Package org.omnifaces.resourcehandler

Class Summary
CDNResourceHandler This ResourceHandler implementation allows the developer to provide CDN URLs instead of the default local URLs for JSF resources as provided by <h:outputScript>, <h:outputStylesheet> and <h:graphicImage> when the current JSF project stage is not set to Development.
CombinedResourceHandler This ResourceHandler implementation will remove all separate script and stylesheet resources which have the target attribute set to "head" from the UIViewRoot and create a combined one for all scripts and another combined one for all stylesheets, when the JSF project stage is not set to Development.
ResourceIdentifier Convenience class to represent a resource identifier.
UnmappedResourceHandler The UnmappedResourceHandler allows the developer to map JSF resources on an URL pattern of /javax.faces.resource/* without the need for an additional FacesServlet prefix or suffic URL pattern in the default produced resource URLs, such as /javax.faces.resource/faces/css/style.css or /javax.faces.resource/css/style.css.xhtml.