
Contains classes related to sessions
com.mongodb.util - package com.mongodb.util
Contains classes that can be used everywhere in the driver, and have no specific domain.
combine(List<? extends Bson>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Combine a list of updates into a single update.
combine(Bson...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Combine a list of updates into a single update.
command(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Executes a database command.
command(DBObject, DBEncoder) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Executes a database command.
command(DBObject, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Executes the command against the database with the given read preference.
command(DBObject, ReadPreference, DBEncoder) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Executes a database command with the selected readPreference, and encodes the command using the given encoder.
command(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Executes a database command.
command(String, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Executes a database command.
command(String, BsonDocument, boolean, FieldNameValidator, Decoder<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
command(String, BsonDocument, FieldNameValidator, ReadPreference, Decoder<T>, SessionContext) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
Execute the command.
command(String, BsonDocument, FieldNameValidator, ReadPreference, Decoder<T>, SessionContext, boolean, SplittablePayload, FieldNameValidator) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
Executes the command, consuming as much of the SplittablePayload as possible.
COMMAND_COLLECTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
commandAsync(String, BsonDocument, boolean, FieldNameValidator, Decoder<T>, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
commandAsync(String, BsonDocument, FieldNameValidator, ReadPreference, Decoder<T>, SessionContext, boolean, SplittablePayload, FieldNameValidator, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
Executes the command, consuming as much of the SplittablePayload as possible.
commandAsync(String, BsonDocument, FieldNameValidator, ReadPreference, Decoder<T>, SessionContext, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
Execute the command.
CommandEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event representing a MongoDB database command.
CommandEvent(int, ConnectionDescription, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.CommandEvent
Construct an instance.
CommandEventMulticaster - Class in com.mongodb.event
register multiple command listeners instead
CommandEventMulticaster(List<CommandListener>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.CommandEventMulticaster
Construct an instance with the given list of command listeners
commandFailed(CommandFailedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandEventMulticaster
commandFailed(CommandFailedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.CommandListener
Listener for command failure events
commandFailed(CommandFailedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandListenerMulticaster
CommandFailedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event representing the failure of a MongoDB database command.
CommandFailedEvent(int, ConnectionDescription, String, long, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.CommandFailedEvent
Construct an instance.
CommandListener - Interface in com.mongodb.event
A listener for command events
commandListenerList(List<CommandListener>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets the the command listeners
CommandListenerMulticaster - Class in com.mongodb.event
register multiple command listeners in the settings
CommandListenerMulticaster(List<CommandListener>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.CommandListenerMulticaster
Construct an instance with the given list of command listeners
CommandReadOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
CommandReadOperation(String, BsonDocument, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CommandReadOperation
Construct a new instance.
CommandResult - Class in com.mongodb
A simple wrapper to hold the result of a command.
commandStarted(CommandStartedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandEventMulticaster
commandStarted(CommandStartedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.CommandListener
Listener for command started events.
commandStarted(CommandStartedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandListenerMulticaster
CommandStartedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event representing the start of a command execution.
CommandStartedEvent(int, ConnectionDescription, String, String, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.CommandStartedEvent
Construct an instance.
commandSucceeded(CommandSucceededEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandEventMulticaster
commandSucceeded(CommandSucceededEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.CommandListener
Listener for command completed events
commandSucceeded(CommandSucceededEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandListenerMulticaster
CommandSucceededEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event representing the completion of a MongoDB database command.
CommandSucceededEvent(int, ConnectionDescription, String, BsonDocument, long) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.CommandSucceededEvent
Construct an instance.
CommandWriteOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
CommandWriteOperation(String, BsonDocument, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CommandWriteOperation
Construct a new instance.
comment(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable
Sets the comment to the aggregation.
comment(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the comment to the query.
comment(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the comment to the query.
comment(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the comment to the query.
comment(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Adds a comment to the query to identify queries in the database profiler output.
comment(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Sets the comment to the aggregation.
comment(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Sets the comment to the aggregation.
comment(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the comment to the query.
COMMENT - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
commitTransaction() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ClientSession
Commit a transaction in the context of this session.
CommitTransactionOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
CommitTransactionOperation(WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CommitTransactionOperation
Construct an instance.
CommitTransactionOperation(WriteConcern, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CommitTransactionOperation
Construct an instance.
compareTo(ServerVersion) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerVersion
compareTo(BsonBoolean) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBoolean
compareTo(BsonDateTime) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDateTime
compareTo(BsonDouble) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDouble
compareTo(BsonInt32) - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt32
compareTo(BsonInt64) - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt64
compareTo(BsonObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.BsonObjectId
compareTo(BsonString) - Method in class org.bson.BsonString
compareTo(BsonTimestamp) - Method in class org.bson.BsonTimestamp
compareTo(BSONTimestamp) - Method in class org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp
compareTo(Decimal128) - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
compareTo(ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
completed(T) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncCompletionHandler
Invoked when an operation has completed.
CompositeServerSelector - Class in com.mongodb.selector
A server selector that composes a list of server selectors, and selects the servers by iterating through the list from start to finish, passing the result of the previous into the next, and finally returning the result of the last one.
CompositeServerSelector(List<? extends ServerSelector>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.selector.CompositeServerSelector
Constructs a new instance.
compoundIndex(List<? extends Bson>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
compound multiple index specifications.
compoundIndex(Bson...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
create a compound index specifications.
compressorList(List<MongoCompressor>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the compressors to use for compressing messages to the server.
compressorList(List<MongoCompressor>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets the compressors to use for compressing messages to the server.
computed(String, TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection of a field whose value is computed from the given expression.
connect() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Creates a Mongo instance based on the URI.
connect(MongoClientURI) - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo.Holder
Attempts to find an existing MongoClient instance matching that URI in the holder, and returns it if exists.
connect(MongoURI) - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo.Holder
connectCollection(DB) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Returns the URI's Collection from a given DB object.
connectCollection(Mongo) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Returns the URI's Collection from a given Mongo instance
connectDB() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Returns the DB object from a newly created Mongo instance based on this URI.
connectDB(Mongo) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Returns the URI's DB object from a given Mongo instance.
CONNECTED - com.mongodb.connection.ServerConnectionState
The application is connected to the remote server.
CONNECTING - com.mongodb.connection.ServerConnectionState
The application is actively attempting to connect to the remote server.
Connection - Interface in com.mongodb.connection
connectionAdded(ConnectionAddedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster
connectionAdded(ConnectionAddedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListener
Invoked when a connection is added to a pool.
connectionAdded(ConnectionAddedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter
connectionAdded(ConnectionAddedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.management.JMXConnectionPoolListener
ConnectionAddedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event for adding a new connection to the pool.
ConnectionAddedEvent(ConnectionId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionAddedEvent
Construct an instance
connectionCheckedIn(ConnectionCheckedInEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster
connectionCheckedIn(ConnectionCheckedInEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListener
Invoked when a connection is checked in to a pool.
connectionCheckedIn(ConnectionCheckedInEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter
connectionCheckedIn(ConnectionCheckedInEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.management.JMXConnectionPoolListener
ConnectionCheckedInEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event for checking in a connection to the pool.
ConnectionCheckedInEvent(ConnectionId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionCheckedInEvent
Construct an instance
connectionCheckedOut(ConnectionCheckedOutEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster
connectionCheckedOut(ConnectionCheckedOutEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListener
Invoked when a connection is checked out of a pool.
connectionCheckedOut(ConnectionCheckedOutEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter
connectionCheckedOut(ConnectionCheckedOutEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.management.JMXConnectionPoolListener
ConnectionCheckedOutEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event for checking our a connection from the pool.
ConnectionCheckedOutEvent(ConnectionId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionCheckedOutEvent
Construct an instance
connectionClosed(ConnectionClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionListener
Publish a connection message closed event.
ConnectionClosedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
there is no replacement for this class
ConnectionClosedEvent(ConnectionId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionClosedEvent
Constructs a new instance of the event.
ConnectionDescription - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A description of a connection to a MongoDB server.
ConnectionDescription(ConnectionId, int, ServerType, int, int, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Construct an instance.
ConnectionDescription(ConnectionId, ServerVersion, int, ServerType, int, int, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
ConnectionDescription(ConnectionId, ServerVersion, ServerType, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
ConnectionDescription(ConnectionId, ServerVersion, ServerType, int, int, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
ConnectionDescription(ServerId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Construct a defaulted connection description instance.
ConnectionId - Class in com.mongodb.connection
An immutable connection identifier of a connection to a MongoDB server.
ConnectionId(ServerId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionId
Construct an instance with the given server id.
ConnectionId(ServerId, int, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionId
Construct an instance with the given serverId, localValue, and serverValue.
ConnectionListener - Interface in com.mongodb.event
- No longer used
ConnectionMessageReceivedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
- No longer used
ConnectionMessageReceivedEvent(ConnectionId, int, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionMessageReceivedEvent
Constructs a new instance of the event.
ConnectionMessagesSentEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
- No longer used
ConnectionMessagesSentEvent(ConnectionId, int, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionMessagesSentEvent
Constructs a new instance of the event.
connectionOpened(ConnectionOpenedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionListener
Publish a connection opened event.
ConnectionOpenedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
there is no replacement for this class
ConnectionOpenedEvent(ConnectionId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionOpenedEvent
Construct an instance
connectionPoolClosed(ConnectionPoolClosedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster
connectionPoolClosed(ConnectionPoolClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListener
Invoked when a connection pool is closed.
connectionPoolClosed(ConnectionPoolClosedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter
connectionPoolClosed(ConnectionPoolClosedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.management.JMXConnectionPoolListener
ConnectionPoolClosedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event signifying the closing of a connection pool.
ConnectionPoolClosedEvent(ServerId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolClosedEvent
Constructs a new instance of the event.
ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster - Class in com.mongodb.event
register multiple command listeners instead
ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster
ConnectionPoolListener - Interface in com.mongodb.event
A listener for connection pool-related events.
ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter - Class in com.mongodb.event
An adapter for connection pool listener implementations, for clients that want to listen for a subset of connection pool events.
ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter
connectionPoolOpened(ConnectionPoolOpenedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster
connectionPoolOpened(ConnectionPoolOpenedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListener
Invoked when a connection pool is opened.
connectionPoolOpened(ConnectionPoolOpenedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter
connectionPoolOpened(ConnectionPoolOpenedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.management.JMXConnectionPoolListener
ConnectionPoolOpenedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event signifying the opening of a connection pool.
ConnectionPoolOpenedEvent(ServerId, ConnectionPoolSettings) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolOpenedEvent
Constructs a new instance of the event.
ConnectionPoolSettings - Class in com.mongodb.connection
All settings that relate to the pool of connections to a MongoDB server.
ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A builder for creating ConnectionPoolSettings.
ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean - Interface in com.mongodb.management
A standard MXBean interface for a Mongo connection pool, for use on Java 6 and above virtual machines.
ConnectionPoolWaitQueueEnteredEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
In the next major release, this event will no longer be published
ConnectionPoolWaitQueueEnteredEvent(ServerId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolWaitQueueEnteredEvent
Construct an instance.
ConnectionPoolWaitQueueExitedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
In the next major release, this event will no longer be published
ConnectionPoolWaitQueueExitedEvent(ServerId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolWaitQueueExitedEvent
Construct an instance.
connectionRemoved(ConnectionRemovedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster
connectionRemoved(ConnectionRemovedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListener
Invoked when a connection is removed from a pool.
connectionRemoved(ConnectionRemovedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter
connectionRemoved(ConnectionRemovedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.management.JMXConnectionPoolListener
ConnectionRemovedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event for removing a connection from the pool.
ConnectionRemovedEvent(ConnectionId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent
ConnectionRemovedEvent(ConnectionId, ConnectionRemovedEvent.Reason) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent
Constructs an instance.
ConnectionRemovedEvent.Reason - Enum in com.mongodb.event
An enumeration of the reasons a connection could be closed
ConnectionSource - Interface in com.mongodb.binding
connectionsPerHost - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
The maximum number of connections allowed per host for this Mongo instance.
connectionsPerHost(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the maximum number of connections per host.
ConnectionString - Class in com.mongodb
Represents a Connection String.
ConnectionString(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Creates a ConnectionString from the given string.
connectTimeout - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
The connection timeout in milliseconds.
connectTimeout(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the connection timeout.
connectTimeout(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings.Builder
Sets the socket connect timeout.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
contains(Object) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
containsAll(TagSet) - Method in class com.mongodb.TagSet
Returns true if this tag set contains all of the elements of the specified tag set.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
containsField(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
containsField(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
containsField(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Checks if this object contains a given field
containsField(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONObject
Checks if this object contains a field with the given name.
containsField(String) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
containsField(String) - Method in class org.bson.types.BasicBSONList
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject.JavaWrapper
containsKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
containsKey(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONObject
containsKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
containsKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.types.BasicBSONList
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
context(SSLContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings.Builder
Sets the SSLContext for use when SSL is enabled.
Context(AbstractBsonReader.Context, BsonContextType) - Constructor for class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.Context
Creates a new instance.
Context(AbstractBsonReader.Context, BsonContextType) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonReader.Context
Context(AbstractBsonWriter.Context) - Constructor for class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.Context
Creates a new instance, copying values from an existing context.
Context(AbstractBsonWriter.Context, BsonContextType) - Constructor for class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.Context
Creates a new instance.
Context(BsonBinaryWriter.Context) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter.Context
Creates a new instance by copying the values from the given context.
Context(BsonBinaryWriter.Context, BsonContextType, int) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter.Context
Creates a new instance
Context(BsonDocumentReader.Context, BsonContextType, BsonArray) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader.Context
Context(BsonDocumentReader.Context, BsonContextType, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader.Context
Context(JsonWriter.Context, BsonContextType) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonWriter.Context
Creates a new context.
Context(JsonWriter.Context, BsonContextType, String) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonWriter.Context
continueOnError(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.InsertOptions
Set whether documents will continue to be inserted after a failure to insert one.
Convention - Interface in org.bson.codecs.pojo
Defines a convention to be applied when mapping a class.
conventions(List<Convention>) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Sets the conventions to apply to the model
conventions(List<Convention>) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PojoCodecProvider.Builder
Sets the conventions to use when creating ClassModels from classes or packages.
Conventions - Class in org.bson.codecs.pojo
The default Conventions
convert(T, StrictJsonWriter) - Method in interface org.bson.json.Converter
Convert the given value to JSON using the JSON writer.
Converter<T> - Interface in org.bson.json
A converter from a BSON value to JSON.
convertToType(Class<T>, Object, String) - Static method in class org.bson.assertions.Assertions
Cast an object to the given class and return it, or throw IllegalArgumentException if it's not assignable to that class.
CoordinateReferenceSystem - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
A GeoJSON Coordinate Reference System (CRS).
CoordinateReferenceSystem() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.CoordinateReferenceSystem
CoordinateReferenceSystemType - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
An enumeration of the GeoJSON coordinate reference system types.
copy() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBList
Copies this instance into a new Object.
copy() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Creates a new instance which is a copy of this BasicDBObject.
copy() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Copy this DBCollectionFindOptions instance into a new instance.
copy() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Creates a copy of an existing database cursor.
copy() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Copy this MongoOptions instance into a new instance.
copy() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.Context
Copies the values from this Context into a new instance.
copy() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter.Context
copyClusterDescription(ClusterDescription, List<ServerDescription>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.TaggableReadPreference
count() - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $count pipeline stage using the field name "count" to store the result
count() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
count() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
count() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Counts the number of objects matching the query.
count(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
count(ClientSession, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
count(ClientSession, Bson, CountOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
count(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
count(DBObject, DBCollectionCountOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the count of documents in collection that would match a criteria.
count(DBObject, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the count of documents in collection that would match a criteria.
count(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $count pipeline stage using the named field to store the result
count(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
count(Bson, CountOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
countDocuments() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
countDocuments(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
countDocuments(ClientSession, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
countDocuments(ClientSession, Bson, CountOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
countDocuments(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
countDocuments(Bson, CountOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
CountOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
CountOperation(MongoNamespace) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Construct a new instance.
CountOperation(MongoNamespace, CountStrategy) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Construct a new instance.
CountOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options for a count operation.
CountOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
create() - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.MongoClients
Creates a new client with the default connection string "mongodb://localhost".
create() - Method in interface com.mongodb.DBDecoderFactory
Creates an instance.
create() - Method in interface com.mongodb.DBEncoderFactory
Creates an instance.
create() - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBCallback
create() - Method in class com.mongodb.util.JSONCallback
create() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
Factory method for creating a new BSONObject.
create() - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.InstanceCreatorFactory
create(boolean, List<String>) - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBCallback
create(boolean, List<String>) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
Helper method to create either a BSON Object or a BSON List depending upon whether the array parameter is true or not.
create(MongoDatabase) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBuckets
Create a new GridFS bucket with the default 'fs' bucket name
create(MongoDatabase, String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBuckets
Create a new GridFS bucket with a custom bucket name
create(ClientEncryptionSettings) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.vault.ClientEncryptions
Create a key vault with the given options.
create(ClusterSettings, ServerSettings, ConnectionPoolSettings, StreamFactory, StreamFactory, List<MongoCredential>, ClusterListener, ConnectionPoolListener, ConnectionListener) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.ClusterFactory
Creates a cluster with the given settings.
create(ClusterSettings, ServerSettings, ConnectionPoolSettings, StreamFactory, StreamFactory, List<MongoCredential>, ClusterListener, ConnectionPoolListener, ConnectionListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.DefaultClusterFactory
create(ClusterSettings, ServerSettings, ConnectionPoolSettings, StreamFactory, StreamFactory, List<MongoCredential>, ClusterListener, ConnectionPoolListener, ConnectionListener, CommandListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.DefaultClusterFactory
create(ClusterSettings, ServerSettings, ConnectionPoolSettings, StreamFactory, StreamFactory, List<MongoCredential>, ClusterListener, ConnectionPoolListener, ConnectionListener, CommandListener, String, MongoDriverInformation) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.DefaultClusterFactory
create(SocketSettings, SslSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory
create(SocketSettings, SslSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactoryFactory
create(SocketSettings, SslSettings) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.StreamFactoryFactory
Create a StreamFactory with the given settings.
create(SocketSettings, SslSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.TlsChannelStreamFactoryFactory
create(ConnectionString) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.MongoClients
Create a new client with the given connection string.
create(ConnectionString, MongoDriverInformation) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.MongoClients
Create a new client with the given connection string.
create(DBCollection) - Method in interface com.mongodb.DBCallbackFactory
Creates a DBCallback for the given collection.
create(MongoClientSettings) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.MongoClients
Create a new client with the given client settings.
create(MongoClientSettings, MongoDriverInformation) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.MongoClients
Creates a new client with the given client settings.
create(ServerAddress) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactory
create(ServerAddress) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactory
create(ServerAddress) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketStreamFactory
create(ServerAddress) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.StreamFactory
Create a Stream to the given address
create(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.MongoClients
Create a new client with the given connection string as if by a call to MongoClients.create(ConnectionString).
createArray(byte[], int) - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBCallback
createArray(byte[], int) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONCallback
Create a LazyBSONList from the given bytes starting from the given offset.
createBSONCallback() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
createBSONCallback() - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Factory method for BSONCallbacks.
createBSONCallback() - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
createChunk(Object, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Creates a new chunk of this file.
createCluster(ClusterSettings, ServerSettings, ConnectionPoolSettings, StreamFactory, StreamFactory, List<MongoCredential>, CommandListener, String, MongoDriverInformation) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.DefaultClusterFactory
createCluster(ClusterSettings, ServerSettings, ConnectionPoolSettings, StreamFactory, StreamFactory, List<MongoCredential>, CommandListener, String, MongoDriverInformation, List<MongoCompressor>) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.DefaultClusterFactory
Creates a cluster with the given settings.
createCodec(Class<TFullDocument>, CodecRegistry) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Creates the codec for the specific ChangeStreamOutput type
createCollection(ClientSession, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the given name.
createCollection(ClientSession, String, CreateCollectionOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the selected options
createCollection(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the given name.
createCollection(String, CreateCollectionOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new collection with the selected options
createCollection(String, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Creates a collection with a given name and options.
CreateCollectionOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
CreateCollectionOperation(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Construct a new instance.
CreateCollectionOperation(String, String, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Construct a new instance.
CreateCollectionOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
Options for creating a collection
CreateCollectionOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
createCredential(String, String, char[]) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Creates a MongoCredential instance with an unspecified mechanism.
createDataKey(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Create a data key with the given KMS provider.
createDataKey(String, DataKeyOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Create a data key with the given KMS provider and options.
createDBRef(String, ObjectId) - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBCallback
createDBRef(String, ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONCallback
This is a factory method pattern to create appropriate objects for BSON type DBPointer(0x0c).
createFile() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
This method creates an empty GridFSInputFile instance.
createFile(byte[]) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Creates a file entry.
createFile(File) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Creates a file entry.
createFile(InputStream) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Creates a file entry.
createFile(InputStream, boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Creates a file entry.
createFile(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Creates a file entry.
createFile(InputStream, String, boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Creates a file entry.
createFile(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Creates a file entry.
createFromLegacyFormat(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Use ObjectId(int, int) instead
createGSSAPICredential(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Creates a MongoCredential instance for the GSSAPI SASL mechanism.
createIndex(ClientSession, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create an index with the given keys.
createIndex(ClientSession, Bson, IndexOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create an index with the given keys and options.
createIndex(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Creates an index on the field specified, if that index does not already exist.
createIndex(DBObject, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Creates an index on the field specified, if that index does not already exist.
createIndex(DBObject, String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Forces creation of an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist.
createIndex(DBObject, String, boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Forces creation of an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist.
createIndex(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Forces creation of an ascending index on a field with the default options.
createIndex(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create an index with the given keys.
createIndex(Bson, IndexOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create an index with the given keys and options.
createIndexes(ClientSession, List<IndexModel>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
createIndexes(ClientSession, List<IndexModel>, CreateIndexOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
createIndexes(List<IndexModel>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
createIndexes(List<IndexModel>, CreateIndexOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create multiple indexes.
CreateIndexesOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
CreateIndexesOperation(MongoNamespace, List<IndexRequest>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CreateIndexesOperation
CreateIndexesOperation(MongoNamespace, List<IndexRequest>, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CreateIndexesOperation
Construct a new instance.
CreateIndexOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply to the command when creating indexes.
CreateIndexOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateIndexOptions
createList() - Method in class com.mongodb.util.JSONCallback
createList() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
Factory method for creating a new BSON List.
createMongoCRCredential(String, String, char[]) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
MONGODB-CR was replaced by SCRAM-SHA-1 in MongoDB 3.0, and is now deprecated. Use the MongoCredential.createCredential(String, String, char[]) factory method instead.
createMongoX509Credential() - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Creates a MongoCredential instance for the MongoDB X.509 protocol where the distinguished subject name of the client certificate acts as the userName.
createMongoX509Credential(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Creates a MongoCredential instance for the MongoDB X.509 protocol.
createObject(byte[], int) - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBCallback
createObject(byte[], int) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONCallback
Create a LazyBSONObject instance from the given bytes starting from the given offset.
createPlainCredential(String, String, char[]) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Creates a MongoCredential instance for the PLAIN SASL mechanism.
createReplaceOptions(UpdateOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions
there is no replacement for this method
createScramSha1Credential(String, String, char[]) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Creates a MongoCredential instance for the SCRAM-SHA-1 SASL mechanism.
createScramSha256Credential(String, String, char[]) - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Creates a MongoCredential instance for the SCRAM-SHA-256 SASL mechanism.
createSnappyCompressor() - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoCompressor
Create an instance for snappy compression.
CreateUserOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
use CommandWriteOperation directly or the mongod shell helpers.
CreateUserOperation(MongoCredential, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CreateUserOperation
Construct a new instance.
CreateUserOperation(MongoCredential, boolean, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CreateUserOperation
Construct a new instance.
createView(ClientSession, String, String, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, and aggregation pipeline that defines the view.
createView(ClientSession, String, String, List<? extends Bson>, CreateViewOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, aggregation pipeline, and options that defines the view.
createView(String, String, List<? extends DBObject>) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, and aggregation pipeline that defines the view.
createView(String, String, List<? extends DBObject>, DBCreateViewOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, aggregation pipeline, and options that defines the view.
createView(String, String, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, and aggregation pipeline that defines the view.
createView(String, String, List<? extends Bson>, CreateViewOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a view with the given name, backing collection/view name, aggregation pipeline, and options that defines the view.
CreateViewOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
CreateViewOperation(String, String, String, List<BsonDocument>, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CreateViewOperation
Construct a new instance.
CreateViewOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
Options for creating a view
CreateViewOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateViewOptions
createZlibCompressor() - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoCompressor
Create an instance for zlib compression.
createZstdCompressor() - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoCompressor
Create an instance for zstd compression.
credential(MongoCredential) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets the credential.
CRS_84 - Static variable in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem
The urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84 Coordinate Reference System
cur() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
Gets the current value
curName() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
Gets the name of the current field
curr() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Returns the element the cursor is at.
currentDate(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that sets the value of the field to the current date as a BSON date.
CurrentOpOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
CurrentOpOperation() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.CurrentOpOperation
currentTimestamp(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that sets the value of the field to the current date as a BSON timestamp.
cursor() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ChangeStreamIterable
Returns a cursor used for iterating over elements of type ChangeStreamDocument<TResult>.
cursor() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoIterable
Returns a cursor used for iterating over elements of type TResult.
Cursor - Interface in com.mongodb
Interface for providing consistent behaviour between different Cursor implementations.
CURSOR - com.mongodb.AggregationOptions.OutputMode
The output of the aggregate operation is returned using a cursor.
cursorFinalizerEnabled - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets whether there is a a finalize method created that cleans up instances of DBCursor that the client does not close.
cursorFinalizerEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets whether cursor finalizers are enabled.
cursorType(CursorType) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the cursor type.
cursorType(CursorType) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the cursor type.
cursorType(CursorType) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the cursor type.
cursorType(CursorType) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Sets the cursor type.
cursorType(CursorType) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the cursor type.
CursorType - Enum in com.mongodb
An enumeration of cursor types.


DATABASE - com.mongodb.client.model.AggregationLevel
Database level aggregation
DATABASE - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamLevel
Observing all changes on a specific database
databaseName(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the name of the database to output into.
databaseName(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets the name of the database to output into.
DataKeyOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.vault
The options for creating a data key.
DataKeyOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
DATE - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
DATE_TIME - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON DateTime.
DateCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes java.util.Date objects.
DateCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.DateCodec
dateTimeConverter(Converter<Long>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON DateTime values to JSON.
DB - Class in com.mongodb
A thread-safe client view of a logical database in a MongoDB cluster.
DB(Mongo, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DB
DB_POINTER - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON regular expression.
DBAddress - Class in com.mongodb
This class is no longer needed, as the driver does not rely on it for anything anymore. Use ServerAddress instead.
DBAddress(DBAddress, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBAddress
Create a DBAddress using the host and port from an existing DBAddress, and connected to a given database.
DBAddress(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBAddress
Creates a new address.
DBAddress(String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBAddress
Creates a DBAddress for the given database on the given host at the given port.
DBAddress(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBAddress
Creates a DBAddress for the given database on the given host.
DBAddress(InetAddress, int, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBAddress
DBCallback - Interface in com.mongodb
The DB callback interface.
DBCallbackFactory - Interface in com.mongodb
Factory for creating concrete implementations of DBCallback.
DBCollection - Class in com.mongodb
Implementation of a database collection.
DBCollection(DB, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Initializes a new collection.
DBCollectionCountOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options for a count operation.
DBCollectionCountOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Construct a new instance
DBCollectionDistinctOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options for a distinct operation.
DBCollectionDistinctOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionDistinctOptions
Construct a new instance
DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The oprtions for find and modify operations.
DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Construct a new instance
DBCollectionFindOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply to a find operation (also commonly referred to as a query).
DBCollectionFindOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Construct a new instance
DBCollectionRemoveOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply when removing documents from the DBCollection
DBCollectionRemoveOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionRemoveOptions
Construct a new instance
DBCollectionUpdateOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply when updating documents in the DBCollection
DBCollectionUpdateOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Construct a new instance
DBCreateViewOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply when creating a view
DBCreateViewOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCreateViewOptions
DBCursor - Class in com.mongodb
An iterator over database results.
DBCursor(DBCollection, DBObject, DBObject, ReadPreference) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Initializes a new database cursor.
DBCursor(DBCollection, DBObject, DBObject, ReadPreference, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Initializes a new database cursor.
DBDecoder - Interface in com.mongodb
An interface for decoders of BSON into instances of DBObject that belong to a DBCollection.
dbDecoderFactory - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Override the DBCallback factory.
dbDecoderFactory(DBDecoderFactory) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the decoder factory.
DBDecoderFactory - Interface in com.mongodb
Creates concrete DBDecoder instances.
dbEncoder(DBEncoder) - Method in class com.mongodb.InsertOptions
Set the encoder to use for the documents.
DBEncoder - Interface in com.mongodb
An interface for encoders of BSONObject to BSON.
dbEncoderFactory - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Override the encoding factory.
dbEncoderFactory(DBEncoderFactory) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the encoder factory.
DBEncoderFactory - Interface in com.mongodb
Creates concrete DBEncoder instances.
DBObject - Interface in com.mongodb
This interface adds some specific behaviour to BSONObject for MongoDB documents.
DBObjectCodec - Class in com.mongodb
A collectible codec for a DBObject.
DBObjectCodec() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodec
Construct an instance with the default codec registry
DBObjectCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodec
Construct an instance with the given codec registry.
DBObjectCodec(CodecRegistry, BsonTypeClassMap) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodec
Construct an instance.
DBObjectCodec(CodecRegistry, BsonTypeClassMap, DBObjectFactory) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodec
Construct an instance.
DBObjectCodecProvider - Class in com.mongodb
A provider for a DBObjectCodec.
DBObjectCodecProvider() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodecProvider
Construct an instance using the default BsonTypeClassMap.
DBObjectCodecProvider(BsonTypeClassMap) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodecProvider
Construct an instance with the given BsonTypeClassMap.
DBRef - Class in com.mongodb
A representation of a database reference.
DBRef(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBRef
Construct an instance.
DBRef(String, String, Object) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBRef
Construct an instance.
DBRefCodec - Class in com.mongodb
A Codec for DBRef instances.
DBRefCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBRefCodec
Construct an instance with the given registry, which is used to encode the id of the referenced document.
DBRefCodecProvider - Class in com.mongodb
A codec provider for DBRef.
DBRefCodecProvider() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DBRefCodecProvider
debug(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Log a message at the DEBUG level.
debug(String) - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Log a message at the DEBUG level.
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the DEBUG level with an accompanying message.
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the DEBUG level with an accompanying message.
Decimal128 - Class in org.bson.types
A binary integer decimal representation of a 128-bit decimal value, supporting 34 decimal digits of significand and an exponent range of -6143 to +6144.
Decimal128(long) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Constructs a Decimal128 value representing the given long.
Decimal128(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Constructs a Decimal128 value representing the given BigDecimal.
DECIMAL128 - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON Decimal128.
Decimal128Codec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes Decimal128 objects.
Decimal128Codec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.Decimal128Codec
decimal128Converter(Converter<Decimal128>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON Decimal128 values to JSON.
decimal128Value() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDecimal128
decimal128Value() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDouble
decimal128Value() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt32
decimal128Value() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt64
decimal128Value() - Method in class org.bson.BsonNumber
Returns the value of the specified number as a Decimal128, which may involve rounding.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Decodes a BSON byte array into a DBObject instance.
decode(byte[], DBCollection) - Method in interface com.mongodb.DBDecoder
Decode a single DBObject belonging to the given collection from the given array of bytes.
decode(byte[], DBCollection) - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBDecoder
decode(byte[], DBCollection) - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBDecoder
decode(byte[], BSONCallback) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONDecoder
decode(byte[], BSONCallback) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONDecoder
Decode a single BSON object into the given callback from the given byte array.
decode(byte[], BSONCallback) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONDecoder
decode(InputStream, DBCollection) - Method in interface com.mongodb.DBDecoder
Decode a single DBObject belonging to the given collection from the given input stream.
decode(InputStream, DBCollection) - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBDecoder
decode(InputStream, DBCollection) - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBDecoder
decode(InputStream, BSONCallback) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONDecoder
decode(InputStream, BSONCallback) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONDecoder
Decode a single BSON object into the given callback from the given input stream.
decode(InputStream, BSONCallback) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONDecoder
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.BSONTimestampCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.codecs.GridFSFileCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystemCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRefCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.AtomicBooleanCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.AtomicIntegerCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.AtomicLongCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BigDecimalCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BinaryCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BooleanCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonArrayCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonBinaryCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonBooleanCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDateTimeCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDBPointerCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDecimal128Codec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentWrapperCodec
Decoding of BsonDocumentWrapper instances is not supported, so this method will throw UnsupportedOperationException in all cases.
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDoubleCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonInt32Codec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonInt64Codec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonJavaScriptCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonJavaScriptWithScopeCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonMaxKeyCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonMinKeyCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonNullCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonObjectIdCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonRegularExpressionCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonStringCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonSymbolCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonTimestampCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonUndefinedCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonValueCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ByteArrayCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ByteCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.CharacterCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.CodeCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.CodeWithScopeCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DateCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.Decimal128Codec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.Decoder
Decodes a BSON value from the given reader into an instance of the type parameter T.
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DoubleCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.FloatCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.IntegerCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.InstantCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalDateCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalDateTimeCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalTimeCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.LongCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MapCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MaxKeyCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MinKeyCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ObjectIdCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.PatternCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.RawBsonDocumentCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ShortCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.StringCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.SymbolCodec
decode(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.UuidCodec
decode(Codec<T>) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
Decode this into a document.
decode(Decoder<T>) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
Decode this into a document.
Decoder<T> - Interface in org.bson.codecs
Decoders are used for reading BSON types from MongoDB and converting them into Java objects.
DecoderContext - Class in org.bson.codecs
The context for decoding values to BSON.
DecoderContext.Builder - Class in org.bson.codecs
A builder for DecoderContext instances.
decodeWithChildContext(Decoder<T>, BsonReader) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DecoderContext
Creates a child context and then deserializes using the reader.
decrypt(BsonBinary) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Decrypt the given value.
DEFAULT - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.FullDocument
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
Use the servers default read concern.
DEFAULT_BUCKET - Static variable in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Bucket to use for the collection namespaces
DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
File's chunk size
DEFAULT_CONVENTIONS - Static variable in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.Conventions
The default conventions list
defaultBucket(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketOptions
The name of the default bucket for values outside the defined buckets
DefaultClusterFactory - Class in com.mongodb.connection
DefaultClusterFactory() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.DefaultClusterFactory
DefaultDBCallback - Class in com.mongodb
An implementation of DBCallback that decodes into a DBObject.
DefaultDBCallback(DBCollection) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DefaultDBCallback
Creates a new DefaultDBCallback.
DefaultDBDecoder - Class in com.mongodb
An implementation of DBDecoder
DefaultDBDecoder() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DefaultDBDecoder
DefaultDBEncoder - Class in com.mongodb
The default BSON encoder for BSONObject instances.
DefaultDBEncoder() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DefaultDBEncoder
defaultHost() - Static method in class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Returns the default database host: ""
defaultLanguage(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the language for the text index.
defaultLanguage(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the language for the text index.
defaultPort() - Static method in class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Returns the default database port: 27017
defaultTransactionOptions(TransactionOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientSessionOptions.Builder
Sets whether operations using the session should causally consistent with each other.
delete(ClientSession, BsonValue) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
delete(ClientSession, ObjectId) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
delete(MongoNamespace, boolean, DeleteRequest) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
Delete the documents using the delete wire protocol and apply the write concern.
delete(BsonValue) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
delete(ObjectId) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Given a id, delete this stored file's files collection document and associated chunks from a GridFS bucket.
DELETE - com.mongodb.bulk.WriteRequest.Type
A delete.
DELETE - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
The delete operation type
DELETE - com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload.Type
A delete.
deleteAsync(MongoNamespace, boolean, DeleteRequest, SingleResultCallback<WriteConcernResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
Delete the documents using the delete wire protocol and apply the write concern asynchronously.
deleteMany(ClientSession, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
deleteMany(ClientSession, Bson, DeleteOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
deleteMany(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
deleteMany(Bson, DeleteOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
DeleteManyModel<T> - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A model describing the removal of all documents matching the query filter.
DeleteManyModel(Bson) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteManyModel
Construct a new instance.
DeleteManyModel(Bson, DeleteOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteManyModel
Construct a new instance.
deleteOne(ClientSession, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
deleteOne(ClientSession, Bson, DeleteOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
deleteOne(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
deleteOne(Bson, DeleteOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
DeleteOneModel<T> - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A model describing the removal of at most one document matching the query filter.
DeleteOneModel(Bson) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteOneModel
Construct a new instance.
DeleteOneModel(Bson, DeleteOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteOneModel
Construct a new instance.
DeleteOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
DeleteOperation(MongoNamespace, boolean, WriteConcern, boolean, List<DeleteRequest>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DeleteOperation
Construct an instance.
DeleteOperation(MongoNamespace, boolean, WriteConcern, List<DeleteRequest>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DeleteOperation
DeleteOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply when deleting documents.
DeleteOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteOptions
DeleteRequest - Class in com.mongodb.bulk
DeleteRequest(BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.bulk.DeleteRequest
Construct a new instance.
DeleteResult - Class in com.mongodb.client.result
The result of a delete operation.
DeleteResult() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult
depthField(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.GraphLookupOptions
The name of the field in which to store the depth value
DESC - com.mongodb.operation.OrderBy
Descending order
descending(String...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
Create an index key for an ascending index on the given fields.
descending(String...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts
Create a sort specification for a descending sort on the given fields.
descending(List<String>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
Create an index key for an ascending index on the given fields.
descending(List<String>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts
Create a sort specification for a descending sort on the given fields.
description - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
The description for Mongo instances created with these options.
description(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
description(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
diacriticSensitive(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.TextSearchOptions
Set the diacritic-sensitive flag for the text search
discard() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader.Mark
DISCARD - com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenNotMatched
Discard the document; i.e.
discriminator(String) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Sets the discriminator to be used when storing instances of the modeled type
discriminatorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Enables or disables the use of a discriminator when serializing
discriminatorKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Sets the discriminator key to be used when storing instances of the modeled type
distinct(ClientSession, String, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.
distinct(ClientSession, String, Bson, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.
distinct(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Find the distinct values for a specified field across a collection and returns the results in an array.
distinct(String, DBCollectionDistinctOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Find the distinct values for a specified field across a collection and returns the results in an array.
distinct(String, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Find the distinct values for a specified field across a collection and returns the results in an array.
distinct(String, DBObject, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Find the distinct values for a specified field across a collection and returns the results in an array.
distinct(String, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Find the distinct values for a specified field across a collection and returns the results in an array.
distinct(String, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.
distinct(String, Bson, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.
DistinctIterable<TResult> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
Iterable interface for distinct.
DistinctOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
DistinctOperation(MongoNamespace, String, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DistinctOperation
Construct an instance.
Document - Class in org.bson
A representation of a document as a Map.
Document() - Constructor for class org.bson.Document
Creates an empty Document instance.
Document(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.bson.Document
Create a Document instance initialized with the given key/value pair.
Document(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.bson.Document
Creates a Document instance initialized with the given map.
DOCUMENT - org.bson.BsonContextType
A (possibly embedded) BSON document.
DOCUMENT - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON document.
DocumentCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for Document instances.
DocumentCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodec
Construct a new instance with a default CodecRegistry.
DocumentCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodec
Construct a new instance with the given registry.
DocumentCodec(CodecRegistry, BsonTypeClassMap) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodec
Construct a new instance with the given registry and BSON type class map.
DocumentCodec(CodecRegistry, BsonTypeClassMap, Transformer) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodec
Construct a new instance with the given registry and BSON type class map.
DocumentCodecProvider - Class in org.bson.codecs
A CodecProvider for the Document class and all the default Codec implementations on which it depends.
DocumentCodecProvider() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with a default BsonTypeClassMap.
DocumentCodecProvider(BsonTypeClassMap) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with the given instance of BsonTypeClassMap.
DocumentCodecProvider(BsonTypeClassMap, Transformer) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with the given instance of BsonTypeClassMap.
DocumentCodecProvider(Transformer) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with a default BsonTypeClassMap and the given Transformer.
documentHasId(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodec
documentHasId(BsonDocument) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentCodec
documentHasId(Document) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodec
documentHasId(T) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.CollectibleCodec
Returns true if the given document has an _id.
DocumentToDBRefTransformer - Class in com.mongodb
A Document to DBRef Transformer.
DocumentToDBRefTransformer() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.DocumentToDBRefTransformer
doesNotContainNull(String, Collection<?>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions
Throw IllegalArgumentException if the collection contains a null value.
doEval(String, Object...) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
The eval command was deprecated in MongoDB 3.0
doGetCollection(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
there is no replacement for this method
done() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
done() - Method in interface org.bson.BSONEncoder
Free the resources.
DONE - org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.State
The reader has finished reading a document.
DONE - org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.State
The writer is done.
doPeekBinarySize() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to peek at the binary size.
doPeekBinarySize() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doPeekBinarySize() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doPeekBinarySize() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doPeekBinarySubType() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to peek at the binary subtype.
doPeekBinarySubType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doPeekBinarySubType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doPeekBinarySubType() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadBinaryData() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read binary data
doReadBinaryData() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadBinaryData() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadBinaryData() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadBoolean() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read booleans
doReadBoolean() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadBoolean() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadBoolean() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadDateTime() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read date time
doReadDateTime() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadDateTime() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadDateTime() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadDBPointer() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read a DBPointer
doReadDBPointer() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadDBPointer() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadDBPointer() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadDecimal128() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read Decimal128
doReadDecimal128() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadDecimal128() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadDecimal128() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadDouble() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read doubles
doReadDouble() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadDouble() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadDouble() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadEndArray() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic when reading the end of an array
doReadEndArray() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadEndArray() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadEndArray() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadEndDocument() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic when reading the end of a document
doReadEndDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadEndDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadEndDocument() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadInt32() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read 32 bit ints
doReadInt32() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadInt32() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadInt32() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadInt64() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read 64 bit ints
doReadInt64() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadInt64() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadInt64() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadJavaScript() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read Javascript functions
doReadJavaScript() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadJavaScript() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadJavaScript() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadJavaScriptWithScope() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read scoped Javascript functions
doReadJavaScriptWithScope() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadJavaScriptWithScope() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadJavaScriptWithScope() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadMaxKey() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read a Max key
doReadMaxKey() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadMaxKey() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadMaxKey() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadMinKey() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read a Min key
doReadMinKey() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadMinKey() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadMinKey() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadNull() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read a null value
doReadNull() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadNull() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadNull() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadObjectId() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read an ObjectId
doReadObjectId() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadObjectId() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadObjectId() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadRegularExpression() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read a regular expression
doReadRegularExpression() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadRegularExpression() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadRegularExpression() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadStartArray() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read the start of an array
doReadStartArray() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadStartArray() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadStartArray() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadStartDocument() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read the start of a document
doReadStartDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadStartDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadStartDocument() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadString() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read a String
doReadString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadString() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadSymbol() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read a Symbol
doReadSymbol() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadSymbol() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadSymbol() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadTimestamp() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read a timestamp
doReadTimestamp() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadTimestamp() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadTimestamp() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doReadUndefined() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles the logic to read an Undefined value
doReadUndefined() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doReadUndefined() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doReadUndefined() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doSkipName() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles any logic required to skip the name (reader must be positioned on a name).
doSkipName() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doSkipName() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doSkipName() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
doSkipValue() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Handles any logic required to skip the value (reader must be positioned on a value).
doSkipValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
doSkipValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
doSkipValue() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
DOUBLE - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON double.
DoubleCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes Double objects.
DoubleCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.DoubleCodec
doubleConverter(Converter<Double>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON Double values to JSON.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDecimal128
doubleValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDouble
doubleValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt32
doubleValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt64
doubleValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonNumber
Returns the value of the specified number as a double, which may involve rounding.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Converts this Decimal128 to a double.
downloadToStream(ClientSession, String, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the latest version of the stored file specified by filename and writes the contents to the destination Stream.
downloadToStream(ClientSession, String, OutputStream, GridFSDownloadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by filename and by the revision in options and writes the contents to the destination Stream.
downloadToStream(ClientSession, BsonValue, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by id and writes the contents to the destination Stream.
downloadToStream(ClientSession, ObjectId, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by id and writes the contents to the destination Stream.
downloadToStream(String, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the latest version of the stored file specified by filename and writes the contents to the destination Stream.
downloadToStream(String, OutputStream, GridFSDownloadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by filename and by the revision in options and writes the contents to the destination Stream.
downloadToStream(BsonValue, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by id and writes the contents to the destination Stream.
downloadToStream(ObjectId, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Downloads the contents of the stored file specified by id and writes the contents to the destination Stream.
downloadToStreamByName(String, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
downloadToStreamByName(String, OutputStream, GridFSDownloadByNameOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
doWriteBinaryData(BsonBinary) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a BsonBinary value
doWriteBinaryData(BsonBinary) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteBinaryData(BsonBinary) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteBinaryData(BsonBinary) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteBoolean(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a boolean value
doWriteBoolean(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteBoolean(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteBoolean(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteDateTime(long) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a date time value
doWriteDateTime(long) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteDateTime(long) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteDateTime(long) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteDBPointer(BsonDbPointer) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a DbPointer value
doWriteDBPointer(BsonDbPointer) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteDBPointer(BsonDbPointer) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteDBPointer(BsonDbPointer) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteDecimal128(Decimal128) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a Decimal128 value
doWriteDecimal128(Decimal128) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteDecimal128(Decimal128) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteDecimal128(Decimal128) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteDouble(double) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a Double value
doWriteDouble(double) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteDouble(double) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteDouble(double) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteEndArray() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing the end of an array
doWriteEndArray() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteEndArray() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteEndArray() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteEndDocument() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing the end of a document
doWriteEndDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteEndDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteEndDocument() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteInt32(int) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing an int32 value
doWriteInt32(int) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteInt32(int) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteInt32(int) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteInt64(long) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing an int64 value
doWriteInt64(long) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteInt64(long) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteInt64(long) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteJavaScript(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a JavaScript function
doWriteJavaScript(String) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteJavaScript(String) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteJavaScript(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteJavaScriptWithScope(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a scoped JavaScript function
doWriteJavaScriptWithScope(String) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteJavaScriptWithScope(String) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteJavaScriptWithScope(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteMaxKey() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a Max key
doWriteMaxKey() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteMaxKey() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteMaxKey() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteMinKey() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a Min key
doWriteMinKey() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteMinKey() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteMinKey() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteName(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing the element name.
doWriteName(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteNull() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a Null value
doWriteNull() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteNull() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteNull() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteObjectId(ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing an ObjectId
doWriteObjectId(ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteObjectId(ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteObjectId(ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteRegularExpression(BsonRegularExpression) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a regular expression
doWriteRegularExpression(BsonRegularExpression) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteRegularExpression(BsonRegularExpression) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteRegularExpression(BsonRegularExpression) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteStartArray() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic to start writing an array
doWriteStartArray() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteStartArray() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteStartArray() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteStartDocument() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic to start writing a document
doWriteStartDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteStartDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteStartDocument() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteString(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a String
doWriteString(String) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteString(String) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteString(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteSymbol(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a Symbol
doWriteSymbol(String) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteSymbol(String) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteSymbol(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteTimestamp(BsonTimestamp) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing a timestamp
doWriteTimestamp(BsonTimestamp) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteTimestamp(BsonTimestamp) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteTimestamp(BsonTimestamp) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
doWriteUndefined() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Handles the logic of writing an Undefined value
doWriteUndefined() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
doWriteUndefined() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
doWriteUndefined() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
driverName(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoDriverInformation.Builder
Sets the name
driverPlatform(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoDriverInformation.Builder
Sets the platform
driverVersion(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoDriverInformation.Builder
Sets the version
drop() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Drops the data associated with this bucket from the database.
drop() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drops this collection from the Database.
drop() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Drops this database.
drop() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Drops (deletes) this collection from the database.
drop() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput
Drops the collection that holds the results.
drop(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Drops the data associated with this bucket from the database.
drop(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drops this collection from the Database.
drop(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Drops this database.
DROP - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
The drop operation type
DROP_DATABASE - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
The dropDatabase operation type
DropCollectionOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
DropCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DropCollectionOperation
DropCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DropCollectionOperation
Construct a new instance.
dropDatabase() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Drops this database.
dropDatabase(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Drops the database if it exists.
DropDatabaseOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
DropDatabaseOperation(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DropDatabaseOperation
DropDatabaseOperation(String, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DropDatabaseOperation
Construct a new instance.
dropDups(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the legacy dropDups setting
dropIndex(ClientSession, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given its name.
dropIndex(ClientSession, String, DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given its name.
dropIndex(ClientSession, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndex(ClientSession, Bson, DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndex(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Drops an index from this collection.
dropIndex(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given its name.
dropIndex(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Drops the index with the given name from this collection.
dropIndex(String, DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given its name.
dropIndex(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndex(Bson, DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
dropIndexes() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
dropIndexes() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Drop all indexes on this collection.
dropIndexes(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
dropIndexes(ClientSession, DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
dropIndexes(DropIndexOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
dropIndexes(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Drops the index with the given name from this collection.
DropIndexOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
DropIndexOperation(MongoNamespace, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DropIndexOperation
DropIndexOperation(MongoNamespace, String, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DropIndexOperation
Construct a new instance.
DropIndexOperation(MongoNamespace, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DropIndexOperation
DropIndexOperation(MongoNamespace, BsonDocument, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DropIndexOperation
Construct a new instance.
DropIndexOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply to the command when dropping indexes.
DropIndexOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.DropIndexOptions
dropTarget(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.RenameCollectionOptions
Sets if mongod should drop the target of renameCollection prior to renaming the collection.
dropTarget(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.RenameCollectionOperation
Sets if mongod should drop the target of renameCollection prior to renaming the collection.
DropUserOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
use CommandWriteOperation directly or the mongod shell helpers.
DropUserOperation(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DropUserOperation
Construct a new instance.
DropUserOperation(String, String, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.DropUserOperation
Construct a new instance.
duplicate() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Creates a new byte buffer that shares this buffer's content.
duplicate() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
DUPLICATE_KEY - com.mongodb.ErrorCategory
A duplicate key error
DuplicateKeyException - Exception in com.mongodb
Subclass of WriteConcernException representing a duplicate key exception
DuplicateKeyException(BsonDocument, ServerAddress, WriteConcernResult) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.DuplicateKeyException
Construct an instance.


