Class ProfilingListener.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder​(@NonNull
                       @NonNull File outputFile)
    • Method Detail

      • recordAll

        public ProfilingListener.Builder recordAll()
        If called, all data will be profiled with no limits (other than a warmup, if set)
      • warmup

        public ProfilingListener.Builder warmup​(int iterations)
        Specify the number of warmup iterations - i.e., these will be excluded from profiling results
      • maxProfileIterations

        public ProfilingListener.Builder maxProfileIterations​(int iterations)
        Set a limit on the maximum number of iterations to profile (after warmup, if any). Any ops executed after the specified number of iterations will not be profiled/recorded
      • maxProfilerMilliseconds

        public ProfilingListener.Builder maxProfilerMilliseconds​(long ms)
        Set a limit on the maximum duration for profiling, in milliseconds. Any ops executed after the specified amount of time since the first (non-warmup) operation start will not be profiled/recorded
      • operations

        public ProfilingListener.Builder operations​(Operation... operations)
        Specify the operations (training, inference, etc) to profile. If not set, all operations are profiled