public class DeferredScript extends ScriptFamily
The <o:deferredScript>
is a component based on the standard <h:outputScript>
which defers the loading of the given script resource to the window load event. In other words, the given script
resource is only loaded when the window is really finished with loading. So, the enduser can start working with the
webpage without waiting for the additional scripts to be loaded. Usually, it are those kind of scripts which are just
for progressive enhancement and thus not essential for the functioning of the webpage.
This will give bonus points with among others the Google PageSpeed tool, on the contrary to placing the script at
bottom of body, or using defer="true"
or even async="true"
Just use it the same way as a <h:outputScript>
, with a library
and name
<o:deferredScript library="yourlibrary" name="scripts/filename.js" />
You can use the optional onbegin
, onsuccess
and onerror
to declare JavaScript code which needs to be executed respectively right before the script is loaded,
right after the script is successfully loaded, and/or when the script loading failed.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static String |
The standard component type.
Constructor and Description |
Construct a new
DeferredScript component whereby the renderer type is set to
DeferredScriptRenderer.RENDERER_TYPE . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent event)
Move this component to body using
ScriptFamily.moveToBody(ComponentSystemEvent, ScriptFamily) . |
getFamily, getRendersChildren, moveToBody
addClientBehavior, addFacesListener, broadcast, clearInitialState, decode, encodeBegin, encodeChildren, encodeEnd, findComponent, getAttributes, getChildCount, getChildren, getClientBehaviors, getClientId, getDefaultEventName, getEventNames, getFacesContext, getFacesListeners, getFacet, getFacetCount, getFacets, getFacetsAndChildren, getId, getParent, getRenderer, getRendererType, getValueBinding, invokeOnComponent, isRendered, isTransient, markInitialState, processDecodes, processRestoreState, processSaveState, processUpdates, processValidators, queueEvent, removeFacesListener, restoreAttachedState, restoreState, saveAttachedState, saveState, setId, setParent, setRendered, setRendererType, setTransient, setValueBinding
encodeAll, getClientId, getCompositeComponentParent, getContainerClientId, getCurrentComponent, getCurrentCompositeComponent, getListenersForEventClass, getNamingContainer, getResourceBundleMap, getStateHelper, getStateHelper, getValueExpression, initialStateMarked, isCompositeComponent, isInView, isVisitable, popComponentFromEL, pushComponentToEL, setInView, setValueExpression, subscribeToEvent, unsubscribeFromEvent, visitTree
public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE
public DeferredScript()
component whereby the renderer type is set to
.public void processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException
ScriptFamily.moveToBody(ComponentSystemEvent, ScriptFamily)
. If successfully moved,
then set the script resource as rendered, so that JSF won't auto-include it.processEvent
in interface ComponentSystemEventListener
in class UIComponent
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