E12 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
E192 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
E24 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
E48 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
E6 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
E96 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
electionId(ObjectId) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the electionId reported by this server.
ELEM_MATCH - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
elemMatch(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to the $elemMatch operand
elemMatch(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection that includes for the given field only the first element of an array that matches the query filter.
elemMatch(String, Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field that is an array where at least one member of the array matches the given filter.
elemMatch(String, Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection that includes for the given field only the first element of the array value of that field that matches the given query filter.
EmptyBSONCallback - Class in org.bson
Convenience implementation of BSONCallback that throws UnsupportedOperationException for all methods.
EmptyBSONCallback() - Constructor for class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
enabled(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings.Builder
Define whether SSL should be enabled.
enableDiscriminator(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Enables or disables the use of a discriminator when serializing
encode(BSONObject) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
encode(BSONObject) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Encodes a DBObject as a BSON byte array.
encode(BSONObject) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONEncoder
Encode a document into byte array.
encode(BsonWriter, byte[], EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ByteArrayCodec
encode(BsonWriter, GridFSFile, EncoderContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.codecs.GridFSFileCodec
encode(BsonWriter, NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem, EncoderContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystemCodec
encode(BsonWriter, DBObject, EncoderContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodec
encode(BsonWriter, DBRef, EncoderContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRefCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Boolean, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BooleanCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Byte, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ByteCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Character, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.CharacterCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Double, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DoubleCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Float, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.FloatCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Integer, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.IntegerCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Iterable, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Long, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.LongCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Short, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ShortCodec
encode(BsonWriter, String, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.StringCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BigDecimal, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BigDecimalCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Instant, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.InstantCodec
Encode an instance of the type parameter T into a BSON value.
encode(BsonWriter, LocalDate, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalDateCodec
Encode an instance of the type parameter T into a BSON value.
encode(BsonWriter, LocalDateTime, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalDateTimeCodec
Encode an instance of the type parameter T into a BSON value.
encode(BsonWriter, LocalTime, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalTimeCodec
Encode an instance of the type parameter T into a BSON value.
encode(BsonWriter, AtomicBoolean, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.AtomicBooleanCodec
encode(BsonWriter, AtomicInteger, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.AtomicIntegerCodec
encode(BsonWriter, AtomicLong, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.AtomicLongCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Date, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DateCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Map<String, Object>, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MapCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Pattern, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.PatternCodec
encode(BsonWriter, UUID, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.UuidCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonArray, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonArrayCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonBinary, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonBinaryCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonBoolean, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonBooleanCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonDateTime, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDateTimeCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonDbPointer, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDBPointerCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonDecimal128, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDecimal128Codec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonDocument, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonDocumentWrapper, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentWrapperCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonDouble, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDoubleCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonInt32, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonInt32Codec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonInt64, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonInt64Codec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonJavaScript, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonJavaScriptCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonJavaScriptWithScope, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonJavaScriptWithScopeCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonMaxKey, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonMaxKeyCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonMinKey, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonMinKeyCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonNull, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonNullCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonObjectId, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonObjectIdCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonRegularExpression, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonRegularExpressionCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonString, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonStringCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonSymbol, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonSymbolCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonTimestamp, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonTimestampCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonUndefined, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonUndefinedCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BsonValue, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonValueCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Bson, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Document, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodec
encode(BsonWriter, RawBsonDocument, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.RawBsonDocumentCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Binary, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BinaryCodec
encode(BsonWriter, BSONTimestamp, EncoderContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.BSONTimestampCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Code, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.CodeCodec
encode(BsonWriter, CodeWithScope, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.CodeWithScopeCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Decimal128, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.Decimal128Codec
encode(BsonWriter, MaxKey, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MaxKeyCodec
encode(BsonWriter, MinKey, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MinKeyCodec
encode(BsonWriter, ObjectId, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ObjectIdCodec
encode(BsonWriter, Symbol, EncoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.SymbolCodec
encode(BsonWriter, T, EncoderContext) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.Encoder
Encode an instance of the type parameter T into a BSON value.
encoder(DBEncoder) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionRemoveOptions
Sets the encoder
encoder(DBEncoder) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Sets the encoder
Encoder<T> - Interface in org.bson.codecs
Instances of this class are capable of encoding an instance of the type parameter T into a BSON value.
EncoderContext - Class in org.bson.codecs
The context for encoding values to BSON.
EncoderContext.Builder - Class in org.bson.codecs
A builder for EncoderContext instances.
encodeWithChildContext(Encoder<T>, BsonWriter, T) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.EncoderContext
Creates a child context based on this and serializes the value with it to the writer.
encrypt(BsonValue, EncryptOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.vault.ClientEncryption
Encrypt the given value with the given options.
EncryptOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.vault
The options for explicit encryption.
EncryptOptions(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
Construct an instance with the given algorithm.
END_OF_ARRAY - org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.State
The reader is positioned at the end of an array.
END_OF_DOCUMENT - org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.State
The reader is positioned at the end of a document.
END_OF_DOCUMENT - org.bson.BsonType
Not a real BSON type.
entrySet() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
entrySet() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
entrySet() - Method in class org.bson.Document
entrySet() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Gets the entry set for all the key/value pairs in this BSONObject.
entrySet() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
EOO - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
EPSG_4326 - Static variable in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem
The EPSG:4326 Coordinate Reference System.
EPSG_4326_STRICT_WINDING - Static variable in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem
A custom MongoDB EPSG:4326 Coordinate Reference System that uses a strict counter-clockwise winding order.
eq(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field name equals the specified value.
eq(TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of _id field equals the specified value.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteError
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteUpsert
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.WriteConcernError
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteError
equals(Object) - Method in exception com.mongodb.BulkWriteException
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteUpsert
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BsonField
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketAutoOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.UpdateDescription
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Facet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Field
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Geometry
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeometryCollection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.LineString
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiLineString
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPoint
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPolygon
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Point
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Polygon
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.PolygonCoordinates
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Position
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.GraphLookupOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.TextSearchOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Variable
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientSessionOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterId
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionId
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Returns true if this instance is equals to @code{o}.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerId
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerVersion
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodecProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRef
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRefCodecProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.DocumentToDBRefTransformer
equals(Object) - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCompressor
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.CompositeServerSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.LatencyMinimizingServerSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerCursor
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.Tag
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.TaggableReadPreference
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.TagSet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernError
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteError
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Compares two documents according to their serialized form, ignoring the order of keys.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinary
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBoolean
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDateTime
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDbPointer
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDecimal128
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDouble
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonElement
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt32
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt64
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonJavaScript
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonJavaScriptWithScope
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonMaxKey
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonMinKey
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonNull
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonObjectId
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonRegularExpression
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonString
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonSymbol
Will compare equal to a String that is equal to the String that this holds
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonTimestamp
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonUndefined
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonTypeClassMap
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodecProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodecProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MapCodecProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ValueCodecProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.Binary
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.Code
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.CodeWithScope
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.CodeWScope
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Returns true if the encoded representation of this instance is the same as the encoded representation of o.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.MaxKey
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.MinKey
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
equals(Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.Symbol
Will compare equal to a String that is equal to the String that this holds
error(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Log a message at the ERROR level.
error(String) - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Log a message at the ERROR level.
error(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the ERROR level with an accompanying message.
error(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the ERROR level with an accompanying message.
ERROR - com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationAction
Documents must pass validation before the write occurs.
ERROR - com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent.Reason
The connection experienced an error, making it no longer valid
ErrorCategory - Enum in com.mongodb
A categorization of errors returned by a MongoDB server command.
estimatedDocumentCount() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata.
estimatedDocumentCount(EstimatedDocumentCountOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata.
EstimatedDocumentCountOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options an estimated count operation.
EstimatedDocumentCountOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions
eval(String, Object...) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
The eval command was deprecated in MongoDB 3.0
eventLoopGroup(EventLoopGroup) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactoryFactory.Builder
Sets the event loop group.
exception(Throwable) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the exception thrown while attempting to determine the server description.
exclude(String...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection that excludes all of the given fields.
exclude(List<String>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection that excludes all of the given fields.
excludeId() - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection that excludes the _id field.
execute() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteOperation
Execute the bulk write operation with the default write concern of the collection from which this came.
execute() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.TransactionBody
Execute the body of the transaction.
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CommandReadOperation
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CurrentOpOperation
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DistinctOperation
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FsyncUnlockOperation
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Will return a cursor of Documents containing the results of the group operation.
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListDatabasesOperation
Executing this will return a list of all the databases names in the MongoDB instance.
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListIndexesOperation
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Executing this will return a cursor with your results and the statistics in.
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ParallelCollectionScanOperation
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.ReadOperation
General execute which can return anything of type T
execute(ReadBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.UserExistsOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseWriteOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CommandWriteOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CommitTransactionOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateIndexesOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateUserOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateViewOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropCollectionOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropDatabaseOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropIndexOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropUserOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FsyncUnlockOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Executing this will return a cursor with your results in.
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation
Executes a bulk write operation.
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.RenameCollectionOperation
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName in database databaseName to the newCollectionName.
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.TransactionOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.UpdateUserOperation
execute(WriteBinding) - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.WriteOperation
General execute which can return anything of type T
execute(AsyncReadOperation<T>, ReadPreference, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.AsyncOperationExecutor
Execute the read operation with the given read preference.
execute(AsyncReadOperation<T>, ReadPreference, ClientSession, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.AsyncOperationExecutor
Execute the read operation with the given read preference.
execute(AsyncWriteOperation<T>, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.AsyncOperationExecutor
Execute the write operation.
execute(AsyncWriteOperation<T>, ClientSession, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.AsyncOperationExecutor
Execute the write operation.
execute(ReadOperation<T>, ReadPreference) - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.OperationExecutor
Execute the read operation with the given read preference.
execute(WriteOperation<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.OperationExecutor
Execute the write operation.
execute(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteOperation
Execute the bulk write operation with the given write concern.
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<AsyncBatchCursor<T>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<AsyncBatchCursor<T>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<AsyncBatchCursor<T>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DistinctOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<AsyncBatchCursor<T>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<AsyncBatchCursor<T>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<AsyncBatchCursor<T>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<AsyncBatchCursor<T>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListDatabasesOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<AsyncBatchCursor<T>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListIndexesOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<MapReduceAsyncBatchCursor<T>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<Boolean>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.UserExistsOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<Long>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<List<AsyncBatchCursor<T>>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ParallelCollectionScanOperation
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.AsyncReadOperation
General execute which can return anything of type T
executeAsync(AsyncReadBinding, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CommandReadOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<BulkWriteResult>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<MapReduceStatistics>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<WriteConcernResult>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseWriteOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CommitTransactionOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateIndexesOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateUserOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateViewOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropCollectionOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropDatabaseOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropIndexOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropUserOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.RenameCollectionOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.TransactionOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.UpdateUserOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.AsyncWriteOperation
General execute which can return anything of type T
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
executeAsync(AsyncWriteBinding, SingleResultCallback<T>) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CommandWriteOperation
EXECUTION_STATS - com.mongodb.ExplainVerbosity
Runs the query optimizer, and then runs the winning plan to completion.
EXECUTION_TIMEOUT - com.mongodb.ErrorCategory
An execution timeout error
exists(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $exists operand
exists(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents that contain the given field.
exists(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents that either contain or do not contain the given field, depending on the value of the exists parameter.
EXISTS - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
expireAfter(Long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the time to live for documents in the collection
expireAfter(Long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the time to live for documents in the collection
explain() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Replace with direct use of the explain command using the runCommand helper method
EXPLAIN - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
explainAggregate(List<? extends DBObject>, AggregationOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Return the explain plan for the aggregation pipeline.
ExplainVerbosity - Enum in com.mongodb
An enumeration of the verbosity levels available for explaining query execution.
expr(TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Allows the use of aggregation expressions within the query language.
EXTENDED - org.bson.json.JsonMode
Standard extended JSON representation.
extractErrorCode(BsonDocument) - Static method in exception com.mongodb.WriteConcernException
For internal use only: extract the error code from the response to a write command.
extractErrorMessage(BsonDocument) - Static method in exception com.mongodb.WriteConcernException
For internal use only: extract the error message from the response to a write command.
extraOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings.Builder
Sets the extra options.


facet(Facet...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a facet pipeline stage
facet(List<Facet>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a facet pipeline stage
Facet - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
Defines a Facet for use in $facet pipeline stages.
Facet(String, List<? extends Bson>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.Facet
Facet(String, Bson...) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.Facet
FACTORY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBCallback
FACTORY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBDecoder
FACTORY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBEncoder
FACTORY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.LazyDBDecoder
FAIL - com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenMatched
Stop and fail the aggregation operation.
FAIL - com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenNotMatched
Stop and fail the aggregation operation.
failed(Throwable) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncCompletionHandler
Invoked when an operation fails.
FALSE - Static variable in class org.bson.BsonBoolean
Field<TExpression> - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
Helps define new fields for the $addFields pipeline stage
Field(String, TExpression) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.Field
Creates a new field definition for use in $addFields pipeline stages
FieldNameValidator - Interface in org.bson
A field name validator, for use by BSON writers to validate field names as documents are encoded.
fields(List<? extends Bson>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection that combines the list of projections into a single one.
fields(Bson...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection that combines the list of projections into a single one.
filter(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionDistinctOptions
Sets the selection query to determine the subset of documents from which to retrieve the distinct values.
filter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Sets the filter to apply to the query.
filter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DistinctOperation
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
filter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
Sets the filter to apply to the query.
filter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
filter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Sets the filter to apply to the query.
filter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
filter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Sets the optional query filter to determine which documents in the collection to process.
filter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
filter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListDatabasesOperation
Sets the query filter to apply to the returned database names.
filter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets the filter to apply to the query.
filter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Sets the filter to apply to the query.
filter(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.DistinctIterable
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
filter(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
filter(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSFindIterable
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
filter(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ListCollectionsIterable
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
filter(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ListDatabasesIterable
Sets the query filter to apply to the returned database names.
filter(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
Filters - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A factory for query filters.
finalizeFunction(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the JavaScript function that follows the reduce method and modifies the output.
finalizeFunction(BsonJavaScript) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Sets the function that runs each item in the result set before returning the final value.
finalizeFunction(BsonJavaScript) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets the JavaScript function that follows the reduce method and modifies the output.
finalizeFunction(BsonJavaScript) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Sets the JavaScript function that follows the reduce method and modifies the output.
find() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the files collection.
find() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Select all documents in collection and get a cursor to the selected documents.
find(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the files collection.
find(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(ClientSession, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(ClientSession, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the collection that match the filter.
find(ClientSession, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(ClientSession, Bson, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteOperation
Start building a write request to add to the bulk write operation.
find(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Select documents in collection and get a cursor to the selected documents.
find(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Finds a list of files matching the given query.
find(DBObject, DBCollectionFindOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Select documents in collection and get a cursor to the selected documents.
find(DBObject, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Select documents in collection and get a cursor to the selected documents.
find(DBObject, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Finds a list of files matching the given query.
find(DBObject, DBObject, int, int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
find(DBObject, DBObject, int, int, int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
find(Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Finds a list of files matching the given filename.
find(String, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Finds a list of files matching the given filename.
find(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Finds all documents in the collection that match the filter.
find(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(Bson, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(ObjectId) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Finds one file matching the given objectId.
FindAndDeleteOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
FindAndDeleteOperation(MongoNamespace, WriteConcern, boolean, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
Construct a new instance.
FindAndDeleteOperation(MongoNamespace, WriteConcern, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
FindAndDeleteOperation(MongoNamespace, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
findAndModify(DBObject, DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Atomically modify and return a single document.
findAndModify(DBObject, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Atomically modify and return a single document.
findAndModify(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Atomically modify and return a single document.
findAndModify(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, boolean, DBObject, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Atomically modify and return a single document.
findAndModify(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, boolean, DBObject, boolean, boolean, boolean, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Atomically modify and return a single document.
findAndModify(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, boolean, DBObject, boolean, boolean, boolean, long, TimeUnit, WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Atomically modify and return a single document.
findAndModify(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, boolean, DBObject, boolean, boolean, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Atomically modify and return a single document.
findAndModify(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, boolean, DBObject, boolean, boolean, long, TimeUnit, WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Atomically modify and return a single document.
findAndModify(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, boolean, DBObject, boolean, boolean, WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Atomically modify and return a single document.
findAndRemove(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Atomically remove and return a single document.
FindAndReplaceOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
FindAndReplaceOperation(MongoNamespace, WriteConcern, boolean, Decoder<T>, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Construct a new instance.
FindAndReplaceOperation(MongoNamespace, WriteConcern, Decoder<T>, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
FindAndReplaceOperation(MongoNamespace, Decoder<T>, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
FindAndUpdateOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
FindAndUpdateOperation(MongoNamespace, WriteConcern, boolean, Decoder<T>, List<BsonDocument>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Construct a new instance.
FindAndUpdateOperation(MongoNamespace, WriteConcern, boolean, Decoder<T>, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Construct a new instance.
FindAndUpdateOperation(MongoNamespace, WriteConcern, Decoder<T>, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
FindAndUpdateOperation(MongoNamespace, Decoder<T>, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
findByValue(int) - Static method in enum org.bson.BsonType
Gets the BsonType that corresponds to the given int value.
FindIterable<TResult> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
Iterable for find.
findOne() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get a single document from collection.
findOne(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get a single document from collection.
findOne(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Finds one file matching the given query.
findOne(DBObject, DBCollectionFindOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get a single document from collection.
findOne(DBObject, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get a single document from collection.
findOne(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get a single document from collection.
findOne(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get a single document from collection.
findOne(DBObject, DBObject, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get a single document from collection.
findOne(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get a single document from collection by '_id'.
findOne(Object, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get a single document from collection by '_id'.
findOne(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Finds one file matching the given filename.
findOne(ObjectId) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Finds one file matching the given objectId.
findOneAndDelete(ClientSession, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
findOneAndDelete(ClientSession, Bson, FindOneAndDeleteOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
findOneAndDelete(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
findOneAndDelete(Bson, FindOneAndDeleteOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and remove it.
FindOneAndDeleteOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply to an operation that atomically finds a document and deletes it.
FindOneAndDeleteOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, Bson, TDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, Bson, TDocument, FindOneAndReplaceOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
findOneAndReplace(Bson, TDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
findOneAndReplace(Bson, TDocument, FindOneAndReplaceOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and replace it.
FindOneAndReplaceOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply to an operation that atomically finds a document and replaces it.
FindOneAndReplaceOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, Bson, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, Bson, List<? extends Bson>, FindOneAndUpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, Bson, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, FindOneAndUpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(Bson, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(Bson, List<? extends Bson>, FindOneAndUpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(Bson, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
findOneAndUpdate(Bson, Bson, FindOneAndUpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Atomically find a document and update it.
FindOneAndUpdateOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply to an operation that atomically finds a document and updates it.
FindOneAndUpdateOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
FindOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
FindOperation(MongoNamespace, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Construct a new instance.
FindOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
there is no replacement for this class
FindOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Construct a new instance.
FindOptions(FindOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
this constructor is unused
findServerIncompatiblyNewerThanDriver() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Return a server in the cluster that is incompatibly newer than the driver.
findServerIncompatiblyOlderThanDriver() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Return a server in the cluster that is incompatibly older than the driver.
first() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoIterable
Helper to return the first item in the iterator or null.
first(String, TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators
Gets a field name for a $group operation representing the value of the given expression when applied to the first member of the group.
flip() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Flips this buffer.
flip() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
FloatCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes Float objects.
FloatCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.FloatCodec
floatValue() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Converts this Decimal128 to a float.
flush() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSUploadStream
flush() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
flush() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
flush() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Flushes any pending data to the output destination.
flush() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
forEach(Block<? super TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoIterable
Prefer Iterable.forEach(Consumer), which was added in Java 8
fromCodecs(List<? extends Codec<?>>) - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries
Creates a CodecRegistry from the provided list of Codec instances.
fromCodecs(Codec<?>...) - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries
Creates a CodecRegistry from the provided list of Codec instances.
fromErrorCode(int) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.ErrorCategory
Translate an error code into an error category
fromIEEE754BIDEncoding(long, long) - Static method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Create an instance with the given high and low order bits representing this Decimal128 as an IEEE 754-2008 128-bit decimal floating point using the BID encoding scheme.
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationStrength
Gets the order from the given integer representation.
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.operation.OrderBy
Gets the order from the given integer representation.
fromMechanismName(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism
Gets the mechanism by its name.
fromProviders(List<? extends CodecProvider>) - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries
Creates a CodecRegistry from the provided list of CodecProvider instances.
fromProviders(CodecProvider...) - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries
Creates a CodecRegistry from the provided list of CodecProvider instances.
fromRegistries(List<? extends CodecRegistry>) - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries
A CodecRegistry that combines the given CodecRegistry instances into a single registry.
fromRegistries(CodecRegistry...) - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries
A CodecRegistry that combines the given CodecRegistry instances into a single registry.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
Tries find the enum instance for the given value
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.FullDocument
Returns the ChangeStreamFullDocument from the string value.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
Returns the ChangeStreamOperationType from the string value.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationAlternate
Returns the CollationAlternate from the string value.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationCaseFirst
Returns the CollationCaseFirst from the string value.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationMaxVariable
Returns the CollationMaxVariable from the string value.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationAction
Returns the validationAction from the string representation of a validation action.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationLevel
Returns the ValidationLevel from the string representation of the validation level.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.ReadConcernLevel
Returns the ReadConcern from the string read concern level.
fromThrowable(Throwable) - Static method in exception com.mongodb.MongoException
Static helper to create or cast a MongoException from a throwable
fromThrowableNonNull(Throwable) - Static method in exception com.mongodb.MongoException
Static helper to create or cast a MongoException from a throwable
fsync - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
The "fsync" value of the global WriteConcern.
fsync() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
fsync(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
FSYNC_SAFE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
fsyncAndLock() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
FSYNCED - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
FsyncUnlockOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
FsyncUnlockOperation() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.FsyncUnlockOperation
fullDocument(FullDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ChangeStreamIterable
Sets the fullDocument value.
FullDocument - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model.changestream
Change Stream fullDocument configuration.
Function<T,R> - Interface in com.mongodb
Apply a function to the input object yielding an appropriate result object.
FUNCTION - org.bson.BsonBinarySubType
A function.


