Interface ReduceOp

    • Method Detail

      • noOp

        INDArray noOp()
        Returns the no op version of the input Basically when a reduce can't happen (eg: sum(0) on a row vector) you have a no op state for a given reduction. For most accumulations, this should return x but certain transformations should return say: the absolute value
        the no op version of the input
      • dimensions

        INDArray dimensions()
        This method returns dimensions for this op
      • isComplexAccumulation

        boolean isComplexAccumulation()
      • isKeepDims

        boolean isKeepDims()
        This method returns TRUE if we're going to keep axis, FALSE otherwise
      • resultType

        DataType resultType()
        This method returns datatype for result array wrt given inputs
      • validateDataTypes

        boolean validateDataTypes​(OpContext oc)
      • getFinalResult

        Number getFinalResult()
      • setDimensions

        void setDimensions​(int... dimensions)