Package org.omnifaces.util

Interface Summary
Callback.Returning<R> Use this if you need a callback which returns a value.
Callback.ReturningWithArgument<R,A> Use this if you need a callback which takes an argument and returns a value.
Callback.Void Use this if you need a void callback.
Callback.WithArgument<A> Use this if you need a callback which takes an argument.
Messages.Resolver The message resolver allows the developers to change the way how messages are resolved.

Class Summary
Ajax Collection of utility methods for working with PartialViewContext.
Callback Collection of callback interfaces.
Components Collection of utility methods for the JSF API with respect to working with UIComponent.
Events Collection of utility methods for the JSF API with respect to working with Faces events.
Exceptions Collection of general utility methods with respect to working with exceptions.
Faces Collection of utility methods for the JSF API that are mainly shortcuts for obtaining stuff from the thread local FacesContext.
FacesLocal Collection of utility methods for the JSF API that are mainly shortcuts for obtaining stuff from the provided FacesContext argument.
Hacks Collection of JSF implementation and/or JSF component library specific hacks.
JNDI Utility class for simplifying some web related tasks that use JNDI under the hood, such as getting the <env-entry> from web.xml.
Json A simple JSON encoder.
MapWrapper<K,V> Implementation of Map that wraps another map.
Messages Collection of utility methods for the JSF API with respect to working with FacesMessage.
Messages.Message Faces message builder.
Platform This class provides access to (Java EE) platform services from the view point of JSF.
Renderers Collection of utility methods for the JSF API with respect to working with Renderer.
ResourcePaths Utility class for working with (Servlet) resource paths, providing methods to handle their prefixes, extensions etc.
Servlets Collection of utility methods for the Servlet API in general.
State Helper class for StateHelper that uses generic type-inference to make code that uses the StateHelper slightly less verbose.
Utils Collection of general utility methods that do not fit in one of the more specific classes.