generate() - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.IdGenerator
Generates an ID for a MongoDB Document.
generate() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ObjectIdGenerator
generate() - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.IdGenerator
Generates an id for a Pojo.
generateIdIfAbsentFromDocument(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodec
generateIdIfAbsentFromDocument(BsonDocument) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentCodec
generateIdIfAbsentFromDocument(Document) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodec
generateIdIfAbsentFromDocument(T) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.CollectibleCodec
Generates a value for the _id field on the given document, if the document does not have one.
geo2d(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
Create an index key for a 2d index on the given field.
geo2dsphere(String...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
Create an index key for an 2dsphere index on the given fields.
geo2dsphere(List<String>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
Create an index key for an ascending index on the given fields.
geoHaystack(String, Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
Create an index key for a geohaystack index on the given field.
geoIntersects(String, Geometry) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that intersects with the specified shape.
geoIntersects(String, Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that intersects with the specified shape.
GeoJsonCodecProvider - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs
A provider of codecs for GeoJSON objects.
GeoJsonCodecProvider() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.GeoJsonCodecProvider
GeoJsonObjectType - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
An enumeration of GeoJSON object types.
Geometry - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
An abstract class for representations of GeoJSON geometry objects.
Geometry() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Geometry
Construct an instance with no specified coordinate reference system.
Geometry(CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Geometry
Construct an instance with the specified coordinate reference system.
GEOMETRY_COLLECTION - com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeoJsonObjectType
A GeometryCollection
GeometryCodec - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs
A Codec for a GeoJSON Geometry.
GeometryCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.GeometryCodec
Construct a new instance
GeometryCollection - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
A representation of a GeoJSON GeometryCollection.
GeometryCollection(CoordinateReferenceSystem, List<? extends Geometry>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeometryCollection
Construct an instance with the given list of Geometry objects
GeometryCollection(List<? extends Geometry>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeometryCollection
Construct an instance with the given list of Geometry objects
GeometryCollectionCodec - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs
A Codec for a GeoJSON GeometryCollection.
GeometryCollectionCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.GeometryCollectionCodec
Constructs an instance.
geoWithin(String, Geometry) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that exists entirely within the specified shape.
geoWithin(String, Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that exists entirely within the specified shape.
geoWithinBox(String, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with grid coordinates data that exist entirely within the specified box.
geoWithinCenter(String, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with grid coordinates data that exist entirely within the specified circle.
geoWithinCenterSphere(String, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data (GeoJSON or legacy coordinate pairs) that exist entirely within the specified circle, using spherical geometry.
geoWithinPolygon(String, List<List<Double>>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with grid coordinates data that exist entirely within the specified polygon.
get() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder
Gets the top level document.
get() - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Creates a DBObject query to be used for the driver's find operations
get() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
get() - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Returns the finished top-level Document.
get() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Relative get method.
get() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
get() - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
get() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONCallback
get() - Static method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Gets a new object id.
get(byte[]) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Relative bulk get method.
get(byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
get(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Relative bulk get method.
get(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
get(int) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
get(int) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Absolute get method.
get(int) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
get(int) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
get(int, byte[]) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Absolute bulk get method.
get(int, byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
get(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Absolute bulk get method.
get(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
get(ReflectionDBObject, String) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject.JavaWrapper
Gets the value for the given field from the given document.
get(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistry
Gets a Codec for the given Class.
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.codecs.GridFSFileCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.GeoJsonCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRefCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonValueCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecProvider
Get a Codec using the given context, which includes, most importantly, the Class for which a Codec is required.
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.Jsr310CodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MapCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PojoCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.UuidCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ValueCodecProvider
get(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
get(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
get(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
get(Object) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
get(Object) - Method in class org.bson.util.ClassMap
Gets the value associated with either this Class or a superclass of this class.
get(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value of the given key, casting it to the given Class<T>.
get(Object, BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
get(Object, T) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value of the given key, casting it to Class<T> or returning the default value if null.
get(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
get(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
get(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Gets a value from this object
get(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONObject
Gets a field from this object by a given name.
get(String) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
get(String) - Method in class org.bson.types.BasicBSONList
Gets a value at an index.
get(BsonType) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonTypeClassMap
Gets the Class that is mapped to the given BSON type.
get(BsonType) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonTypeCodecMap
Gets the Codec mapped to the given bson type.
get(TypeWithTypeParameters<T>) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyCodecRegistry
Gets a Codec for the given Class.
get(TypeWithTypeParameters<T>, PropertyCodecRegistry) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyCodecProvider
Get a Codec using the given context, which includes, most importantly, the class and bound type parameters for which a Codec is required.
get(S) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyAccessor
Gets the value for a given PropertyModel instance.
get_id() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
Gets the _id
getAcceptableLatencyDifference(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.LatencyMinimizingServerSelector
Gets the acceptable latency difference.
getAction() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the output action, one of: "replace", "merge", "reduce".
getAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.QueryResult
Gets the server address.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the address of this server
getAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerId
Gets the server address.
getAddress() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Stream
The address that this stream is connected to.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
getAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerCursor
Gets the server address.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
Gets the encryption algorithm, which must be either "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic" or "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random".
getAliases() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
any aliases should be stored in the metadata document instead.
getAliases() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Gets the aliases from the metadata.
getAll() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
getAllAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
getAllowDiskUse() - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions
If true, this enables external sort capabilities, otherwise $sort produces an error if the operation consumes 10 percent or more of RAM.
getAllowDiskUse() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Whether writing to temporary files is enabled.
getAllowDiskUse() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Whether writing to temporary files is enabled.
getAlternate() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Returns the collation alternate
getAncestry(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.bson.util.ClassMap
Helper method that walks superclass and interface graph, superclasses first, then interfaces, to compute an ancestry list.
getAnnotations() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
getAny() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller
getAnyPrimaryOrSecondary() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller
getAnyPrimaryOrSecondary(TagSet) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller
getApplicationName() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the logical name of the application.
getApplicationName() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the logical name of the application using this MongoClient.
getApplicationName() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the logical name of the application using this MongoClient.
getArbiters() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the arbiters in the replica set
getArray(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonArray, or throws if not.
getArray(Object, BsonArray) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getArrayFilters() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
Returns the array filters option
getArrayFilters() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkUpdateRequestBuilder
Gets the array filters to apply to the update operation
getArrayFilters() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Returns the array filters option
getArrayFilters() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Returns the array filters option
getArrayFilters() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Returns the array filters option
getArrayFilters() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions
Returns the array filters option
getArrayFilters() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Returns the array filters option
getAuthenticationMechanism() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Gets the mechanism
getAutoEncryptionSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the auto-encryption settings
getAutoEncryptionSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the auto-encryption settings.
getBackwards() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Returns the backwards value
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions
The size of batches to use when iterating over results.
getBatchSize() - Method in interface com.mongodb.async.AsyncBatchCursor
Gets the batch size to use when requesting the next batch.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Gets the number of documents to return per batch.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Gets the number of documents to return per batch.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ParallelCollectionScanOptions
Gets the batch size to use for each cursor.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Gets the batch size.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Gets the number of documents to return per batch.
getBatchSize() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.BatchCursor
Gets the batch size to use when requesting the next batch.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Gets the number of documents to return per batch.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets the number of documents to return per batch.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
Gets the number of documents to return per batch.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListIndexesOperation
Gets the number of documents to return per batch.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ParallelCollectionScanOperation
Gets the batch size to use for each cursor.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.ParallelScanOptions
Gets the batch size to use for each cursor.
getBinary(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonBinary, or throws if not.
getBinary(Object, BsonBinary) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getBinaryConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON Binary values to JSON.
getBinaryWriterSettings() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
getBits() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the number of precision of the stored geohash value of the location data in 2d indexes.
getBits() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the number of precision of the stored geohash value of the location data in 2d indexes.
getBoolean(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonBoolean, or throws if not.
getBoolean(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value of the given key as a Boolean.
getBoolean(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value of the given key as a primitive boolean.
getBoolean(Object, BsonBoolean) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the value of a field as a boolean.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the value of a field as a boolean
getBooleanConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON Boolean values to JSON.
getBsonInput() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
Gets the BSON input backing this instance.
getBsonOutput() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
Gets the BSON output backing this instance.
getBSONSize() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Gets the size in bytes of the BSON document.
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinary
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBoolean
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDateTime
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDbPointer
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDecimal128
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDouble
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt32
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt64
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonJavaScript
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonJavaScriptWithScope
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonMaxKey
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonMinKey
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonNull
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonObjectId
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonRegularExpression
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonString
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonSymbol
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonTimestamp
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonUndefined
getBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Gets the BSON type of this value.
getBsonTypeClassMap() - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonValueCodecProvider
Gets the BsonTypeClassMap used by this provider.
getBsonWriter() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Gets the writer responsible for writing the encoded BSON.
getBucketName() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
The bucket name.
getBucketName() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Gets the bucket name used in the collection's namespace.
getBucketSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the specified the number of units within which to group the location values for geoHaystack Indexes
getBucketSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the specified the number of units within which to group the location values for geoHaystack Indexes
getBuffer(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.BufferProvider
Gets a buffer with the givens capacity.
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions
Gets whether to bypass document validation, or null if unspecified.
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteOperation
Gets whether to bypass document validation, or null if unspecified.
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Returns the bypassDocumentValidation
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertManyOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertOneOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.InsertOptions
Gets whether to bypass document validation, or null if unspecified.
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets whether to bypass document validation, or null if unspecified.
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Gets the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseWriteOperation
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Gets the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Gets the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the bypass document level validation flag
getBypassDocumentValidation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation
Gets the the bypass document level validation flag
getByServerAddress(ServerAddress) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller
getByteBuffer() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
Returns a ByteBuf that wraps the byte array, with the proper byte order.
getByteBuffers() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
getByteBuffers() - Method in class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
getByteBuffers() - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
Get a list of byte buffers that are prepared to be read from; in other words, whose position is 0 and whose limit is the number of bytes that should read.
getBytes() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Gets the raw bytes.
getCanonicalAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the string representing the host name and port that this member of a replica set was configured with, e.g.
getCaseFirst() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Returns the collation case first value
getCaseLevel() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Returns the case level value
getCaseSensitive() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.TextSearchOptions
Returns the case-sensitive flag to use with the text search
getCategory() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteError
Gets the category of this error.
getCheckedOutCount() - Method in interface com.mongodb.management.ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean
Gets the count of connections that are currently in use.
getChildContext() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.EncoderContext
Gets a child context based on this.
getChunksCollection() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Gets the DBCollection in which the binary chunks are stored.
getChunkSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The size, in bytes, of each data chunk of this file
getChunkSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Gets the size of a chunk.
getChunkSizeBytes() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Sets the chunk size in bytes.
getChunkSizeBytes() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions
The number of bytes per chunk of this file.
getClassForBsonType(BsonType) - Static method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonValueCodecProvider
Get the BsonValue subclass associated with the given BsonType.
getCluster() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncClusterBinding
getCluster() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.ClusterBinding
Return the cluster.
getClusterDescription() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Gets the current cluster description.
getClusterDescription() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoIncompatibleDriverException
The cluster description which was determined to be incompatible.
getClusterId() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerId
Gets the cluster identifier.
getClusterId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterClosedEvent
Gets the cluster id associated with this event.
getClusterId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterDescriptionChangedEvent
Gets the cluster id associated with this event.
getClusterId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterOpeningEvent
Gets the cluster id.
getClusterListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the cluster listeners.
getClusterListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterEventMulticaster
Gets the cluster listeners.
getClusterListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the list of added ClusterListener.
getClusterSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Gets the cluster settings, which may be null if not provided.
getClusterSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the cluster settings.
getClusterTime() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Gets the cluster time at which the change occurred.
getClusterTime() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Cluster
Get the last seen cluster time
getClusterTime() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
getClusterTime() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Gets the current cluster time for this session context.
getClusterType() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the type of the cluster this server is in (for example, replica set).
getClusterType() - Method in enum com.mongodb.connection.ServerType
The type of the cluster to which this server belongs
getCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.WriteConcernError
Gets the code associated with this error.
getCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteError
Gets the code associated with this error.
getCode() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoException
Gets the exception code
getCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernError
Gets the code associated with this error.
getCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteError
Gets the code associated with this error.
getCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonJavaScript
Get the Javascript code.
getCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonJavaScriptWithScope
Get the code.
getCode() - Method in class org.bson.types.Code
Get the Javascript code.
getCodec() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
getCodecRegistry() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Get the codec registry for the MongoCollection.
getCodecRegistry() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Get the codec registry for the MongoDatabase.
getCodecRegistry() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
The codec registry to use.
getCodecRegistry() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
The codec registry to use, or null if not set.
getCodecRegistry() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentCodec
Gets the CodecRegistry for this Codec.
getCodeName() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.WriteConcernError
Gets the name associated with the error code.
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.DeleteRequest
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkUpdateRequestBuilder
Returns the collation
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteRequestBuilder
Returns the collation
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateViewOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionDistinctOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionRemoveOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCreateViewOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Returns the collation
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateViewOperation
Gets the default collation for the view
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DistinctOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollation() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Returns the collation options
getCollection() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the collection name
getCollection() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Gets the collection.
getCollection() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
Gets the collection name
getCollection() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Gets the collection name.
getCollection(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Gets a collection.
getCollection(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Gets a collection with a given name.
getCollection(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Find a collection that is prefixed with this collection's name.
getCollection(String, Class<TDocument>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Gets a collection, with a specific default document class.
getCollectionFromString(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
getCollectionName() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRef
Gets the name of the collection in which the referenced document is stored.
getCollectionName() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput
Get the name of the collection that the results of the map reduce were saved into.
getCollectionName() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
Gets the collection name.
getCollectionName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Gets the name of the collection to create.
getCollectionName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the name of the collection to output the results to.
getCollectionNames() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Returns a set containing the names of all collections in this database.
getCommand() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandStartedEvent
Gets the command document.
getCommand() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput
Get the original command that was sent to the database.
getCommandCreator(SessionContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
getCommandCreator(SessionContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
getCommandCreator(SessionContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
getCommandCreator(SessionContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
getCommandListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandEventMulticaster
Gets the command listeners.
getCommandListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandListenerMulticaster
Gets the command listeners.
getCommandListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the list of added CommandListener.
getCommandListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the list of added CommandListener.
getCommandName() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandEvent
Gets the name of the command.
getCommandName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AbortTransactionOperation
getCommandName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CommitTransactionOperation
getCommandName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.TransactionOperation
Gets the command name.
getComment() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Returns the comment to send with the query.
getComment() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Returns the comment to send with the query.
getComment() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Returns the comment to send with the aggregate.
getComment() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Returns the comment to send with the aggregate.
getComment() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Returns the comment to send with the query.
getCompressorList() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the list of compressors.
getCompressorList() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the compressors to use for compressing messages to the server.
getCompressorList() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the compressors to use for compressing messages to the server.
getCompressors() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Gets the compressors supported by this connection.
getConnection() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ConnectionSource
Gets a connection from this source.
getConnection() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Server
Gets a connection to this server.
getConnection(SingleResultCallback<AsyncConnection>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncConnectionSource
Gets a connection from this source.
getConnectionAsync(SingleResultCallback<AsyncConnection>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Server
Gets a connection to this server asynchronously.
getConnectionDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandEvent
Gets the description of the connection to which the operation will be sent.
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Gets the id of the connection.
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionAddedEvent
Gets the connection id
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionCheckedInEvent
Gets the connection id
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionCheckedOutEvent
Gets the connection id
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionClosedEvent
Gets the identifier for this connection.
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionMessageReceivedEvent
Gets the identifier for this connection.
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionMessagesSentEvent
Gets the identifier for this connection.
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionOpenedEvent
Gets the connection id
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent
Gets the connection id
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent
Gets the connectionId.
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent
Gets the connectionId.
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent
Gets the connectionId.
getConnectionMode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Gets whether this cluster is connecting to a single server or multiple servers.
getConnectionPoolListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
Gets the list of added ConnectionPoolListener.
getConnectionPoolListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the list of added ConnectionPoolListener.
getConnectionPoolSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the settings for the connection provider in a settings object.
getConnectionsPerHost() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
The maximum number of connections allowed per host for this MongoClient instance.
getConnectionsPerHost() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the maximum number of connections allowed per host for this Mongo instance.
getConnectionString() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Get the unparsed connection string.
getConnectPoint() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the socket connect timeout specified in the connection string.
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
The connection timeout in milliseconds.
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the connection timeout in milliseconds.
getConnectTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings
Gets the timeout for socket connect.
getContentType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
content type information should be stored the metadata document instead.
getContentType() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Gets the content type.
getContext() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings
Gets the SSLContext configured for use with SSL connections.
getContext() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Get the context, which will indicate which state the reader is in, for example which part of a document it's currently reading.
getContext() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Get the context, which will indicate which state the writer is in, for example which part of a document it's currently writing.
getContext() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
getContext() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
getContext() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
getContext() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
getContext() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
getContext() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
getContextType() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.Context
Return the type of this context.
getContextType() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.Mark
getContextType() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.Context
Gets the current context type.
getContextType() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader.Context
getConventions() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
getCoordinateReferenceSystem() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Geometry
Gets the coordinate reference system, which may be null
getCoordinates() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.LineString
Gets the GeoJSON coordinates of this LineString.
getCoordinates() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiLineString
Gets the GeoJSON coordinates of this MultiLineString
getCoordinates() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPoint
Gets the GeoJSON coordinates of this MultiPoint.
getCoordinates() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPolygon
Gets the coordinates.
getCoordinates() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Point
Gets the GeoJSON coordinates of this point.
getCoordinates() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Polygon
Gets the GeoJSON coordinates of the polygon
getCount() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ReferenceCounted
Gets the current reference count, which starts at 0.
getCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the count of documents in collection.
getCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernResult
Returns the number of documents affected by the write operation.
getCount(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the count of documents in collection that would match a criteria.
getCount(DBObject, DBCollectionCountOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the count of documents in collection that would match a criteria.
getCount(DBObject, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
getCount(DBObject, DBObject, long, long) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
getCount(DBObject, DBObject, long, long, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
getCount(DBObject, DBObject, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
getCount(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the count of documents in collection.
getCounter() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
getCredential() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the credential or null if no credentials were specified in the connection string.
getCredential() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Gets the credential that this client authenticates all connections with
getCredential() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the credential.
getCredential() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoSecurityException
The credential being authenticated.
getCredential() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateUserOperation
Gets the users credentials.
getCredential() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.UpdateUserOperation
Gets the users credentials.
getCredentialList() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
getCredentials() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
Gets the credentials.
getCredentials() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Gets the credentials.
getCredentialsList() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
getCurrentBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
getCurrentBsonType() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
getCurrentCounter() - Static method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
getCurrentDescription() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Cluster
Get the current description of this cluster.
getCurrentLength() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
Gets the current length of the JSON text.
getCurrentName() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
getCurrentName() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Gets the most recently read name.
getCursor() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.QueryResult
Gets the cursor.
getCursorId() - Method in interface com.mongodb.Cursor
Gets the server's identifier for this Cursor.
getCursorId() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
getCursorId() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoCursorNotFoundException
Get the cursor id that wasn't found.
getCursorType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Get the cursor type.
getCursorType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Get the cursor type.
getCursorType() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Get the cursor type.
getData() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinary
Gets the data of this Binary.
getData() - Method in class org.bson.types.Binary
Get a copy of the binary value.
getDatabase() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the database name
getDatabase() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
Gets the database name
getDatabase() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Gets the database name.
getDatabase(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Gets a MongoDatabase instance for the given database name.
getDatabase(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the database name
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRef
Gets the name of the database in which the referenced document is stored.
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandStartedEvent
Gets the database on which the operation will be executed.
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput
Get the name of the database that the results of the map reduce were saved into.
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
Gets the database name.
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateViewOperation
Gets the database name
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the name of the database to output into.
getDatabaseNames() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
getDate() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Gets the timestamp as a Date instance.
getDate(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value of the given key as a Date.
getDate(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the date or null if not set.
getDate(String, Date) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the date or def if not set.
getDateTime(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonDateTime, or throws if not.
getDateTime(Object, BsonDateTime) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getDateTimeConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON DateTime values to JSON.
getDB() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Returns the database this collection is a member of.
getDB() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Gets the database used.
getDB(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
This method is not currently scheduled for removal, but prefer MongoClient.getDatabase(String) for new code. Note that DB and MongoDatabase can be used together in the same application, whith the same MongoClient instance.
getDBCallback(DBCollection) - Method in interface com.mongodb.DBDecoder
Get a callback for the given collection.
getDBCallback(DBCollection) - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBDecoder
getDBCallback(DBCollection) - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBDecoder
getDbDecoderFactory() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Override the decoder factory.
getDbDecoderFactory() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the DBCallback factory.
getDBDecoderFactory() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the decoder factory for this collection.
getDbEncoder() - Method in class com.mongodb.InsertOptions
The encoder to use for the documents.
getDbEncoderFactory() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Override the encoder factory.
getDbEncoderFactory() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the encoding factory.
getDBEncoderFactory() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the encoder factory for this collection.
getDBName() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBAddress
Gets the database name
getDecimal128(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonDecimal128, or throws if not.
getDecimal128(Object, BsonDecimal128) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getDecimal128Converter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON Decimal128 values to JSON.
getDecoder() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
Gets the decoder used to decode the result documents.
getDecoder() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
getDecoder() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets the decoder used to decode the result documents.
getDecoder() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Gets the decoder used to decode the result documents.
getDecoder() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets the decoder used to decode the result documents.
getDecoderFactory() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Gets the decoder factory that creates the decoder this cursor will use to decode objects from MongoDB.
getDecodingHooks(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Returns the decoding hook(s) associated with the specific class
getDefaultBucket() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketOptions
getDefaultCodecRegistry() - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Gets the default codec registry.
getDefaultCodecRegistry() - Static method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the default codec registry.
getDefaultLanguage() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the language for a text index.
getDefaultLanguage() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the language for a text index.
getDefaultMaxDocumentSize() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Get the default maximum document size.
getDefaultMaxMessageSize() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Get the default maximum message size.
getDefaultMaxWireVersion() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Get the default maximum wire version
getDefaultMaxWriteBatchSize() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Get the default maximum write batch size.
getDefaultMinWireVersion() - Static method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Get the default minimum wire version
getDefaultTransactionOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientSessionOptions
Gets the default transaction options for the session.
getDeletedCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents deleted by the write operation.
getDeletedCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult
Gets the number of documents deleted.
getDeleteRequests() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DeleteOperation
Gets the list of remove requests.
getDepthField() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.GraphLookupOptions
getDescription() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
Gets the description of the connection.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Cluster
Get the description of this cluster.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterId
Gets the user defined description of the MongoClient.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
getDescription() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
Gets the description of the connection.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Server
Gets the description of this server.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
getDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the description for Mongo instances created with these options.
getDestinationNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the destination namespace, derived from the "to" field in a change stream document.
getDestinationNamespaceDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the destination namespace document, derived from the "to" field in a change stream document.
getDetails() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.WriteConcernError
Gets the details associated with this error.
getDetails() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteError
Gets the details associated with this error.
getDetails() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernError
Gets the details associated with this error.
getDetails() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteError
Gets the details associated with this error.
getDiacriticSensitive() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.TextSearchOptions
Returns the diacritic-sensitive flag to use with the text search
getDisableMD5() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
there is no replacement for this method, as MD5 is being removed
getDiscriminator() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
Returns the discriminator key.
getDiscriminator() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
getDiscriminatorKey() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
Gets the value for the discriminator.
getDiscriminatorKey() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
getDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.InsertRequest
Gets the document to insert.
getDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertOneModel
Gets the document to insert.
getDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWriter
Gets the document that the writer is writing to.
getDocument(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonDocument, or throws if not.
getDocument(Object, BsonDocument) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getDocumentClass() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Get the class of documents stored in this collection.
getDocumentId(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodec
getDocumentId(BsonDocument) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentCodec
getDocumentId(Document) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodec
getDocumentId(T) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.CollectibleCodec
Gets the _id of the given document if it contains one, otherwise throws IllegalArgumentException.
getDocumentKey() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns a document containing just the _id of the changed document.
getDouble() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Relative get method for reading a double value.
getDouble() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
getDouble(int) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Absolute get method for reading a double value.
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
getDouble(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonDouble, or throws if not.
getDouble(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value of the given key as a Double.
getDouble(Object, BsonDouble) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getDouble(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the value of a field as a double.
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the value of a field as an double.
getDoubleConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON Double values to JSON.
getDriverNames() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoDriverInformation
Returns the driverNames
getDriverPlatforms() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoDriverInformation
Returns the driverPlatforms
getDriverVersions() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoDriverInformation
Returns the driverVersions
getDropDups() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Returns the legacy dropDups setting
getDuration() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput
Get the amount of time, in milliseconds, that it took to run this map reduce.
getDuration() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceStatistics
Get the amount of time it took to run the map-reduce.
getElapsedTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandFailedEvent
Gets the elapsed time in the given unit of time.
getElapsedTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandSucceededEvent
Gets the elapsed time in the given unit of time.
getElapsedTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent
Gets the elapsed time in the given time unit.
getElapsedTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent
Gets the elapsed time in the given time unit.
getElectionId() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
The replica set electionid reported by this MongoDB server.
getEmbedded(List<?>, Class<T>) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value in an embedded document, casting it to the given Class<T>.
getEmbedded(List<?>, T) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value in an embedded document, casting it to the given Class<T> or returning the default value if null.
getEmitCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput
Get the number of messages emitted from the provided map function.
getEmitCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceStatistics
Get the number of messages emitted from the provided map function.
getEncoder() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionRemoveOptions
Returns the encoder
getEncoder() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Returns the encoder
getEncoder() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
Get the encoder to use for the wrapped document.
getEncoderClass() - Method in class com.mongodb.BSONTimestampCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.codecs.GridFSFileCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystemCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRefCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.AtomicBooleanCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.AtomicIntegerCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.AtomicLongCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BigDecimalCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BinaryCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BooleanCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonArrayCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonBinaryCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonBooleanCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDateTimeCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDBPointerCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDecimal128Codec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentWrapperCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDoubleCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonInt32Codec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonInt64Codec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonJavaScriptCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonJavaScriptWithScopeCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonMaxKeyCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonMinKeyCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonNullCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonObjectIdCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonRegularExpressionCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonStringCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonSymbolCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonTimestampCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonUndefinedCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonValueCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ByteArrayCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ByteCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.CharacterCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.CodeCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.CodeWithScopeCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DateCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.Decimal128Codec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DoubleCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.Encoder
Returns the Class instance that this encodes.
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.FloatCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.IntegerCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.InstantCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalDateCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalDateTimeCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalTimeCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.LongCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MapCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MaxKeyCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MinKeyCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ObjectIdCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.PatternCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.RawBsonDocumentCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ShortCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.StringCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.SymbolCodec
getEncoderClass() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.UuidCodec
getEncodingHooks(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Returns the encoding hook(s) associated with the specified class.
getError() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner
Gets the combined errors as an exception
getError() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoWriteException
Gets the error.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoCommandException
Gets the error code associated with the command failure.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoQueryException
Gets the error code for this query failure.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.mongodb.WriteConcernException
Gets the error code associated with the write concern failure.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception org.bson.BSONException
Returns the error code.
getErrorCodeName() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoCommandException
Gets the name associated with the error code.
getErrorLabels() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoException
Gets the set of error labels associated with this exception.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class com.mongodb.CommandResult
Gets the error message associated with a failed command.
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoCommandException
Gets the error message associated with the command failure.
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoQueryException
Gets the error message for this query failure.
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception com.mongodb.WriteConcernException
Gets the error message associated with the write concern failure.
getException() - Method in class com.mongodb.CommandResult
Utility method to create an exception from a failed command.
getException() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the exception thrown while attempting to determine the server description.
getExpireAfter(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the time to live for documents in the collection
getExpireAfter(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the time to live for documents in the collection
getExterior() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Polygon
Gets the exterior coordinates.
getExterior() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.PolygonCoordinates
Gets the exterior of the polygon.
getExtraElements() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
any extra information should be stored in the metadata document instead.
getExtraOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings
Gets the extra options that control the behavior of auto-encryption components.
getFieldNameValidator() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
getFieldNameValidator() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
getFieldNameValidator() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
getFieldNameValidator() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
getFileId() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSUploadStream
getFileList() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Gets the list of files stored in this gridfs, sorted by filename.
getFileList(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Gets a filtered list of files stored in this gridfs, sorted by filename.
getFileList(DBObject, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Gets a sorted, filtered list of files stored in this gridfs.
getFilename() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The filename
getFilename() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Gets the filename.
getFilesCollection() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Gets the DBCollection in which the file's metadata is stored.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.DeleteRequest
Gets the query Object filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
Gets the query filter for the update.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionDistinctOptions
Gets the selection query to determine the subset of documents from which to retrieve the distinct values
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteManyModel
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteOneModel
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DistinctOperation
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Gets the query filter to determine which documents in the collection to process.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListDatabasesOperation
Gets the query filter to apply to the returned database names.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the query filter.
getFilter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets the query filter.
getFinalize() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the Finalize JS Function
getFinalizeFunction() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Gets the function that runs each item in the result before returning the final value.
getFinalizeFunction() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the JavaScript function that follows the reduce method and modifies the output.
getFinalizeFunction() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets the JavaScript function that follows the reduce method and modifies the output.
getFirstKey() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the first key in the document.
getFirstKey() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
getFsync() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
getFullDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the fullDocument
getFullDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Returns the fullDocument value, in 3.6
getFullName() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the full name of a collection, with the database name as a prefix.
getFullName() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
Gets the full name, which is the database name and the collection name, separated by a period.
getGeneratedMachineIdentifier() - Static method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
getGeneratedProcessIdentifier() - Static method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
getGeometries() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeometryCollection
Gets the list of Geometry objects in this collection.
getGranularity() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketAutoOptions
getGridFS() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Gets the GridFS associated with this file
getGridFSFile() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream
Gets the corresponding GridFSFile for the file being downloaded
getHeartbeatConnectTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the connect timeout for connections used for the cluster heartbeat.
getHeartbeatFrequency() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
getHeartbeatFrequency() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the heartbeat frequency.
getHeartbeatFrequency(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings
Gets the frequency that the cluster monitor attempts to reach each server.
getHeartbeatSocketSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the connection settings for the heartbeat thread (the background task that checks the state of the cluster) wrapped in a settings object.
getHeartbeatSocketTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the socket timeout for connections used for the cluster heartbeat.
getHigh() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Gets the high-order 64 bits of the IEEE 754-2008 128-bit decimal floating point encoding for this Decimal128, using the BID encoding scheme.
getHint() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Gets the hint to apply.
getHint() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Gets the hint to apply.
getHint() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Returns the hint for which index to use.
getHint() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Returns the hint for which index to use.
getHint() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Returns the hint for which index to use.
getHint() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Returns the hint for which index to use.
getHint() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Gets the hint to apply.
getHint() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Returns the hint for which index to use.
getHintBsonValue() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Returns the hint BsonValue for which index to use.
getHintFields() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
getHintString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Gets the hint string to apply.
getHintString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Gets the hint string to apply.
getHintString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Gets the hint string to apply.
getHoles() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Polygon
Get the holes in this polygon.
getHoles() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.PolygonCoordinates
Gets the holes in the polygon.
getHost() - Method in interface com.mongodb.management.ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean
Gets the host that this connection pool is connecting to.
getHost() - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Gets the hostname
getHosts() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the seed list of hosts for the cluster.
getHosts() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Get a Set of strings in the format of "[hostname]:[port]" that contains all members of the replica set that are neither hidden, passive, nor arbiters.
getHosts() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the list of hosts
getHosts() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
Gets the list of hosts
getHosts() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Gets the list of hosts.
getId() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteUpsert
Gets the id of the upserted item.
getId() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteUpsert
Gets the id of the upserted item.
getId() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSUploadStream
Gets the BsonValue for the file to be uploaded
getId() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The BsonValue id for this file.
getId() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRef
Gets the _id of the referenced document
getId() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Gets the id.
getId() - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerCursor
Gets the cursor id that the server uses to uniquely identify the cursor.
getId() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDbPointer
Gets the id.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ServerSession
getIdGenerator() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
getIdPropertyModel() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
Returns the PropertyModel mapped as the id property for this ClassModel
getIdPropertyName() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
getInc() - Method in class org.bson.BsonTimestamp
Gets the increment value.
getInc() - Method in class org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp
Gets the incrementing ordinal for operations within a given second.
getIncludeArrayIndex() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UnwindOptions
Gets the includeArrayIndex field if set or null
getIndentCharacters() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
The indent characters to use if indent mode is enabled.
getIndentCharacters() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings
The indent characters to use if indent mode is enabled.
getIndex() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteError
The index of the item in the bulk write operation with this error.
getIndex() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteUpsert
Gets the index of the upserted item based on the order it was added to the bulk write operation.
getIndex() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteError
The index of the item in the bulk write operation with this error.
getIndex() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteUpsert
Gets the index of the upserted item based on the order it was added to the bulk write operation.
getIndexInfo() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Return a list of the indexes for this collection.
getIndexNames() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateIndexesOperation
Gets the index names.
getIndexOptionDefaults() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the index option defaults for the collection.
getIndexOptionDefaults() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Gets the index option defaults for the collection.
getInitial() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Gets the initial the aggregation result document.
getInput() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Get the name of the collection the MapReduce will read from
getInputCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput
Get the number of documents that were input into the map reduce operation
getInputCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceStatistics
Get the number of documents that were input into the map reduce operation
getInputStream() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSDBFile
Returns an InputStream from which data can be read.
getInsertedCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents inserted by the write operation.
getInsertedCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents inserted by the write operation.
getInsertRequests() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.InsertOperation
Gets the list of insert requests.
getInstance() - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.InstanceCreator
Returns the new instance of the class.
getInstanceCreatorFactory() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
getInt() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Relative get method for reading an int value.
getInt() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
getInt(int) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Absolute get method for reading an int value.
getInt(int) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
getInt(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the value of a field as an int.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the value of a field as an int.
getInt32(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonInt32, or throws if not.
getInt32(Object, BsonInt32) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getInt32Converter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON Int32 values to JSON.
getInt64(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonInt64, or throws if not.
getInt64(Object, BsonInt64) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getInt64Converter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON Int64 values to JSON.
getInteger(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value of the given key as an Integer.
getInteger(Object, int) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value of the given key as a primitive int.
getInternalBuffer() - Method in class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
Gets the internal buffer.
getInternalClass(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Gets the internal class for the given path in the document hierarchy
getIntRepresentation() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationStrength
The integer representation of the collation strength.
getIntRepresentation() - Method in enum com.mongodb.operation.OrderBy
The integer representation of the order.
getJ() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
getJavaScriptConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON JavaScript values to JSON.
getJournal() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Gets the journal property.
getJsMode() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the (optional) JavaScript mode
getKey() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Gets the document containing the field or fields to group.
getKeyAltName() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
Gets the alternate name with which to look up the key.
getKeyAltNames() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
Gets the alternate key names.
getKeyFunction() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Gets the function that creates a "key object" for use as the grouping key.
getKeyId() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
Gets the key identifier.
getKeys() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the index keys
getKeys() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexModel
Gets the index keys.
getKeysWanted() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Gets the fields to be returned.
getKeyVaultMongoClientSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings
Gets the key vault settings.
getKeyVaultMongoClientSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientEncryptionSettings
Gets the key vault settings.
getKeyVaultNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings
Gets the key vault namespace.
getKeyVaultNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientEncryptionSettings
Gets the key vault namespace.
getKmsProviders() - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings
Gets the map of KMS provider properties.
getKmsProviders() - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientEncryptionSettings
Gets the map of KMS provider properties.
getLanguage() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.TextSearchOptions
Returns the language to be used with the text search
getLanguageOverride() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the name of the field that contains the language string.
getLanguageOverride() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the name of the field that contains the language string.
getLastUpdateTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the time that this server description was created, using a monotonic clock like System.nanoTime().
getLastWriteDate() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the last write date.
getLegacy() - Static method in class com.mongodb.util.JSONSerializers
Returns an ObjectSerializer that mostly conforms to the strict JSON format defined in extended JSON, but with a few differences to keep compatibility with previous versions of the driver.
getLength() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The length, in bytes of this file
getLength() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Gets the file's length.
getLevel() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
Gets the read concern level.
getLimit() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Gets the limit to apply.
getLimit() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Gets the limit to apply.
getLimit() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Gets the limit to apply.
getLimit() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Gets the limit to apply.
getLimit() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Gets the query limit.
getLimit() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the (optional) limit on input
getLimit() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Gets the limit to apply.
getLimit() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets the limit to apply.
getLimit() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the limit to apply.
getLimit() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets the limit to apply.
getList(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the list value of the given key, casting the list elements to the given Class<T>.
getList(Object, Class<T>, List<T>) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the list value of the given key, casting the list elements to Class<T> or returning the default list value if null.
getLocale() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Returns the locale
getLocalThreshold() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
getLocalThreshold() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the local threshold.
getLocalThreshold(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the local threshold.
getLocalValue() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionId
Gets the locally created id value for the connection
getLogger(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Loggers
Gets a logger with the given suffix appended on to PREFIX, separated by a '.'.
getLogger(String) - Static method in class org.bson.diagnostics.Loggers
Gets a logger with the given suffix appended on to PREFIX, separated by a '.'.
getLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Gets the logical session timeout in minutes, or null if at least one of the known servers does not support logical sessions.
getLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the session timeout in minutes.
getLong() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Relative get method for reading a long value.
getLong() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
getLong(int) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Absolute get method for reading a long value.
getLong(int) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
getLong(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value of the given key as a Long.
getLong(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the value of a field as a long.
getLong(String, long) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the value of a field as an long.
getLow() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Gets the low-order 64 bits of the IEEE 754-2008 128-bit decimal floating point encoding for this Decimal128, using the BID encoding scheme.
getLsid() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the identifier for the session associated with the transaction
getMachineIdentifier() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
getMaintenanceFrequency(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
Returns the time period between runs of the maintenance job.
getMaintenanceInitialDelay(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
Returns the period of time to wait before running the first maintenance job on the connection pool.
getMap() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Get the map function, as a JS String
getMapFunction() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the JavaScript function that associates or "maps" a value with a key and emits the key and value pair.
getMapFunction() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets the JavaScript function that associates or "maps" a value with a key and emits the key and value pair.
getMark() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
getMark() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
getMark() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Gets a mark representing the current state of the reader.
getMark() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
getMark(int) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Gets a mark for the current position in the stream.
getMark(int) - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
getMaster() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReplicaSetStatus
Gets the ServerAddress of the master server in this replica set.
getMasterKey() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
Gets the master key document
getMatchedCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents matched by updates or replacements in the write operation.
getMatchedCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents matched by updates or replacements in the write operation.
getMatchedCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult
Gets the number of documents matched by the query.
getMax() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the upper inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
getMax() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Returns the exclusive upper bound for a specific index.
getMax() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Returns the exclusive upper bound for a specific index.
getMax() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the upper inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
getMax() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Returns the exclusive upper bound for a specific index.
getMaxAwaitTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query.
getMaxAwaitTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query.
getMaxAwaitTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query.
getMaxAwaitTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query.
getMaxAwaitTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query.
getMaxBatchCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Gets the max batch count for bulk write operations.
getMaxBsonObjectSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
getMaxBsonObjectSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReplicaSetStatus
Gets the maximum size for a BSON object supported by the current master server.
getMaxCommitTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CommitTransactionOperation
Gets the maximum amount of time to allow a single commitTransaction command to execute.
getMaxCommitTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions
Gets the maximum amount of time to allow a single commitTransaction command to execute.
getMaxConnectionIdleTime() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the maximum connection idle time specified in the connection string.
getMaxConnectionIdleTime() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
The maximum idle time of a pooled connection.
getMaxConnectionIdleTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
Returns the maximum idle time of a pooled connection.
getMaxConnectionLifeTime() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the maximum connection life time specified in the connection string.
getMaxConnectionLifeTime() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
The maximum life time of a pooled connection.
getMaxConnectionLifeTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The maximum time a pooled connection can live for.
getMaxConnectionPoolSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the maximum connection pool size specified in the connection string.
getMaxDepth() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.GraphLookupOptions
getMaxDocuments() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the maximum number of documents allowed in a capped collection.
getMaxDocuments() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Gets the maximum number of documents allowed in the collection.
getMaxDocumentSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Gets the max document size in bytes for documents to be stored in collections.
getMaxDocumentSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
The maximum permitted size of a BSON object in bytes for this mongod process.
getMaxDocumentSize() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriterSettings
Gets the maximum size for BSON documents.
getMaxKeyConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON MaxKey values to JSON.
getMaxLength() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
The maximum length of the JSON string.
getMaxLength() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings
The maximum length of the JSON string.
getMaxMessageSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Gets the max message size in bytes for wire protocol messages to be sent to the server.
getMaxScan() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Deprecated as of MongoDB 4.0 release
getMaxScan() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Deprecated as of MongoDB 4.0 release
getMaxSerializationDepth() - Method in class org.bson.BsonWriterSettings
Gets the maximum nuber of levels of depth defined by this settings object.
getMaxSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The maximum number of connections allowed.
getMaxSize() - Method in interface com.mongodb.management.ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean
Gets the maximum allowed size of the pool, including idle and in-use members.
getMaxStaleness(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.TaggableReadPreference
Gets the maximum acceptable staleness of a secondary in order to be considered for read operations.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions
Gets the maximum execution time for the aggregation command.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateIndexOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DropIndexOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Gets the maximum execution time for the find one and delete operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Gets the maximum execution time for the find one and replace operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Gets the maximum execution time for the find one and update operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the max execution time for this command, in the given time unit.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateIndexesOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DistinctOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropIndexOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListDatabasesOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListIndexesOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
getMaxVariable() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Returns the maxVariable
getMaxWaitQueueSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
in the next major release, wait queue size limitations will be removed
getMaxWaitQueueSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
in the next major release, wait queue size limitations will be removed
getMaxWaitTime() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the maximum wait time of a thread waiting for a connection specified in the connection string.
getMaxWaitTime() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
The maximum wait time in milliseconds that a thread may wait for a connection to become available.
getMaxWaitTime() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the maximum wait time in milliseconds that a thread may wait for a connection to become available.
getMaxWaitTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The maximum time that a thread may wait for a connection to become available.
getMaxWireVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
The latest version of the wire protocol that this MongoDB server is capable of using to communicate with clients.
getMaxWireVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
The latest version of the wire protocol that this MongoDB server is capable of using to communicate with clients.
getMBeanServer() - Static method in class com.mongodb.management.MBeanServerFactory
Gets the MBeanServer for registering or unregistering MBeans.
getMD5() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
file hashing is deprecated and may be removed in the future.
getMD5() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
there is no replacement for this method
getMechanism() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Gets the mechanism
getMechanismName() - Method in enum com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism
Get the mechanism name.
getMechanismProperty(String, T) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Get the value of the given key to a mechanism property, or defaultValue if there is no mapping.
getMessage() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.WriteConcernError
Gets the message associated with this error.
getMessage() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteError
Gets the message associated with this error.
getMessage() - Method in exception com.mongodb.util.JSONParseException
getMessage() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernError
Gets the message associated with this error.
getMessage() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteError
Gets the message associated with this error.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
Any additional metadata stored along with the file
getMetadata() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions
Returns any user provided data for the 'metadata' field of the files collection document.
getMetaData() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Gets the file metadata.
getMin() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the lower inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
getMin() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Returns the minimum inclusive lower bound for a specific index.
getMin() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Returns the minimum inclusive lower bound for a specific index.
getMin() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the lower inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
getMin() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Returns the minimum inclusive lower bound for a specific index.
getMinConnectionPoolSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the minimum connection pool size specified in the connection string.
getMinConnectionsPerHost() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
The minimum number of connections per host for this MongoClient instance.
getMinHeartbeatFrequency() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the minimum heartbeat frequency.
getMinHeartbeatFrequency(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings
Gets the minimum heartbeat frequency.
getMinKeyConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON MinKey values to JSON.
getMinSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
The minimum number of connections.
getMinSize() - Method in interface com.mongodb.management.ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean
Gets the minimum allowed size of the pool, including idle and in-use members.
getMinWireVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
The earliest version of the wire protocol that this MongoDB server is capable of using to communicate with clients.
getMode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the mode.
getModifiedCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents modified by the write operation.
getModifiedCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents modified by the write operation.
getModifiedCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult
Gets the number of documents modified by the update.
getModifiers() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
use the individual setters instead
getModifiers() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
use the individual modifier methods instead.
getModifiers() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets the query modifiers to apply to this operation.
getMongo() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
getMongoClient() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Gets the MongoClient instance
getMongoClientOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Gets the options that this client uses to connect to server.
getMongoOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Please use MongoClient class to connect to server and corresponding MongoClient.getMongoClientOptions()
getMore(MongoNamespace, long, int, Decoder<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
Get more result documents from a cursor.
getMoreAsync(MongoNamespace, long, int, Decoder<T>, SingleResultCallback<QueryResult<T>>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
Get more result documents from a cursor asynchronously.
getN() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteResult
Gets the "n" field, which contains the number of documents affected in the write operation.
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the name of the index.
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BsonField
Gets the field name
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Facet
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Field
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem
Gets the name of this Coordinate Reference System.
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the name of the index.
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Variable
getName() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Gets the name of the database.
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Returns the name of this database.
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the name of a collection.
getName() - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Return the name of this Logger instance.
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCompressor
Gets the name of the compressor.
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets the name of this read preference.
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReplicaSetStatus
Get the name of the replica set.
getName() - Method in class com.mongodb.Tag
Gets the name of the replica set tag.
getName() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
The name of the field being written.
getName() - Method in class org.bson.BsonElement
Gets the name of the key/field.
getName() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
Returns the name of the class represented by this ClassModel
getName() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
getName() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
getName() - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Return the name of this Logger instance.
getNameOnly() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListDatabasesOperation
Gets the nameOnly flag that indicates whether the command should return just the database names or return the database names and size information.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the namespace, derived from the "ns" field in a change stream document.
getNamespace() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Gets the namespace of this collection.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.QueryResult
Gets the namespace.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
Gets the namespace.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseWriteOperation
Gets the namespace of the collection to write to.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
getNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets the namespace.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Gets the namespace.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the namespace.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets the namespace.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation
Gets the namespace of the collection to write to.
getNamespace() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDbPointer
Gets the namespace.
getNamespaceDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the namespace cocument, derived from the "ns" field in a change stream document.
getNewDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterDescriptionChangedEvent
Gets the new cluster description.
getNewDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerDescriptionChangedEvent
Gets the new server description.
getNewLineCharacters() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
The new line character(s) to use if indent mode is enabled.
getNewLineCharacters() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings
The new line character(s) to use if indent mode is enabled.
getNextElement() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader.Context
getNextSplit() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload
getNextState() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Returns the next State to transition to, based on the AbstractBsonReader.Context of this reader.
getNextState() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Returns the next valid state for this writer.
getNextValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader.Context
getNormalization() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Returns the normalization value
getNullConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON Null values to JSON.
getNumber(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonNumber, or throws if not.
getNumber(Object, BsonNumber) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getNumCursors() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ParallelCollectionScanOperation
Gets the number of cursors requested.
getNumCursors() - Method in class com.mongodb.ParallelScanOptions
Gets the number of cursors requested.
getNumericOrdering() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Returns the numeric ordering, if true will order numbers based on numerical order and not collation order.
getObjectClass() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Gets the default class for objects in the collection
getObjectId() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSUploadStream
Gets the ObjectId for the file to be uploaded or throws an error if an alternative BsonType has been used for the id.
getObjectId() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The ObjectId for this file.
getObjectId(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonObjectId, or throws if not.
getObjectId(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value of the given key as an ObjectId.
getObjectId(Object, BsonObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getObjectId(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the object id or null if not set.
getObjectId(String, ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the object id or def if not set.
getObjectIdConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON ObjectId values to JSON.
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.jndi.MongoClientFactory
This implementation will create instances of MongoClient based on a connection string conforming to the format specified in MongoClientURI.
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.MongoClientFactory
This implementation will create instances of MongoClient based on a connection string conforming to the format specified in ConnectionString.
getOffset() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Gets the offset into the raw bytes representing the start of the document
getOperationTime() - Method in interface com.mongodb.async.AsyncAggregateResponseBatchCursor
Returns the operation time found in the aggregate or getMore response.
getOperationTime() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.AggregateResponseBatchCursor
Returns the operation time found in the aggregate or getMore response.
getOperationTime() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
Gets the operation time of the last operation executed in this session.
getOperationTime() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Gets the current operation time for this session context
getOperationType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the operationType
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteManyModel
Gets the options to apply.
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteOneModel
Gets the options to apply.
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexModel
Gets the index options.
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Gets the options to apply.
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Gets the options to apply.
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Replaced with DBCursor.getOptions()
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Replaced with DBCursor.getOptions()
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Get options instead from instances of DBCursor
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
Gets the options
getOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Gets the options.
getOptions() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
Get the options for this session.
getOptions() - Method in class org.bson.BsonRegularExpression
Gets the options for the regular expression
getOriginator() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
Gets the originator for the session.
getOutput() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketAutoOptions
getOutput() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketOptions
getOutputBuffer() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Gets the buffer the BSON is being encoded into.
getOutputCollection() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput
Gets the collection that holds the results (Will return null if results are Inline).
getOutputCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput
Get the number of documents generated as a result of this map reduce
getOutputCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceStatistics
Get the number of documents generated as a result of this map reduce
getOutputDB() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the (optional) database name where the output collection should reside
getOutputMode() - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions
There is no replacement for this. Applications can assume that the driver will use a cursor for server versions that support it (>= 2.6). The driver will ignore this as of MongoDB 3.6, which does not support inline results for the aggregate command.
getOutputMode() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
The output mode to use.
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
After retrieving this OutputStream, this object will be capable of accepting successively written data to the output stream.
getOutputTarget() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the output target (name of collection to save to) This value is nullable only if OutputType is set to INLINE
getOutputType() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the OutputType for this instance.
getParentContext() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.Context
Returns the parent context.
getParentContext() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.Mark
getParentContext() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.Context
Returns the parent context.
getParentContext() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader.Context
getParentContext() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter.Context
getParentContext() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader.Context
getParentContext() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter.Context
getPartialFilterExpression() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Get the filter expression for the documents to be included in the index or null if not set
getPartialFilterExpression() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Get the filter expression for the documents to be included in the index or null if not set
getPassives() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the passive members of the replica set.
getPassword() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the password
getPassword() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
Gets the password
getPassword() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Gets the password.
getPassword() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Gets the password.
getPattern() - Method in class org.bson.BsonRegularExpression
Gets the regex pattern.
getPayload() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload
getPayloadName() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload
getPayloadType() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload
getPinnedServerAddress() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ClientSession
Returns the server address of the pinned mongos on this session.
getPinnedServerAddress() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
Get the server address of the pinned mongos on this session.
getPipeline() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Facet
getPipeline() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Gets the aggregation pipeline.
getPipeline() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Gets the aggregation pipeline.
getPipeline() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Gets the aggregation pipeline.
getPipeline() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateViewOperation
Gets the pipeline that defines the view.
getPort() - Method in interface com.mongodb.management.ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean
Gets the port that this connection pool is connecting to.
getPort() - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Gets the port number
getPosition() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Point
Gets the position of this point.
getPosition() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
Gets the position at which to add the pushed values in the array.
getPosition() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
getPosition() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload
getPosition() - Method in class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
getPosition() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Gets the current position in the stream
getPosition() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Gets the current position in the stream.
getPosition() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
getPostBatchResumeToken() - Method in interface com.mongodb.async.AsyncAggregateResponseBatchCursor
Returns the postBatchResumeToken.
getPostBatchResumeToken() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.AggregateResponseBatchCursor
Returns the postBatchResumeToken.
getPreviousDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterDescriptionChangedEvent
Gets the previous cluster description.
getPreviousDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerDescriptionChangedEvent
Gets the previous server description.
getPrimaries() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller
getPrimary() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the address of the current primary in the replica set
getProcessIdentifier() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
getProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Returns the projection
getProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Gets a property by the property name.
getProperty(String, T) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCompressor
Gets the property with the given key.
getPropertyAccessor() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
getPropertyAccessor() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Returns the PropertyAccessor
getPropertyModel(String) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
Gets a PropertyModel by the property name.
getPropertyModelBuilders() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
getPropertyModels() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
Returns all the properties on this model
getPropertyNonNull(String, T) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCompressor
Gets the property with the given key.
getPropertySerialization() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
getQuery() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Gets the query.
getQuery() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the query to run for this MapReduce job
getReadAnnotations() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Returns the read annotations, to be applied when serializing to BSON
getReadConcern() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Get the read concern for the GridFSBucket.
getReadConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Returns the readConcern
getReadConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionDistinctOptions
Returns the readConcern
getReadConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Returns the readConcern
getReadConcern() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Get the read concern for the MongoCollection.
getReadConcern() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Get the read concern for the MongoDatabase.
getReadConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the read concern specified in the connection string.
getReadConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Get the read concern for this database.
getReadConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the read concern for this collection.
getReadConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Gets the read concern
getReadConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
The read concern to use.
getReadConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
The read concern to use.
getReadConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Gets the read concern.
getReadConcern() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Gets the read concern to apply to operations on this binding.
getReadConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions
Gets the read concern.
getReadConnectionSource() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.ClusterBinding
getReadConnectionSource() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ReadBinding
Returns a connection source to a server that satisfies the specified read preference.
getReadConnectionSource() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.SingleConnectionReadBinding
getReadConnectionSource() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.SingleServerBinding
getReadConnectionSource(SingleResultCallback<AsyncConnectionSource>) - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncClusterBinding
getReadConnectionSource(SingleResultCallback<AsyncConnectionSource>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncReadBinding
Returns a connection source to a server that satisfies the specified read preference.
getReadConnectionSource(SingleResultCallback<AsyncConnectionSource>) - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleConnectionReadBinding
getReadConnectionSource(SingleResultCallback<AsyncConnectionSource>) - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleServerBinding
getReadName() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
getReadName() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncClusterBinding
getReadPreference() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncReadBinding
The read preference that all connection sources returned by this instance will satisfy.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleConnectionReadBinding
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleServerBinding
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.ClusterBinding
getReadPreference() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ReadBinding
The read preference that all connection sources returned by this instance will satisfy.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.SingleConnectionReadBinding
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.SingleServerBinding
getReadPreference() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Get the read preference for the GridFSBucket.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Returns the readPreference
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionDistinctOptions
Returns the readPreference
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Returns the readPreference
getReadPreference() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Get the read preference for the MongoCollection.
getReadPreference() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Get the read preference for the MongoDatabase.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the read preference specified in the connection string.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Gets the read preference for this database.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Gets the ReadPreference.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Gets the default read preference.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the read preference
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Gets the default read preference
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
The read preference to use for queries, map-reduce, aggregation, and count.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
The read preference to use for queries, map-reduce, aggregation, and count.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the read preference.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.ParallelScanOptions
Gets the read preference to use.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.ReadPreferenceServerSelector
Gets the read preference.
getReadPreference() - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions
Gets the read preference.
getReadTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings
Gets the timeout for socket reads.
getReason() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent
Get the reason the connection was removed.
getReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings
Gets the receive buffer size.
getRecoveryToken() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
Get the recovery token from the latest outcome in a sharded transaction.
getReduce() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the reduce function, as a JS String
getReduceFunction() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Gets the aggregation function that operates on the documents during the grouping operation.
getReduceFunction() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the JavaScript function that "reduces" to a single object all the values associated with a particular key.
getReduceFunction() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets the JavaScript function that "reduces" to a single object all the values associated with a particular key.
getReferenceCount() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Gets the current reference count, which starts at 0.
getReferenceCount() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
getRegularExpression(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonRegularExpression, or throws if not.
getRegularExpression(Object, BsonRegularExpression) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getRegularExpressionConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON RegularExpression values to JSON.
getRemovedCount() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteResult
Returns the number of documents removed by the write operation.
getRemovedFields() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.UpdateDescription
Returns the removedFields
getReplacement() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
Gets the document which will replace the document matching the query filter.
getReplacement() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Gets the document which will replace the document matching the query filter.
getReplaceOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
Gets the ReplaceOptions to apply.
getReplicaSetStatus() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
getReply() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent
Gets the reply to the isMaster command executed for this heartbeat.
getRequestId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandEvent
Gets the request identifier
getRequestId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionMessagesSentEvent
Gets the request id of the message that was sent.
getRequests() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateIndexesOperation
Gets the index requests.
getRequiredClusterType() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the required cluster type
getRequiredReplicaSetName() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the required replica set name.
getRequiredReplicaSetName() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the required replica set name specified in the connection string.
getRequiredReplicaSetName() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the required replica set name.
getRequiredReplicaSetName() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the required replica set name that this client should be connecting to.
getResponse() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandSucceededEvent
Gets the response document.
getResponse() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoCommandException
For internal use only.
getResponse() - Method in exception com.mongodb.WriteConcernException
Gets the response to the write operation.
getResponseTo() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionMessageReceivedEvent
The responseTo identifier of the message.
getRestrictSearchWithMatch() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.GraphLookupOptions
getResult() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner
Gets the combined result.
getResults() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.QueryResult
Gets the results.
getResumeAfter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Returns the logical starting point for the new change stream.
getResumeToken() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the resumeToken
getResumeToken() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoChangeStreamCursor
Returns the resume token.
getResumeToken() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
getRetryCommandModifier() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AbortTransactionOperation
getRetryCommandModifier() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CommitTransactionOperation
getRetryCommandModifier() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.TransactionOperation
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets whether reads should be retried if they fail due to a network error
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Returns true if reads should be retried if they fail due to a network error or other retryable error.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Returns true if reads should be retried if they fail due to a network error or other retryable error.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Gets the value for retryable reads.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Gets the value for retryable reads.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Gets the value for retryable reads.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DistinctOperation
Gets the value for retryable reads.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets the value for retryable reads.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Gets the value for retryable reads.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
Gets the value for retryable reads.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListDatabasesOperation
Gets the value for retryable reads.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListIndexesOperation
Gets the value for retryable reads.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ParallelCollectionScanOperation
Gets the value for retryable reads.
getRetryReads() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.UserExistsOperation
Gets the value for retryable reads.
getRetryWrites() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
getRetryWrites() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Returns true if writes should be retried if they fail due to a network error or other retryable error.
getRetryWrites() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Returns true if writes should be retried if they fail due to a network error or other retryable error.
getRetryWrites() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation
Returns true if writes should be retried if they fail due to a network error.
getRetryWritesValue() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets whether writes should be retried if they fail due to a network error
getReturnDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Gets the ReturnDocument value indicating whether to return the document before it was replaced or after
getReturnDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Gets the ReturnDocument value indicating whether to return the document before it was updated / inserted or after
getRevision() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadByNameOptions
Gets the revision to download identifier
getRevision() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadOptions
Gets the revision to download identifier
getRoundTripTimeNanos() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Get the time it took to make the round trip for requesting this information from the server in nanoseconds.
getSchemaMap() - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings
Gets the map of namespace to local JSON schema.
getScope() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the (optional) JavaScript scope
getScope() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the global variables that are accessible in the map, reduce and finalize functions.
getScope() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets the global variables that are accessible in the map, reduce and finalize functions.
getScope() - Method in class org.bson.BsonJavaScriptWithScope
Get the scope.
getScope() - Method in class org.bson.types.CodeWithScope
Gets the scope, which is is a mapping from identifiers to values, representing the scope in which the code should be evaluated.
getScope() - Method in class org.bson.types.CodeWScope
Gets the scope for this JavaScript
getSecondaries() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller
getSecondaries(TagSet) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller
getSendBufferSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings
Gets the send buffer size.
getServerAddress() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor
Returns the server address
getServerAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Gets the server address.
getServerAddress() - Method in interface com.mongodb.Cursor
Gets the address of the server that data is pulled from.
getServerAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
getServerAddress() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException
The address of the server which performed the bulk write operation.
getServerAddress() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoCursorNotFoundException
The server address where the cursor is.
getServerAddress() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoServerException
Gets the address of the server.
getServerAddress() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoSocketException
Gets the server address for this exception.
getServerAddress() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.BatchCursor
Returns the server address
getServerAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.ServerAddressSelector
Gets the server address.
getServerAddressList() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
getServerCursor() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor
Returns the server cursor, which can be null if the no cursor was created or if the cursor has been exhausted or killed.
getServerCursor() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.BatchCursor
Returns the server cursor
getServerDescription() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncConnectionSource
Gets the current description of this source.
getServerDescription() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ConnectionSource
Gets the current description of this source.
getServerDescriptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Returns an unmodifiable list of the server descriptions in this cluster description.
getServerId() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionId
Gets the server id.
getServerId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolClosedEvent
Gets the server id
getServerId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolOpenedEvent
Gets the server id
getServerId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolWaitQueueEnteredEvent
Gets the server id.
getServerId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolWaitQueueExitedEvent
Gets the server id.
getServerId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerClosedEvent
Gets the serverId.
getServerId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerDescriptionChangedEvent
Gets the serverId.
getServerId() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerOpeningEvent
Gets the serverId.
getServerListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings
Gets the server listeners.
getServerListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerEventMulticaster
Gets the server listeners.
getServerListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the list of added ServerListener.
getServerMonitorListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings
Gets the server monitor listeners.
getServerMonitorListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorEventMulticaster
Gets the server monitor listeners.
getServerMonitorListeners() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the list of added ServerMonitorListener.
getServerSelectionTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
getServerSelectionTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the server selection timeout in milliseconds, which defines how long the driver will wait for server selection to succeed before throwing an exception.
getServerSelectionTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the timeout to apply when selecting a server.
getServerSelector() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the server selector.
getServerSelector() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the server selector.
getServerSelectors() - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.CompositeServerSelector
getServerSession() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
getServerSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Gets the server settings, which may be null if not provided.
getServerSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the server-specific settings wrapped in a settings object.
getServerType() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Gets the server type.
getServerValue() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionId
Gets the server generated id value for the connection or null if not set.
getServerVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
getSessionContext() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncClusterBinding
getSessionContext() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncConnectionSource
Gets the session context for this source
getSessionContext() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncReadBinding
Gets the session context for this binding.
getSessionContext() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleConnectionReadBinding
getSessionContext() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleServerBinding
getSessionContext() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncWriteBinding
Gets the session context for this binding.
getSessionContext() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.ClusterBinding
getSessionContext() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ConnectionSource
Gets the session context for this source
getSessionContext() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ReadBinding
Gets the session context for this binding.
getSessionContext() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.SingleConnectionReadBinding
getSessionContext() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.SingleServerBinding
getSessionContext() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.WriteBinding
Gets the session context for this binding.
getSessionId() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Gets the session identifier if this context has a session backing it.
getSetName() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the name of the replica set
getSettings() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Cluster
Gets the cluster settings with which this cluster was created.
getSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolOpenedEvent
Gets the connection pool settings.
getSetVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
The replica set setVersion reported by this MongoDB server.
getShortDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Returns a short, pretty description for this ClusterDescription.
getShortDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Returns a short, pretty description for these ClusterSettings.
getShortDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Returns a short, pretty description for this ServerDescription.
getSister(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBAddress
Creates a DBAddress pointing to a different database on the same server.
getSisterDB(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Gets another database on same server
getSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
getSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionMessageReceivedEvent
Gets the size of the received message.
getSize() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionMessagesSentEvent
Gets the size of the sent message.
getSize() - Method in interface com.mongodb.management.ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean
Gets the current size of the pool, including idle and and in-use members.
getSize() - Method in class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
getSize() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Gets the current size of the stream in number of bytes.
getSizeInBytes() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the maximum size in bytes of a capped collection.
getSizeInBytes() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Gets the maximum size of the collection in bytes.
getSkip() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Gets the number of documents to skip.
getSkip() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Gets the number of documents to skip.
getSkip() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Gets the number of documents to skip.
getSkip() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Gets the number of documents to skip.
getSkip() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Gets the number of documents to skip.
getSkip() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets the number of documents to skip.
getSlice() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
Gets the slice value, which is the limit on the number of array elements allowed.
getSocketAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Gets the underlying socket address
getSocketAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.UnixServerAddress
getSocketAddresses() - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Gets all underlying socket addresses
getSocketFactory() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
getSocketFactory() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the socket factory for creating sockets to mongod.
getSocketSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the connection-specific settings wrapped in a settings object.
getSocketTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the socket timeout specified in the connection string.
getSocketTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
The socket timeout in milliseconds.
getSocketTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the socket timeout in milliseconds.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Returns the sort
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
Gets the sort direction for sorting array elements that are not documents.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the (optional) sort specification object
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSortDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
Gets the sort direction for sorting array elements that are documents.
getSource() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Gets the source of the user name, typically the name of the database where the user is defined.
getSphereVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the 2dsphere index version number.
getSphereVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the 2dsphere index version number.
getSrvHost() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
Gets the host name from which to lookup SRV record for the seed list
getSrvResolutionException() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Gets any exception encountered while resolving the SRV record for the initial host.
getSslContext() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Returns the SSLContext.
getSslEnabled() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the SSL enabled value specified in the connection string.
getSslInvalidHostnameAllowed() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the SSL invalidHostnameAllowed value specified in the connection string.
getSslSettings() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the SSL settings.
getStartAfter() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Returns the logical starting point for the new change stream returning the first notification after the token.
getStartAtOperationTime() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Returns the start at operation time
getState() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the current state of the connection to the server.
getState() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
getState() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Gets the current state of this writer.
getStatistics() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceAsyncBatchCursor
Get the statistics for this map-reduce operation
getStatistics() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceBatchCursor
Get the statistics for this map-reduce operation
getStats() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Prefer DB.command(DBObject) to run the dbStats command
getStats() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
The collStats command returns a variety of storage statistics for a given collection
getStorageEngine() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the storage engine options document for this index.
getStorageEngine() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptionDefaults
Gets the default storage engine options document for indexes.
getStorageEngine() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the storage engine options document for this index.
getStorageEngineOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the storage engine options document for the collection.
getStorageEngineOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Gets the storage engine options document for this collection.
getStreamFactoryFactory() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the factory to use to create a StreamFactory.
getStreamType() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Use MongoClientSettings.Builder.streamFactoryFactory(StreamFactoryFactory) to configure the stream type programmatically
getStrength() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
Returns the collation strength
getStrict() - Static method in class com.mongodb.util.JSONSerializers
Returns an ObjectSerializer that conforms to the strict JSON format defined in extended JSON.
getString(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonString, or throws if not.
getString(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets the value of the given key as a String.
getString(Object, BsonString) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getString(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the value of a field as a string
getString(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Returns the value of a field as a string
getStringConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON String values to JSON.
getSymbol() - Method in class org.bson.BsonSymbol
Gets the symbol value
getSymbol() - Method in class org.bson.types.Symbol
Gets the symbol.
getSymbolConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON Symbol values to JSON.
getTagSet() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
A set of all tags assigned to this member.
getTagSetList() - Method in class com.mongodb.TaggableReadPreference
Gets the list of tag sets as a list of TagSet instances.
getTextVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
The text index version number.
getTextVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
The text index version number.
getThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
in the next major release, wait queue size limitations will be removed
getThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
in the next major release, wait queue size limitations will be removed
getThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the multiplier which, when multiplied with the connectionsPerHost setting, gives the maximum number of threads that may be waiting for a connection to become available from the pool.
getThrowable() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.CommandFailedEvent
Gets the throwable cause of the failure
getThrowable() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent
Gets the exceptions that caused the failure
getTime() - Method in class org.bson.BsonTimestamp
Gets the time in seconds since epoch.
getTime() - Method in class org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp
Gets the time in seconds since epoch
getTime() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Use #getDate instead
getTimeSecond() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Use #getTimestamp instead
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Gets the timestamp (number of seconds since the Unix epoch).
getTimestamp(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets the value of the key if it is a BsonTimestamp, or throws if not.
getTimestamp(Object, BsonTimestamp) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
If the document does not contain the given key, return the given default value.
getTimestampConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON Timestamp values to JSON.
getTransactionNumber() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ServerSession
Gets the current transaction number.
getTransactionNumber() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Gets the current transaction number.
getTransactionOptions() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ClientSession
Gets the transaction options.
getTxnNumber() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the transaction number
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.DeleteRequest
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.InsertRequest
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.WriteRequest
Gets the type of the write.
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.CoordinateReferenceSystem
Gets the type of this Coordinate Reference System.
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Geometry
Gets the GeoJSON object type.
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeometryCollection
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.LineString
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiLineString
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPoint
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPolygon
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Point
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Polygon
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Gets the specific type of this cluster
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets the type of the server, for example whether it's a standalone or in a replica set.
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseWriteOperation
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DeleteOperation
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.InsertOperation
getType() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.UpdateOperation
getType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinary
Gets the type of this Binary.
getType() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
getType() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
getType() - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.IdGenerator
getType() - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.TypeWithTypeParameters
getType() - Method in class org.bson.types.Binary
Get the binary sub type as a byte.
getType(Object) - Static method in class com.mongodb.Bytes
Gets the type byte for a given object.
getTypeData() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
getTypeName() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.CoordinateReferenceSystemType
Gets the GeoJSON-defined name for the type.
getTypeName() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeoJsonObjectType
Gets the GeoJSON-defined name for the object type.
getTypeParameters() - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.TypeWithTypeParameters
getUndefinedConverter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
A converter from BSON Undefined values to JSON.
getUniqueIdentifier() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
Gets the fields that act as a unique identifier for a document.
getUnixSocketAddress() - Method in class com.mongodb.UnixServerAddress
getUpdate() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
getUpdate() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Returns the update
getUpdate() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Gets the document specifying the updates to apply to the matching document.
getUpdate() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Gets the document specifying the updates to apply to the matching document.
getUpdate() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Gets the document containing update operators
getUpdateDescription() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
Returns the updateDescription
getUpdatedFields() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.UpdateDescription
Returns the updatedFields
getUpdatePipeline() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Gets the pipeline specifying the updates to apply to the matching document.
getUpdatePipeline() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Gets the pipeline specifying the updates to apply to the matching document.
getUpdatePipeline() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Gets the pipeline containing update operators
getUpdateRequests() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.UpdateOperation
Gets the list of update requests.
getUpdateValue() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
Gets the update.
getUploadDate() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
The date and time this file was added to GridFS
getUploadDate() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Gets the upload date.
getUpsertedId() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult
If the replace resulted in an inserted document, gets the _id of the inserted document, otherwise null.
getUpsertedId() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernResult
Returns the value of _id if this write resulted in an upsert.
getUpsertedId() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteResult
Gets the _id value of an upserted document that resulted from this write.
getUpserts() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Gets an unmodifiable list of upserted items, or the empty list if there were none.
getUpserts() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteResult
Gets an unmodifiable list of upserted items, or the empty list if there were none.
getURI() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
getURI() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
Get the unparsed URI.
getUseCursor() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
There is no replacement for this. Applications can assume that the driver will use a cursor for server versions that support it (>= 2.6). The driver will ignore this as of MongoDB 3.6, which does not support inline results for the aggregate command.
getUsedDatabases() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
getUsername() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the username
getUsername() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
Gets the username
getUsername() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
Gets the username.
getUserName() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Gets the user name
getUuidRepresentation() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the UUID representation.
getUuidRepresentation() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets the UUID representation to use when encoding instances of UUID and when decoding BSON binary values with subtype of 3.
getUuidRepresentation() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
Gets the UUID representation to use when encoding instances of UUID and when decoding BSON binary values with subtype of 3.
getUuidRepresentation() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.UuidCodec
The UuidRepresentation with which this instance is configured
getValidationAction() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationOptions
getValidationAction() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
getValidationLevel() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationOptions
Gets the ValidationLevel that determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an insert or update.
getValidationLevel() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Gets the ValidationLevel that determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an insert or update.
getValidationOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the validation options for documents being inserted or updated in a collection
getValidator() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationOptions
Gets the validation rules if set or null.
getValidator() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Gets the validation rules for inserting or updating documents
getValidatorForField(String) - Method in interface org.bson.FieldNameValidator
Gets a new validator to use for the value of the field with the given name.
getValue() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BsonField
Gets the field value
getValue() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
Returns the display as defined in the preferred number article
getValue() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.FullDocument
getValue() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
getValue() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationAlternate
getValue() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationCaseFirst
getValue() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationMaxVariable
getValue() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Field
getValue() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.MapReduceAction
getValue() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationAction
getValue() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationLevel
getValue() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Variable
getValue() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterId
Gets the value of the identifier.
getValue() - Method in enum com.mongodb.ReadConcernLevel
getValue() - Method in class com.mongodb.Tag
Gets the value of the replica set tag.
getValue() - Method in enum org.bson.BsonBinarySubType
Gets the byte representation of this subtype.
getValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBoolean
Gets the boolean value.
getValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDateTime
Gets the DateTime value as a long
getValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDecimal128
Gets the Decimal128 value.
getValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDouble
Gets the double value.
getValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonElement
Gets the value of this element.
getValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt32
Gets the integer value.
getValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt64
Gets the long value.
getValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonObjectId
Get the ObjectId value.
getValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonString
Gets the String value.
getValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonTimestamp
Gets the value of the timestamp.
getValue() - Method in enum org.bson.BsonType
Get the int value of this BSON type.
getValues() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Position
Gets the values of this position
getValues() - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
Gets the values in this array as a list of BsonValue objects.
getVariables() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
Gets the variables accessible for use in the whenMatched pipeline
getVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the index version number.
getVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the index version number.
getVersion() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
getVersionList() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerVersion
Gets the version list.
getViewName() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateViewOperation
Gets the name of the view to create.
getViewOn() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateViewOperation
Gets the name of the collection or view that backs this view.
getW() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the "w" value, (number of writes), of the global WriteConcern.
getW() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Gets the w value as an integer.
getWaitQueueSize() - Method in interface com.mongodb.management.ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean
In the next major release, wait queue events will no longer be published so this statistic will be unavailable
getWeights() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the weighting object for use with a text index
getWeights() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the weighting object for use with a text index
getWhenMatched() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
Gets the behavior of $merge if a result document and an existing document in the collection have the same value for the specified on field(s).
getWhenMatchedPipeline() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
Gets aggregation pipeline to update the document in the collection.
getWhenNotMatched() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
Gets the behavior of $merge if a result document does not match an existing document in the out collection.
getWildcardProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets the wildcard projection of a wildcard index
getWildcardProjection() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets the wildcard projection of a wildcard index
getWObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Gets the w value.
getWrappedDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
Get the wrapped document.
getWrapper(Class) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
Returns an existing Wrapper instance associated with a class, or creates a new one.
getWrapperIfReflectionObject(Class) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
Returns the wrapper if this object can be assigned from this class.
getWriteAnnotations() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Returns the write annotations, to be applied when deserializing from BSON
getWriteConcern() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Get the write concern for the GridFSBucket.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Returns the writeConcern
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionRemoveOptions
The write concern to use for the insertion.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
The write concern to use for the insertion.
getWriteConcern() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Get the write concern for the MongoCollection.
getWriteConcern() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Get the write concern for the MongoDatabase.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Gets the write concern specified in the connection string.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Gets the write concern for this database.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Get the WriteConcern for this collection.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.InsertOptions
The write concern to use for the insertion.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Gets the write concern
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
The write concern to use.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
The write concern to use.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Helper method to return the appropriate WriteConcern instance based on the current related options settings.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Gets the write concern.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
Get the write concern for this operation
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseWriteOperation
Gets the write concern to apply
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Gets the write concern.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateIndexesOperation
Gets the write concern.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateViewOperation
Gets the write concern.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropCollectionOperation
Gets the write concern.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropDatabaseOperation
Gets the write concern.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropIndexOperation
Gets the write concern.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the write concern.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation
Gets the write concern to apply
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.RenameCollectionOperation
Gets the write concern.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.TransactionOperation
Gets the write concern.
getWriteConcern() - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions
Gets the write concern.
getWriteConcernError() - Method in exception com.mongodb.BulkWriteException
The write concern error, which may be null (in which case the list of errors will not be empty).
getWriteConcernError() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException
The write concern error, which may be null (in which case the list of errors will not be empty).
getWriteConcernError() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException
Gets the write concern error.
getWriteConcernResult() - Method in exception com.mongodb.WriteConcernException
Gets the write result.
getWriteConnectionSource() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.ClusterBinding
getWriteConnectionSource() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.SingleServerBinding
getWriteConnectionSource() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.WriteBinding
Supply a connection source to a server that can be written to
getWriteConnectionSource(SingleResultCallback<AsyncConnectionSource>) - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncClusterBinding
getWriteConnectionSource(SingleResultCallback<AsyncConnectionSource>) - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleServerBinding
getWriteConnectionSource(SingleResultCallback<AsyncConnectionSource>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncWriteBinding
Supply a connection source to a server that can be written to
getWriteErrors() - Method in exception com.mongodb.BulkWriteException
The list of errors, which will not be null, but may be empty (if the write concern error is not null).
getWriteErrors() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException
The list of errors, which will not be null, but may be empty (if the write concern error is not null).
getWriteName() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
getWriteName() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
getWriter() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
Gets the Writer.
getWriteRequests() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseWriteOperation
getWriteRequests() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DeleteOperation
getWriteRequests() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.InsertOperation
getWriteRequests() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation
Gets the list of write requests to execute.
getWriteRequests() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.UpdateOperation
getWriteResult() - Method in exception com.mongodb.BulkWriteException
The result of all successfully processed write operations.
getWriteResult() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException
The result of all successfully processed write operations.
getWriteResult() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException
Gets the write result.
getWString() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Gets the w parameter as a String.
getWtimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the "wtimeout" value of the global WriteConcern.
getWtimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
getWTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Gets the wTimeout in the given time unit.
gotBinary(String, byte, byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotBinary(String, byte, byte[]) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.BINARY value.
gotBinary(String, byte, byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotBinary(String, byte, byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONCallback
gotBinaryArray(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotBinaryArray(String, byte[]) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
this method is no longer called by the decoder
gotBinaryArray(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.BOOLEAN value.
gotBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotCode(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotCode(String, String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.JAVASCRIPT value.
gotCode(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotCodeWScope(String, String, Object) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotCodeWScope(String, String, Object) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.JAVASCRIPT_WITH_SCOPE value.
gotCodeWScope(String, String, Object) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotDate(String, long) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotDate(String, long) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.DATE_TIME value.
gotDate(String, long) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotDBRef(String, String, ObjectId) - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBCallback
gotDBRef(String, String, ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotDBRef(String, String, ObjectId) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Invoked when BSONDecoder encountered a BsonType.DB_POINTER type field in a byte sequence.
gotDBRef(String, String, ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotDecimal128(String, Decimal128) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotDecimal128(String, Decimal128) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.DECIMAL128 value.
gotDecimal128(String, Decimal128) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotDouble(String, double) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.DOUBLE value.
gotDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotInt(String, int) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotInt(String, int) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.INT32 value.
gotInt(String, int) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotLong(String, long) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotLong(String, long) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.INT64 value.
gotLong(String, long) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotMaxKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotMaxKey(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.MAX_KEY value.
gotMaxKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotMinKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotMinKey(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.MIN_KEY value.
gotMinKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotNull(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotNull(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a BSON field that exists but has a null value.
gotNull(String) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotObjectId(String, ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotObjectId(String, ObjectId) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.OBJECT_ID value.
gotObjectId(String, ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotRegex(String, String, String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotRegex(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.REGULAR_EXPRESSION value.
gotRegex(String, String, String) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotString(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotString(String, String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.STRING value.
gotString(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotSymbol(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotSymbol(String, String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.SYMBOL value.
gotSymbol(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotTimestamp(String, int, int) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotTimestamp(String, int, int) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.TIMESTAMP value.
gotTimestamp(String, int, int) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotUndefined(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotUndefined(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a BsonType.UNDEFINED value.
gotUndefined(String) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
gotUUID(String, long, long) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
gotUUID(String, long, long) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called when reading a field with a UUID value.
gotUUID(String, long, long) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
granularity(BucketGranularity) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketAutoOptions
Specifies the granularity of the bucket definitions.
graphLookup(String, TExpression, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a graphLookup pipeline stage for the specified filter
graphLookup(String, TExpression, String, String, String, GraphLookupOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a graphLookup pipeline stage for the specified filter
GraphLookupOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options for a graphLookup aggregation pipeline stage
GraphLookupOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.GraphLookupOptions
greaterThan(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to the $gt operator
greaterThanEquals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to the $gte operator
GridFS - Class in com.mongodb.gridfs
Implementation of GridFS - a specification for storing and retrieving files that exceed the BSON-document size limit of 16MB.
GridFS(DB) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Creates a GridFS instance for the default bucket "fs" in the given database.
GridFS(DB, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Creates a GridFS instance for the specified bucket in the given database.
GridFSBucket - Interface in com.mongodb.client.gridfs
Represents a GridFS Bucket
GridFSBuckets - Class in com.mongodb.client.gridfs
A factory for GridFSBucket instances.
GridFSDBFile - Class in com.mongodb.gridfs
This class enables retrieving a GridFS file metadata and content.
GridFSDBFile() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSDBFile
GridFSDownloadByNameOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model
GridFSDownloadByNameOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadByNameOptions
Download the most recent version of the file.
GridFSDownloadOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model
The GridFS download by name options
GridFSDownloadOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadOptions
Download the most recent version of the file.
GridFSDownloadStream - Class in com.mongodb.client.gridfs
A GridFS InputStream for downloading data from GridFS
GridFSDownloadStream() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream
GridFSFile - Class in com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model
The GridFSFile
GridFSFile - Class in com.mongodb.gridfs
The abstract class representing a GridFS file.
GridFSFile() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
GridFSFile(BsonValue, String, long, int, Date, String, Document) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
there is no replacement for this constructor
GridFSFile(BsonValue, String, long, int, Date, String, Document, Document) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
there is no replacement for this constructor
GridFSFileCodec - Class in com.mongodb.client.gridfs.codecs
A codec for GridFS Files
GridFSFileCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.codecs.GridFSFileCodec
Create a new instance
GridFSFileCodecProvider - Class in com.mongodb.client.gridfs.codecs
A provider of codecs for GridFSFiles.
GridFSFileCodecProvider() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.codecs.GridFSFileCodecProvider
GridFSFindIterable - Interface in com.mongodb.client.gridfs
Iterable for the GridFS Files Collection.
GridFSInputFile - Class in com.mongodb.gridfs
This class represents a GridFS file to be written to the database.
GridFSInputFile(GridFS) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Minimal constructor that does not rely on the presence of an InputStream.
GridFSInputFile(GridFS, InputStream, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Default constructor setting the GridFS file name and providing an input stream containing data to be written to the file.
GridFSInputFile(GridFS, InputStream, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Default constructor setting the GridFS file name and providing an input stream containing data to be written to the file.
GridFSInputFile(GridFS, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Constructor that only provides a file name, but does not rely on the presence of an InputStream.
GridFSUploadOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model
GridFS upload options Customizable options used when uploading files into GridFS
GridFSUploadOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions
Construct a new instance.
GridFSUploadStream - Class in com.mongodb.client.gridfs
A GridFS OutputStream for uploading data into GridFS
GridFSUploadStream() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSUploadStream
group(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
The group command was deprecated in MongoDB 3.4
group(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, String, String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
The group command was deprecated in MongoDB 3.4
group(DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, String, String, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
The group command was deprecated in MongoDB 3.4
group(GroupCommand) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
The group command was deprecated in MongoDB 3.4
group(GroupCommand, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
The group command was deprecated in MongoDB 3.4
group(AsynchronousChannelGroup) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.AsynchronousSocketChannelStreamFactoryFactory.Builder
Sets the AsynchronousChannelGroup
group(TExpression, BsonField...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $group pipeline stage for the specified filter
group(TExpression, List<BsonField>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $group pipeline stage for the specified filter
GroupCommand - Class in com.mongodb
the group command was deprecated in MongoDB 3.4
GroupCommand(DBCollection, DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.GroupCommand
Creates a new group command.
GroupCommand(DBCollection, DBObject, DBObject, DBObject, String, String, Collation) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.GroupCommand
Creates a new group command.
GroupCommand(DBCollection, String, DBObject, DBObject, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.GroupCommand
Creates a new group command.
GroupCommand(DBCollection, String, DBObject, DBObject, String, String, Collation) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.GroupCommand
Creates a new group command.
GroupOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
GroupOperation(MongoNamespace, BsonJavaScript, BsonDocument, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Create an operation that will perform a Group on a given collection.
GSSAPI - com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism
The GSSAPI mechanism.
GSSAPI_MECHANISM - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
The GSSAPI mechanism.
gt(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is greater than the specified value.
GT - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
gte(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is greater than or equal to the specified value.
GTE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators


