Interface GradientUpdater<T extends IUpdater>

    • Method Detail

      • getConfig

        T getConfig()
      • setStateViewArray

        void setStateViewArray​(INDArray viewArray,
                               long[] gradientShape,
                               char gradientOrder,
                               boolean initialize)
        For the internal updater state (if any): set this to use the provided array. Used during initialization, and when restoring the updater state (after serialization, for example)
        viewArray - Array (that is a view of a larger array) to use for the state.
        gradientShape -
        gradientOrder -
        initialize - If true: the updater must initialize the view array. If false: no change to view array contents
      • applyUpdater

        void applyUpdater​(INDArray gradient,
                          int iteration,
                          int epoch)
        Modify the gradient to be an update. Note that this is be done in-place
        gradient - the gradient to modify
        iteration -