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NLPCraft 0.7.1

Package org.nlpcraft.model.intent

Contains intent-based input matcher.

See: Description

Package org.nlpcraft.model.intent Description

Contains intent-based input matcher.

Intent-based input matcher (or solver) is intended for simpler and more declarative implementation of model's query(NCQueryContext) method. This is the main method in the data model and it is responsible for converting parsed user input into an action. It cannot be defined in the external JSON or YAML model definition and, therefore, has to be defined in the code. Although this method can be implemented manually by encoding the logic of parsing query context and its list of parsing variants - it is often more complex and error-prone than necessary.

Intent solver is based on an idea of adding one or more user input templates, also known as intents, and letting the solver select the best matching intent for a given the user input. Each intent defines a pattern of the user input and associated action to take when that pattern is selected. While selecting the best matching intent the solver uses sophisticated NLP analysis and conversation context for anaphoras resolution. Among multiple detected intents the solver will always select the most specific one.

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