Class SitemapUrl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    PartialStateHolder, StateHolder, TransientStateHolder, ComponentSystemEventListener, FacesListener, SystemEventListenerHolder, EventListener

    public class SitemapUrl
    extends OutputFamily

    The <o:sitemapUrl> is a component which renders the given target URL or JSF view ID as a sitemap URL with support for adding additional query string parameters to the URL via nested <f:param> and <o:param>.

    This component is largely based off the Url component behind <o:url>, but then tailored specifically for usage in sitemap.xml file. The ViewResourceHandler must be registered in faces-config.xml in order to get JSF components to run in /sitemap.xml.


    You can supply the sitemap URL via either the value attribute or the viewId attribute. When both are specified, the value attribute takes precedence and the viewId attribute is ignored.


    When the target URL is specified as viewId, then the domain of the target URL defaults to the current domain. It is possible to provide a full qualified domain name (FQDN) via the domain attribute which the URL is to be prefixed with. This can be useful if a canonical page shall point to a different domain or a specific subdomain.

    Valid formats and values for domain attribute are:

    • <o:sitemapUrl ... domain="" />
    • <o:sitemapUrl ... domain="//" />
    • <o:sitemapUrl ... domain="" />
    • <o:sitemapUrl ... domain="/" />
    • <o:sitemapUrl ... domain="//" />

    The domain value will be validated by URL and throw an illegal argument exception when invalid. If the domain equals /, then the URL becomes domain-relative. If the domain equals or starts with //, or does not contain any scheme, then the URL becomes scheme-relative. If the value attribute is specified, then the domain attribute is ignored.

    Request parameters

    You can add query string parameters to the URL via nested <f:param> and <o:param>. To conditionally add or override, use the disabled attribute of <f|o:param>.


    Usage example of /sitemap.xml as a JSF view:

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <ui:repeat value="#{sitemapBean.products}" var="product">
             <o:sitemapUrl viewId="/product.xhtml" lastModified="#{product.lastModified}" changeFrequency="weekly" priority="1.0">
                 <o:param name="id" value="#{product}" converter="productConverter" />
    Bauke Scholtz
    See Also:
    OutputFamily, ViewResourceHandler
    • Field Detail


        public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE
        The component type, which is "org.omnifaces.component.output.SitemapUrl".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • encodeLastModified

        protected void encodeLastModified​(FacesContext context)
                                   throws IOException
        Renders the <lastmod> child element with the value of getLastModified(), if any. It may only encode formats specified in
        context - The involved faces context.
        IOException - When an I/O error occurs.
      • encodeChangeFrequency

        protected void encodeChangeFrequency​(FacesContext context)
                                      throws IOException
        Renders the <changefreq> child element with the value of getChangeFrequency(), if any.
        context - The involved faces context.
        IOException - When an I/O error occurs.
      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Returns the value of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL. Note: when specified, then getViewId() and getDomain() are ignored.
        The value of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(String value)
        Sets the value of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL. Note: when specified, then getViewId() and getDomain() are ignored.
        value - The value of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL.
      • getViewId

        public String getViewId()
        Returns the view ID to create the URI part of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL for. Note: this is ignored when getValue() is specified.
        The view ID to create the URI part of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL for.
      • setViewId

        public void setViewId​(String viewId)
        Sets the view ID to create the URI part of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL for. Note: this is ignored when getValue() is specified.
        viewId - The view ID to create the URI part of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL for.
      • getDomain

        public String getDomain()
        Returns the domain of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL. Note: this is ignored when getValue() is specified.
        The domain of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL for.
      • setDomain

        public void setDomain​(String domain)
        Sets the domain of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL. Note: this is ignored when getValue() is specified.
        domain - The domain of the "loc" element of the sitemap URL for.
      • getLastModified

        public Temporal getLastModified()
        Returns the value of the "lastmod" element of the sitemap URL.
        The value of the "lastmod" element of the sitemap URL.
      • setLastModified

        public void setLastModified​(Temporal lastModified)
        Sets the value of the "lastmod" element of the sitemap URL.
        lastModified - The value of the "lastmod" element of the sitemap URL.
      • getChangeFrequency

        public SitemapUrl.ChangeFrequency getChangeFrequency()
        Returns the value of the "changefreq" element of the sitemap URL.
        The value of the "changefreq" element of the sitemap URL.
      • setChangeFrequency

        public void setChangeFrequency​(SitemapUrl.ChangeFrequency changeFrequency)
        Sets the value of the "changefreq" element of the sitemap URL.
        changeFrequency - The value of the "changefreq" element of the sitemap URL.
      • getPriority

        public BigDecimal getPriority()
        Returns the value of the "priority" element of the sitemap URL.
        The value of the "priority" element of the sitemap URL.
      • setPriority

        public void setPriority​(BigDecimal priority)
        Sets the value of the "priority" element of the sitemap URL.
        priority - The value of the "priority" element of the sitemap URL.