Class PerformanceTracker

  • public class PerformanceTracker
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • addMemoryTransaction

        public long addMemoryTransaction​(int deviceId,
                                         long timeSpentNanos,
                                         long numberOfBytes)
        This method stores bandwidth used for given transaction. PLEASE NOTE: Bandwidth is stored in per millisecond value.
        deviceId - device used for this transaction
        timeSpent - time spent on this transaction in nanoseconds
        numberOfBytes - number of bytes
      • addMemoryTransaction

        public long addMemoryTransaction​(int deviceId,
                                         long timeSpentNanos,
                                         long numberOfBytes,
                                         @NonNull MemcpyDirection direction)
        This method stores bandwidth used for given transaction. PLEASE NOTE: Bandwidth is stored in per millisecond value.
        deviceId - device used for this transaction
        timeSpent - time spent on this transaction in nanoseconds
        numberOfBytes - number of bytes
        direction - direction for the given memory transaction
      • clear

        public void clear()
      • helperStartTransaction

        public long helperStartTransaction()
      • helperRegisterTransaction

        public void helperRegisterTransaction​(int deviceId,
                                              long timeSpentNanos,
                                              long numberOfBytes,
                                              @NonNull MemcpyDirection direction)