Interface | Description |
IRandomAccess |
Interface for random access into structures (e.g., files or arrays).
StatusListener |
A listener for status updates.
StatusReporter |
A simple interface for objects wishing to report their status to listeners.
Class | Description |
AbstractNIOHandle |
A wrapper for buffered NIO logic that implements the IRandomAccess interface.
ByteArrayHandle |
A wrapper for a byte array that implements the IRandomAccess interface.
BZip2Handle |
StreamHandle implementation for reading from BZip2-compressed files
or byte arrays.
CaseInsensitiveLocation | Deprecated
Location instead |
CBZip2InputStream |
An input stream that decompresses from the BZip2 format (without the file
header chars) to be read as any other stream.
Constants |
Constants that are used within many classes in loci.common.
A simple class to hold and calculate the CRC for sanity checking the data.
DataTools |
A utility class with convenience methods for
reading, writing and decoding words.
DateTools |
A utility class with convenience methods for working with dates.
DebugTools |
A utility class with convenience methods for debugging.
FileHandle |
A wrapper for RandomAccessFile that implements the IRandomAccess interface.
GZipHandle |
StreamHandle implementation for reading from gzip-compressed files
or byte arrays.
IniList |
A data structure containing a parsed list of INI key/value tables.
IniParser |
A simple parser for INI configuration files.
IniTable |
A data structure containing a parsed list of INI key/value tables.
IniWriter |
A simple writer for INI configuration files.
Location |
Pseudo-extension of
File that supports reading over HTTP
(among other things). |
Log4jTools |
A utility class with convenience methods for log4j.
LogbackTools |
A utility class with convenience methods for logback.
NIOByteBufferProvider |
Provides a facade to byte buffer allocation that enables usage on platforms where it's unlikely to
give us problems and heap allocation where it is. |
NIOFileHandle |
A wrapper for buffered NIO logic that implements the IRandomAccess interface.
NIOInputStream |
NIOInputStream provides methods for "intelligent" reading of files
and byte arrays.
RandomAccessInputStream |
Top-level class for reading from various data sources.
RandomAccessOutputStream |
RandomAccessOutputStream provides methods for writing to files and
byte arrays.
ReflectedUniverse | Deprecated |
Region |
A class for representing a rectangular region.
S3Handle |
Provides random access to S3 buckets using the IRandomAccess interface.
StatusEvent |
An event indicating a status update.
StreamHandle |
Abstract IRandomAccess implementation for reading from InputStreams and
writing to OutputStreams.
StreamHandle.Settings | |
URLHandle |
Provides random access to URLs using the IRandomAccess interface.
ZipHandle |
StreamHandle implementation for reading from Zip-compressed files
or byte arrays.
Enum | Description |
Location.UrlType |
Exception | Description |
HandleException |
HandleException is the exception thrown when something goes wrong in
one of the custom I/O classes.
ReflectException |
ReflectException is the exception thrown when something
goes wrong performing a reflected operation with ReflectedUniverse.
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