hasActiveTransaction() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ClientSession
Returns true if there is an active transaction on this session, and false otherwise
hasActiveTransaction() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Gets whether the session has an active transaction
hasAnotherSplit() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload
hasCheckedDiscriminator() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DecoderContext.Builder
hasCheckedDiscriminator() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DecoderContext
hasDecodeHooks() - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Gets whether any decoding transformers have been registered for any classes.
hasEncodeHooks() - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Gets whether any encoding transformers have been registered for any classes.
hasErrorCode() - Method in exception org.bson.BSONException
Returns if the error code is set (i.e., not null).
hasErrorLabel(String) - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoException
Return true if the exception is labelled with the given error label, and false otherwise.
hasErrors() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner
Gets whether there are errors in the combined result.
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteError
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteUpsert
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.WriteConcernError
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteError
hashCode() - Method in exception com.mongodb.BulkWriteException
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteUpsert
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BsonField
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketAutoOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.UpdateDescription
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Facet
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Field
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Geometry
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeometryCollection
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.LineString
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiLineString
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPoint
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPolygon
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Point
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Polygon
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.PolygonCoordinates
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Position
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.GraphLookupOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.TextSearchOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Variable
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientSessionOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterId
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionId
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerId
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerVersion
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBAddress
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodecProvider
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRef
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRefCodecProvider
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.DocumentToDBRefTransformer
hashCode() - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCompressor
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.CompositeServerSelector
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.LatencyMinimizingServerSelector
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerCursor
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.Tag
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.TaggableReadPreference
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.TagSet
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernError
hashCode() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteError
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinary
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBoolean
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDateTime
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDbPointer
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDecimal128
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDouble
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonElement
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt32
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt64
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonJavaScript
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonJavaScriptWithScope
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonMaxKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonMinKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonNull
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonObjectId
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonRegularExpression
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonString
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonTimestamp
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.BsonUndefined
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonTypeClassMap
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodecProvider
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodecProvider
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MapCodecProvider
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.ValueCodecProvider
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.Document
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.types.Binary
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.types.Code
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.types.CodeWithScope
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.types.CodeWScope
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.types.MaxKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.types.MinKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
hashCode() - Method in class org.bson.types.Symbol
hashed(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
Create an index key for a hashed index on the given field.
hasNext() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor
hasNext() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Checks if there is another object available.
hasNext() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.BatchCursor
Returns true if another batch of results exists.
hasNext() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList.LazyBSONListIterator
hasReadableServer(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Returns true if this cluster has at least one server that satisfies the given read preference.
hasRemaining() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
States whether there are any elements between the current position and the limit.
hasRemaining() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
hasRemaining() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Returns true if there are more bytes left in the stream.
hasRemaining() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
hasSession() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Returns true if there is a true server session associated with this context.
hasTags(TagSet) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Returns true if the server has the given tags.
hasTypeParameters() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
hasWritableServer() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Returns true if this cluster has at least one server that can be used for write operations.
heartbeatConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the connect timeout for connections used for the cluster heartbeat.
heartbeatFrequency(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the heartbeat frequency.
heartbeatFrequency(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings.Builder
Sets the frequency that the cluster monitor attempts to reach each server.
heartbeatSocketTimeout(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the socket timeout for connections used for the cluster heartbeat.
hexMD5(byte[]) - Static method in class com.mongodb.util.Util
Produce hex representation of the MD5 digest of a byte array.
hexMD5(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Static method in class com.mongodb.util.Util
Produce hex representation of the MD5 digest of a byte array.
hint(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
hint(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the hint for which index to use.
hint(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Informs the database of indexed fields of the collection in order to improve performance.
hint(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
hint(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Sets the hint for which index to use.
hint(BsonValue) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Sets the hint for which index to use.
hint(BsonValue) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Sets the hint to apply.
hint(BsonValue) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the hint for which index to use.
hint(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable
Sets the hint for which index to use.
hint(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the hint for which index to use.
hint(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
hint(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the hint for which index to use.
HINT - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
hintString(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the hint to apply.
hintString(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
hintString(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
hintString(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the hint to apply.
Holder() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo.Holder
hosts(List<ServerAddress>) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Sets the hosts for the cluster.
hosts(Set<String>) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets all members of the replica set that are neither hidden, passive, nor arbiters.


