Package org.omnifaces.component.output

Class Summary
Cache Cache is a component that captures the mark-up rendered by its children and caches this for future requests.
ConditionalComment ConditionalComment is an UIComponent which renders a conditional comment.
OutputFamily Base class which is to be shared between all components of the Output family.
OutputFormat OutputFormat is a component that extends the standard HtmlOutputFormat and provides support for capturing the output and exposing it into the request scope by the variable name as specified by the var attribute.
OutputLabel OutputLabel is a component that extends the standard HtmlOutputLabel and provides support for automatically setting its value as the label of the component identified by its for attribute (if any).
Param Param is a component that extends the standard UIParameter to implement ValueHolder and thus support a Converter to convert the supplied value to string, if necessary.
ResourceInclude This component is used to catch the output from a JSP/Servlet resource and render it as output to the JSF writer.