Class MMulTranspose

    • Constructor Detail

      • MMulTranspose

        public MMulTranspose​(boolean transposeA,
                             boolean transposeB,
                             boolean transposeResult)
    • Method Detail

      • allFalse

        public static MMulTranspose allFalse()
        Returns the default transpose where all are false
      • exec

        public INDArray exec​(INDArray a,
                             INDArray b,
                             INDArray result)
        Execute the matrix multiplication: A x B Note that if a or b have transposeA/B == true, then this is done internally. Also, if transposeResult == true, then this is also done internally - i.e., the result array - if present - should not be transposed beforehand.
        a - A array
        b - B array
        result - Result array (pre resultArrayTranspose if required). May be null.
        Result array
      • getValue

        public Object getValue​(Field property)
      • setProperties

        public void setProperties​(Map<String,​Object> properties)