ID_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
IDENTICAL - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationStrength
When all other levels are equal, the identical level is used as a tiebreaker.
idGenerator(IdGenerator<?>) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Sets the IdGenerator for the ClassModel
IdGenerator - Interface in org.bson.codecs
Classes that implement this interface define a way to create IDs for MongoDB documents.
IdGenerator<T> - Interface in org.bson.codecs.pojo
Classes that implement this interface define a way to create Ids for Pojo's.
IdGenerators - Class in org.bson.codecs.pojo
The default IdGenerators
idPropertyName(String) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Designates a property as the _id property for this type.
Immutable - Annotation Type in com.mongodb.annotations
The class to which this annotation is applied is immutable.
in(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $in operand
in(String, Iterable<TItem>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field equals any value in the list of specified values.
in(String, TItem...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field equals any value in the list of specified values.
IN - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
inc(String, Number) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that increments the value of the field with the given name by the given value.
include(String...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection that includes all of the given fields.
include(List<String>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection that includes all of the given fields.
includeArrayIndex(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UnwindOptions
Sets the field to be used to store the array index of the unwound item
indent(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets whether indentation is enabled, which defaults to false.
indent(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets whether indentation is enabled.
indentCharacters(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the indent character string to use when indentation is enabled, which defaults to two spaces.
indentCharacters(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the indent character string to use when indentation is enabled.
Indexes - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A factory for defining index keys.
IndexModel - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A model describing the creation of a single index.
IndexModel(Bson) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexModel
Construct an instance with the given keys.
IndexModel(Bson, IndexOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexModel
Construct an instance with the given keys and options.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
indexOptionDefaults(IndexOptionDefaults) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Sets the index option defaults for the collection.
indexOptionDefaults(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Sets the index option defaults document for the collection.
IndexOptionDefaults - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The default options for a collection to apply on the creation of indexes.
IndexOptionDefaults() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptionDefaults
IndexOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply to the creation of an index.
IndexOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
IndexRequest - Class in com.mongodb.bulk
IndexRequest(BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Construct a new instance with the given keys
info(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Log a message at the INFO level.
info(String) - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Log a message at the INFO level.
info(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the INFO level with an accompanying message.
info(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the INFO level with an accompanying message.
INITIAL - org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.State
The initial state.
INITIAL - org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.State
The initial state.
INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
initializeOrderedBulkOperation() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Creates a builder for an ordered bulk write operation, consisting of an ordered collection of write requests, which can be any combination of inserts, updates, replaces, or removes.
initializeUnorderedBulkOperation() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Creates a builder for an unordered bulk operation, consisting of an unordered collection of write requests, which can be any combination of inserts, updates, replaces, or removes.
INLINE - com.mongodb.AggregationOptions.OutputMode
The output of the aggregate operation is returned inline.
INLINE - com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand.OutputType
Return results inline, no result is written to the DB server
insert(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteOperation
Add an insert request to the bulk operation
insert(DBObject...) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Insert documents into a collection.
insert(DBObject[], WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Insert documents into a collection.
insert(DBObject[], WriteConcern, DBEncoder) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Insert documents into a collection.
insert(DBObject, WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Insert a document into a collection.
insert(MongoNamespace, boolean, InsertRequest) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
Insert the documents using the insert wire protocol and apply the write concern.
insert(WriteConcern, DBObject...) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Insert documents into a collection.
insert(List<? extends DBObject>) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Insert documents into a collection.
insert(List<? extends DBObject>, InsertOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Insert documents into a collection.
insert(List<? extends DBObject>, WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Insert documents into a collection.
insert(List<? extends DBObject>, WriteConcern, DBEncoder) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Insert documents into a collection.
INSERT - com.mongodb.bulk.WriteRequest.Type
An insert.
INSERT - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
The insert operation type
INSERT - com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenNotMatched
Insert the document into the output collection.
INSERT - com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload.Type
An insert.
insertAsync(MongoNamespace, boolean, InsertRequest, SingleResultCallback<WriteConcernResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
Insert the documents using the insert wire protocol and apply the write concern asynchronously.
insertMany(ClientSession, List<? extends TDocument>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Inserts one or more documents.
insertMany(ClientSession, List<? extends TDocument>, InsertManyOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Inserts one or more documents.
insertMany(List<? extends TDocument>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Inserts one or more documents.
insertMany(List<? extends TDocument>, InsertManyOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Inserts one or more documents.
InsertManyOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply to an operation that inserts multiple documents into a collection.
InsertManyOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertManyOptions
insertOne(ClientSession, TDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
insertOne(ClientSession, TDocument, InsertOneOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
insertOne(TDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
insertOne(TDocument, InsertOneOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
InsertOneModel<T> - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A model describing an insert of a single document.
InsertOneModel(T) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertOneModel
Construct a new instance.
InsertOneOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply to an operation that inserts a single document into a collection.
InsertOneOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertOneOptions
InsertOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
InsertOperation(MongoNamespace, boolean, WriteConcern, boolean, List<InsertRequest>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.InsertOperation
Construct an instance.
InsertOperation(MongoNamespace, boolean, WriteConcern, List<InsertRequest>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.InsertOperation
InsertOptions - Class in com.mongodb
Options related to insertion of documents into MongoDB.
InsertOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.InsertOptions
InsertRequest - Class in com.mongodb.bulk
InsertRequest(BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.bulk.InsertRequest
Construct an instance with the given document.
InstanceCreator<T> - Interface in org.bson.codecs.pojo
Provides access for setting data and the creation of a class instances.
instanceCreatorFactory(InstanceCreatorFactory<T>) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Sets the InstanceCreatorFactory for the ClassModel
InstanceCreatorFactory<T> - Interface in org.bson.codecs.pojo
The factory for creating InstanceCreator instances
InstantCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs.jsr310
Instant Codec.
InstantCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.InstantCodec
INT32 - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON 32-bit integer.
int32Converter(Converter<Integer>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON Int32 values to JSON.
INT64 - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON 64-bit integer.
int64Converter(Converter<Long>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON Int64 values to JSON.
IntegerCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes Integer objects.
IntegerCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.IntegerCodec
into(A) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoIterable
Iterates over all the documents, adding each to the given target.
intValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDecimal128
intValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDouble
intValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt32
intValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt64
intValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonNumber
Returns the value of the specified number as an int, which may involve rounding or truncation.
intValue() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Converts this Decimal128 to a int.
INVALIDATE - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
The invalidate operation type
invalidHostNameAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings.Builder
Define whether invalid host names should be allowed.
is(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the find({key:value})
isAcknowledged() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteResult
Returns true if the write was acknowledged.
isAcknowledged() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Returns true if this write concern indicates that write operations must be acknowledged.
isAlwaysUseMBeans() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
there is no replacement for this property
isAlwaysUseMBeans() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets whether JMX beans registered by the driver should always be MBeans, regardless of whether the VM is Java 6 or greater.
isArray() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonArray, false otherwise.
isArray(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonArray, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isAutoIndex() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
this option was deprecated in MongoDB 3.2 and removed in MongodB 4.0
isAutoIndex() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
The auto index value.
isBackground() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Create the index in the background
isBackground() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Create the index in the background
isBinary() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonBinary, false otherwise.
isBinary(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonBinary, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isBoolean() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonBoolean, false otherwise.
isBoolean(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonBoolean, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isBypassAutoEncryption() - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings
Gets whether auto-encryption should be bypassed.
isCapped() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets whether the collection is capped.
isCapped() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Checks whether this collection is capped
isCapped() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Gets whether the collection is capped.
isCausallyConsistent() - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientSessionOptions
Whether operations using the session should causally consistent with each other.
isCausallyConsistent() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
Returns true if operations in this session must be causally consistent
isCausallyConsistent() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Gets whether this context is associated with a causally consistent session.
isClosed() - Method in interface com.mongodb.async.AsyncBatchCursor
Return true if the AsyncBatchCursor has been closed
isClosed() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Cluster
Whether all the servers in the cluster are closed or not.
isClosed() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Stream
Returns the closed state of the connection
isClosed() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ServerSession
Whether the server session is closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Return true if the reader has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Returns whether this writer has been closed.
isCompatibleWithDriver() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
Return whether all servers in the cluster are compatible with the driver.
isCompatibleWithDriver() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Return whether the server is compatible with the driver.
isContainer() - Method in enum org.bson.BsonType
Returns whether this type is some sort of containing type, e.g.
isContinueOnError() - Method in class com.mongodb.InsertOptions
Whether documents will continue to be inserted after a failure to insert one (most commonly due to a duplicate key error).
isCursorFinalizerEnabled() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Gets whether there is a a finalize method created that cleans up instances of DBCursor that the client does not close.
isCursorFinalizerEnabled() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets whether there is a a finalize method created that cleans up instances of DBCursor that the client does not close.
isDateTime() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonDateTime, false otherwise.
isDateTime(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonDateTime, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isDBPointer() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonDbPointer, false otherwise.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Is the logger instance enabled for the DEBUG level?
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Is the logger instance enabled for the DEBUG level?
isDecimal128() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonDecimal128, false otherwise.
isDecimal128(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonDecimal128, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isDiscriminatorEnabled() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
isDocument() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonDocument, false otherwise.
isDocument(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonDocument, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isDouble() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonDouble, false otherwise.
isDouble(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonDouble, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isDropTarget() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.RenameCollectionOptions
Gets if mongod should drop the target of renameCollection prior to renaming the collection.
isDropTarget() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.RenameCollectionOperation
Gets if mongod should drop the target of renameCollection prior to renaming the collection.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder
Returns true if no key/value was inserted into the top level document.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload
isEmpty() - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
isEmpty() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
isEmpty() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
isEmpty() - Method in class org.bson.Document
isEmpty() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Gets whether this is an empty BSONObject.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
isEmpty() - Method in class org.bson.util.ClassMap
As per java.util.Map, returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings
Returns whether SSL is enabled.
isEncodingCollectibleDocument() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.EncoderContext
Returns true if the the value to be encoded is a document that will be put in a MongoDB collection.
isEncodingCollectibleDocument(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.EncoderContext.Builder
Set to true if the the value to be encoded is a document that will be put in a MongoDB collection.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Is the logger instance enabled for the ERROR level?
isErrorEnabled() - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Is the logger instance enabled for the ERROR level?
isFinite() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Returns true if this Decimal128 is finite.
isFirstBatchEmpty() - Method in interface com.mongodb.async.AsyncAggregateResponseBatchCursor
Returns true if the first batch was empty.
isFirstBatchEmpty() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.AggregateResponseBatchCursor
Returns true if the first batch was empty.
isFsync() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the "fsync" value of the global WriteConcern.
isImplicitSession() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Returns true if the session is implicit, and false if the application started the session explicity.
isIncompatiblyNewerThanDriver() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Return whether the server is compatible with the driver.
isIncompatiblyOlderThanDriver() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Return whether the server is compatible with the driver.
isIndent() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
The indentation mode.
isIndent() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings
The indentation mode.
isInfinite() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Returns true if this Decimal128 is infinite.
isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Is the logger instance enabled for the INFO level?
isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Is the logger instance enabled for the INFO level?
isInt32() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonInt32, false otherwise.
isInt32(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonInt32, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isInt64() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonInt64, false otherwise.
isInt64(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonInt64, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isInvalidHostNameAllowed() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings
Returns whether invalid host names should be allowed.
isJ() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the "j" value of the global WriteConcern.
isJavaScript() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonJavaScript, false otherwise.
isJavaScriptWithScope() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonJavaScriptWithScope, false otherwise.
isJsMode() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets the flag that specifies whether to convert intermediate data into BSON format between the execution of the map and reduce functions.
isJsMode() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets the flag that specifies whether to convert intermediate data into BSON format between the execution of the map and reduce functions.
isKeepAlive() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings
configuring keep-alive has been deprecated. It now defaults to true and disabling it is not recommended.
isLocked() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
isMarkedDirty() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ServerSession
Whether the server session is marked dirty.
isMaster(ServerAddress) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReplicaSetStatus
Checks to see if a given server is the primary server in this replica set.
isModifiedCountAvailable() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
no longer needed since all supported server versions support modified count
isModifiedCountAvailable() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteResult
no longer needed since all supported server versions support modified count
isModifiedCountAvailable() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult
no longer needed since all supported server versions support modified count
isMulti() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.DeleteRequest
Gets whether all documents matching the query filter will be removed.
isMulti() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
Gets whether this update will update all documents matching the filter.
isMulti() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Gets whether all documents matching the query filter will be removed.
isNameOnly() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
Gets whether only the collection names should be returned.
isNaN() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Returns true if this Decimal128 is Not-A-Number (NaN).
isNegative() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Returns true if this Decimal128 is negative.
isNoCursorTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use.
isNoCursorTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use.
isNoCursorTimeout() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Returns true if cursor timeout has been turned off.
isNonAtomic() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
True if the post-processing step will prevent MongoDB from locking the database.
isNull() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonNull, false otherwise.
isNull(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonNull, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isNumber() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonNumber, false otherwise.
isNumber(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonNumber, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isObjectId() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is an BsonObjectId, false otherwise.
isObjectId(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonObjectId, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isOk() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
The isOK() result from requesting this information from the server
isOplogReplay() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Users should not set this under normal circumstances.
isOplogReplay() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Users should not set this under normal circumstances.
isOplogReplay() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Internal replication use only.
isOrdered() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteOperation
Returns true if this is building an ordered bulk write request.
isOrdered() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
If true, then when a write fails, return without performing the remaining writes.
isOrdered() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertManyOptions
Gets whether the documents should be inserted in the order provided, stopping on the first failed insertion.
isOrdered() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseWriteOperation
Gets whether the writes are ordered.
isOrdered() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation
Gets whether the writes are ordered.
isPartial() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Get partial results from a sharded cluster if one or more shards are unreachable (instead of throwing an error).
isPartial() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Get partial results from a sharded cluster if one or more shards are unreachable (instead of throwing an error).
isPartial() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Returns true if can get partial results from a mongos if some shards are down.
isPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBList
isPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Whether BasicDBObject.markAsPartialObject() was ever called only matters if you are going to upsert and do not want to risk losing fields.
isPartialObject() - Method in interface com.mongodb.DBObject
Whether DBObject.markAsPartialObject() was ever called only matters if you are going to upsert and do not want to risk losing fields.
isPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
isPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBList
isPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBObject
isPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
isPreserveNullAndEmptyArrays() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UnwindOptions
If true the unwind stage will include documents that have null values or empty arrays
isPrimary() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Returns whether this can be treated as a primary server.
isReadable() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
Property is readable.
isReadable() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Property is readable.
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateUserOperation
Returns true if the user is a readOnly user.
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.UpdateUserOperation
Returns true if the user is a readOnly user.
isRegularExpression() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonRegularExpression, false otherwise.
isRemove() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Returns the remove
isReplicaSetMember() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets whether this server is a replica set member.
isRetryWrites() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.BaseFindAndModifyOperation
Returns true if the operation should be retried.
isReturnKey() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Returns the returnKey.
isReturnKey() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Returns the returnKey.
isReturnKey() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Returns the returnKey.
isReturnOriginal() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
When false, returns the replaced document rather than the original.
isReturnOriginal() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
When false, returns the updated document rather than the original.
isSafe() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Returns whether the driver will use a WriteConcern of WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED for all operations.
isSecondary() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Returns whether this can be treated as a secondary server.
isServerDefault() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
isServerDefault() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Gets whether this write concern indicates that the server's default write concern will be used.
isSessionMarkedDirty() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Whether the server session is marked dirty.
isSharded() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
True if the output database is sharded
isShardRouter() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets whether this is a server that is the entry point to a sharded instance of MongoDB.
isShowRecordId() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Returns the showRecordId.
isShowRecordId() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Returns the showRecordId.
isShowRecordId() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Returns the showRecordId.
isSlaveOk() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Returns true if set to allowed to query non-primary replica set members.
isSlaveOk() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
True if this read preference allows reading from a secondary member of a replica set.
isSlaveOk() - Method in class com.mongodb.TaggableReadPreference
isSnapshot() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Deprecated in MongoDB 3.6 release and removed in MongoDB 4.0 release
isSnapshot() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Deprecated in MongoDB 3.6 release and removed in MongoDB 4.0 release
isSocketKeepAlive() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
configuring keep-alive has been deprecated. It now defaults to true and disabling it is not recommended.
isSocketKeepAlive() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Gets the flag that controls the socket keep alive feature that keeps a connection alive through firewalls.
isSparse() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
If true, the index only references documents with the specified field
isSparse() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
If true, the index only references documents with the specified field
isSrvProtocol() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
Returns true if the connection string requires SRV protocol to resolve the host lists from the configured host.
isSslEnabled() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Whether to use SSL.
isSslInvalidHostNameAllowed() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
Returns whether invalid host names should be allowed if SSL is enabled.
isStackEmpty() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
Returns whether this is the top level or not
isStandAlone() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
Gets whether this is part of a replica set/sharded system, or is a single server.
isString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonString, false otherwise.
isString(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonString, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isSymbol() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonSymbol, false otherwise.
isTailable() - Method in enum com.mongodb.CursorType
True if the cursor type is tailable.
isTimestamp() - Method in class org.bson.BsonValue
Returns true if this is a BsonTimestamp, false otherwise.
isTimestamp(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Returns true if the value of the key is a BsonTimestamp, returns false if the document does not contain the key.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Is the logger instance enabled for the TRACE level?
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Is the logger instance enabled for the TRACE level?
isTrue(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions
Throw IllegalStateException if the condition if false.
isTrue(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.bson.assertions.Assertions
Throw IllegalStateException if the condition if false.
isTrue(String, boolean, SingleResultCallback<?>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions
Throw IllegalStateException if the condition if false.
isTrueArgument(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions
Throw IllegalArgumentException if the condition if false.
isTrueArgument(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.bson.assertions.Assertions
Throw IllegalArgumentException if the condition if false.
isTrueArgument(String, T, boolean) - Static method in class org.bson.assertions.Assertions
Throw IllegalArgumentException if the condition if false, otherwise return the value.
isTruncated() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
Return true if the output has been truncated due to exceeding the length specified in JsonWriterSettings.maxLength.
isTruncated() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
Return true if the output has been truncated due to exceeding the length specified in StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings.getMaxLength().
isTruncated() - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Return true if the output has been truncated due to exceeding any maximum length specified in settings.
isUnique() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Gets if the index should be unique.
isUnique() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Gets if the index should be unique.
isUnwrapped() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
Determine whether the document has been unwrapped already.
isUpdateOfExisting() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernResult
Returns true if the write was an update of an existing document.
isUpdateOfExisting() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteResult
Returns true if this write resulted in an update of an existing document.
isUpsert() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
Gets whether this update will insert a new document if no documents match the filter.
isUpsert() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Returns the upsert
isUpsert() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUpsert() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUpsert() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUpsert() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUpsert() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUpsert() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUpsert() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUsePowerOf2Sizes() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
As of MongoDB 3.0, power of 2 sizes is ignored by the MongoDB server
isUsePowerOf2Sizes() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
As of MongoDB 3.0, power of 2 sizes is ignored by the MongoDB server
isUuid(byte) - Static method in enum org.bson.BsonBinarySubType
Returns true if the given value is a UUID subtype
isValid(String) - Static method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Checks if a string could be an ObjectId.
isVerbose() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Gets the verbosity of the MapReduce job.
isVerbose() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Gets whether to include the timing information in the result information.
isVerbose() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Gets whether to include the timing information in the result information.
isWarnEnabled() - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Is the logger instance enabled for the WARN level?
isWarnEnabled() - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Is the logger instance enabled for the WARN level?
isWritable() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
Property is writable.
isWritable() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Property is writable.
itcount() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
For testing only! Iterates cursor and counts objects
IterableCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes Iterable objects.
IterableCodec(CodecRegistry, BsonTypeClassMap) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodec
Construct a new instance with the given CodecRegistry and BsonTypeClassMap.
IterableCodec(CodecRegistry, BsonTypeClassMap, Transformer) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodec
Construct a new instance with the given CodecRegistry and BsonTypeClassMap.
IterableCodecProvider - Class in org.bson.codecs
A CodecProvider for classes than implement the Iterable interface.
IterableCodecProvider() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with a default BsonTypeClassMap and no Transformer.
IterableCodecProvider(BsonTypeClassMap) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with the given instance of BsonTypeClassMap and no Transformer.
IterableCodecProvider(BsonTypeClassMap, Transformer) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with the given instance of BsonTypeClassMap and Transformer.
IterableCodecProvider(Transformer) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with a default BsonTypeClassMap and the given Transformer.
iterator() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoIterable
iterator() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Creates a copy of this cursor object that can be iterated.
iterator() - Method in class com.mongodb.TagSet
iterator() - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
iterator() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList


j - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
The "j" value of the global WriteConcern.
JAVA_LEGACY - org.bson.UuidRepresentation
The legacy representation of UUID used by the Java driver BSON binary subtype 3
JAVA_SASL_CLIENT_PROPERTIES_KEY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Mechanism property key for overriding the SaslClient properties for GSSAPI authentication.
JAVA_SUBJECT_KEY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Mechanism property key for overriding the Subject under which GSSAPI authentication executes.
JAVASCRIPT - org.bson.BsonType
BSON JavaScript code.
JAVASCRIPT_WITH_SCOPE - org.bson.BsonContextType
BSON JavaScript code with a scope (a set of variables with values).
javaScriptConverter(Converter<String>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON JavaScript values to JSON.
JMXConnectionPoolListener - Class in com.mongodb.management
A connection pool listener that manages a set of JMX MBeans, one for each connection pool.
JMXConnectionPoolListener() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.management.JMXConnectionPoolListener
JOURNAL_SAFE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
JOURNALED - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Write operations wait for the server to group commit to the journal file on disk.
jsMode(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the flag that specifies whether to convert intermediate data into BSON format between the execution of the map and reduce functions.
jsMode(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets the flag that specifies whether to convert intermediate data into BSON format between the execution of the map and reduce functions.
jsMode(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Sets the flag that specifies whether to convert intermediate data into BSON format between the execution of the map and reduce functions.
JSON - Class in com.mongodb.util
This class has been superseded by to toJson and parse methods on BasicDBObject
JSON() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.util.JSON
JSONCallback - Class in com.mongodb.util
This class has been superseded by to toJson and parse methods on BasicDBObject
JSONCallback() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.util.JSONCallback
JsonMode - Enum in org.bson.json
An enumeration of the supported output modes of JSONWriter.
JsonParseException - Exception in org.bson.json
JSONParseException indicates some exception happened during JSON processing.
JsonParseException() - Constructor for exception org.bson.json.JsonParseException
Constructs a new runtime exception with null as its detail message.
JsonParseException(String) - Constructor for exception org.bson.json.JsonParseException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message.
JsonParseException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception org.bson.json.JsonParseException
Constructs a new runtime exception with string formatted using specified pattern and arguments.
JsonParseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.bson.json.JsonParseException
Create a JSONParseException with the given Throwable cause.
JSONParseException - Exception in com.mongodb.util
there is no replacement for this class
JSONParseException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.util.JSONParseException
Creates a new instance.
JSONParseException(String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.util.JSONParseException
Creates a new instance.
JsonReader - Class in org.bson.json
Reads a JSON in one of the following modes: Strict mode that conforms to the JSON RFC specifications. JavaScript mode that that most JavaScript interpreters can process Shell mode that the mongo shell can process.
JsonReader(Reader) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonReader
Constructs a new instance with the given Reader positioned at a JSON object.
JsonReader(String) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonReader
Constructs a new instance with the given string positioned at a JSON object.
JsonReader.Context - Class in org.bson.json
JsonReader.Mark - Class in org.bson.json
jsonSchema(Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents that validate against the given JSON schema document.
JSONSerializers - Class in com.mongodb.util
This class has been superseded by to toJson and parse methods on BasicDBObject
JsonWriter - Class in org.bson.json
A BsonWriter implementation that outputs a JSON representation of BSON.
JsonWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
Creates a new instance which uses writer to write JSON to.
JsonWriter(Writer, JsonWriterSettings) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonWriter
Creates a new instance which uses writer to write JSON to and uses the given settings.
JsonWriter.Context - Class in org.bson.json
The context for the writer, inheriting all the values from AbstractBsonWriter.Context, and additionally providing settings for the indentation level and whether there are any child elements at this level.
JsonWriterSettings - Class in org.bson.json
Settings to control the behavior of a JSONWriter instance.
JsonWriterSettings() - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
Prefer JsonWriterSettings.builder(), but note that the default output mode is different for that method
JsonWriterSettings(boolean) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
JsonWriterSettings(JsonMode) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
JsonWriterSettings(JsonMode, boolean) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
JsonWriterSettings(JsonMode, String) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
JsonWriterSettings(JsonMode, String, String) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings
JsonWriterSettings.Builder - Class in org.bson.json
A builder for JsonWriterSettings
Jsr310CodecProvider - Class in org.bson.codecs.jsr310
A CodecProvider for JSR-310 Date and Time API classes.
Jsr310CodecProvider() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.Jsr310CodecProvider


KEEP_EXISTING - com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenMatched
Keep the existing document in the output collection.
keepAlive(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings.Builder
configuring keep-alive has been deprecated. It now defaults to true and disabling it is not recommended.
key(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Sets the document containing the field or fields to group.
keyAltName(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
Sets the alternate key name
keyAltNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
Set the alternate key names.
keyFunction(BsonJavaScript) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Sets the function that creates a "key object" for use as the grouping key.
keyId(BsonBinary) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
Sets the key identifier
keySet() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
keySet() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject.JavaWrapper
Gets all the fields on this object.
keySet() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
keySet() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
keySet() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
keySet() - Method in interface org.bson.BSONObject
Returns this object's fields' names
keySet() - Method in class org.bson.Document
keySet() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
keySet() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
keySet() - Method in class org.bson.types.BasicBSONList
keyVaultMongoClientSettings(MongoClientSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings.Builder
Sets the key vault settings.
keyVaultMongoClientSettings(MongoClientSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientEncryptionSettings.Builder
Sets the key vault settings.
keyVaultNamespace(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings.Builder
Sets the key vault namespace
keyVaultNamespace(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientEncryptionSettings.Builder
Sets the key vault namespace
killCursor(MongoNamespace, List<Long>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
Kills the given list of cursors.
killCursor(List<Long>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
killCursorAsync(MongoNamespace, List<Long>, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
Asynchronously Kills the given list of cursors.
killCursorAsync(List<Long>, SingleResultCallback<Void>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
kmsProviders(Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings.Builder
Sets the KMS providers map.
kmsProviders(Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientEncryptionSettings.Builder
Sets the KMS providers map.


language(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.TextSearchOptions
Set the language for the text search
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
languageOverride(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the name of the field that contains the language string.
languageOverride(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the name of the field that contains the language string.
last(String, TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators
Gets a field name for a $group operation representing the value of the given expression when applied to the last member of the group.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
lastUpdateTimeNanos(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the last update time for this description, which is simply the time that the server description was created.
lastWriteDate(Date) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the lastWriteDate reported by this server
LatencyMinimizingServerSelector - Class in com.mongodb.selector
LatencyMinimizingServerSelector(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.selector.LatencyMinimizingServerSelector
LazyBSONCallback - Class in org.bson
A BSONCallback for creation of LazyBSONObject and LazyBSONList instances.
LazyBSONCallback() - Constructor for class org.bson.LazyBSONCallback
LazyBSONDecoder - Class in org.bson
A decoder for LazyBSONObject instances.
LazyBSONDecoder() - Constructor for class org.bson.LazyBSONDecoder
LazyBSONList - Class in org.bson
A LazyBSONObject representing a BSON array.
LazyBSONList(byte[], int, LazyBSONCallback) - Constructor for class org.bson.LazyBSONList
Construct an instance with the given raw bytes and offset.
LazyBSONList(byte[], LazyBSONCallback) - Constructor for class org.bson.LazyBSONList
Construct an instance with the given raw bytes and offset.
LazyBSONList.LazyBSONListIterator - Class in org.bson
An iterator over the values in a LazyBsonList.
LazyBSONListIterator() - Constructor for class org.bson.LazyBSONList.LazyBSONListIterator
Construct an instance
LazyBSONObject - Class in org.bson
An immutable BSONObject backed by a byte buffer that lazily provides keys and values on request.
LazyBSONObject(byte[], int, LazyBSONCallback) - Constructor for class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Construct an instance.
LazyBSONObject(byte[], LazyBSONCallback) - Constructor for class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Construct an instance.
LazyDBCallback - Class in com.mongodb
A BSONCallback for the creation of LazyDBObject and LazyDBList instances.
LazyDBCallback(DBCollection) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.LazyDBCallback
Construct an instance.
LazyDBDecoder - Class in com.mongodb
A decoder for LazyDBObject instances.
LazyDBDecoder() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.LazyDBDecoder
LazyDBEncoder - Class in com.mongodb
Encoder that only knows how to encode BSONObject instances of type LazyDBObject.
LazyDBEncoder() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.LazyDBEncoder
LazyDBList - Class in com.mongodb
A LazyDBObject representing a BSON array.
LazyDBList(byte[], int, LazyBSONCallback) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.LazyDBList
Construct an instance with the given raw bytes and offset.
LazyDBList(byte[], LazyBSONCallback) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.LazyDBList
Construct an instance with the given raw bytes and offset.
LazyDBObject - Class in com.mongodb
An immutable DBObject backed by a byte buffer that lazily provides keys and values on request.
LazyDBObject(byte[], int, LazyBSONCallback) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.LazyDBObject
Construct an instance.
LazyDBObject(byte[], LazyBSONCallback) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.LazyDBObject
Construct an instance.
legacyDefaults() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
there is no replacement for this method
length() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Pulls back all items into an array and returns the number of objects.
length() - Method in class org.bson.types.Binary
Get the length of the data.
lessThan(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to the $lt operand
lessThanEquals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to the $lte operand
LEVEL - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoCompressor
The property key for defining the compression level.
limit() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Returns this buffer's limit.
limit() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
limit(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSFindIterable
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $limit pipeline stage for the specified filter
limit(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Limits the number of elements returned.
limit(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Sets this buffer's limit.
limit(int) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
limit(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Sets the limit to apply.
LINE_STRING - com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeoJsonObjectType
A LineString
LINEARIZABLE - com.mongodb.ReadConcernLevel
The linearizable read concern level.
LINEARIZABLE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
The linearizable read concern.
LineString - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
A representation of a GeoJSON LineString.
LineString(CoordinateReferenceSystem, List<Position>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.LineString
Construct an instance with the given coordinates and coordinate reference system.
LineString(List<Position>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.LineString
Construct an instance with the given coordinates.
LineStringCodec - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs
A Codec for a GeoJSON LineString.
LineStringCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.LineStringCodec
Construct a new instance
LINK - com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.CoordinateReferenceSystemType
A coordinate reference system that is specifed by a dereferenceable URI
listCollectionNames() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Gets the names of all the collections in this database.
listCollectionNames(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Gets the names of all the collections in this database.
listCollections() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Finds all the collections in this database.
listCollections(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Finds all the collections in this database.
listCollections(ClientSession, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Finds all the collections in this database.
listCollections(Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Finds all the collections in this database.
ListCollectionsIterable<TResult> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
Iterable for ListCollections.
ListCollectionsOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
ListCollectionsOperation(String, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
Construct a new instance.
listDatabaseNames() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Get a list of the database names
listDatabaseNames() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Get a list of the database names
listDatabaseNames(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Get a list of the database names
listDatabaseNames(ClientSession) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Get a list of the database names
listDatabases() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
listDatabases() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
listDatabases(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
listDatabases(ClientSession) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
listDatabases(ClientSession, Class<T>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
listDatabases(ClientSession, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
listDatabases(Class<T>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
listDatabases(Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Gets the list of databases
ListDatabasesIterable<TResult> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
Iterable for ListDatabases.
ListDatabasesOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
ListDatabasesOperation(Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.ListDatabasesOperation
Construct a new instance.
listIndexes() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Get all the indexes in this collection.
listIndexes(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Get all the indexes in this collection.
listIndexes(ClientSession, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Get all the indexes in this collection.
listIndexes(Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Get all the indexes in this collection.
ListIndexesIterable<TResult> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
Iterable for ListIndexes.
ListIndexesOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
ListIndexesOperation(MongoNamespace, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.ListIndexesOperation
Construct a new instance.
listIterator() - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
listIterator() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
LOCAL - com.mongodb.ReadConcernLevel
The local read concern level.
LOCAL - Static variable in class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
The local read concern.
LocalDateCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs.jsr310
LocalDate Codec.
LocalDateCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalDateCodec
LocalDateTimeCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs.jsr310
LocalDateTime Codec.
LocalDateTimeCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalDateTimeCodec
locale(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation.Builder
Sets the locale
localThreshold(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the local threshold.
localThreshold(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Sets the local threshold.
LocalTimeCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs.jsr310
LocalTime Codec.
LocalTimeCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.jsr310.LocalTimeCodec
Logger - Interface in com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging
This class is not part of the public API.
Logger - Interface in org.bson.diagnostics
This class is not part of the public API.
Loggers - Class in com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging
This class is not part of the public API.
Loggers - Class in org.bson.diagnostics
This class is not part of the public API.
logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the session timeout in minutes.
LongCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes Long objects.
LongCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.LongCodec
longValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDecimal128
longValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDouble
longValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt32
longValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt64
longValue() - Method in class org.bson.BsonNumber
Returns the value of the specified number as an long, which may involve rounding or truncation.
longValue() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Converts this Decimal128 to a long.
lookup(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $lookup pipeline stage, joining the current collection with the one specified in from using equality match between the local field and the foreign field
lookup(String, List<? extends Bson>, String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $lookup pipeline stage, joining the current collection with the one specified in from using the given pipeline
lookup(String, List<Variable<TExpression>>, List<? extends Bson>, String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $lookup pipeline stage, joining the current collection with the one specified in from using the given pipeline
LOWER - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationCaseFirst
Lowercase first
lt(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is less than the specified value.
LT - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
lte(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is less than or equal to the specified value.
LTE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.CLI
maintenanceFrequency(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
The time period between runs of the maintenance job.
maintenanceInitialDelay(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
The period of time to wait before running the first maintenance job on the connection pool.
Majority() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcern.Majority
Create a new Majority WriteConcern.
Majority(int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcern.Majority
Create a new WriteConcern with the given configuration.
MAJORITY - com.mongodb.ReadConcernLevel
The majority read concern level.
MAJORITY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
The majority read concern.
MAJORITY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Exceptions are raised for network issues, and server errors; waits on a majority of servers for the write operation.
majorityWriteConcern(int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
map(Function<TResult, U>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoIterable
Maps this iterable from the source document type to the target document type.
MapCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for Map instances.
MapCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.MapCodec
Construct a new instance with a default CodecRegistry
MapCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.MapCodec
Construct a new instance with the given registry
MapCodec(CodecRegistry, BsonTypeClassMap) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.MapCodec
Construct a new instance with the given registry and BSON type class map.
MapCodec(CodecRegistry, BsonTypeClassMap, Transformer) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.MapCodec
Construct a new instance with the given registry and BSON type class map.
MapCodecProvider - Class in org.bson.codecs
A CodecProvider for the Map class and all the default Codec implementations on which it depends.
MapCodecProvider() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.MapCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with a default BsonTypeClassMap.
MapCodecProvider(BsonTypeClassMap) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.MapCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with the given instance of BsonTypeClassMap.
MapCodecProvider(BsonTypeClassMap, Transformer) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.MapCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with the given instance of BsonTypeClassMap.
MapCodecProvider(Transformer) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.MapCodecProvider
Construct a new instance with a default BsonTypeClassMap and the given Transformer.
mapReduce(ClientSession, String, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
mapReduce(ClientSession, String, String, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
mapReduce(MapReduceCommand) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Allows you to run map-reduce aggregation operations over a collection.
mapReduce(String, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
mapReduce(String, String, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
mapReduce(String, String, String, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Allows you to run map-reduce aggregation operations over a collection.
mapReduce(String, String, String, MapReduceCommand.OutputType, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Allows you to run map-reduce aggregation operations over a collection and saves to a named collection.
mapReduce(String, String, String, MapReduceCommand.OutputType, DBObject, ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Allows you to run map-reduce aggregation operations over a collection and saves to a named collection.
MapReduceAction - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
The map reduce to collection actions.
MapReduceAsyncBatchCursor<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.operation
MapReduceBatchCursor<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.operation
MapReduceCommand - Class in com.mongodb
This class groups the argument for a map/reduce operation and can build the underlying command object
MapReduceCommand(DBCollection, String, String, String, MapReduceCommand.OutputType, DBObject) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Represents the command for a map reduce operation Runs the command in REPLACE output type to a named collection
MapReduceCommand.OutputType - Enum in com.mongodb
Represents the different options available for outputting the results of a map-reduce operation.
MapReduceIterable<TResult> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
Iterable for map-reduce.
MapReduceOutput - Class in com.mongodb
Represents the result of a map/reduce operation.
MapReduceStatistics - Class in com.mongodb.operation
MapReduceStatistics(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceStatistics
Construct a new instance.
MapReduceToCollectionOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
MapReduceToCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace, BsonJavaScript, BsonJavaScript, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Construct a MapReduceOperation with all the criteria it needs to execute
MapReduceToCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace, BsonJavaScript, BsonJavaScript, String, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Construct a MapReduceOperation with all the criteria it needs to execute
MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation(MongoNamespace, BsonJavaScript, BsonJavaScript, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Construct a MapReduceOperation with all the criteria it needs to execute.
mark() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream
Marks the current position in this input stream.
mark() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
mark() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
Create a snapshot of this writer's context at a point in time.
mark() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader.Context
mark() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
mark() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
mark() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
mark(int) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
mark(int) - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
Mark() - Constructor for class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.Mark
Mark() - Constructor for class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.Mark
Creates a new snapshopt of the current state.
Mark() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader.Mark
Mark() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter.Mark
Creates a new instance storing the current position of the BsonOutput.
Mark() - Constructor for class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader.Mark
Mark() - Constructor for class org.bson.json.JsonReader.Mark
markAsPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBList
markAsPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
If this object was retrieved with only some fields (using a field filter) this method will be called to mark it as such.
markAsPartialObject() - Method in interface com.mongodb.DBObject
If this object was retrieved with only some fields (using a field filter) this method will be called to mark it as such.
markAsPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
markAsPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBList
markAsPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBObject
markAsPartialObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
ReflectionDBObjects can't be partial.
markDirty() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ServerSession
Mark the server session as dirty.
markSessionDirty() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Mark the session as dirty.
masterKey(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
Sets the master key document.
match(Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $match pipeline stage for the specified filter
max(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the exclusive upper bound for a specific index.
max(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Specifies an exclusive upper limit for the index to use in a query.
max(Double) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the upper inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
max(Double) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the upper inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
max(String, TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators
Gets a field name for a $group operation representing the maximum of the values of the given expression when applied to all members of the group.
max(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that sets the value of the field to the given value if the given value is greater than the current value of the field.
max(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the exclusive upper bound for a specific index.
max(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the exclusive upper bound for a specific index.
max(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the exclusive upper bound for a specific index.
MAX - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
MAX_CHUNKSIZE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
You can calculate max chunkSize with a similar formula Mongo.getMaxBsonObjectSize() - 500*1000. Please ensure that you left enough space for metadata (500kb is enough).
MAX_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
MAX_DRIVER_WIRE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
The maximum supported driver wire version
MAX_IDLE_TIME_EXCEEDED - com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent.Reason
The connection became stale by being idle for too long
MAX_KEY - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON MaxKey value.
MAX_LIFE_TIME_EXCEEDED - com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent.Reason
The connection became stale by being open for too long
MAX_SCAN - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
maxAwaitTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable
The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a $changeStream aggregation.
maxAwaitTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ChangeStreamIterable
Sets the maximum await execution time on the server for this operation.
maxAwaitTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query.
maxAwaitTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the maximum await execution time on the server for this operation.
maxAwaitTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the maximum await execution time on the server for this operation.
maxAwaitTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Sets the maximum await execution time on the server for this operation.
maxAwaitTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Sets the maximum await execution time on the server for this operation.
maxAwaitTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the maximum await execution time on the server for this operation.
maxCommitTime(Long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CommitTransactionOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for the commitTransaction operation.
maxCommitTime(Long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions.Builder
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for the commitTransaction operation.
maxConnectionIdleTime(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the maximum idle time for a pooled connection.
maxConnectionIdleTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
The maximum idle time of a pooled connection.
maxConnectionLifeTime(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the maximum life time for a pooled connection.
maxConnectionLifeTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
The maximum time a pooled connection can live for.
maxDepth(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.GraphLookupOptions
Specifies a maximum recursive depth for the $graphLookup.
maxDocuments(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Sets the maximum number of documents allowed in a capped collection.
maxDocuments(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Set the maximum number of documents in the collection.
maxDocumentSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
The maximum permitted size of a BSON object in bytes for this mongod process.
MaxKey - Class in org.bson.types
Represent the maximum key value regardless of the key's type
MaxKey() - Constructor for class org.bson.types.MaxKey
MAXKEY - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
MaxKeyCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes instances of type MaxKey.
MaxKeyCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.MaxKeyCodec
maxKeyConverter(Converter<BsonMaxKey>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON MaxKey values to JSON.
maxLength(int) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the maximum length of the JSON string.
maxLength(int) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the maximum length of the JSON string.
maxScan(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Deprecated as of MongoDB 4.0 release
maxScan(long) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Deprecated as of MongoDB 4.0 release
maxScan(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Deprecated as of MongoDB 4.0 release
maxScan(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Deprecated as of MongoDB 4.0 release
maxSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
The maximum number of connections allowed.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions.Builder
Sets the maximum execution time for the aggregation command.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.DistinctIterable
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSFindIterable
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ListCollectionsIterable
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ListDatabasesIterable
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ListIndexesIterable
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateIndexOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DropIndexOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Set the maximum execution time for operations on this cursor.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateToCollectionOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateIndexesOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DistinctOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DropIndexOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListDatabasesOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListIndexesOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation.
maxWaitQueueSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
in the next major release, wait queue size limitations will be removed
maxWaitQueueSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
in the next major release, wait queue size limitations will be removed
maxWaitTime - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
The maximum wait time in milliseconds that a thread may wait for a connection to become available.
maxWaitTime(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the maximum time that a thread will block waiting for a connection.
maxWaitTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
The maximum time that a thread may wait for a connection to become available.
maxWireVersion(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
The latest version of the wire protocol that this MongoDB server is capable of using to communicate with clients.
MBeanServer - Interface in com.mongodb.management
MBeanServerFactory - Class in com.mongodb.management
MD5 - org.bson.BsonBinarySubType
An MD5 hash.
merge(MongoNamespace) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $merge pipeline stage that merges into the specified namespace
merge(MongoNamespace, MergeOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $merge pipeline stage that merges into the specified namespace using the specified options.
merge(TransactionOptions, TransactionOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions
Merge the two provided transaction options, with the first taking precedence over the second.
merge(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $merge pipeline stage that merges into the specified collection
merge(String, MergeOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $merge pipeline stage that merges into the specified collection using the specified options.
MERGE - com.mongodb.client.model.MapReduceAction
Merge the new result with the existing result if the output collection already exists.
MERGE - com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenMatched
Merge the matching documents
MERGE - com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand.OutputType
Merge the job output with the existing contents of outputTarget collection
MergeOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
Options to control the behavior of the $merge aggregation stage
MergeOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
MergeOptions.WhenMatched - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
The behavior of $merge if a result document and an existing document in the collection have the same value for the specified on field(s).
MergeOptions.WhenNotMatched - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
The behavior of $merge if a result document does not match an existing document in the out collection.
messageReceived(ConnectionMessageReceivedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionListener
Publish a connection message received event.
messagesSent(ConnectionMessagesSentEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionListener
Publish a connection messages sent event.
metadata(Document) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions
Sets metadata to stored alongside the filename in the files collection
metaTextScore(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection to the given field name of the textScore, for use with text queries.
metaTextScore(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts
Create a sort specification for the text score meta projection on the given field.
min(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the minimum inclusive lower bound for a specific index.
min(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Specifies an inclusive lower limit for the index to use in a query.
min(Double) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the lower inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
min(Double) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the lower inclusive boundary for the longitude and latitude values for 2d indexes..
min(String, TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators
Gets a field name for a $group operation representing the minimum of the values of the given expression when applied to all members of the group.
min(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that sets the value of the field to the given value if the given value is less than the current value of the field.
min(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the minimum inclusive lower bound for a specific index.
min(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the minimum inclusive lower bound for a specific index.
min(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the minimum inclusive lower bound for a specific index.
MIN - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
MIN_DRIVER_SERVER_VERSION - Static variable in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
The minimum supported driver server version
MIN_DRIVER_WIRE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
The minimum supported driver wire version
MIN_KEY - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON MinKey value.
minConnectionsPerHost(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the minimum number of connections per host.
minHeartbeatFrequency(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the minimum heartbeat frequency.
minHeartbeatFrequency(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings.Builder
Sets the minimum heartbeat frequency.
MinKey - Class in org.bson.types
Represent the minimum key value regardless of the key's type
MinKey() - Constructor for class org.bson.types.MinKey
MINKEY - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
MinKeyCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes instances of type MinKey.
MinKeyCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.MinKeyCodec
minKeyConverter(Converter<BsonMinKey>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON MinKey values to JSON.
minSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings.Builder
The minimum number of connections.
minWireVersion(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
The earliest version of the wire protocol that this MongoDB server is capable of using to communicate with clients.
MixedBulkWriteOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
MixedBulkWriteOperation(MongoNamespace, List<? extends WriteRequest>, boolean, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation
MixedBulkWriteOperation(MongoNamespace, List<? extends WriteRequest>, boolean, WriteConcern, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.MixedBulkWriteOperation
Construct a new instance.
mod(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $mod operand
mod(String, long, long) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field divided by a divisor has the specified remainder (i.e.
MOD - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
mode(ClusterConnectionMode) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Sets the mode for this cluster.
MODERATE - com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationLevel
Applies validation rules to inserts and to updates on existing valid documents.
modifiers(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
use the individual setters instead
modifiers(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
use the individual setters instead
modifiers(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
use the individual setters instead
modifiers(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
use the individual modifier methods instead.
Mongo - Class in com.mongodb
Replaced by MongoClient. Any non-deprecated methods will be moved to MongoClient. The rest will be removed along with this class.
Mongo() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo
Replaced by MongoClient())
Mongo(MongoURI) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo
Mongo(ServerAddress) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo
Mongo(ServerAddress, MongoOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo
Mongo(ServerAddress, ServerAddress) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo
Please use MongoClient(java.util.List) instead.
Mongo(ServerAddress, ServerAddress, MongoOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo
Mongo(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo
Mongo(String, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo
Mongo(String, MongoOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo
Mongo(List<ServerAddress>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo
Mongo(List<ServerAddress>, MongoOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Mongo
Mongo.Holder - Class in com.mongodb
MongoBulkWriteException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception that represents all errors associated with a bulk write operation.
MongoBulkWriteException(BulkWriteResult, List<BulkWriteError>, WriteConcernError, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException
Constructs a new instance.
MongoChangeStreamCursor<TResult> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
The Mongo Cursor interface for change streams implementing the iterator protocol.
MongoChangeStreamException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating that a failure occurred when running a $changeStream.
MongoChangeStreamException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoChangeStreamException
Constructs a new instance.
MongoClient - Class in com.mongodb
A MongoDB client with internal connection pooling.
MongoClient - Interface in com.mongodb.client
A client-side representation of a MongoDB cluster.
MongoClient() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates an instance based on a (single) mongodb node (localhost, default port).
MongoClient(MongoClientURI) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a Mongo described by a URI.
MongoClient(MongoClientURI, MongoDriverInformation) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a Mongo described by a URI.
MongoClient(ServerAddress) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a Mongo instance based on a (single) mongodb node
MongoClient(ServerAddress, MongoClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a Mongo instance based on a (single) mongo node using a given ServerAddress and default options.
MongoClient(ServerAddress, MongoCredential, MongoClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a Mongo instance based on a (single) mongo node using a given server address, credential, and options
MongoClient(ServerAddress, MongoCredential, MongoClientOptions, MongoDriverInformation) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a MongoClient to a single node using a given ServerAddress.
MongoClient(ServerAddress, List<MongoCredential>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
MongoClient(ServerAddress, List<MongoCredential>, MongoClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
MongoClient(ServerAddress, List<MongoCredential>, MongoClientOptions, MongoDriverInformation) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
MongoClient(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a Mongo instance based on a (single) mongodb node.
MongoClient(String, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a Mongo instance based on a (single) mongodb node.
MongoClient(String, MongoClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a Mongo instance based on a (single) mongodb node (default port).
MongoClient(List<ServerAddress>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates an instance based on a list of replica set members or mongos servers.
MongoClient(List<ServerAddress>, MongoClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Construct an instance based on a list of replica set members or mongos servers.
MongoClient(List<ServerAddress>, MongoCredential, MongoClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates an instance based on a list of replica set members or mongos servers.
MongoClient(List<ServerAddress>, MongoCredential, MongoClientOptions, MongoDriverInformation) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a MongoClient
MongoClient(List<ServerAddress>, List<MongoCredential>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
MongoClient(List<ServerAddress>, List<MongoCredential>, MongoClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
MongoClient(List<ServerAddress>, List<MongoCredential>, MongoClientOptions, MongoDriverInformation) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClient
MongoClientException - Exception in com.mongodb
A base class for exceptions indicating a failure condition with the MongoClient.
MongoClientException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoClientException
Constructs a new instance.
MongoClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoClientException
Constructs a new instance.
MongoClientFactory - Class in com.mongodb.client.jndi
An ObjectFactory for MongoClient instances.
MongoClientFactory - Class in com.mongodb.client
A JNDI ObjectFactory for MongoClient instances.
MongoClientFactory() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.jndi.MongoClientFactory
MongoClientFactory() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.MongoClientFactory
MongoClientOptions - Class in com.mongodb
Various settings to control the behavior of a MongoClient.
MongoClientOptions.Builder - Class in com.mongodb
A builder for MongoClientOptions so that MongoClientOptions can be immutable, and to support easier construction through chaining.
MongoClients - Class in com.mongodb.client
A factory for MongoClient instances.
MongoClientSettings - Class in com.mongodb
Various settings to control the behavior of a MongoClient.
MongoClientSettings.Builder - Class in com.mongodb
A builder for MongoClientSettings so that MongoClientSettings can be immutable, and to support easier construction through chaining.
MongoClientURI - Class in com.mongodb
Represents a URI which can be used to create a MongoClient instance.
MongoClientURI(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
Creates a MongoURI from the given string.
MongoClientURI(String, MongoClientOptions.Builder) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
Creates a MongoURI from the given URI string, and MongoClientOptions.Builder.
MongoCollection<TDocument> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
The MongoCollection interface.
MongoCommandException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating that a command sent to a MongoDB server returned a failure.
MongoCommandException(BsonDocument, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoCommandException
Construct a new instance with the CommandResult from a failed command
MongoCompressor - Class in com.mongodb
Metadata describing a compressor to use for sending and receiving messages to a MongoDB server.
MongoConfigurationException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating a configuration error in the client.
MongoConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException
Construct an instance with the given message.
MongoConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException
Construct an instance with the given message and cause.
MongoCredential - Class in com.mongodb
Represents credentials to authenticate to a mongo server,as well as the source of the credentials and the authentication mechanism to use.
MongoCursor<TResult> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
The Mongo Cursor interface implementing the iterator protocol.
MongoCursorNotFoundException - Exception in com.mongodb
Subclass of MongoException representing a cursor-not-found exception.
MongoCursorNotFoundException(long, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoCursorNotFoundException
Construct a new instance.
MongoDatabase - Interface in com.mongodb.client
The MongoDatabase interface.
MONGODB_CR - com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism
This mechanism was replaced by AuthenticationMechanism.SCRAM_SHA_1 in MongoDB 3.0, and is now deprecated
MONGODB_CR_MECHANISM - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
This mechanism was replaced by MongoCredential.SCRAM_SHA_1_MECHANISM in MongoDB 3.0, and is now deprecated
MONGODB_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
The prefix for mongodb URIs.
MONGODB_X509 - com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism
The MongoDB X.509 mechanism.
MONGODB_X509_MECHANISM - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
The MongoDB X.509
MongoDriverInformation - Class in com.mongodb
The MongoDriverInformation class allows driver and library authors to add extra information about their library.
MongoDriverInformation.Builder - Class in com.mongodb
MongoException - Exception in com.mongodb
Top level Exception for all Exceptions, server-side or client-side, that come from the driver.
MongoException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoException
MongoException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoException
MongoException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoException
MongoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoException
MongoExecutionTimeoutException - Exception in com.mongodb
Exception indicating that the execution of the current operation timed out as a result of the maximum operation time being exceeded.
MongoExecutionTimeoutException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoExecutionTimeoutException
Construct a new instance.
MongoGridFSException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating that a failure occurred in GridFS.
MongoGridFSException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoGridFSException
Constructs a new instance.
MongoGridFSException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoGridFSException
Constructs a new instance.
MongoIncompatibleDriverException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating that this version of the driver is not compatible with at least one of the servers that it is currently connected to.
MongoIncompatibleDriverException(String, ClusterDescription) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoIncompatibleDriverException
Construct a new instance.
MongoInternalException - Exception in com.mongodb
A Mongo exception internal to the driver, not carrying any error code.
MongoInternalException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoInternalException
MongoInternalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoInternalException
MongoInterruptedException - Exception in com.mongodb
A non-checked exception indicating that the driver has been interrupted by a call to Thread.interrupt.
MongoInterruptedException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoInterruptedException
Construct a new instance.
MongoIterable<TResult> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
The MongoIterable is the results from an operation, such as a query.
MongoNamespace - Class in com.mongodb
A MongoDB namespace, which includes a database name and collection name.
MongoNamespace(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
Construct an instance for the given full name.
MongoNamespace(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
Construct an instance from the given database name and collection name.
MongoNodeIsRecoveringException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating that the server is a member of a replica set but is in recovery mode, and therefore refused to execute the operation.
MongoNodeIsRecoveringException(ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoNodeIsRecoveringException
MongoNodeIsRecoveringException(BsonDocument, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoNodeIsRecoveringException
Construct an instance.
MongoNotPrimaryException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating that the server is a member of a replica set but is not the primary, and therefore refused to execute either a write operation or a read operation that required a primary.
MongoNotPrimaryException(ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoNotPrimaryException
MongoNotPrimaryException(BsonDocument, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoNotPrimaryException
Construct an instance.
MongoOptions - Class in com.mongodb
Please use MongoClientOptions instead.
MongoOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
MongoOptions(MongoClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
MongoQueryException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating that a query operation failed on the server.
MongoQueryException(MongoCommandException) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoQueryException
Construct an instance from a command exception.
MongoQueryException(ServerAddress, int, String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoQueryException
Construct an instance.
MongoSecurityException - Exception in com.mongodb
This exception is thrown when there is an error reported by the underlying client authentication mechanism.
MongoSecurityException(MongoCredential, String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoSecurityException
Construct an instance
MongoSecurityException(MongoCredential, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoSecurityException
Construct an instance
MongoServerException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating that some error has been raised by a MongoDB server in response to an operation.
MongoServerException(int, String, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoServerException
Construct a new instance.
MongoServerException(String, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoServerException
Construct a new instance.
MongoSocketClosedException - Exception in com.mongodb
This exception is thrown when trying to read or write from a closed socket.
MongoSocketClosedException(String, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoSocketClosedException
Construct an instance.
MongoSocketException - Exception in com.mongodb
Subclass of MongoException representing a network-related exception
MongoSocketException(String, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoSocketException
Construct a new instance.
MongoSocketOpenException - Exception in com.mongodb
This exception is thrown when there is an exception opening a Socket.
MongoSocketOpenException(String, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException
Construct an instance.
MongoSocketOpenException(String, ServerAddress, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException
Construct an instance.
MongoSocketReadException - Exception in com.mongodb
This exception is thrown when there is an exception reading a response from a Socket.
MongoSocketReadException(String, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoSocketReadException
Construct a new instance.
MongoSocketReadException(String, ServerAddress, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoSocketReadException
Construct a new instance.
MongoSocketReadTimeoutException - Exception in com.mongodb
This exception is thrown when there is a timeout reading a response from the socket.
MongoSocketReadTimeoutException(String, ServerAddress, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoSocketReadTimeoutException
Construct a new instance
MongoSocketWriteException - Exception in com.mongodb
This exception is thrown when there is an exception writing a response to a Socket.
MongoSocketWriteException(String, ServerAddress, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoSocketWriteException
Construct a new instance.
MongoTimeoutException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating that the driver has timed out waiting for either a server or a connection to become available.
MongoTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException
Construct a new instance.
MongoURI - Class in com.mongodb
Replaced by MongoClientURI
MongoURI(MongoClientURI) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoURI
MongoURI(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.MongoURI
MongoWaitQueueFullException - Exception in com.mongodb
In the next major release the limit on wait queue size will be removed, so this exception will no longer be thrown
MongoWaitQueueFullException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoWaitQueueFullException
Constructs a new instance with the given message.
MongoWriteConcernException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating a failure to apply the write concern to the requested write operation
MongoWriteConcernException(WriteConcernError, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException
Construct an instance.
MongoWriteConcernException(WriteConcernError, WriteConcernResult, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException
Construct an instance.
MongoWriteException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception indicating the failure of a write operation.
MongoWriteException(WriteError, ServerAddress) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.MongoWriteException
Construct an instance
mul(String, Number) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that multiplies the value of the field with the given name by the given number.
multi(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.DeleteRequest
Sets whether all documents matching the query filter will be removed.
multi(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
Sets whether this will update all documents matching the query filter.
multi(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Sets whether all documents matching the query filter will be removed.
MULTI_LINE_STRING - com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeoJsonObjectType
A MultiLineString
MULTI_POINT - com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeoJsonObjectType
A MultiPoint
MULTI_POLYGON - com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeoJsonObjectType
A MultiPolygon
MultiLineString - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
A representation of a GeoJSON MultiLineString.
MultiLineString(CoordinateReferenceSystem, List<List<Position>>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiLineString
Construct an instance with the given coordinates and coordinate reference system.
MultiLineString(List<List<Position>>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiLineString
Construct an instance with the given coordinates.
MultiLineStringCodec - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs
A Codec for a GeoJSON MultiLineString.
MultiLineStringCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.MultiLineStringCodec
Constructs an instance.
MULTIPLE - com.mongodb.connection.ClusterConnectionMode
Connect to multiple servers in a cluster (either a replica set or multiple mongos servers)
MultiPoint - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
A representation of a GeoJSON MultiPoint.
MultiPoint(CoordinateReferenceSystem, List<Position>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPoint
Construct an instance with the given coordinates and coordinate reference system.
MultiPoint(List<Position>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPoint
Construct an instance with the given coordinates.
MultiPointCodec - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs
A Codec for a GeoJSON MultiPoint.
MultiPointCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.MultiPointCodec
Constructs an instance.
MultiPolygon - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
A representation of a GeoJSON MultiPolygon.
MultiPolygon(CoordinateReferenceSystem, List<PolygonCoordinates>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPolygon
Construct an instance.
MultiPolygon(List<PolygonCoordinates>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPolygon
Construct an instance.
MultiPolygonCodec - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs
A Codec for a GeoJSON MultiPolygon.
MultiPolygonCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.MultiPolygonCodec
Constructs an instance.


