Class ConfusionMatrix<T extends Comparable<? super T>>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void add​(ConfusionMatrix<T> other)
      Adds the entries from another confusion matrix to this one.
      void add​(T actual, T predicted)
      Increments the entry specified by actual and predicted by one.
      void add​(T actual, T predicted, int count)
      Increments the entry specified by actual and predicted by count.
      boolean equals​(Object o)  
      int getActualTotal​(T actual)
      Computes the total number of times the class actually appeared in the data.
      List<T> getClasses()
      Gives the applyTransformToDestination of all classes in the confusion matrix.
      int getCount​(T actual, T predicted)
      Gives the count of the number of times the "predicted" class was predicted for the "actual" class.
      int getPredictedTotal​(T predicted)
      Computes the total number of times the class was predicted by the classifier.
      int hashCode()  
      String toCSV()
      Outputs the ConfusionMatrix as comma-separated values for easy import into spreadsheets
      String toHTML()
      Outputs Confusion Matrix in an HTML table.
      String toString()  
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfusionMatrix

        public ConfusionMatrix​(List<T> classes)
        Creates an empty confusion Matrix
      • ConfusionMatrix

        public ConfusionMatrix()
      • ConfusionMatrix

        public ConfusionMatrix​(ConfusionMatrix<T> other)
        Creates a new ConfusionMatrix initialized with the contents of another ConfusionMatrix.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(T actual,
                        T predicted)
        Increments the entry specified by actual and predicted by one.
      • add

        public void add​(T actual,
                        T predicted,
                        int count)
        Increments the entry specified by actual and predicted by count.
      • add

        public void add​(ConfusionMatrix<T> other)
        Adds the entries from another confusion matrix to this one.
      • getClasses

        public List<T> getClasses()
        Gives the applyTransformToDestination of all classes in the confusion matrix.
      • getCount

        public int getCount​(T actual,
                            T predicted)
        Gives the count of the number of times the "predicted" class was predicted for the "actual" class.
      • getPredictedTotal

        public int getPredictedTotal​(T predicted)
        Computes the total number of times the class was predicted by the classifier.
      • getActualTotal

        public int getActualTotal​(T actual)
        Computes the total number of times the class actually appeared in the data.
      • toCSV

        public String toCSV()
        Outputs the ConfusionMatrix as comma-separated values for easy import into spreadsheets
      • toHTML

        public String toHTML()
        Outputs Confusion Matrix in an HTML table. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can control the table's appearance by defining the empty-space, actual-count-header, predicted-class-header, and count-element classes. For example
        html string
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object