Enum AbstractSession.ExecType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<AbstractSession.ExecType>
    Enclosing class:

    protected static enum AbstractSession.ExecType
    extends Enum<AbstractSession.ExecType>
    ExecType: Execution type, as used in ExecStep
    OP: Operation execution
    VARIABLE: Variable "execution", mainly used to trigger ops that depend on the variable
    CONSTANT: As per variable
    PLACEHOLDER: As per variable
    SWITCH_L and SWITCH_R: This is a bit of a hack to account for the fact that only one of the switch branches (left or right) will ever be available; without this, once the switch op is executed, we'll (incorrectly) conclude that *both* branches can be executed
    EXEC_START: Start of execution
    CONTROL_DEP: Control dependency for op. Used for TF import, due to its odd "constant depends on op in a frame" behaviour