name(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the name of the index.
name(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the name of the index.
NAME - com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.CoordinateReferenceSystemType
A coordinate reference system that is specifed by name
NAME - org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.State
The reader is positioned at the name of an element.
NAME - org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.State
The writer is positioned to write a name.
NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
A GeoJSON named Coordinate Reference System.
NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem
Construct an instance
NamedCoordinateReferenceSystemCodec - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs
Codec for a GeoJson Coordinate Reference System of type name.
NamedCoordinateReferenceSystemCodec() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystemCodec
nameOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
nameOnly(Boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ListDatabasesIterable
Sets the nameOnly flag that indicates whether the command should return just the database names or return the database names and size information.
nameOnly(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListDatabasesOperation
Sets the nameOnly flag that indicates whether the command should return just the database names or return the database names and size information.
NaN - Static variable in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
A constant holding a Not-a-Number (NaN) value of type Decimal128.
ne(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field name does not equal the specified value.
NE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
near(double, double) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $near operand
near(double, double, double) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $near operand
near(String, double, double, Double, Double) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified point.
near(String, Point, Double, Double) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point.
near(String, Bson, Double, Double) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point.
NEAR - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
NEAR_SPHERE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
nearest() - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a primary or a secondary.
nearest(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a primary or a secondary that is less stale than the given maximum.
nearest(TagSet) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to the primary or a secondary with the given set of tags.
nearest(TagSet, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to the primary or a secondary with the given set of tags that is less stale than the given maximum.
nearest(List<TagSet>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to the primary or a secondary with one of the given sets of tags.
nearest(List<TagSet>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to the primary or a secondary with one of the given sets of tags that is less stale than the given maximum.
nearSphere(double, double) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $nearSphere operand
nearSphere(double, double, double) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $nearSphere operand
nearSphere(String, double, double, Double, Double) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified point using spherical geometry.
nearSphere(String, Point, Double, Double) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point using spherical geometry.
nearSphere(String, Bson, Double, Double) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point using spherical geometry.
NEGATIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
A constant holding the negative infinity of type Decimal128.
NEGATIVE_NaN - Static variable in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
A constant holding a negative Not-a-Number (-NaN) value of type Decimal128.
NEGATIVE_ZERO - Static variable in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
A constant holding a negative zero value of type Decimal128.
NettyStreamFactory - Class in com.mongodb.connection.netty
A StreamFactory for Streams based on Netty 4.x.
NettyStreamFactory(SocketSettings, SslSettings) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactory
Construct a new instance of the factory with a default allocator, nio event loop group and nio socket channel.
NettyStreamFactory(SocketSettings, SslSettings, EventLoopGroup) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactory
Construct a new instance of the factory.
NettyStreamFactory(SocketSettings, SslSettings, EventLoopGroup, ByteBufAllocator) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactory
Construct a new instance of the factory.
NettyStreamFactory(SocketSettings, SslSettings, EventLoopGroup, Class<? extends SocketChannel>, ByteBufAllocator) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactory
Construct a new instance of the factory.
NettyStreamFactoryFactory - Class in com.mongodb.connection.netty
A StreamFactoryFactory implementation for Netty-based streams.
NettyStreamFactoryFactory() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactoryFactory
Use NettyStreamFactoryFactory.builder() instead to construct the NettyStreamFactoryFactory.
NettyStreamFactoryFactory(EventLoopGroup, ByteBufAllocator) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactoryFactory
Use NettyStreamFactoryFactory.builder() instead to construct the NettyStreamFactoryFactory.
NettyStreamFactoryFactory.Builder - Class in com.mongodb.connection.netty
A builder for an instance of NettyStreamFactoryFactory.
newLineCharacters(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the new line character string to use when indentation is enabled, which defaults to System.getProperty("line.separator").
newLineCharacters(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the new line character string to use when indentation is enabled.
next() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor
next() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Returns the object the cursor is at and moves the cursor ahead by one.
next() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.BatchCursor
Returns the next batch of results.
next() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList.LazyBSONListIterator
next(SingleResultCallback<List<T>>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.async.AsyncBatchCursor
Returns the next batch of results.
nin(String, Iterable<TItem>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field does not equal any of the specified values or does not exist.
nin(String, TItem...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field does not equal any of the specified values or does not exist.
NIN - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
NO_CONVENTIONS - Static variable in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.Conventions
An empty conventions list
noCursorTimeout(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use.
noCursorTimeout(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSFindIterable
The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use.
noCursorTimeout(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use.
noCursorTimeout(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use.
noCursorTimeout(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use.
noCursorTimeout(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets if the cursor timeout should be turned off.
NON_IGNORABLE - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationAlternate
nonAtomic(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets if the post-processing step will prevent MongoDB from locking the database.
nonAtomic(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets if the post-processing step will prevent MongoDB from locking the database.
NonNull - Annotation Type in com.mongodb.lang
A common annotation to declare that annotated elements cannot be null.
NonNullApi - Annotation Type in com.mongodb.lang
A common annotation to declare that parameters and return values are to be considered as non-nullable by default for a given package.
NonTailable - com.mongodb.CursorType
A non-tailable cursor.
nor(Iterable<Bson>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that performs a logical NOR operation on all the specified filters.
nor(Bson...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that performs a logical NOR operation on all the specified filters.
NOR - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
NORMAL - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
normalization(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation.Builder
Sets the normalization value
not() - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to $not meta operator.
not(Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents that do not match the passed in filter.
NOT - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
notEquals(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $ne operand
notifyMessageSent() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ClientSession
Notify the client session that a message has been sent.
notifyMessageSent() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Notify the session context that a message has been sent.
notIn(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $nin operand
notNull(String, T) - Static method in class com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions
Throw IllegalArgumentException if the value is null.
notNull(String, T) - Static method in class org.bson.assertions.Assertions
Throw IllegalArgumentException if the value is null.
notNull(String, T, SingleResultCallback<?>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions
Throw IllegalArgumentException if the value is null.
NotThreadSafe - Annotation Type in com.mongodb.annotations
The class to which this annotation is applied is not thread-safe.
NULL - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON null value.
NULL - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
Nullable - Annotation Type in com.mongodb.lang
A common annotation to declare that annotated elements can be null under some circumstance.
nullConverter(Converter<BsonNull>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON Null values to JSON.
NullMBeanServer - Class in com.mongodb.management
NullMBeanServer() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.management.NullMBeanServer
NUMBER - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
NUMBER_INT - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
NUMBER_LONG - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
numChunks() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Returns the number of chunks that store the file data.
numCursors(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.ParallelScanOptions.Builder
Set the requested number of cursors to iterate in parallel.
numericOrdering(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation.Builder
Sets the numeric ordering
numSeen() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Returns the number of objects through which the cursor has iterated.


OBJECT - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
OBJECT_ID - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON ObjectId.
OBJECT_ID_GENERATOR - Static variable in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.IdGenerators
A IdGenerator for ObjectId
OBJECT_ID_GENERATORS - Static variable in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.Conventions
A convention that sets the IdGenerator if the id property is either a ObjectId or BsonObjectId.
objectDone() - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBCallback
objectDone() - Method in class com.mongodb.util.JSONCallback
objectDone() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
objectDone() - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Called at the end of the document/array, and returns this object.
objectDone() - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
ObjectId - Class in org.bson.types
A globally unique identifier for objects.
ObjectId() - Constructor for class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Create a new object id.
ObjectId(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Constructs a new instance from the given byte array
ObjectId(int, int) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Creates an ObjectId using the given time, machine identifier, process identifier, and counter.
ObjectId(int, int, short, int) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Use ObjectId(int, int) instead
ObjectId(String) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Constructs a new instance from a 24-byte hexadecimal string representation.
ObjectId(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Constructs a new instance from the given ByteBuffer
ObjectId(Date) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Constructs a new instance using the given date.
ObjectId(Date, int) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Constructs a new instances using the given date and counter.
ObjectId(Date, int, short, int) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.ObjectId
ObjectIdCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec for ObjectId instances.
ObjectIdCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.ObjectIdCodec
objectIdConverter(Converter<ObjectId>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON ObjectId values to JSON.
ObjectIdGenerator - Class in org.bson.codecs
Creates new ObjectId instances as IDs for MongoDB Documents.
ObjectIdGenerator() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.ObjectIdGenerator
ObjectSerializer - Interface in com.mongodb.util
there is no replacement for this interface
objectStart() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
objectStart() - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Signals the start of a BSON document, which usually maps onto some Java object.
objectStart() - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
objectStart(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.util.JSONCallback
objectStart(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
objectStart(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Signals the start of a BSON document, which usually maps onto some Java object.
objectStart(String) - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
OFF - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationCaseFirst
OFF - com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationLevel
No validation for inserts or updates.
OID - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
ok() - Method in class com.mongodb.CommandResult
Gets the "ok" field, which is whether this command executed correctly or not.
ok(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
The isOK() result from requesting this information from MongoDB
OLD_BINARY - org.bson.BsonBinarySubType
Obsolete binary data subtype (use Binary instead).
one() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Returns the first document that matches the query.
onResult(T, Throwable) - Method in interface com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback
Called when the operation completes.
open() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Stream
Open the stream.
openAsync(AsyncCompletionHandler<Void>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Stream
Open the stream asynchronously.
openDownloadStream(ClientSession, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream from which the application can read the contents of the latest version of the stored file specified by the filename.
openDownloadStream(ClientSession, String, GridFSDownloadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream from which the application can read the contents of the stored file specified by filename and the revision in options.
openDownloadStream(ClientSession, BsonValue) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream from which the application can read the contents of the stored file specified by id.
openDownloadStream(ClientSession, ObjectId) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream from which the application can read the contents of the stored file specified by id.
openDownloadStream(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream from which the application can read the contents of the latest version of the stored file specified by the filename.
openDownloadStream(String, GridFSDownloadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream from which the application can read the contents of the stored file specified by filename and the revision in options.
openDownloadStream(BsonValue) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream from which the application can read the contents of the stored file specified by id.
openDownloadStream(ObjectId) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream from which the application can read the contents of the stored file specified by id.
openDownloadStreamByName(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
openDownloadStreamByName(String, GridFSDownloadByNameOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
openUploadStream(ClientSession, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream that the application can write the contents of the file to.
openUploadStream(ClientSession, String, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream that the application can write the contents of the file to.
openUploadStream(ClientSession, BsonValue, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream that the application can write the contents of the file to.
openUploadStream(ClientSession, BsonValue, String, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream that the application can write the contents of the file to.
openUploadStream(ClientSession, ObjectId, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream that the application can write the contents of the file to.
openUploadStream(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream that the application can write the contents of the file to.
openUploadStream(String, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream that the application can write the contents of the file to.
openUploadStream(BsonValue, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream that the application can write the contents of the file to.
openUploadStream(BsonValue, String, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Opens a Stream that the application can write the contents of the file to.
OperationExecutor - Interface in com.mongodb.operation
there is no replacement for this interface
OperationType - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model.changestream
The $changeStream operation type.
oplogReplay(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Users should not set this under normal circumstances.
oplogReplay(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Users should not set this under normal circumstances.
oplogReplay(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Users should not set this under normal circumstances.
oplogReplay(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Users should not set this under normal circumstances.
oplogReplay(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Internal replication use only.
or(DBObject...) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to an $or operand
or(Iterable<Bson>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that preforms a logical OR of the provided list of filters.
or(Bson...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that preforms a logical OR of the provided list of filters.
OR - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
order(ByteOrder) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Modifies this buffer's byte order.
order(ByteOrder) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
ORDER - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
ORDER_BY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
orderBy(List<? extends Bson>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts
Combine multiple sort specifications.
orderBy(Bson...) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts
Combine multiple sort specifications.
OrderBy - Enum in com.mongodb.operation
ordered(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
If true, then when a write fails, return without performing the remaining writes.
ordered(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertManyOptions
Sets whether the server should insert the documents in the order provided.
org.bson - package org.bson
Contains the base BSON classes.
org.bson.assertions - package org.bson.assertions
This package contains design by contract assertions
org.bson.codecs - package org.bson.codecs
This package contains all the default BSON codecs.
org.bson.codecs.configuration - package org.bson.codecs.configuration
This package contains codec configurations and the codec registry helper
org.bson.codecs.jsr310 - package org.bson.codecs.jsr310
This package contains classes specific to the JSR-310 Date and Time API
org.bson.codecs.pojo - package org.bson.codecs.pojo
This package contains classes specific to mapping user POJOs.
org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations - package org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations
This package defines various annotations used by the driver provided when used in conjunction with the Conventions.ANNOTATION_CONVENTION.
org.bson.conversions - package org.bson.conversions
This package contains the Bson interface
org.bson.diagnostics - package org.bson.diagnostics
Contains the classes for visibility of the BSON layer, for example Logging.
org.bson.io - package org.bson.io
Contains classes implementing I/O operations used by BSON objects.
org.bson.json - package org.bson.json
JSON serialization and deserialization.
org.bson.types - package org.bson.types
Contains classes implementing various BSON types.
org.bson.util - package org.bson.util
Contains helper classes for working with the BSON protocol.
OTHER - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
The other operation type.
out(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $out pipeline stage that writes into the specified collection
output(BsonField...) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketAutoOptions
The definition of the output document in each bucket
output(BsonField...) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketOptions
The definition of the output document in each bucket
output(List<BsonField>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketAutoOptions
The definition of the output document in each bucket
output(List<BsonField>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketOptions
The definition of the output document in each bucket
OutputBuffer - Class in org.bson.io
An abstract base class for classes implementing BsonOutput.
OutputBuffer() - Constructor for class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
outputMode(AggregationOptions.OutputMode) - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions.Builder
There is no replacement for this. Applications can assume that the driver will use a cursor for server versions that support it (>= 2.6). The driver will ignore this as of MongoDB 3.6, which does not support inline results for the aggregate command.
outputMode(JsonMode) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the output mode, which defaults to JsonMode.RELAXED.
OverridableUuidRepresentationCodec<T> - Interface in org.bson.codecs
A marker interface for Codec implementations that can derive a new instance that overrides the UuidRepresentation.
OverridableUuidRepresentationUuidCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
An extension of UuidCodec that allows its configured UuidRepresentation to be overridden by an externally configured UuidRepresentation, most likely configured on MongoClientSettings or MongoClientOptions.
OverridableUuidRepresentationUuidCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.OverridableUuidRepresentationUuidCodec
Construct an instance with the default UUID representation.
OverridableUuidRepresentationUuidCodec(UuidRepresentation) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.OverridableUuidRepresentationUuidCodec
Construct an instance with the given UUID representation.


ParallelCollectionScanOperation<T> - Class in com.mongodb.operation
ParallelCollectionScanOperation(MongoNamespace, int, Decoder<T>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.ParallelCollectionScanOperation
Construct a new instance.
ParallelCollectionScanOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
this is an unused class and there should be no reason to use it
ParallelCollectionScanOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.ParallelCollectionScanOptions
parallelScan(ParallelScanOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
the parallelCollectionScan command will be removed in MongoDB 4.2
ParallelScanOptions - Class in com.mongodb
the parallelCollectionScan command will be removed in MongoDB 4.2
ParallelScanOptions.Builder - Class in com.mongodb
A builder for the options
parse(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Parses a string in MongoDB Extended JSON format to a BasicDBObject.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.util.JSON
Parses a JSON string and returns a corresponding Java object.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.bson.BsonArray
Parses a string in MongoDB Extended JSON format to a BsonArray
parse(String) - Static method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Parses a string in MongoDB Extended JSON format to a BsonDocument
parse(String) - Static method in class org.bson.Document
Parses a string in MongoDB Extended JSON format to a Document
parse(String) - Static method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
Parses a string in MongoDB Extended JSON format to a RawBsonDocument
parse(String) - Static method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Returns a Decimal128 value representing the given String.
parse(String, BSONCallback) - Static method in class com.mongodb.util.JSON
Parses a JSON string and constructs a corresponding Java object by calling the methods of a BSONCallback during parsing.
parse(String, Decoder<BasicDBObject>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Parses a string in MongoDB Extended JSON format to a BasicDBObject.
parse(String, Decoder<Document>) - Static method in class org.bson.Document
Parses a string in MongoDB Extended JSON format to a Document
partial(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Get partial results from a sharded cluster if one or more shards are unreachable (instead of throwing an error).
partial(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Get partial results from a sharded cluster if one or more shards are unreachable (instead of throwing an error).
partial(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Get partial results from a sharded cluster if one or more shards are unreachable (instead of throwing an error).
partial(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Get partial results from a sharded cluster if one or more shards are unreachable (instead of throwing an error).
partial(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets if partial results from a mongos if some shards are down are allowed
partialFilterExpression(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the filter expression for the documents to be included in the index
partialFilterExpression(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the filter expression for the documents to be included in the index
passives(Set<String>) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the passive members of the replica set.
PatternCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A codec for Pattern instances.
PatternCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.PatternCodec
peekBinarySize() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
peekBinarySize() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Peeks the size of the binary data that the reader is positioned at.
peekBinarySubType() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
peekBinarySubType() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Peeks the subtype of the binary data that the reader is positioned at.
pipe(OutputStream) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
pipe(OutputStream) - Method in class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
pipe(OutputStream) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
Pipe the contents of this output buffer into the given output stream
pipe(OutputStream) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Pipe the raw bytes into the given output stream.
pipe(BsonReader) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
pipe(BsonReader) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
pipe(BsonReader) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Reads a single document from a BsonReader and writes it to this.
pipe(BsonReader, List<BsonElement>) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Reads a single document from the given BsonReader and writes it to this, appending the given extra elements to the document.
pipe(BsonReader, List<BsonElement>) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
pipeExtraElements(List<BsonElement>) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Pipe a list of extra element to this writer
PIPELINE - com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenMatched
An aggregation pipeline to update the document in the collection.
PLAIN - com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism
The PLAIN mechanism.
PLAIN_MECHANISM - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
The PLAIN mechanism.
Point - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
A representation of a GeoJSON Point.
Point(CoordinateReferenceSystem, Position) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Point
Construct an instance with the given coordinate and coordinate reference system.
Point(Position) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Point
Construct an instance with the given coordinate.
POINT - com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeoJsonObjectType
A Point
PointCodec - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs
A Codec for a GeoJSON point.
PointCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.PointCodec
Constructs an instance.
PojoCodecProvider - Class in org.bson.codecs.pojo
Provides Codecs for registered POJOs via the ClassModel abstractions.
PojoCodecProvider.Builder - Class in org.bson.codecs.pojo
A Builder for the PojoCodecProvider
Polygon - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
A representation of a GeoJSON Polygon.
Polygon(CoordinateReferenceSystem, PolygonCoordinates) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Polygon
Construct an instance with the given coordinates and coordinate reference system.
Polygon(PolygonCoordinates) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Polygon
Construct an instance with the given coordinates.
Polygon(List<Position>, List<Position>...) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Polygon
Construct an instance with the given coordinates.
POLYGON - com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeoJsonObjectType
A Polygon
POLYGON - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
PolygonCodec - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs
A Codec for a GeoJSON polygon.
PolygonCodec(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.codecs.PolygonCodec
Constructs an instance.
PolygonCoordinates - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
Coordinates for a GeoJSON Polygon.
PolygonCoordinates(List<Position>, List<Position>...) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.PolygonCoordinates
Construct an instance.
POOL_CLOSED - com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent.Reason
The pool was closed, making the connection no longer valid
pop() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder
Pops the active object, which means that the parent object becomes active
popFirst(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that pops the first element of an array that is the value of the field with the given name.
popLast(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that pops the last element of an array that is the value of the field with the given name.
popMaxDocumentSize() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
Reset the maximum document size to its previous value.
position() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Returns this buffer's position.
position() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
position(int) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Sets this buffer's position.
position(int) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
position(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
Sets the position at which to add the pushed values in the array.
Position - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.geojson
A representation of a GeoJSON Position.
Position(double, double, double...) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Position
Construct an instance.
Position(List<Double>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Position
Construct an instance.
POSITIVE_INFINITY - Static variable in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
A constant holding the positive infinity of type Decimal128.
POSITIVE_ZERO - Static variable in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
A constant holding a postive zero value of type Decimal128.
POWERSOF2 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
PREFIX - Static variable in class com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Loggers
The prefix for all logger names.
PREFIX - Static variable in class org.bson.diagnostics.Loggers
The prefix for all logger names.
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UnwindOptions
Sets true if the unwind stage should include documents that have null values or empty arrays
primary() - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces read to the primary.
primary(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the address of the current primary in the replica set
PRIMARY - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationStrength
Strongest level, denote difference between base characters
primaryPreferred() - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to the primary if available, otherwise to a secondary.
primaryPreferred(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to the primary if available, otherwise to a secondary.
primaryPreferred(TagSet) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to the primary if available, otherwise to a secondary with the given set of tags.
primaryPreferred(TagSet, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to the primary if available, otherwise to a secondary with the given set of tags that is less stale than the given maximum.
primaryPreferred(List<TagSet>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to the primary if available, otherwise to a secondary with one of the given sets of tags.
primaryPreferred(List<TagSet>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to the primary if available, otherwise to a secondary with one of the given sets of tags that is less stale than the given maximum.
PrimaryServerSelector - Class in com.mongodb.selector
Use either ReadPreferenceServerSelector or WritableServerSelector, depending on your requirements
PrimaryServerSelector() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.selector.PrimaryServerSelector
project(Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $project pipeline stage for the specified projection
projection(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Sets the projection
projection(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
projection(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
projection(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
projection(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
projection(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
projection(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
projection(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
projection(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
projection(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
projection(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
Projections - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A factory for projections.
propertyAccessor(PropertyAccessor<T>) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
PropertyAccessor<T> - Interface in org.bson.codecs.pojo
Provides access for getting and setting property data.
PropertyCodecProvider - Interface in org.bson.codecs.pojo
A variant of CodecProvider that generates codecs for PojoCodec.
PropertyCodecRegistry - Interface in org.bson.codecs.pojo
A variant of CodecRegistry that generates codecs for PojoCodec.
PropertyModel<T> - Class in org.bson.codecs.pojo
Represents a property on a class and stores various metadata such as generic parameters
PropertyModelBuilder<T> - Class in org.bson.codecs.pojo
A builder for programmatically creating PropertyModels.
propertySerialization(PropertySerialization<T>) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Sets the PropertySerialization checker
PropertySerialization<T> - Interface in org.bson.codecs.pojo
An interface allowing a PropertyModel to determine if a value should be serialized.
pull(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that removes all instances of the given value from the array value of the field with the given name.
pullAll(String, List<TItem>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that removes all instances of the given values from the array value of the field with the given name.
pullByFilter(Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that removes from an array all elements that match the given filter.
PUNCT - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationMaxVariable
push(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder
Creates an new empty object and inserts it into the current object with the given key.
push(String, TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators
Gets a field name for a $group operation representing an array of all values that results from applying an expression to each document in a group of documents that share the same group by key.
push(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that adds the given value to the array value of the field with the given name.
pushEach(String, List<TItem>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that adds each of the given values to the array value of the field with the given name.
pushEach(String, List<TItem>, PushOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that adds each of the given values to the array value of the field with the given name, applying the given options for positioning the pushed values, and then slicing and/or sorting the array.
pushMaxDocumentSize(int) - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
Sets a maximum size for documents from this point.
PushOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply to a $push update operator.
PushOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
put(byte) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Relative put method (optional operation).
put(byte) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
put(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Relative bulk put method  (optional operation).
put(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
put(int, byte) - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Absolute put method (optional operation).
put(int, byte) - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.BasicBSONList
Puts a value at an index.
put(Class<?>, T) - Method in class org.bson.util.ClassMap
As per java.util.Map, associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
put(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Adds a new key to the query if not present yet.
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
put(String, Object) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONObject
Sets a name/value pair in this object.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Always throws UnsupportedOperationException.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.bson.types.BasicBSONList
Puts a value at an index.
put(String, BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
put(String, BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
put(String, BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
putAll(Map) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
putAll(Map) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
putAll(Map) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONObject
Sets all key/value pairs from a map into this object
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Always throws UnsupportedOperationException.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.bson.types.BasicBSONList
putAll(Map<? extends String, ?>) - Method in class org.bson.Document
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends BsonValue>) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends BsonValue>) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends BsonValue>) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
putAll(BSONObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
putAll(BSONObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
putAll(BSONObject) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
putAll(BSONObject) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONObject
Sets all key/value pairs from an object into this object
putAll(BSONObject) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Always throws UnsupportedOperationException.
putAll(BSONObject) - Method in class org.bson.types.BasicBSONList
putArray(String, Object) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes an array field.
putBinary(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a byte array field
putBinary(String, Binary) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a Binary field
putBoolean(String, Boolean) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a field with a Boolean or boolean value
putCode(String, Code) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a field to a BsonType.JAVASCRIPT value.
putCodeWScope(String, CodeWScope) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a field to a BsonType.JAVASCRIPT_WITH_SCOPE value.
putDate(String, Date) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a field with data and time value.
putDBRef(String, DBRef) - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBEncoder
Deals with encoding database references.
putDecimal128(String, Decimal128) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a Decimal128 field.
putIterable(String, Iterable) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes an Iterable, for example List values
putMap(String, Map) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a map, as a BSON document
putMaxKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a field to a BsonType.MAX_KEY value.
putMinKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a field to a BsonType.MIN_KEY value.
putName(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Writes a field name
putNull(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a null value
putNumber(String, Number) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes any number field.
putObject(String, BSONObject) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes any BSONObject, as a document
putObject(BSONObject) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a BSONObject.
putObject(BSONObject) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONEncoder
Encoder and write a document into underlying buffer.
putObjectId(String, ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes an ObjectId field to a BsonType.OBJECT_ID.
putPattern(String, Pattern) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a Pattern field to a BsonType.REGULAR_EXPRESSION.
putSpecial(String, Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBEncoder
putSpecial(String, Object) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Special values are not encoded into documents.
putString(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a String field
putSymbol(String, Symbol) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a Symbol field
putTimestamp(String, BSONTimestamp) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a BSON timestamp
putToByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Convert to bytes and put those bytes to the provided ByteBuffer.
putUndefined(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes an undefined value
putUUID(String, UUID) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes a field with a UUID value.
PYTHON_LEGACY - org.bson.UuidRepresentation
The legacy representation of UUID used by the Python driver, which is the same format as STANDARD, but has the UUID old BSON subtype (\x03) BSON binary subtype 3


QUATERNARY - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationStrength
When punctuation is ignored at level 1-3, an additional level can be used to distinguish words with and without punctuation.
query(MongoNamespace, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Decoder<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
query(MongoNamespace, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Decoder<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
Execute the query.
QUERY_PLANNER - com.mongodb.ExplainVerbosity
Runs the query planner and chooses the winning plan, but does not actually execute it.
queryAsync(MongoNamespace, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Decoder<T>, SingleResultCallback<QueryResult<T>>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
queryAsync(MongoNamespace, BsonDocument, BsonDocument, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Decoder<T>, SingleResultCallback<QueryResult<T>>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
Execute the query asynchronously.
QueryBuilder - Class in com.mongodb
Utility for creating DBObject queries
QueryBuilder() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Creates a builder with an empty query
QueryOperators - Class in com.mongodb
MongoDB keywords for various query operations.
QUERYOPTION_AWAITDATA - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
Use with TailableCursor.
QUERYOPTION_EXHAUST - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
Stream the data down full blast in multiple "more" packages, on the assumption that the client will fully read all data queried.
QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use.
QUERYOPTION_OPLOGREPLAY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
Internal replication use only - driver should not set
QUERYOPTION_PARTIAL - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
Use with sharding (mongos).
QUERYOPTION_SLAVEOK - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
When turned on, read queries will be directed to slave servers instead of the primary server.
QUERYOPTION_TAILABLE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
Tailable means cursor is not closed when the last data is retrieved.
QueryResult<T> - Class in com.mongodb.connection
QueryResult(MongoNamespace, List<T>, long, ServerAddress) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.QueryResult
Construct an instance.


