Class ConverterManager

  • @ApplicationScoped
    public class ConverterManager
    extends Object

    The @FacesConverter is by default not eligible for dependency injection by @Inject nor @EJB. It that only when the managed=true attribute is set. But this doesn't support setting custom attributes. OmniFaces solves this by implicitly making all FacesConverter instances eligible for dependency injection without any further modification. In order to utilize OmniFaces managed converter, simply remove the Faces native managed=true attribute.

    The ConverterManager provides access to all FacesConverter annotated Converter instances which are made eligible for CDI.


    Since CDI 1.1, when having a CDI 1.1 compatible beans.xml, by default only classes with an explicit CDI managed bean scope annotation will be registered for dependency injection support. In order to cover FacesConverter annotated classes as well, you need to explicitly set bean-discovery-mode="all" attribute in beans.xml. This was not necessary in Mojarra versions older than 2.2.9 due to an oversight. If you want to keep the default of bean-discovery-mode="annotated", then you need to add Dependent annotation to the converter class.


    In case you have a FacesConverter annotated class extending another FacesConverter annotated class which in turn extends a standard converter, then you may with bean-discovery-mode="all" face an AmbiguousResolutionException. This can be solved by placing Specializes annotation on the subclass.

    Converters with special Class constructor

    By default, CDI only instantiates beans via the default constructor. In case a converter for a class is created, and the returned converter does not have a default constructor, or has a single argument constructor that takes a Class instance, then this converter will not be made eligible for CDI. This change was added in OmniFaces 2.6 as per issue 25.

    JSF 2.3 compatibility

    JSF 2.3 introduced two new features for converters: parameterized converters and managed converters. When the converter is parameterized as in implements Converter<T>, then you need to use at least OmniFaces 3.1 wherein the incompatibility was fixed. When the converter is managed with the managed=true attribute set on the FacesConverter annotation, then the converter won't be managed by OmniFaces and will continue to work fine for Faces. But the <o:converter> tag won't be able to set attributes on it.

    Radu Creanga <[email protected]>, Bauke Scholtz
    See Also:
    OmniApplication, OmniApplicationFactory
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConverterManager

        public ConverterManager()
    • Method Detail

      • createConverter

        public Converter createConverter​(Application application,
                                         String converterId)
        Returns the converter instance associated with the given converter ID, or null if there is none.
        application - The involved Faces application.
        converterId - The converter ID of the desired converter instance.
        the converter instance associated with the given converter ID, or null if there is none.
      • createConverter

        public Converter createConverter​(Application application,
                                         Class<?> converterForClass)
        Returns the converter instance associated with the given converter for-class, or null if there is none.
        application - The involved Faces application.
        converterForClass - The converter for-class of the desired converter instance.
        the converter instance associated with the given converter for-class, or null if there is none.