Class EvaluationBinary

    • Field Detail

      • axis

        protected int axis
    • Constructor Detail

      • EvaluationBinary

        public EvaluationBinary​(INDArray decisionThreshold)
        Create an EvaulationBinary instance with an optional decision threshold array.
        decisionThreshold - Decision threshold for each output; may be null. Should be a row vector with length equal to the number of outputs, with values in range 0 to 1. An array of 0.5 values is equivalent to the default (no manually specified decision threshold).
      • EvaluationBinary

        public EvaluationBinary​(int size,
                                Integer rocBinarySteps)
        This constructor allows for ROC to be calculated in addition to the standard evaluation metrics, when the rocBinarySteps arg is non-null. See ROCBinary for more details
        size - Number of outputs
        rocBinarySteps - Constructor arg for ROCBinary(int)
    • Method Detail

      • setAxis

        public void setAxis​(int axis)
        Set the axis for evaluation - this is the dimension along which the probability (and label classes) are present.
        For DL4J, this can be left as the default setting (axis = 1).
        Axis should be set as follows:
        For 2D (OutputLayer), shape [minibatch, numClasses] - axis = 1
        For 3D, RNNs/CNN1D (DL4J RnnOutputLayer), NCW format, shape [minibatch, numClasses, sequenceLength] - axis = 1
        For 3D, RNNs/CNN1D (DL4J RnnOutputLayer), NWC format, shape [minibatch, sequenceLength, numClasses] - axis = 2
        For 4D, CNN2D (DL4J CnnLossLayer), NCHW format, shape [minibatch, channels, height, width] - axis = 1
        For 4D, CNN2D, NHWC format, shape [minibatch, height, width, channels] - axis = 3
        axis - Axis to use for evaluation
      • getAxis

        public int getAxis()
        Get the axis - see setAxis(int) for details
      • merge

        public void merge​(EvaluationBinary other)
        Merge the other evaluation object into this one. The result is that this EvaluationBinary(int, java.lang.Integer) instance contains the counts etc from both
        other - EvaluationBinary object to merge into this one.
      • reset

        public void reset()
      • numLabels

        public int numLabels()
        Returns the number of labels - (i.e., size of the prediction/labels arrays) - if known. Returns -1 otherwise
      • setLabelNames

        public void setLabelNames​(List<String> labels)
        Set the label names, for printing via stats()
      • totalCount

        public int totalCount​(int outputNum)
        Get the total number of values for the specified column, accounting for any masking
      • truePositives

        public int truePositives​(int outputNum)
        Get the true positives count for the specified output
      • trueNegatives

        public int trueNegatives​(int outputNum)
        Get the true negatives count for the specified output
      • falsePositives

        public int falsePositives​(int outputNum)
        Get the false positives count for the specified output
      • falseNegatives

        public int falseNegatives​(int outputNum)
        Get the false negatives count for the specified output
      • averageAccuracy

        public double averageAccuracy()
      • accuracy

        public double accuracy​(int outputNum)
        Get the accuracy for the specified output
      • averagePrecision

        public double averagePrecision()
      • precision

        public double precision​(int outputNum)
        Get the precision (tp / (tp + fp)) for the specified output
      • averageRecall

        public double averageRecall()
      • recall

        public double recall​(int outputNum)
        Get the recall (tp / (tp + fn)) for the specified output
      • averageF1

        public double averageF1()
      • fBeta

        public double fBeta​(double beta,
                            int outputNum)
        Calculate the F-beta value for the given output
        beta - Beta value to use
        outputNum - Output number
        F-beta for the given output
      • f1

        public double f1​(int outputNum)
        Get the F1 score for the specified output
      • matthewsCorrelation

        public double matthewsCorrelation​(int outputNum)
        Calculate the Matthews correlation coefficient for the specified output
        outputNum - Output number
        Matthews correlation coefficient
      • averageMatthewsCorrelation

        public double averageMatthewsCorrelation()
        Macro average of the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) (see matthewsCorrelation(int)) for all labels.
        The macro average of the MCC for all labels.
      • gMeasure

        public double gMeasure​(int output)
        Calculate the macro average G-measure for the given output
        output - The specified output
        The macro average of the G-measure for the specified output
      • averageGMeasure

        public double averageGMeasure()
        Average G-measure (see gMeasure(int)) for all labels.
        The G-measure for all labels.
      • falsePositiveRate

        public double falsePositiveRate​(int classLabel)
        Returns the false positive rate for a given label
        classLabel - the label
        fpr as a double
      • falsePositiveRate

        public double falsePositiveRate​(int classLabel,
                                        double edgeCase)
        Returns the false positive rate for a given label
        classLabel - the label
        edgeCase - What to output in case of 0/0
        fpr as a double
      • falseNegativeRate

        public double falseNegativeRate​(Integer classLabel)
        Returns the false negative rate for a given label
        classLabel - the label
        fnr as a double
      • falseNegativeRate

        public double falseNegativeRate​(Integer classLabel,
                                        double edgeCase)
        Returns the false negative rate for a given label
        classLabel - the label
        edgeCase - What to output in case of 0/0
        fnr as a double
      • getROCBinary

        public ROCBinary getROCBinary()
        Returns the ROCBinary instance, if present
      • averageFalseAlarmRate

        public double averageFalseAlarmRate()
        Average False Alarm Rate (FAR) (see falseAlarmRate(int)) for all labels.
        The FAR for all labels.
      • stats

        public String stats()
        Get a String representation of the EvaluationBinary class, using the default precision
      • stats

        public String stats​(int printPrecision)
        Get a String representation of the EvaluationBinary class, using the specified precision
        printPrecision - The precision (number of decimal places) for the accuracy, f1, etc.
      • scoreForMetric

        public double scoreForMetric​(EvaluationBinary.Metric metric,
                                     int outputNum)
        Calculate specific metric (see EvaluationBinary.Metric) for a given label.
        metric - The Metric to calculate.
        outputNum - Class index to calculate.
        Calculated metric.
      • getValue

        public double getValue​(IMetric metric)
        Description copied from interface: IEvaluation
        Get the value of a given metric for this evaluation.
      • newInstance

        public EvaluationBinary newInstance()
        Description copied from interface: IEvaluation
        Get a new instance of this evaluation, with the same configuration but no data.