R10 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
R20 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
R40 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
R5 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
R80 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
RawBsonArray - Class in org.bson
An immutable BSON array that is represented using only the raw bytes.
RawBsonArray(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bson.RawBsonArray
Constructs a new instance with the given byte array.
RawBsonArray(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.bson.RawBsonArray
Constructs a new instance with the given byte array, offset, and length.
RawBsonDocument - Class in org.bson
An immutable BSON document that is represented using only the raw bytes.
RawBsonDocument(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
Constructs a new instance with the given byte array.
RawBsonDocument(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
Constructs a new instance with the given byte array, offset, and length.
RawBsonDocument(T, Codec<T>) - Constructor for class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
Construct a new instance from the given document and codec for the document type.
RawBsonDocumentCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A simple BSONDocumentBuffer codec.
RawBsonDocumentCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.RawBsonDocumentCodec
Constructs a new instance.
read() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream
read(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Stream
Read from the stream, blocking until the requested number of bytes have been read.
readAnnotations(List<Annotation>) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Sets the read annotations, to be applied when serializing to BSON
readAsync(int, AsyncCompletionHandler<ByteBuf>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Stream
Read from the stream, asynchronously.
readBinaryData() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readBinaryData() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads BSON Binary data from the reader.
readBinaryData(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readBinaryData(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON Binary data element from the reader.
ReadBinding - Interface in com.mongodb.binding
readBoolean() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readBoolean() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON Boolean from the reader.
readBoolean(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readBoolean(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON Boolean element from the reader.
readBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
readBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
readBsonType() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSONType from the reader.
readBsonType() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
readByte() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Reads a single byte from the stream
readByte() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Reads the specified number of bytes into the given byte array.
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
readBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Reads the specified number of bytes into the given byte array starting at the specified offset.
readBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
readConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Sets the readConcern
readConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionDistinctOptions
Sets the readConcern
readConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the readConcern
readConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the read concern.
readConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets the read concern.
readConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions.Builder
Sets the read concern.
ReadConcern - Class in com.mongodb
A read concern allows clients to choose a level of isolation for their reads.
ReadConcern(ReadConcernLevel) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
Construct a new read concern
ReadConcernLevel - Enum in com.mongodb
A read concern level allows clients to choose a level of isolation for their reads.
readCString() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Reads a BSON CString value from the stream.
readCString() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
readDateTime() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readDateTime() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON DateTime from the reader.
readDateTime(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readDateTime(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON DateTime element from the reader.
readDBPointer() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readDBPointer() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON DBPointer from the reader.
readDBPointer(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readDBPointer(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON DBPointer element from the reader.
readDecimal128() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readDecimal128() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON Decimal128 from the reader.
readDecimal128(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readDecimal128(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON Decimal128 element from the reader.
readDouble() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readDouble() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON Double from the reader.
readDouble() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Reads a BSON Double value from the stream.
readDouble() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
readDouble(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readDouble(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON Double element from the reader.
readEndArray() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readEndArray() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads the end of a BSON array from the reader.
readEndDocument() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readEndDocument() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads the end of a BSON document from the reader.
readFully(InputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads bytes from the input stream and puts them into the given byte buffer.
readFully(InputStream, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads bytes from the input stream and puts them into the given byte buffer.
readFully(InputStream, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads bytes from the input stream and puts them into the given byte buffer.
readInt(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads and returns a single integer value from the buffer.
readInt(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads and returns a single integer value from the buffer.
readInt(InputStream) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads and returns a single integer value from the input stream.
readInt(InputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads and returns a single integer value from the input stream.
readInt32() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readInt32() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON Int32 from the reader.
readInt32() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Reads a BSON Int32 value from the stream.
readInt32() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
readInt32(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readInt32(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON Int32 element from the reader.
readInt64() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readInt64() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON Int64 from the reader.
readInt64() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Reads a BSON Int64 value from the stream.
readInt64() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
readInt64(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readInt64(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON Int64 element from the reader.
readIntBE(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads and returns a single big-endian integer value
readJavaScript() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readJavaScript() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON JavaScript from the reader.
readJavaScript(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readJavaScript(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON JavaScript element from the reader.
readJavaScriptWithScope() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readJavaScriptWithScope() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON JavaScript with scope from the reader (call readStartDocument next to read the scope).
readJavaScriptWithScope(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readJavaScriptWithScope(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON JavaScript with scope element from the reader (call readStartDocument next to read the scope).
readLong(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads and returns a single long value from the buffer.
readLong(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads and returns a single long value from the buffer.
readLong(InputStream) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads and returns a single long value from the input stream.
readLong(InputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.bson.io.Bits
Reads and returns a single long value from the input stream.
readMaxKey() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readMaxKey() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON MaxKey from the reader.
readMaxKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readMaxKey(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON MaxKey element from the reader.
readMinKey() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readMinKey() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON MinKey from the reader.
readMinKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readMinKey(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON MinKey element from the reader.
readName() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readName() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads the name of an element from the reader.
readName(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readName(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads the name of an element from the reader.
readName(String) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Sets the readName, the key for this property when deserializing the data from BSON.
readNull() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readNull() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON null from the reader.
readNull(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readNull(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON null element from the reader.
readObject(byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONDecoder
readObject(byte[]) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONDecoder
Read a single BSON object from the given bytes.
readObject(byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONDecoder
readObject(InputStream) - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBDecoder
readObject(InputStream) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONDecoder
readObject(InputStream) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONDecoder
Read a single BSON object from the given input stream.
readObject(InputStream) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONDecoder
readObjectId() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readObjectId() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON ObjectId from the reader.
readObjectId() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Reads a BSON ObjectId value from the stream.
readObjectId() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
readObjectId(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readObjectId(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON ObjectId element from the reader.
ReadOperation<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.operation
readPreference - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Specifies the read preference.
readPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Sets the readPreference
readPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionDistinctOptions
Sets the readPreference
readPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the readPreference
readPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the read preference.
readPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets the read preference.
readPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.ParallelScanOptions.Builder
The read preference to use.
readPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions.Builder
Sets the read preference.
ReadPreference - Class in com.mongodb
A class that represents preferred replica set members to which a query or command can be sent.
ReadPreferenceServerSelector - Class in com.mongodb.selector
ReadPreferenceServerSelector(ReadPreference) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.selector.ReadPreferenceServerSelector
Gets the read preference.
readRegularExpression() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readRegularExpression() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON regular expression from the reader.
readRegularExpression(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readRegularExpression(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON regular expression element from the reader.
readStartArray() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readStartArray() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads the start of a BSON array.
readStartDocument() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readStartDocument() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads the start of a BSON document.
readString() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readString() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON String from the reader.
readString() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Reads a BSON String value from the stream.
readString() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
readString(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readString(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON string element from the reader.
readSymbol() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readSymbol() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON symbol from the reader.
readSymbol(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readSymbol(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON symbol element from the reader.
readTimeout(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings.Builder
Sets the socket read timeout.
readTimestamp() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readTimestamp() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON timestamp from the reader.
readTimestamp(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readTimestamp(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON timestamp element from the reader.
readUndefined() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readUndefined() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON undefined from the reader.
readUndefined(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
readUndefined(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Reads a BSON undefined element from the reader.
readValue(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonArrayCodec
This method may be overridden to change the behavior of reading the current value from the given BsonReader.
readValue(BsonReader, DecoderContext) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.BsonDocumentCodec
This method may be overridden to change the behavior of reading the current value from the given BsonReader.
ReadWriteBinding - Interface in com.mongodb.binding
receiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings.Builder
Sets the receive buffer size.
recoveryToken(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AbortTransactionOperation
Set the recovery token.
recoveryToken(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CommitTransactionOperation
Set the recovery token.
REDUCE - com.mongodb.client.model.MapReduceAction
Merge the new result with the existing result if the output collection already exists.
REDUCE - com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand.OutputType
Reduce the job output with the existing contents of outputTarget collection
REF - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
ReferenceCounted - Interface in com.mongodb.binding
ReflectionDBObject - Class in com.mongodb
Replaced by PojoCodecProvider
ReflectionDBObject() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
ReflectionDBObject.JavaWrapper - Class in com.mongodb
Represents a wrapper around the DBObject to interface with the Class fields
regex(String, String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field matches the given regular expression pattern with the given options applied.
regex(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field matches the given regular expression pattern with the given options applied.
regex(String, Pattern) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field matches the given regular expression pattern with the given options applied.
regex(Pattern) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Passes a regular expression for a query
REGEX - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
regexFlag(char) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Converts a regular expression modifier from the database into Java regular expression flags.
regexFlags(int) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Converts Java regular expression flags into regular expression modifiers from the database.
regexFlags(String) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Converts a sequence of regular expression modifiers from the database into Java regular expression flags.
register(Class<?>...) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PojoCodecProvider.Builder
Registers a classes with the builder for inclusion in the Provider.
register(String...) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PojoCodecProvider.Builder
Registers the packages of the given classes with the builder for inclusion in the Provider.
register(ClassModel<?>...) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PojoCodecProvider.Builder
Registers classModels for inclusion in the Provider.
register(PropertyCodecProvider...) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PojoCodecProvider.Builder
Registers codec providers that receive the type parameters of properties for instances encoded and decoded by a PojoCodec handled by this provider.
registerMBean(Object, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.management.MBeanServer
Register the given mBean with the given name.
registerMBean(Object, String) - Method in class com.mongodb.management.NullMBeanServer
REGULAR_EXPRESSION - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON regular expression.
regularExpressionConverter(Converter<BsonRegularExpression>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON Regular Expression values to JSON.
RELAXED - org.bson.json.JsonMode
Standard relaxed extended JSON representation.
release() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleConnectionReadBinding
release() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ReferenceCounted
Release a reference to this object.
release() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.SingleConnectionReadBinding
release() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Release a reference to this object.
release() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
remaining() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Returns the number of elements between the current position and the limit.
remaining() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
remove() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteRequestBuilder
Adds a request to remove all documents in the collection that match the query with which this builder was created.
remove() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
remove() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList.LazyBSONListIterator
remove(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Sets the remove
remove(int) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
remove(int) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
remove(int) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
remove(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Remove documents from a collection.
remove(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Removes all files matching the given query.
remove(DBObject, DBCollectionRemoveOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Remove documents from a collection.
remove(DBObject, WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Remove documents from a collection.
remove(DBObject, WriteConcern, DBEncoder) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Remove documents from a collection.
remove(ConnectionPoolListener) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster
Removes the given connection pool listener from the list of listeners to invoke on connection pool events.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
remove(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
remove(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
remove(Object) - Method in class org.bson.Document
remove(Object) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
remove(Object) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
remove(Object) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
remove(Object) - Method in class org.bson.util.ClassMap
As per java.util.Map, removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present
remove(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Removes all files matching the given filename.
remove(ObjectId) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS
Removes the file matching the given id.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
removeDecodingHook(Class<?>, Transformer) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Remove a specific encoding hook for a specific class.
removeDecodingHooks(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Remove all decoding hooks for a specific class.
removeEncodingHook(Class<?>, Transformer) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Remove a specific encoding hook for a specific class.
removeEncodingHooks(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Remove all encoding hooks for a specific class.
removeField(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
removeField(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
This operation is not supported.
removeField(String) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Deletes a field from this object.
removeField(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONObject
Removes a field with a given name from this object.
removeField(String) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
Always throws UnsupportedOperationException.
removeField(String) - Method in class org.bson.types.BasicBSONList
removeLabel(String) - Method in exception com.mongodb.MongoException
Removes the given error label from the exception.
removeOne() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteRequestBuilder
Adds a request to remove one document in the collection that matches the query with which this builder was created.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Remove a property from the builder
removeUser(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Use DB.command to call the dropUser command
rename(ClientSession, BsonValue, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
rename(ClientSession, ObjectId, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
rename(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Change the name of an existing collection.
rename(String, boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Change the name of an existing collection.
rename(String, String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that renames a field.
rename(BsonValue, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
rename(ObjectId, String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Renames the stored file with the specified id.
RENAME - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
The rename operation type for renaming collections
renameCollection(ClientSession, MongoNamespace) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
renameCollection(ClientSession, MongoNamespace, RenameCollectionOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
renameCollection(MongoNamespace) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
renameCollection(MongoNamespace, RenameCollectionOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
RenameCollectionOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
RenameCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace, MongoNamespace) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.RenameCollectionOperation
RenameCollectionOperation(MongoNamespace, MongoNamespace, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.RenameCollectionOperation
RenameCollectionOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply when renaming a collection.
RenameCollectionOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.RenameCollectionOptions
REPLACE - com.mongodb.bulk.WriteRequest.Type
An update that replaces the existing document.
REPLACE - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
The replace operation type
REPLACE - com.mongodb.client.model.MapReduceAction
Replace the contents of the collectionName if the collection with the collectionName exists.
REPLACE - com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenMatched
Replace the existing document in the output collection with the matching results document.
REPLACE - com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload.Type
An update that replaces the existing document.
REPLACE - com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand.OutputType
Save the job output to a collection, replacing its previous content
replaceOne(ClientSession, Bson, TDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(ClientSession, Bson, TDocument, ReplaceOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(ClientSession, Bson, TDocument, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
replaceOne(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkUpdateRequestBuilder
Adds a request to replace one document in the collection that matches the query with which this builder was created.
replaceOne(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteRequestBuilder
Adds a request to replace one document in the collection that matches the query with which this builder was created.
replaceOne(Bson, TDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(Bson, TDocument, ReplaceOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
replaceOne(Bson, TDocument, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
ReplaceOneModel<T> - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A model describing the replacement of at most one document that matches the query filter.
ReplaceOneModel(Bson, T) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
Construct a new instance.
ReplaceOneModel(Bson, T, ReplaceOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
Construct a new instance.
ReplaceOneModel(Bson, T, UpdateOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
ReplaceOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply when replacing documents.
ReplaceOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions
replaceRoot(TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $replaceRoot pipeline stage
replaceWith(TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $replaceRoot pipeline stage
REPLICA_ACKNOWLEDGED - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Prefer WriteConcern#W2
REPLICA_SET - com.mongodb.connection.ClusterType
A replicas set cluster.
REPLICA_SET_ARBITER - com.mongodb.connection.ServerType
A replica set arbiter.
REPLICA_SET_GHOST - com.mongodb.connection.ServerType
A replica set member that does not report a set name or a hosts list
REPLICA_SET_OTHER - com.mongodb.connection.ServerType
A replica set member that is none of the other types (a passive, for example).
REPLICA_SET_PRIMARY - com.mongodb.connection.ServerType
A replica set primary.
REPLICA_SET_SECONDARY - com.mongodb.connection.ServerType
A replica set secondary.
REPLICAS_SAFE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
ReplicaSetStatus - Class in com.mongodb
requiredClusterType(ClusterType) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Sets the required cluster type for the cluster.
requiredReplicaSetName(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Sets the required replica set name for the cluster.
requiredReplicaSetName(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the required replica set name for the cluster.
reset() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream
reset() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Reset all settings to the default.
reset() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.Mark
reset() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.Mark
Resets the AbstractBsonWriter instance that contains this Mark to the state the writer was in when the Mark was created.
reset() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
reset() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader.Mark
reset() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryReader
reset() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter.Mark
reset() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinaryWriter
Resets this writer to the last BsonBinaryWriter.mark() saved.
reset() - Method in interface org.bson.BSONCallback
Resets the callback, clearing all state.
reset() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader.Context
reset() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader.Mark
reset() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentReader
reset() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
reset() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReaderMark
Reset the BsonReader to its state at the time the mark was created.
reset() - Method in class org.bson.EmptyBSONCallback
reset() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
reset() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInputMark
Reset the BsonInput to its state at the time the mark was created.
reset() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
reset() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader.Mark
reset() - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonReader
reset() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONCallback
resetOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
resetOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
resetOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
resetOptions() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Reset options instead on instances of DBCursor
restrictSearchWithMatch(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.GraphLookupOptions
A document specifying additional conditions for the recursive search
RESULTFLAG_AWAITCAPABLE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
Set when the server supports the AwaitData Query option.
RESULTFLAG_CURSORNOTFOUND - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
Set when getMore is called but the cursor id is not valid at the server.
RESULTFLAG_ERRSET - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
Set when query failed.
RESULTFLAG_SHARDCONFIGSTALE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.Bytes
Drivers should ignore this.
results() - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOutput
Returns the results of the aggregation.
results() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput
Returns an iterable containing the results of the operation.
resumeAfter(BsonDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ChangeStreamIterable
Sets the logical starting point for the new change stream.
resumeAfter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Sets the logical starting point for the new change stream.
retain() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncClusterBinding
retain() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncConnectionSource
retain() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncReadBinding
retain() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncReadWriteBinding
retain() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleConnectionReadBinding
retain() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.AsyncSingleServerBinding
retain() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.AsyncWriteBinding
retain() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.ClusterBinding
retain() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ConnectionSource
retain() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ReadBinding
retain() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ReadWriteBinding
retain() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.ReferenceCounted
Retain an additional reference to this object.
retain() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.SingleConnectionReadBinding
retain() - Method in class com.mongodb.binding.SingleServerBinding
retain() - Method in interface com.mongodb.binding.WriteBinding
retain() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
retain() - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
retain() - Method in interface org.bson.ByteBuf
Retain an additional reference to this object.
retain() - Method in class org.bson.ByteBufNIO
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets whether reads should be retried if they fail due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets whether reads should be retried if they fail due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
Enables retryable reads if a read fails due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Enables retryable reads if a read fails due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Enables retryable reads if a read fails due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.DistinctOperation
Enables retryable reads if a read fails due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Enables retryable reads if a read fails due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.GroupOperation
Enables retryable reads if a read fails due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListCollectionsOperation
Enables retryable reads if a read fails due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListDatabasesOperation
Enables retryable reads if a read fails due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ListIndexesOperation
Enables retryable reads if a read fails due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ParallelCollectionScanOperation
Enables retryable reads if a read fails due to a network error.
retryReads(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.UserExistsOperation
Enables retryable reads if a read fails due to a network error.
retryWrites(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets whether writes should be retried if they fail due to a network error.
retryWrites(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets whether writes should be retried if they fail due to a network error.
RETURN_KEY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
returnDocument(ReturnDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Set whether to return the document before it was replaced or after
returnDocument(ReturnDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Set whether to return the document before it was updated / inserted or after
ReturnDocument - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
Indicates which document to return, the original document before change or the document after the change
returnKey() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Forces the cursor to only return fields included in the index.
returnKey(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the returnKey.
returnKey(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the returnKey.
returnKey(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the returnKey.
returnKey(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the returnKey.
returnNew() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Returns the returnNew
returnNew(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Sets the returnNew
returnOriginal(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Set to false to return the replaced document rather than the original.
returnOriginal(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Set to false if the updated document rather than the original should be returned.
revision(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadByNameOptions
Set the revision of the file to retrieve.
revision(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadOptions
Set the revision of the file to retrieve.
roundTripTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Set the time it took to make the round trip for requesting this information from the server
runCommand(ClientSession, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Executes the given command in the context of the current database with a read preference of ReadPreference.primary().
runCommand(ClientSession, Bson, ReadPreference) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Executes the given command in the context of the current database with the given read preference.
runCommand(ClientSession, Bson, ReadPreference, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Executes the given command in the context of the current database with the given read preference.
runCommand(ClientSession, Bson, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Executes the given command in the context of the current database with a read preference of ReadPreference.primary().
runCommand(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Executes the given command in the context of the current database with a read preference of ReadPreference.primary().
runCommand(Bson, ReadPreference) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Executes the given command in the context of the current database with the given read preference.
runCommand(Bson, ReadPreference, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Executes the given command in the context of the current database with the given read preference.
runCommand(Bson, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Executes the given command in the context of the current database with a read preference of ReadPreference.primary().


safe - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
If true the driver will use a WriteConcern of WriteConcern.SAFE for all operations.
SAFE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
sameHost(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
use the ServerAddress.equals(Object) method instead
sample(int) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $sample pipeline stage with the specified sample size
save() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Saves the file entry to the files collection
save() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Calls GridFSInputFile.save(long) with the existing chunk size.
save(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
This method first calls saveChunks(long) if the file data has not been saved yet.
save(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Update an existing document or insert a document depending on the parameter.
save(DBObject, WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Update an existing document or insert a document depending on the parameter.
saveChunks() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Saves all data into chunks from configured InputStream input stream to GridFS.
saveChunks(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Saves all data into chunks from configured InputStream input stream to GridFS.
schemaMap(Map<String, BsonDocument>) - Method in class com.mongodb.AutoEncryptionSettings.Builder
Sets the map from namespace to local schema document
scope(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets the global variables that are accessible in the map, reduce and finalize functions.
scope(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Sets the global variables that are accessible in the map, reduce and finalize functions.
scope(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the global variables that are accessible in the map, reduce and finalize functions.
SCOPE_DOCUMENT - org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.State
The reader is positioned at a scope document.
SCOPE_DOCUMENT - org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.State
The writer is positioned to write a scope document (call WriteStartDocument to start writing the scope document).
SCOPE_DOCUMENT - org.bson.BsonContextType
The scope document of a JAVASCRIPT_WITH_SCOPE BSON value.
SCRAM_SHA_1 - com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism
The SCRAM-SHA-1 mechanism.
SCRAM_SHA_1_MECHANISM - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
The SCRAM-SHA-1 Mechanism.
SCRAM_SHA_256 - com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism
The SCRAM-SHA-256 mechanism.
SCRAM_SHA_256_MECHANISM - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
The SCRAM-SHA-256 Mechanism.
SEARCH - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
secondary() - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary.
secondary(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary that is less stale than the given maximum.
secondary(TagSet) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary with the given set of tags.
secondary(TagSet, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary with the given set of tags that is less stale than the given maximum.
secondary(List<TagSet>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary with one of the given sets of tags.
secondary(List<TagSet>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary with one of the given sets of tags that is less stale than the given maximum.
SECONDARY - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationStrength
Accents in characters are considered secondary differences
secondaryPreferred() - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary if one is available, otherwise to the primary.
secondaryPreferred(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary that is less stale than the given maximumm if one is available, otherwise to the primary.
secondaryPreferred(TagSet) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary with the given set of tags, or the primary is none are available.
secondaryPreferred(TagSet, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary with the given set of tags that is less stale than the given maximum, or the primary is none are available.
secondaryPreferred(List<TagSet>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary with one of the given sets of tags.
secondaryPreferred(List<TagSet>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a read preference that forces reads to a secondary with one of the given sets of tags that is less stale than the given maximum.
select(ClusterDescription) - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.CompositeServerSelector
select(ClusterDescription) - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.LatencyMinimizingServerSelector
select(ClusterDescription) - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.PrimaryServerSelector
select(ClusterDescription) - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.ReadPreferenceServerSelector
select(ClusterDescription) - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.ServerAddressSelector
select(ClusterDescription) - Method in interface com.mongodb.selector.ServerSelector
Select a list of server descriptions from the given cluster description according to some criteria.
select(ClusterDescription) - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.WritableServerSelector
selectFreshServers(ClusterDescription, List<ServerDescription>) - Method in class com.mongodb.TaggableReadPreference
selectServer(ServerSelector) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Cluster
Get a MongoDB server that matches the criteria defined by the serverSelector
selectServerAsync(ServerSelector, SingleResultCallback<Server>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Cluster
Asynchronously gets a MongoDB server that matches the criteria defined by the serverSelector.
sendBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings.Builder
Sets the send buffer size.
serialize(Object) - Static method in class com.mongodb.util.JSON
Serializes an object into its JSON form.
serialize(Object) - Method in interface com.mongodb.util.ObjectSerializer
Serializes obj.
serialize(Object, StringBuilder) - Static method in class com.mongodb.util.JSON
Serializes an object into its JSON form.
serialize(Object, StringBuilder) - Method in interface com.mongodb.util.ObjectSerializer
Serializes obj into buf.
SERIES_125 - com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
Server - Interface in com.mongodb.connection
ServerAddress - Class in com.mongodb
Represents the location of a Mongo server - i.e.
ServerAddress() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Creates a ServerAddress with default host and port
ServerAddress(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Creates a ServerAddress with default port
ServerAddress(String, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Creates a ServerAddress
ServerAddress(InetAddress) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Creates a ServerAddress with default port
ServerAddress(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Creates a ServerAddress
ServerAddress(InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
Creates a ServerAddress
ServerAddressSelector - Class in com.mongodb.selector
ServerAddressSelector(ServerAddress) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.selector.ServerAddressSelector
Constructs a new instance.
serverClosed(ServerClosedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerEventMulticaster
serverClosed(ServerClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ServerListener
Listener for server closed events.
serverClosed(ServerClosedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerListenerAdapter
ServerClosedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
A server opening event.
ServerClosedEvent(ServerId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ServerClosedEvent
Construct an instance.
ServerConnectionState - Enum in com.mongodb.connection
Enum of the current state of attempting to connect to a server.
ServerCursor - Class in com.mongodb
A class representing a cursor id associated with a server address (host/port) Since cursor ids are only useful in the context of a single MongoDB server process, you need both values to do a getMore on the cursor.
ServerCursor(long, ServerAddress) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.ServerCursor
Construct an instance.
ServerDescription - Class in com.mongodb.connection
Immutable snapshot state of a server.
ServerDescription.Builder - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A builder for creating ServerDescription.
serverDescriptionChanged(ServerDescriptionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerEventMulticaster
serverDescriptionChanged(ServerDescriptionChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ServerListener
Listener for server description changed events.
serverDescriptionChanged(ServerDescriptionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerListenerAdapter
ServerDescriptionChangedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event for changes to the description of a server.
ServerDescriptionChangedEvent(ServerId, ServerDescription, ServerDescription) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ServerDescriptionChangedEvent
Construct an instance.
ServerEventMulticaster - Class in com.mongodb.event
register multiple server listeners instead
ServerEventMulticaster(List<ServerListener>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ServerEventMulticaster
Construct an instance with the given list of server listeners
serverHearbeatStarted(ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorEventMulticaster
serverHearbeatStarted(ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorListener
Listener for server heartbeat started events.
serverHearbeatStarted(ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorListenerAdapter
serverHeartbeatFailed(ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorEventMulticaster
serverHeartbeatFailed(ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorListener
Listener for server heartbeat failed events.
serverHeartbeatFailed(ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorListenerAdapter
ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event for server heartbeat failures.
ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent(ConnectionId, long, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent
Construct an instance.
ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event for the start of a server heartbeat.
ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent(ConnectionId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent
Construct an instance.
serverHeartbeatSucceeded(ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorEventMulticaster
serverHeartbeatSucceeded(ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorListener
Listener for server heartbeat succeeded events.
serverHeartbeatSucceeded(ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorListenerAdapter
ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
An event for successful completion of a server heartbeat.
ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent(ConnectionId, BsonDocument, long) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent
Construct an instance.
ServerId - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A client-generated identifier that uniquely identifies a MongoDB server.
ServerId(ClusterId, ServerAddress) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ServerId
Construct an instance.
ServerListener - Interface in com.mongodb.event
A listener for server-related events
ServerListenerAdapter - Class in com.mongodb.event
An adapter for server listener implementations, for clients that want to listen for a subset of server events.
ServerListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ServerListenerAdapter
ServerMonitorEventMulticaster - Class in com.mongodb.event
register multiple server monitor listeners instead
ServerMonitorEventMulticaster(List<ServerMonitorListener>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorEventMulticaster
Construct an instance with the given list of server monitor listeners
ServerMonitorListener - Interface in com.mongodb.event
A listener for server monitor-related events
ServerMonitorListenerAdapter - Class in com.mongodb.event
An adapter for server monitor listener implementations, for clients that want to listen for a subset of server monitor-related events.
ServerMonitorListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ServerMonitorListenerAdapter
serverOpening(ServerOpeningEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerEventMulticaster
serverOpening(ServerOpeningEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ServerListener
Listener for server opening events.
serverOpening(ServerOpeningEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerListenerAdapter
ServerOpeningEvent - Class in com.mongodb.event
A server opening event.
ServerOpeningEvent(ServerId) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.event.ServerOpeningEvent
Construct an instance.
serverSelectionTimeout(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the server selection timeout in milliseconds, which defines how long the driver will wait for server selection to succeed before throwing an exception.
serverSelectionTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Sets the timeout to apply when selecting a server.
serverSelector(ServerSelector) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Adds a server selector for the cluster to apply before selecting a server.
serverSelector(ServerSelector) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets a server selector that augments the normal server selection rules applied by the driver when determining which server to send an operation to.
ServerSelector - Interface in com.mongodb.selector
An interface for selecting a server from a cluster according to some preference.
ServerSession - Interface in com.mongodb.session
A MongoDB server session.
ServerSettings - Class in com.mongodb.connection
Settings relating to monitoring of each server.
ServerSettings.Builder - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A builder for the settings.
ServerType - Enum in com.mongodb.connection
The type of the server.
ServerVersion - Class in com.mongodb.connection
Holds an array of three integers representing the server version, e.g.
ServerVersion() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ServerVersion
Creates a server version which will compare as less than all other valid versions
ServerVersion(int, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ServerVersion
Constructs a new instance with the given major and minor versions and a patch version of 0.
ServerVersion(List<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.ServerVersion
Constructs a new instance with the given version list of integers.
SERVICE_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Mechanism property key for overriding the service name for GSSAPI authentication.
SessionContext - Interface in com.mongodb.session
there is no replacement for this class
set(int, Object) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
set(int, BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
set(int, BsonValue) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonArray
set(ReflectionDBObject, String, Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject.JavaWrapper
Adds or sets the given field to the given value on the document.
set(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that sets the value of the field with the given name to the given value.
set(OutputBuffer) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
set(OutputBuffer) - Method in interface org.bson.BSONEncoder
Sets the buffer to wrich the result of encoding will be written.
set(S, PropertyModel<S>) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.InstanceCreator
Sets a value for the given PropertyModel
set(S, T) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyAccessor
Sets a value on the given PropertyModel
set_id(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
Sets the _id
SET_PRIVATE_FIELDS_CONVENTION - Static variable in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.Conventions
A convention that enables private fields to be set using reflection.
setAlwaysUseMBeans(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets whether JMX beans registered by the driver should always be MBeans, regardless of whether the VM is Java 6 or greater.
setBatchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.async.AsyncBatchCursor
Sets the batch size to use when requesting the next batch.
setBatchSize(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.BatchCursor
Sets the batch size to use when requesting the next batch.
setBypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteOperation
Sets whether to bypass document validation.
setBypassDocumentValidation(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Sets whether to bypass document validation.
setChangeStreamOptionsForResume(BsonDocument, int) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Set the change stream operation options for a resumeable operation.
setChunkSize(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Set the chunk size.
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Sets the collation options
setCollation(Collation) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Sets the collation options
setConnectionsPerHost(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the maximum number of connections allowed per host for this Mongo instance.
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the connection timeout in milliseconds.
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Sets the content type (MIME type) on the GridFS entry.
setContext(AbstractBsonReader.Context) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Set the context, which will indicate which state the reader is in, for example which part of a document it's currently reading.
setContext(AbstractBsonWriter.Context) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Set the context, which will indicate which state the writer is in, for example which part of a document it's currently writing.
setCurrentBsonType(BsonType) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Sets the type of the current value being read.
setCurrentName(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Sets the field name for the key/value pair being read.
setCursorFinalizerEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets whether there is a a finalize method created that cleans up instances of DBCursor that the client does not close.
setDbDecoderFactory(DBDecoderFactory) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Override the DBCallback factory.
setDBDecoderFactory(DBDecoderFactory) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Set a custom decoder factory for this collection.
setDbEncoderFactory(DBEncoderFactory) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Override the encoding factory.
setDBEncoderFactory(DBEncoderFactory) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Set a custom encoder factory for this collection.
setDecoderFactory(DBDecoderFactory) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Sets the factory that will be used create a DBDecoder that will be used to decode BSON documents into DBObject instances.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the description for Mongo instances created with these options.
setFilename(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Sets the file name on the GridFS entry.
setFinalize(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Sets the Finalize JS Function
setFsync(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the "fsync" value of the global WriteConcern.
setGridFS(GridFS) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Sets the GridFS associated with this file.
setHintFields(List<? extends DBObject>) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
setId(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile
Sets the ID of this GridFS file.
setInternalClass(String, Class<? extends DBObject>) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Sets the internal class for the given path in the document hierarchy
setJ(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the "j" value of the global WriteConcern.
setJsMode(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Sets the (optional) JavaScript Mode
setLimit(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Sets the (optional) limit on input
setMaxTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Sets the max execution time for this command, in the given time unit.
setMaxWaitTime(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the maximum wait time in milliseconds that a thread may wait for a connection to become available.
setMetaData(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
Gets the file metadata.
setName(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the name of the replica set
setObjectClass(Class<? extends DBObject>) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Sets a default class for objects in this collection; null resets the class to nothing.
setOnInsert(String, TItem) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that sets the value of the field with the given name to the given value, but only if the update is an upsert that results in an insert of a document.
setOnInsert(Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that sets the values for the document, but only if the update is an upsert that results in an insert of a document.
setOptions(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
setOptions(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
setOptions(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
setOptions(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Set options on instances of DBCursor
setOutputDB(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Sets the (optional) database name where the output collection should reside
setPinnedServerAddress(ServerAddress) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ClientSession
Pin the server address of the mongos on this session.
setPinnedServerAddress(ServerAddress) - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
Set the server address of the pinned mongos.
setPosition(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload
Sets the current position in the payload
setReadConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Sets the read concern for this database.
setReadConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Sets the read concern for this collection.
setReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Sets the read preference for this database.
setReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Sets the ReadPreference for this collection.
setReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Sets the read preference for this cursor.
setReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Sets the read preference for this command.
setReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Set the default read preference with either MongoClientURI or MongoClientOptions
setReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Specifies the read preference.
setRecoveryToken(BsonDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.ClientSession
Set the recovery token.
setRecoveryToken(BsonDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Sets the recovery token in the session.
setRoot(Object) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
Sets the root document for this position
setSafe(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
If true the driver will use a WriteConcern of WriteConcern.SAFE for all operations.
setScope(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Sets the (optional) JavaScript scope
setSocketFactory(SocketFactory) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the socket factory for creating sockets to mongod.
setSocketKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the flag that controls the socket keep alive feature that keeps a connection alive through firewalls Socket.setKeepAlive(boolean) Default is false.
setSocketTimeout(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the socket timeout in milliseconds It is used for I/O socket read and write operations (int) Default is 0 and means no timeout.
setSort(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Sets the (optional) sort specification object
setState(AbstractBsonReader.State) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Sets the new current state of this reader.
setState(AbstractBsonWriter.State) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Sets the current state of the writer.
setThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the multiplier which, when multiplied with the connectionsPerHost setting, gives the maximum number of threads that may be waiting for a connection to become available from the pool.
setVerbose(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Sets the verbosity of the MapReduce job, defaults to 'true'
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the setVersion reported by this server.
setW(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the "w" value, (number of writes), of the global WriteConcern.
setWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Sets the write concern for this database.
setWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Set the WriteConcern for this collection.
setWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Set the default write concern with either MongoClientURI or MongoClientOptions
setWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the write concern.
setWtimeout(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the "wtimeout" value of the global WriteConcern.
SHARD_ROUTER - com.mongodb.connection.ServerType
A router to a sharded cluster, i.e.
sharded(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets if the output database is sharded
sharded(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets if the output database is sharded
SHARDED - com.mongodb.connection.ClusterType
A sharded cluster, connected via one or more mongos servers.
SHELL - org.bson.json.JsonMode
While not formally documented, this output mode will attempt to produce output that corresponds to what the MongoDB shell actually produces when showing query results.
SHIFTED - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationAlternate
ShortCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes Short objects.
ShortCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.ShortCodec
shouldSerialize(T) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
Returns true if the value should be serialized.
shouldSerialize(T) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertySerialization
Determines if a value should be serialized
shouldStopSendingMoreBatches() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.BulkWriteBatchCombiner
True if ordered and has write errors.
SHOW_DISK_LOC - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
showDiskLoc() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
showDiskLoc has been deprecated in the MongoDB server. There is no replacement for it.
showRecordId(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the showRecordId.
showRecordId(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the showRecordId.
showRecordId(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the showRecordId.
showRecordId(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the showRecordId.
SINGLE - com.mongodb.connection.ClusterConnectionMode
Connect directly to a server, regardless of the type of cluster it is a part of.
SingleConnectionReadBinding - Class in com.mongodb.binding
SingleConnectionReadBinding(ReadPreference, ServerDescription, Connection) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.binding.SingleConnectionReadBinding
Construct an instance.
SingleResultCallback<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.async
Prefer the Reactive Streams-based asynchronous driver (mongodb-driver-reactivestreams artifactId)
SingleServerBinding - Class in com.mongodb.binding
SingleServerBinding(Cluster, ServerAddress) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.binding.SingleServerBinding
Creates an instance, defaulting to ReadPreference.primary() for reads.
SingleServerBinding(Cluster, ServerAddress, ReadPreference) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.binding.SingleServerBinding
Creates an instance.
singleton() - Static method in class com.mongodb.Mongo.Holder
Get the only instance of Holder.
size() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Counts the number of objects matching the query this does take limit/skip into consideration
size() - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
size() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
size() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
size() - Method in class org.bson.Document
size() - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
Gets the output size in bytes.
size() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
size() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
size() - Method in class org.bson.util.ClassMap
As per java.util.Map, returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $size operand
size(String, int) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field is an array of the specified size.
SIZE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
sizeInBytes(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Gets the maximum size of in bytes of a capped collection.
sizeInBytes(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Sets the maximum size of the collection in bytes.
skip(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the number of documents to skip.
skip(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSFindIterable
Sets the number of documents to skip.
skip(int) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $skip pipeline stage
skip(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
Sets the number of documents to skip.
skip(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Sets the number of documents to skip.
skip(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the number of documents to skip.
skip(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the number of documents to skip.
skip(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Discards a given number of elements at the beginning of the cursor.
skip(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the number of documents to skip.
skip(int) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Skips the specified number of bytes in the stream.
skip(int) - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
skip(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream
skip(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionCountOptions
Sets the number of documents to skip.
skip(long) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CountOperation
Sets the number of documents to skip.
skipCString() - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonInput
Skips a BSON CString value from the stream.
skipCString() - Method in class org.bson.io.ByteBufferBsonInput
skipName() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
skipName() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Skips the name (reader must be positioned on a name).
skipValue() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
skipValue() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonReader
Skips the value (reader must be positioned on a value).
slaveOk() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
Replaced with ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred()
slaveOk() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
slaveOk() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
slaveOk() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
Replaced with ReadPreference.secondaryPreferred()
slaveOk(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets if allowed to query non-primary replica set members.
slice(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
Sets the limit on the number of array elements allowed.
slice(String, int) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection to the given field name of a slice of the array value of that field.
slice(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Projections
Creates a projection to the given field name of a slice of the array value of that field.
snapshot() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Deprecated in MongoDB 3.6 release and removed in MongoDB 4.0 release
snapshot(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Deprecated in MongoDB 3.6 release and removed in MongoDB 4.0 release
snapshot(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Deprecated in MongoDB 3.6 release and removed in MongoDB 4.0 release
snapshot(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Deprecated in MongoDB 3.6 release and removed in MongoDB 4.0 release
SNAPSHOT - com.mongodb.ReadConcernLevel
The snapshot read concern level.
SNAPSHOT - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
SNAPSHOT - Static variable in class com.mongodb.ReadConcern
The snapshot read concern.
socketChannelClass(Class<? extends SocketChannel>) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactoryFactory.Builder
Sets the socket channel class
socketFactory - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the socket factory for creating sockets to mongod Default is SocketFactory.getDefault()
socketFactory(SocketFactory) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
socketKeepAlive - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
This flag controls the socket keep alive feature that keeps a connection alive through firewalls Socket.setKeepAlive(boolean) Default is false.
socketKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
configuring keep-alive has been deprecated. It now defaults to true and disabling it is not recommended.
SocketSettings - Class in com.mongodb.connection
An immutable class representing socket settings used for connections to a MongoDB server.
SocketSettings.Builder - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A builder for an instance of SocketSettings.
SocketStreamFactory - Class in com.mongodb.connection
Factory for creating instances of SocketStream.
SocketStreamFactory(SocketSettings, SslSettings) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.SocketStreamFactory
Creates a new factory with the given settings for connecting to servers and the given SSL settings
SocketStreamFactory(SocketSettings, SslSettings, SocketFactory) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.SocketStreamFactory
Creates a new factory with the given settings for connecting to servers and a factory for creating connections.
socketTimeout - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
The socket timeout in milliseconds It is used for I/O socket read and write operations Socket.setSoTimeout(int) Default is 0 and means no timeout.
socketTimeout(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the socket timeout.
sort(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Sets the sort
sort(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Sorts this cursor's elements.
sort(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
Sets the sort direction for sorting array elements that are not documents.
sort(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndDeleteOperation
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindOperation
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.FindIterable
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSFindIterable
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(Bson) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $sort pipeline stage for the specified sort specification
sort(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sortByCount(TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $sortByCount pipeline stage for the specified filter
sortDocument(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
Sets the sort direction for sorting array elements that are documents.
Sorts - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A factory for sort specifications.
SPACE - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationMaxVariable
sparse(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Should the index only references documents with the specified field
sparse(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Should the index only references documents with the specified field
sphereVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the 2dsphere index version number.
sphereVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the 2dsphere index version number.
SplittablePayload - Class in com.mongodb.connection
SplittablePayload(SplittablePayload.Type, List<BsonDocument>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload
Create a new instance
SplittablePayload.Type - Enum in com.mongodb.connection
The type of the payload.
srvHost(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings.Builder
Sets the host name to use in order to look up an SRV DNS record to find the MongoDB hosts.
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the SSLContext to be used with SSL is enabled.
sslEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets whether to use SSL.
sslInvalidHostNameAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Define whether invalid host names should be allowed.
SslSettings - Class in com.mongodb.connection
Settings for connecting to MongoDB via SSL.
SslSettings.Builder - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A builder for creating SSLSettings.
STALE - com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent.Reason
The pool became stale because the pool has been cleared
STANDALONE - com.mongodb.connection.ClusterType
A standalone mongod server.
STANDALONE - com.mongodb.connection.ServerType
A standalone mongod server.
STANDARD - org.bson.UuidRepresentation
The canonical representation of UUID BSON binary subtype 4
start() - Static method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder
Creates a builder intialized with an empty document.
start() - Static method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Returns a new QueryBuilder.
start(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Creates a new query with a document key
start(String, Object) - Static method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder
Creates a builder initialized with the given key/value.
start(Map) - Static method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder
Creates an object builder from an existing map of key value pairs.
startAfter(BsonDocument) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ChangeStreamIterable
Similar to resumeAfter, this option takes a resume token and starts a new change stream returning the first notification after the token.
startAfter(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
Similar to resumeAfter, this option takes a resume token and starts a new change stream returning the first notification after the token.
startAtOperationTime(BsonTimestamp) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ChangeStreamIterable
The change stream will only provide changes that occurred at or after the specified timestamp.
startAtOperationTime(BsonTimestamp) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.ChangeStreamOperation
The change stream will only provides changes that occurred after the specified timestamp.
startSession() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Creates a client session with default options.
startSession() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a client session with default session options.
startSession(ClientSessionOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Creates a client session.
startSession(ClientSessionOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a client session.
startTransaction() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ClientSession
Start a transaction in the context of this session with default transaction options.
startTransaction(TransactionOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ClientSession
Start a transaction in the context of this session with the given transaction options.
state(ServerConnectionState) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
The current state of the connection to the server.
stdDevPop(String, TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators
Gets a field name for a $group operation representing the sample standard deviation of the values of the given expression when applied to all members of the group.
stdDevSamp(String, TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators
Gets a field name for a $group operation representing the sample standard deviation of the values of the given expression when applied to all members of the group.
storageEngine(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the storage engine options document for this index.
storageEngine(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptionDefaults
Sets the default storage engine options document for indexes.
storageEngine(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the storage engine options document for this index.
storageEngineOptions(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Sets the storage engine options document for this collection.
storageEngineOptions(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Sets the storage engine options document defaults for the collection
Stream - Interface in com.mongodb.connection
A full duplex stream of bytes.
StreamFactory - Interface in com.mongodb.connection
A factory for streams.
streamFactoryFactory(StreamFactoryFactory) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets the factory to use to create a StreamFactory.
StreamFactoryFactory - Interface in com.mongodb.connection
A factory of StreamFactory instances.
STRICT - com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationLevel
Apply validation rules to all inserts and all updates.
STRICT - org.bson.json.JsonMode
The format generated with this mode is no longer considered standard for MongoDB tools. This value is not currently scheduled for removal.
StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter - Class in org.bson.json
A class that writes JSON texts as a character stream via a provided Writer.
StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter(Writer, StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings) - Constructor for class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
Construct an instance.
StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings - Class in org.bson.json
Settings to control the behavior of a JSONWriter instance.
StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings.Builder - Class in org.bson.json
A builder for StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings
StrictJsonWriter - Interface in org.bson.json
An interface for creating JSON texts that largely conform to RFC 7159.
STRING - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON string.
STRING - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
StringCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes String objects.
StringCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.StringCodec
stringConverter(Converter<String>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON String values to JSON.
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
sum(String, TExpression) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators
Gets a field name for a $group operation representing the sum of the values of the given expression when applied to all members of the group.
Symbol - Class in org.bson.types
Class to hold an instance of the BSON symbol type.
Symbol(String) - Constructor for class org.bson.types.Symbol
Construct a new instance with the given symbol.
SYMBOL - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON symbol.
SYMBOL - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
SymbolCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
A codec for BSON symbol type.
SymbolCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.SymbolCodec
symbolConverter(Converter<String>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON Symbol values to JSON.


