Package org.omnifaces.eventlistener

Class Summary
BeanValidationEventListener Overrides BeanValidator.setValidationGroups(String) for all components in the current view.
CallbackPhaseListener This phase listener picks up phase listener instances from the request scope by addCallbackXxx() methods of the Events utility class and calls them back for each matching phase.
DefaultPhaseListener Default implementation for the PhaseListener interface.
DefaultServletContextListener Default implementation for the SystemEventListener interface.
DefaultSystemEventListener Default implementation for the SystemEventListener interface.
DefaultViewEventListener Default implementation for the SystemEventListener interface that's used for the subset of system events that are registered as "view event" on the component tree's view root.
InvokeActionEventListener This phase listener takes care that the PreInvokeActionEvent and PostInvokeActionEvent events are properly published.
ResetInputAjaxActionListener Use this action listener when you want to partially (ajax) render input fields which are not executed during submit, but which are possibly in an invalidated state because of a validation failure during a previous request.