Tag - Class in com.mongodb
A replica set tag.
Tag(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.Tag
Construct a new instance.
TaggableReadPreference - Class in com.mongodb
Abstract class for all preference which can be combined with tags
tagSet(TagSet) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
A set of any tags assigned to this member.
TagSet - Class in com.mongodb
An immutable set of tags, used to select members of a replica set to use for read operations.
TagSet() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.TagSet
An empty set of tags.
TagSet(Tag) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.TagSet
A set of tags contain the single given tag
TagSet(List<Tag>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.TagSet
A set of tags containing the given list of tags.
Tailable - com.mongodb.CursorType
Tailable means the cursor is not closed when the last data is retrieved.
TailableAwait - com.mongodb.CursorType
A tailable cursor with a built-in server sleep before returning an empty batch.
TERTIARY - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationStrength
Upper and lower case differences in characters are distinguished at the tertiary level.
text() - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
Create an index key for a text index on every field that contains string data.
text(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents matching the given search term.
text(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes
Create an index key for a text index on the given field.
text(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to a $text operand.
text(String, TextSearchOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents matching the given the search term with the given text search options.
text(String, String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
text(String, String) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to a $text operand.
TEXT - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
TextSearchOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
Text search options for the Filters.text(String, TextSearchOptions) helper
TextSearchOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.TextSearchOptions
textVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Set the text index version number.
textVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Set the text index version number.
ThreadSafe - Annotation Type in com.mongodb.annotations
The class to which this annotation is applied is thread-safe.
threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
This multiplier, multiplied with the connectionsPerHost setting, gives the maximum number of threads that may be waiting for a connection to become available from the pool.
threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
in the next major release, wait queue size limitations will be removed
throwInvalidContextType(String, BsonContextType, BsonContextType...) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Throws an InvalidOperationException when the method called is not valid for the current ContextType.
throwInvalidContextType(String, BsonContextType, BsonContextType...) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Throws an InvalidOperationException when the method called is not valid for the current ContextType.
throwInvalidState(String, AbstractBsonReader.State...) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Throws an InvalidOperationException when the method called is not valid for the current state.
throwInvalidState(String, AbstractBsonWriter.State...) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
Throws a BsonInvalidOperationException when the method called is not valid for the current state.
throwOnError() - Method in class com.mongodb.CommandResult
Throws a CommandFailureException if the command failed.
TIMESTAMP - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON timestamp.
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
timestampConverter(Converter<BsonTimestamp>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON Timestamp values to JSON.
TlsChannelStreamFactoryFactory - Class in com.mongodb.connection
A StreamFactoryFactory that supports TLS/SSL.
TlsChannelStreamFactoryFactory() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.TlsChannelStreamFactoryFactory
Construct a new instance
TlsChannelStreamFactoryFactory(AsynchronousTlsChannelGroup) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.connection.TlsChannelStreamFactoryFactory
toArray() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Converts this cursor to an array.
toArray() - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
toArray() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
toArray(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Converts this cursor to an array.
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
toBsonDocument(Class<C>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
toBsonDocument(Class<C>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class org.bson.Document
toBsonDocument(Class<TDocument>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
toBsonDocument(Class<TDocument>, CodecRegistry) - Method in interface org.bson.conversions.Bson
Render the filter into a BsonDocument.
toByteArray() - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
Gets a copy of the buffered bytes.
toByteArray() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Convert to a byte array.
toCollection() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline, which must end with a $out or $merge stage.
toCollection() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Aggregates documents to a collection according to the specified map-reduce function with the given options, which must specify a non-inline result.
toDBObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.GroupCommand
Turns this group command into the DBObject format of the command.
toDBObject() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
Turns this command into a DBObject representation of this map reduce command.
toDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Gets a document representing this read preference in the wire protocol.
toDocument() - Method in class com.mongodb.TaggableReadPreference
toHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.mongodb.util.Util
Converts the given byte buffer to a hexadecimal string using Integer.toHexString(int).
toHexString() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
Converts this instance into a 24-byte hexadecimal string representation.
toInt(Object) - Static method in class org.bson.BSON
Provides an integer representation of Boolean or Number.
toJson() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Gets a JSON representation of this document using the JsonMode.STRICT output mode, and otherwise the default settings of JsonWriterSettings.Builder and DBObjectCodec.
toJson() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Geometry
Converts to GeoJSON representation
toJson() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets a JSON representation of this document using the JsonMode.STRICT output mode, and otherwise the default settings of JsonWriterSettings.Builder.
toJson() - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets a JSON representation of this document using the JsonMode.STRICT output mode, and otherwise the default settings of JsonWriterSettings.Builder and DocumentCodec.
toJson() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
toJson(Encoder<BasicDBObject>) - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Gets a JSON representation of this document
toJson(Encoder<Document>) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets a JSON representation of this document
toJson(JsonWriterSettings) - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Gets a JSON representation of this document
toJson(JsonWriterSettings) - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
Gets a JSON representation of this document using the given JsonWriterSettings.
toJson(JsonWriterSettings) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets a JSON representation of this document
toJson(JsonWriterSettings) - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
toJson(JsonWriterSettings, Encoder<BasicDBObject>) - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Gets a JSON representation of this document
toJson(JsonWriterSettings, Encoder<Document>) - Method in class org.bson.Document
Gets a JSON representation of this document
toMap() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
toMap() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReflectionDBObject
toMap() - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONObject
Converts a DBObject to a map.
toMap() - Method in interface org.bson.BSONObject
Returns a map representing this BSONObject.
toMap() - Method in class org.bson.LazyBSONObject
toMap() - Method in class org.bson.types.BasicBSONList
TOP_LEVEL - org.bson.BsonContextType
The top level of a BSON document.
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.AggregationOptions
toString() - Method in enum com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
Returns a JSON serialization of this object
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteError
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteUpsert
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.WriteConcernError
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteError
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteUpsert
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BsonField
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketAutoOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BucketOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.BulkWriteOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamDocument
toString() - Method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.UpdateDescription
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Collation
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateIndexOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateViewOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteManyModel
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteOneModel
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DropIndexOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Facet
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Field
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeometryCollection
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.LineString
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiLineString
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPoint
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.MultiPolygon
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.NamedCoordinateReferenceSystem
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Point
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Polygon
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.PolygonCoordinates
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.Position
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.GraphLookupOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexModel
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptionDefaults
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertManyOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertOneModel
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.InsertOneOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.PushOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.RenameCollectionOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOneModel
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.TextSearchOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UnwindOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateManyModel
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOneModel
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Variable
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.DataKeyOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.vault.EncryptOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.ClientSessionOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterId
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ClusterSettings
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionId
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionPoolSettings
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.netty.NettyStreamFactoryFactory
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerId
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerSettings
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerVersion
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SocketSettings
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.SslSettings
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.ConnectionString
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.DB
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBAddress
Gets a String representation of address as host:port/databaseName.
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBRef
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBDecoder
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBEncoder
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterClosedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterDescriptionChangedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ClusterOpeningEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionAddedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionCheckedInEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionCheckedOutEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionClosedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionMessageReceivedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionMessagesSentEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionOpenedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolClosedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolOpenedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolWaitQueueEnteredEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolWaitQueueExitedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerClosedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerDescriptionChangedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ServerOpeningEvent
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBList
there is no replacement for this method, as the driver no longer supports generating top-level JSON arrays. To encode an instance of this class to JSON it must be embedded inside a document.
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBObject
Returns a JSON serialization of this object
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCompressor
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoNamespace
Returns the standard MongoDB representation of a namespace, which is &lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;.
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoURI
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.ReplicaSetStatus
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.CompositeServerSelector
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.LatencyMinimizingServerSelector
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.PrimaryServerSelector
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.ReadPreferenceServerSelector
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.ServerAddressSelector
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.selector.WritableServerSelector
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerAddress
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.ServerCursor
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.Tag
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.TaggableReadPreference
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.TagSet
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.UnixServerAddress
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernError
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteError
toString() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteResult
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonArray
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBinary
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonBoolean
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDateTime
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDbPointer
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDecimal128
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDouble
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt32
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonInt64
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonJavaScript
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonJavaScriptWithScope
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonMaxKey
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonMinKey
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonNull
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonObjectId
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonRegularExpression
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonString
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonSymbol
toString() - Method in class org.bson.BsonTimestamp
toString() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
toString() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
toString() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
toString() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
toString() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.UuidCodec
toString() - Method in class org.bson.Document
toString() - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
toString() - Method in class org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp
toString() - Method in class org.bson.types.Code
toString() - Method in class org.bson.types.Decimal128
Returns the String representation of the Decimal128 value.
toString() - Method in class org.bson.types.MaxKey
toString() - Method in class org.bson.types.MinKey
toString() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
toString() - Method in class org.bson.types.Symbol
toStringMongod() - Method in class org.bson.types.ObjectId
trace(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Log a message at the TRACE level.
trace(String) - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Log a message at the TRACE level.
trace(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the TRACE level with an accompanying message.
trace(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the TRACE level with an accompanying message.
TransactionBody<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.client
A functional interface representing the body of a transaction.
TransactionOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
TransactionOptions - Class in com.mongodb
Options to apply to transactions.
TransactionOptions.Builder - Class in com.mongodb
The builder for transaction options
transform(Object) - Method in class com.mongodb.DocumentToDBRefTransformer
transform(Object) - Method in interface org.bson.Transformer
Turns the objectToTransform into some other Object.
Transformer - Interface in org.bson
Transforms objects that can be converted to BSON into other Java types, and vice versa.
TRANSIENT_TRANSACTION_ERROR_LABEL - Static variable in exception com.mongodb.MongoException
An error label indicating that the exception can be treated as a transient transaction error.
TRUE - Static variable in class org.bson.BsonBoolean
truncateToPosition(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
truncateToPosition(int) - Method in class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
truncateToPosition(int) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Truncates this stream to the new position.
truncateToPosition(int) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
tryNext() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor
A special next() case that returns the next element in the iteration if available or null.
tryNext() - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCursor
Non blocking check for tailable cursors to see if another object is available.
tryNext() - Method in interface com.mongodb.operation.BatchCursor
A special next() case that returns the next batch if available or null.
tryNext(SingleResultCallback<List<T>>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.async.AsyncBatchCursor
A special next() case that returns the next batch if available or null.
type(ServerType) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
Sets the type of the server, for example whether it's a standalone or in a replica set.
type(Class<T>) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
Sets the type of the model
type(String, String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field is of the specified BSON type.
type(String, BsonType) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field is of the specified BSON type.
TYPE - org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.State
The reader is positioned at the type of an element or value.
TYPE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
TypeWithTypeParameters<T> - Interface in org.bson.codecs.pojo
A combination of a type and its type parameters.


unacknowledged() - Static method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Create an unacknowledged BulkWriteResult
unacknowledged() - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult
Create an unacknowledged DeleteResult
unacknowledged() - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult
Create an unacknowledged UpdateResult
unacknowledged() - Static method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernResult
Create an unacknowledged WriteConcernResult
unacknowledged() - Static method in class com.mongodb.WriteResult
Gets an instance representing an unacknowledged write.
UNACKNOWLEDGED - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Write operations that use this write concern will return as soon as the message is written to the socket.
UNCATEGORIZED - com.mongodb.ErrorCategory
An uncategorized error
UNDEFINED - org.bson.BsonType
A BSON undefined value.
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class org.bson.BSON
undefinedConverter(Converter<BsonUndefined>) - Method in class org.bson.json.JsonWriterSettings.Builder
Sets the converter from BSON Undefined values to JSON.
unique(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Should the index should be unique.
unique(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Should the index should be unique.
UNIQUE_DOCS - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
uniqueIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
Sets the field that act as a unique identifier for a document.
uniqueIdentifier(List<String>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
Sets the field that act as a unique identifier for a document.
UnixServerAddress - Class in com.mongodb
Represents the location of a MongoD unix domain socket.
UnixServerAddress(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.UnixServerAddress
Creates a new instance
UNKNOWN - com.mongodb.connection.ClusterType
The cluster type is not yet known.
UNKNOWN - com.mongodb.connection.ServerType
The server type is not yet known.
UNKNOWN - com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent.Reason
Reason unknown
UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_RESULT_LABEL - Static variable in exception com.mongodb.MongoException
An error label indicating that the exception can be treated as an unknown transaction commit result.
unlock() - Method in class com.mongodb.Mongo
unpinServerAddress() - Method in interface com.mongodb.session.SessionContext
Unpin a mongos from a session.
unregisterMBean(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.management.MBeanServer
Unregister the MBean with the given name.
unregisterMBean(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.management.NullMBeanServer
unset(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Updates
Creates an update that deletes the field with the given name.
UNSPECIFIED - org.bson.UuidRepresentation
An unspecified representation of UUID.
unwind(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $unwind pipeline stage for the specified field name, which must be prefixed by a '$' sign.
unwind(String, UnwindOptions) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates
Creates a $unwind pipeline stage for the specified field name, which must be prefixed by a '$' sign.
UnwindOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options for an unwind aggregation pipeline stage
UnwindOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.UnwindOptions
update(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkUpdateRequestBuilder
Adds a request to update all documents in the collection that match the query with which this builder was created.
update(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteRequestBuilder
Adds a request to update all documents in the collection that match the query with which this builder was created.
update(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Sets the update
update(DBObject, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Modify an existing document.
update(DBObject, DBObject, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Modify an existing document or documents in collection.
update(DBObject, DBObject, boolean, boolean, WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Modify an existing document or documents in collection.
update(DBObject, DBObject, boolean, boolean, WriteConcern, DBEncoder) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Modify an existing document or documents in collection.
update(DBObject, DBObject, boolean, boolean, WriteConcern, Boolean, DBEncoder) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Modify an existing document or documents in collection.
update(DBObject, DBObject, DBCollectionUpdateOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Modify an existing document or documents in collection.
update(MongoNamespace, boolean, UpdateRequest) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Connection
Update the documents using the update wire protocol and apply the write concern.
UPDATE - com.mongodb.bulk.WriteRequest.Type
An update that uses update operators.
UPDATE - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
The update operation type
UPDATE - com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload.Type
An update that uses update operators.
UPDATE_LOOKUP - com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.FullDocument
updateAsync(MongoNamespace, boolean, UpdateRequest, SingleResultCallback<WriteConcernResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.AsyncConnection
Update the documents using the update wire protocol and apply the write concern asynchronously.
UpdateDescription - Class in com.mongodb.client.model.changestream
The update description for changed fields in a $changeStream operation.
UpdateDescription(List<String>, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.UpdateDescription
Creates a new instance
updateMany(ClientSession, Bson, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(ClientSession, Bson, List<? extends Bson>, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(ClientSession, Bson, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(Bson, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(Bson, List<? extends Bson>, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(Bson, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
UpdateManyModel<T> - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A model describing an update to all documents that matches the query filter.
UpdateManyModel(Bson, List<? extends Bson>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateManyModel(Bson, List<? extends Bson>, UpdateOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateManyModel(Bson, Bson) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateManyModel(Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateManyModel
Construct a new instance.
updateMulti(DBObject, DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBCollection
Modify documents in collection.
updateOne(ClientSession, Bson, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(ClientSession, Bson, List<? extends Bson>, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(ClientSession, Bson, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkUpdateRequestBuilder
Adds a request to update one document in the collection that matches the query with which this builder was created.
updateOne(DBObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteRequestBuilder
Adds a request to update one document in the collection that matches the query with which this builder was created.
updateOne(Bson, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(Bson, List<? extends Bson>, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(Bson, Bson) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
UpdateOneModel<T> - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A model describing an update to at most one document that matches the query filter.
UpdateOneModel(Bson, List<? extends Bson>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateOneModel(Bson, List<? extends Bson>, UpdateOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateOneModel(Bson, Bson) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateOneModel(Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOneModel
Construct a new instance.
UpdateOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
UpdateOperation(MongoNamespace, boolean, WriteConcern, boolean, List<UpdateRequest>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.UpdateOperation
Construct an instance.
UpdateOperation(MongoNamespace, boolean, WriteConcern, List<UpdateRequest>) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.UpdateOperation
UpdateOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
The options to apply when updating documents.
UpdateOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions
UpdateRequest - Class in com.mongodb.bulk
UpdateRequest(BsonDocument, BsonValue, WriteRequest.Type) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
Construct a new instance.
UpdateResult - Class in com.mongodb.client.result
The result of an update operation.
UpdateResult() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult
Updates - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A factory for document updates.
UpdateUserOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
use CommandWriteOperation directly or the mongod shell helpers.
UpdateUserOperation(MongoCredential, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.UpdateUserOperation
Construct a new instance.
UpdateUserOperation(MongoCredential, boolean, WriteConcern) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.UpdateUserOperation
Construct a new instance.
uploadFromStream(ClientSession, String, InputStream) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given InputStream to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFromStream(ClientSession, String, InputStream, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given InputStream to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFromStream(ClientSession, BsonValue, String, InputStream) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given InputStream to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFromStream(ClientSession, BsonValue, String, InputStream, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given InputStream to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFromStream(String, InputStream) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given InputStream to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFromStream(String, InputStream, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given InputStream to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFromStream(BsonValue, String, InputStream) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given InputStream to a GridFS bucket.
uploadFromStream(BsonValue, String, InputStream, GridFSUploadOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Uploads the contents of the given InputStream to a GridFS bucket.
UPPER - com.mongodb.client.model.CollationCaseFirst
Uppercase first
upsert() - Method in class com.mongodb.BulkWriteRequestBuilder
Specifies that the request being built should be an upsert.
upsert(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.UpdateRequest
Sets whether this update will insert a new document if no documents match the filter.
upsert(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Sets the upsert
upsert(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
upsert(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
upsert(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
upsert(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
upsert(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
upsert(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndReplaceOperation
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
upsert(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.FindAndUpdateOperation
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
USE_GETTERS_FOR_SETTERS - Static variable in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.Conventions
A convention that uses getter methods as setters for collections and maps if there is no setter.
useCursor(Boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable
There is no replacement for this. Applications can assume that the driver will use a cursor for server versions that support it (>= 2.6). The driver will ignore this as of MongoDB 3.6, which does not support inline results for the aggregate command.
useCursor(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.AggregateOperation
There is no replacement for this. Applications can assume that the driver will use a cursor for server versions that support it (>= 2.6). The driver will ignore this as of MongoDB 3.6, which does not support inline results for the aggregate command.
useDiscriminator() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModel
useDiscriminator() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.ClassModelBuilder
useDiscriminator() - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModel
usePowerOf2Sizes(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
As of MongoDB 3.0, power of 2 sizes is ignored by the MongoDB server
usePowerOf2Sizes(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
As of MongoDB 3.0, power of 2 sizes is ignored by the MongoDB server
USER_DEFINED - org.bson.BsonBinarySubType
User defined binary data.
UserExistsOperation - Class in com.mongodb.operation
use CommandWriteOperation directly or the mongod shell helpers.
UserExistsOperation(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.operation.UserExistsOperation
Construct a new instance.
Util - Class in com.mongodb.util
there is no replacement for this class
Util() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.util.Util
UUID_LEGACY - org.bson.BsonBinarySubType
A UUID in a driver dependent legacy byte order.
UUID_STANDARD - org.bson.BsonBinarySubType
A UUID in standard network byte order.
UuidCodec - Class in org.bson.codecs
Encodes and decodes UUID objects.
UuidCodec() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.UuidCodec
The constructor for UUIDCodec, default is JAVA_LEGACY
UuidCodec(UuidRepresentation) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.UuidCodec
The default UUIDRepresentation is JAVA_LEGACY to be compatible with existing documents
UuidCodecProvider - Class in org.bson.codecs
A CodecProvider for UUID Codecs with custom UUID representations
UuidCodecProvider(UuidRepresentation) - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.UuidCodecProvider
Set the UUIDRepresentation to be used in the codec default is JAVA_LEGACY to be compatible with existing documents
uuidRepresentation(UuidRepresentation) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the UUID representation to use when encoding instances of UUID and when decoding BSON binary values with subtype of 3.
uuidRepresentation(UuidRepresentation) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets the UUID representation to use when encoding instances of UUID and when decoding BSON binary values with subtype of 3.
UuidRepresentation - Enum in org.bson
The representation to use when converting a UUID to a BSON binary value.


validate() - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSFile
there is no replacement for this method
validate(String) - Method in interface org.bson.FieldNameValidator
Returns true if the field name is valid, false otherwise.
validationAction(ValidationAction) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationOptions
Sets the ValidationAction that determines whether to error on invalid documents or just warn about the violations but allow invalid documents.
validationAction(ValidationAction) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Sets the ValidationAction that determines whether to error on invalid documents or just warn about the violations but allow invalid documents.
ValidationAction - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
Determines whether to error on invalid documents or just warn about the violations but allow invalid documents.
validationLevel(ValidationLevel) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationOptions
Sets the validation level that determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an insert or update.
validationLevel(ValidationLevel) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Sets the validation level that determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an insert or update.
ValidationLevel - Enum in com.mongodb.client.model
Determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an insert or update.
validationOptions(ValidationOptions) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions
Sets the validation options for documents being inserted or updated in a collection
ValidationOptions - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
Validation options for documents being inserted or updated in a collection
ValidationOptions() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationOptions
validator(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.CreateCollectionOperation
Sets the validation rules for inserting or updating documents
validator(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationOptions
Sets the validation rules for all
VALUE - org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.State
The reader is positioned at a value.
VALUE - org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.State
The writer is positioned to write a value.
VALUE - Static variable in class org.bson.BsonNull
ValueCodecProvider - Class in org.bson.codecs
A Codec provider for dynamically-typed value classes.
ValueCodecProvider() - Constructor for class org.bson.codecs.ValueCodecProvider
A provider of Codecs for simple value types.
valueOf(boolean) - Static method in class org.bson.BsonBoolean
Returns a BsonBoolean instance representing the specified boolean value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.AggregationOptions.OutputMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.bulk.WriteRequest.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.AggregationLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.FullDocument
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationAlternate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationCaseFirst
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationMaxVariable
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationStrength
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.CoordinateReferenceSystemType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeoJsonObjectType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.MapReduceAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenMatched
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenNotMatched
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.ReturnDocument
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.connection.ClusterConnectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.connection.ClusterType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.connection.ServerConnectionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.connection.ServerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.CursorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.ErrorCategory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent.Reason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.ExplainVerbosity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand.OutputType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.operation.OrderBy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mongodb.ReadConcernLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Creates a read preference from the given read preference name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Gets the WriteConcern constants by name (matching is done case insensitively).
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bson.BsonBinarySubType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bson.BsonContextType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bson.BsonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bson.json.JsonMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.bson.UuidRepresentation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String, List<TagSet>) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Creates a taggable read preference from the given read preference name and list of tag sets.
valueOf(String, List<TagSet>, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.mongodb.ReadPreference
Creates a taggable read preference from the given read preference name, list of tag sets, and max allowable staleness of secondaries.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.AggregationOptions.OutputMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.AuthenticationMechanism
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.bulk.WriteRequest.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.AggregationLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.BucketGranularity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.ChangeStreamLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.FullDocument
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.OperationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationAlternate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationCaseFirst
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationMaxVariable
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.CollationStrength
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.CoordinateReferenceSystemType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.GeoJsonObjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.MapReduceAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenMatched
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions.WhenNotMatched
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.ReturnDocument
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.connection.ClusterConnectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.connection.ClusterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.connection.ServerConnectionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.connection.ServerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.connection.SplittablePayload.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.CursorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.ErrorCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.event.ConnectionRemovedEvent.Reason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.ExplainVerbosity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand.OutputType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.operation.OrderBy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mongodb.ReadConcernLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.bson.AbstractBsonReader.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.bson.BsonBinarySubType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.bson.BsonContextType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocument
values() - Method in class org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper
values() - Static method in enum org.bson.BsonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class org.bson.Document
values() - Static method in enum org.bson.json.JsonMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class org.bson.RawBsonDocument
values() - Static method in enum org.bson.UuidRepresentation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Variable<TExpression> - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
Helps define new variable for the $lookup pipeline stage
Variable(String, TExpression) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.client.model.Variable
Creates a new variable definition for use in $lookup pipeline stages
variables(List<Variable<?>>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
Sets the variables accessible for use in the whenMatched pipeline.
verbose(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MapReduceIterable
Sets whether to include the timing information in the result information.
verbose(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceToCollectionOperation
Sets whether to include the timing information in the result information.
verbose(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.operation.MapReduceWithInlineResultsOperation
Sets whether to include the timing information in the result information.
verifyBSONType(String, BsonType) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Verifies the current state and BSONType of the reader.
verifyName(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonReader
Verifies the name of the current element.
version(ServerVersion) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription.Builder
version(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the index version number.
version(Integer) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the index version number.


w - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
The "w" value, (number of writes), of the global WriteConcern.
W1 - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Write operations that use this write concern will wait for acknowledgement from a single member.
W2 - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Write operations that use this write concern will wait for acknowledgement from two members.
W3 - Static variable in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Write operations that use this write concern will wait for acknowledgement from three members.
waitQueueEntered(ConnectionPoolWaitQueueEnteredEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster
waitQueueEntered(ConnectionPoolWaitQueueEnteredEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListener
In the next major release, this event will no longer be published
waitQueueEntered(ConnectionPoolWaitQueueEnteredEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter
waitQueueEntered(ConnectionPoolWaitQueueEnteredEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.management.JMXConnectionPoolListener
waitQueueExited(ConnectionPoolWaitQueueExitedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolEventMulticaster
waitQueueExited(ConnectionPoolWaitQueueExitedEvent) - Method in interface com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListener
In the next major release, this event will no longer be published
waitQueueExited(ConnectionPoolWaitQueueExitedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.event.ConnectionPoolListenerAdapter
waitQueueExited(ConnectionPoolWaitQueueExitedEvent) - Method in class com.mongodb.management.JMXConnectionPoolListener
warn(String) - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Log a message at the WARN level.
warn(String) - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Log a message at the WARN level.
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the WARN level with an accompanying message.
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.bson.diagnostics.Logger
Log an exception (throwable) at the WARN level with an accompanying message.
WARN - com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationAction
Documents do not have to pass validation.
wasAcknowledged() - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult
Returns true if the write was acknowledged.
wasAcknowledged() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult
Returns true if the write was acknowledged.
wasAcknowledged() - Method in class com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult
Returns true if the write was acknowledged.
wasAcknowledged() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcernResult
Returns true if the write was acknowledged.
wasAcknowledged() - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteResult
Returns true if the write was acknowledged.
watch() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch() - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch() - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(ClientSession) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(ClientSession) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(ClientSession, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(ClientSession, Class<TResult>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(ClientSession, List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(Class<TResult>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(List<? extends Bson>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(List<? extends Bson>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
watch(List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Creates a change stream for this collection.
watch(List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Creates a change stream for this database.
watch(List<? extends Bson>, Class<TResult>) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClient
Creates a change stream for this client.
weights(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the weighting object for use with a text index.
weights(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the weighting object for use with a text index.
whenMatched(MergeOptions.WhenMatched) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
Sets the behavior of $merge if a result document and an existing document in the collection have the same value for the specified on field(s).
whenMatchedPipeline(List<Bson>) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
Sets aggregation pipeline to update the document in the collection.
whenNotMatched(MergeOptions.WhenNotMatched) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.MergeOptions
Sets the behavior of $merge if a result document does not match an existing document in the out collection.
where(String) - Static method in class com.mongodb.client.model.Filters
Creates a filter that matches all documents for which the given expression is true.
WHERE - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
wildcardProjection(BsonDocument) - Method in class com.mongodb.bulk.IndexRequest
Sets the wildcard projection of a wildcard index
wildcardProjection(Bson) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions
Sets the wildcard projection of a wildcard index
withChunkSizeBytes(int) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Create a new GridFSBucket instance with a new chunk size in bytes.
withCodecRegistry(CodecRegistry) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different codec registry.
withCodecRegistry(CodecRegistry) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new MongoDatabase instance with a different codec registry.
withConnectionId(ConnectionId) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionDescription
Creates a new connection description with the set connection id
withDisableMD5(boolean) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
there is no replacement for this method, as MD5 is being removed
withDocumentClass(Class<NewTDocument>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different default class to cast any documents returned from the database into..
withDocumentClass(Class<TDocument>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ChangeStreamIterable
Returns a MongoIterable containing the results of the change stream based on the document class provided.
withFsync(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
WITHIN - Static variable in class com.mongodb.QueryOperators
withinBox(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to a $within operand, based on a bounding box using represented by two corners
withinCenter(double, double, double) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $within operand, used for geospatial operation
withinCenterSphere(double, double, double) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent of the $centerSphere operand mostly intended for queries up to a few hundred miles or km.
withinPolygon(List<Double[]>) - Method in class com.mongodb.QueryBuilder
Equivalent to a $within operand, based on a bounding polygon represented by an array of points
withJ(boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
withJournal(Boolean) - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Constructs a new WriteConcern from the current one and the specified journal value
withMechanism(AuthenticationMechanism) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Creates a new MongoCredential with the set mechanism.
withMechanismProperty(String, T) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCredential
Creates a new MongoCredential as a copy of this instance, with the specified mechanism property added.
withProperty(String, T) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoCompressor
Creates a new compressor from this compressor with the given property added to it.
withReadConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Create a new GridFSBucket instance with a different read concern.
withReadConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different read concern.
withReadConcern(ReadConcern) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new MongoDatabase instance with a different read concern.
withReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Create a new GridFSBucket instance with a different read preference.
withReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different read preference.
withReadPreference(ReadPreference) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new MongoDatabase instance with a different read preference.
withServerValue(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ConnectionId
Creates a new connectionId with the set server value
withTransaction(TransactionBody<T>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ClientSession
Execute the given function within a transaction.
withTransaction(TransactionBody<T>, TransactionOptions) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.ClientSession
Execute the given function within a transaction.
withUuidRepresentation(UuidRepresentation) - Method in class com.mongodb.DBObjectCodec
withUuidRepresentation(UuidRepresentation) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.DocumentCodec
withUuidRepresentation(UuidRepresentation) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.IterableCodec
withUuidRepresentation(UuidRepresentation) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.MapCodec
withUuidRepresentation(UuidRepresentation) - Method in interface org.bson.codecs.OverridableUuidRepresentationCodec
Implementations must return a new instance with the UuidRepresentation overridden with the given value.
withUuidRepresentation(UuidRepresentation) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.OverridableUuidRepresentationUuidCodec
withW(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Constructs a new WriteConcern from the current one and the specified integer-based value for w
withW(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Constructs a new WriteConcern from the current one and the specified tag-set based value for w
withWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket
Create a new GridFSBucket instance with a different write concern.
withWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different write concern.
withWriteConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in interface com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
Create a new MongoDatabase instance with a different write concern.
withWTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Constructs a new WriteConcern from the current one and the specified wTimeout in the given time unit.
WritableServerSelector - Class in com.mongodb.selector
WritableServerSelector() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.selector.WritableServerSelector
write(byte[]) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSUploadStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSUploadStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
write(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.gridfs.GridFSUploadStream
write(int) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
write(int, int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
write(int, int) - Method in class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
write(int, int) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
Write the specified byte at the specified position.
write(List<ByteBuf>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Stream
Write each buffer in the list to the stream in order, blocking until all are completely written.
writeAnnotations(List<Annotation>) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Sets the writeAnnotations, to be applied when deserializing from BSON
writeAsync(List<ByteBuf>, AsyncCompletionHandler<Void>) - Method in interface com.mongodb.connection.Stream
Write each buffer in the list to the stream in order, asynchronously.
writeBinaryData(String, BsonBinary) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeBinaryData(String, BsonBinary) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Binary data element to the writer.
writeBinaryData(BsonBinary) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeBinaryData(BsonBinary) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Binary data element to the writer.
WriteBinding - Interface in com.mongodb.binding
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Boolean to the writer.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes a boolean to the writer.
writeBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Boolean element to the writer.
writeBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes a a member with a boolean value to the writer.
writeByte(int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
writeByte(int) - Method in class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
writeByte(int) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Write a single byte to the stream.
writeBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Writes all the bytes in the byte array to the stream.
writeBytes(byte[]) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
writeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.mongodb.connection.ByteBufferBsonOutput
writeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.bson.io.BasicOutputBuffer
writeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Writes length bytes from the byte array, starting at offset.
writeConcern - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
Sets the write concern.
writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions
Sets the writeConcern
writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionRemoveOptions
Sets the write concern
writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions
Sets the write concern
writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.InsertOptions
Set the write concern to use for the insert.
writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder
Sets the write concern.
writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.Builder
Sets the write concern.
writeConcern(WriteConcern) - Method in class com.mongodb.TransactionOptions.Builder
Sets the write concern.
WriteConcern - Class in com.mongodb
Controls the acknowledgment of write operations with various options.
WriteConcern() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
WriteConcern(boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
WriteConcern(int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Construct an instance with the given integer-based value for w.
WriteConcern(int, int) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Constructs an instance with the given integer-based value for w and the given value for wTimeoutMS.
WriteConcern(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
WriteConcern(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
WriteConcern(String) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
Construct an instance with the given tag set-based value for w.
WriteConcern(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcern
WriteConcern.Majority - Class in com.mongodb
WriteConcernError - Class in com.mongodb.bulk
An error representing a failure by the server to apply the requested write concern to the bulk operation.
WriteConcernError - Class in com.mongodb
An error representing a failure by the server to apply the requested write concern to the bulk operation.
WriteConcernError(int, String, DBObject) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcernError
Constructs a new instance.
WriteConcernError(int, String, String, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.bulk.WriteConcernError
Constructs a new instance.
WriteConcernError(int, String, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.bulk.WriteConcernError
WriteConcernException - Exception in com.mongodb
An exception representing an error reported due to a write failure.
WriteConcernException(BsonDocument, ServerAddress, WriteConcernResult) - Constructor for exception com.mongodb.WriteConcernException
Construct a new instance.
WriteConcernResult - Class in com.mongodb
The result of a successful write operation.
WriteConcernResult() - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteConcernResult
writeCString(String) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Writes a BSON CString to the stream.
writeCString(String) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
writeDateTime(long) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeDateTime(long) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON DateTime to the writer.
writeDateTime(String, long) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeDateTime(String, long) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON DateTime element to the writer.
writeDBPointer(String, BsonDbPointer) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeDBPointer(String, BsonDbPointer) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON DBPointer element to the writer.
writeDBPointer(BsonDbPointer) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeDBPointer(BsonDbPointer) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON DBPointer to the writer.
writeDecimal128(String, Decimal128) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeDecimal128(String, Decimal128) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Decimal128 element to the writer.
writeDecimal128(Decimal128) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeDecimal128(Decimal128) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Decimal128 to the writer.
writeDouble(double) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Double to the writer.
writeDouble(double) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Writes a BSON double to the stream.
writeDouble(double) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
writeDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeDouble(String, double) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Double element to the writer.
writeEndArray() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeEndArray() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes the end of a BSON array to the writer.
writeEndArray() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeEndArray() - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes the end of a JSON array to the writer.
writeEndDocument() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeEndDocument() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes the end of a BSON document to the writer.
writeEndObject() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeEndObject() - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes the end of a JSON object to the writer.
WriteError - Class in com.mongodb
Represents the details of a write error , e.g.
WriteError(int, String, BsonDocument) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteError
Constructs a new instance.
WriteError(WriteError) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteError
Construct an instance that is a shallow copy of the given instance.
writeInt(int) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
Writes the given integer value to the buffer.
writeInt32(int) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeInt32(int) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Int32 to the writer.
writeInt32(int) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Writes a 32-bit BSON integer to the stream.
writeInt32(int) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
writeInt32(int, int) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Writes a 32-bit BSON integer to the stream at the given position.
writeInt32(int, int) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
writeInt32(String, int) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeInt32(String, int) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Int32 element to the writer.
writeInt64(long) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeInt64(long) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Int64 to the writer.
writeInt64(long) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Writes a 64-bit BSON integer to the stream.
writeInt64(long) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
writeInt64(String, long) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeInt64(String, long) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Int64 element to the writer.
writeJavaScript(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeJavaScript(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer.
writeJavaScript(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeJavaScript(String, String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON JavaScript element to the writer.
writeJavaScriptWithScope(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeJavaScriptWithScope(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer (call WriteStartDocument to start writing the scope).
writeJavaScriptWithScope(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeJavaScriptWithScope(String, String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON JavaScript element to the writer (call WriteStartDocument to start writing the scope).
writeLong(long) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
Writes the given long value to the buffer.
writeMaxKey() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeMaxKey() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON MaxKey to the writer.
writeMaxKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeMaxKey(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON MaxKey element to the writer.
writeMinKey() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeMinKey() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON MinKey to the writer.
writeMinKey(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeMinKey(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON MinKey element to the writer.
WriteModel<T> - Class in com.mongodb.client.model
A base class for models that can be used in a bulk write operations.
writeName(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeName(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes the name of an element to the writer.
writeName(String) - Method in class org.bson.codecs.pojo.PropertyModelBuilder
Sets the writeName, the key for this property when serializing the data into BSON.
writeName(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeName(String) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes the name of a member to the writer.
writeNull() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeNull() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON null to the writer.
writeNull() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeNull() - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes a null value to the writer.
writeNull(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeNull(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON null element to the writer.
writeNull(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeNull(String) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes a member with a null value to the writer.
writeNumber(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeNumber(String) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes a number to the writer.
writeNumber(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeNumber(String, String) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes a member with a numeric value to the writer.
writeObject(OutputBuffer, BSONObject) - Method in interface com.mongodb.DBEncoder
Encode the BSONObject.
writeObject(OutputBuffer, BSONObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.DefaultDBEncoder
writeObject(OutputBuffer, BSONObject) - Method in class com.mongodb.LazyDBEncoder
writeObjectId(String, ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeObjectId(String, ObjectId) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON ObjectId element to the writer.
writeObjectId(ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeObjectId(ObjectId) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON ObjectId to the writer.
writeObjectId(ObjectId) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Writes a BSON ObjectId to the stream.
writeObjectId(ObjectId) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
WriteOperation<T> - Interface in com.mongodb.operation
writeRaw(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeRaw(String) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes a raw value without quoting or escaping.
writeRaw(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeRaw(String, String) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes a member with a raw value without quoting or escaping.
writeRegularExpression(String, BsonRegularExpression) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeRegularExpression(String, BsonRegularExpression) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON regular expression element to the writer.
writeRegularExpression(BsonRegularExpression) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeRegularExpression(BsonRegularExpression) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON regular expression to the writer.
WriteRequest - Class in com.mongodb.bulk
WriteRequest.Type - Enum in com.mongodb.bulk
The type of write.
WriteResult - Class in com.mongodb
This class lets you access the results of the previous acknowledged write.
WriteResult(int, boolean, Object) - Constructor for class com.mongodb.WriteResult
Construct a new instance.
writeStartArray() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeStartArray() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes the start of a BSON array to the writer.
writeStartArray() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeStartArray() - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes the start of a array to the writer.
writeStartArray(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeStartArray(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes the start of a BSON array element to the writer.
writeStartArray(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeStartArray(String) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes the start of JSON array member to the writer.
writeStartDocument() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeStartDocument() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes the start of a BSON document to the writer.
writeStartDocument(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeStartDocument(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes the start of a BSON document element to the writer.
writeStartObject() - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeStartObject() - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes the start of a JSON object to the writer.
writeStartObject(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeStartObject(String) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes the start of a JSON object member to the writer.
writeString(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeString(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON String to the writer.
writeString(String) - Method in interface org.bson.io.BsonOutput
Writes a BSON String to the stream.
writeString(String) - Method in class org.bson.io.OutputBuffer
writeString(String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeString(String) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes a String to the writer.
writeString(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeString(String, String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON String element to the writer.
writeString(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.json.StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter
writeString(String, String) - Method in interface org.bson.json.StrictJsonWriter
Writes a member with a string value to the writer.
writeSymbol(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeSymbol(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Symbol to the writer.
writeSymbol(String, String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeSymbol(String, String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Symbol element to the writer.
writeTimestamp(String, BsonTimestamp) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeTimestamp(String, BsonTimestamp) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Timestamp element to the writer.
writeTimestamp(BsonTimestamp) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeTimestamp(BsonTimestamp) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON Timestamp to the writer.
writeTo(File) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSDBFile
Writes the file's data to a file on disk.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSDBFile
Writes the file's data to an OutputStream.
writeTo(String) - Method in class com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSDBFile
Writes the file's data to a file on disk.
writeUndefined() - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeUndefined() - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON undefined to the writer.
writeUndefined(String) - Method in class org.bson.AbstractBsonWriter
writeUndefined(String) - Method in interface org.bson.BsonWriter
Writes a BSON undefined element to the writer.
wtimeout - Variable in class com.mongodb.MongoOptions
The "wtimeout" value of the global WriteConcern.


_msDateFormat - Static variable in class com.mongodb.util.JSONCallback
_put(String, Object) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONCallback
Puts a new value into the document.
_putObjectField(String, Object) - Method in class org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder
Encodes any Object type
_secDateFormat - Static variable in class com.mongodb.util.JSONCallback
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