Package loci.common

Class DataTools


public final class DataTools
extends java.lang.Object
A utility class with convenience methods for reading, writing and decoding words.
Curtis Rueden ctrueden at, Chris Allan callan at, Melissa Linkert melissa at
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static byte[] allocate​(int... sizes)
    Allocates a 1-dimensional byte array matching the product of the given sizes.
    static double bytesToDouble​(byte[] bytes, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array to a double.
    static double bytesToDouble​(byte[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a double.
    static double bytesToDouble​(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a double.
    static double bytesToDouble​(short[] bytes, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array to a double.
    static double bytesToDouble​(short[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a double.
    static double bytesToDouble​(short[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a double.
    static float bytesToFloat​(byte[] bytes, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array to a float.
    static float bytesToFloat​(byte[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array beyond a given offset to a float.
    static float bytesToFloat​(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a float.
    static float bytesToFloat​(short[] bytes, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array to a float.
    static float bytesToFloat​(short[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array beyond a given offset to a float.
    static float bytesToFloat​(short[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond a given offset to a float.
    static java.lang.String bytesToHex​(byte[] b)
    Translates the given byte array into a String of hexadecimal digits.
    static int bytesToInt​(byte[] bytes, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array to an int.
    static int bytesToInt​(byte[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to an int.
    static int bytesToInt​(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to an int.
    static int bytesToInt​(short[] bytes, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array to an int.
    static int bytesToInt​(short[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to an int.
    static int bytesToInt​(short[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to an int.
    static long bytesToLong​(byte[] bytes, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array to a long.
    static long bytesToLong​(byte[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a long.
    static long bytesToLong​(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a long.
    static long bytesToLong​(short[] bytes, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array to a long.
    static long bytesToLong​(short[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a long.
    static long bytesToLong​(short[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a long.
    static short bytesToShort​(byte[] bytes, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 2 bytes of a byte array to a short.
    static short bytesToShort​(byte[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 2 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a short.
    static short bytesToShort​(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a short.
    static short bytesToShort​(short[] bytes, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 2 bytes of a byte array to a short.
    static short bytesToShort​(short[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first 2 bytes of a byte array byond the given offset to a short.
    static short bytesToShort​(short[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
    Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array byond the given offset to a short.
    static boolean containsValue​(int[] array, int value)
    Returns true if the given value is contained in the given array.
    static byte[] doublesToBytes​(double[] values, boolean little)
    Translates an array of double values into an array of byte values.
    static byte[] doubleToBytes​(double value, boolean little)
    Translates the double value into an array of eight bytes.
    static byte[] floatsToBytes​(float[] values, boolean little)
    Translates an array of float values into an array of byte values.
    static byte[] floatToBytes​(float value, boolean little)
    Translates the float value into an array of four bytes.
    static int indexOf​(int[] array, int value)
    Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given value in the given array.
    static int indexOf​(java.lang.Object[] array, java.lang.Object value)
    Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given value in the given Object array.
    static byte[] intsToBytes​(int[] values, boolean little)
    Translates an array of int values into an array of byte values.
    static byte[] intToBytes​(int value, boolean little)
    Translates the int value into an array of four bytes.
    static byte[] longsToBytes​(long[] values, boolean little)
    Translates an array of long values into an array of byte values.
    static byte[] longToBytes​(long value, boolean little)
    Translates the long value into an array of eight bytes.
    static java.lang.Object makeDataArray​(byte[] b, int bpp, boolean fp, boolean little)
    Convert a byte array to the appropriate 1D primitive type array.
    static java.lang.Object makeDataArray2D​(byte[] b, int bpp, boolean fp, boolean little, int height)
    Convert a byte array to the appropriate 2D primitive type array.
    static byte[] makeSigned​(byte[] b)  
    static int[] makeSigned​(int[] i)  
    static short[] makeSigned​(short[] s)  
    static double[] normalizeDoubles​(double[] data)
    Normalize the given double array so that the minimum value maps to 0.0 and the maximum value maps to 1.0.
    static float[] normalizeFloats​(float[] data)
    Normalize the given float array so that the minimum value maps to 0.0 and the maximum value maps to 1.0.
    static java.lang.Byte parseByte​(java.lang.String value)
    Parses the input string into a byte
    static java.lang.Double parseDouble​(java.lang.String value)
    Parses the input string into a double accounting for the locale decimal separator
    static java.lang.Float parseFloat​(java.lang.String value)
    Parses the input string into a float accounting for the locale decimal separator
    static java.lang.Integer parseInteger​(java.lang.String value)
    Parses the input string into an integer
    static java.lang.Long parseLong​(java.lang.String value)
    Parses the input string into a long
    static java.lang.Short parseShort​(java.lang.String value)
    Parses the input string into a short
    static java.lang.String readFile​(java.lang.String id)
    Reads the contents of the given file into a string.
    static int safeMultiply32​(int... sizes)
    Checks that the product of the given sizes does not exceed the 32-bit integer limit (i.e., Integer.MAX_VALUE).
    static long safeMultiply64​(long... sizes)
    Checks that the product of the given sizes does not exceed the 64-bit integer limit (i.e., Long.MAX_VALUE).
    static boolean samePrefix​(java.lang.String s1, java.lang.String s2)
    Check if two filenames have the same prefix.
    static java.lang.String sanitize​(java.lang.String s)
    Remove unprintable characters from the given string.
    static java.lang.String sanitizeDouble​(java.lang.String value)
    static byte[] shortsToBytes​(short[] values, boolean little)
    Translates an array of short values into an array of byte values.
    static byte[] shortToBytes​(short value, boolean little)
    Translates the short value into an array of two bytes.
    static java.lang.String stripString​(java.lang.String toStrip)
    Remove null bytes from a string.
    static char swap​(char x)
    Reverse the order of bytes in the given char.
    static double swap​(double x)
    Reverse the order of bytes in the given double.
    static float swap​(float x)
    Reverse the order of bytes in the given float.
    static int swap​(int x)
    Reverse the order of bytes in the given int.
    static long swap​(long x)
    Reverse the order of bytes in the given long.
    static short swap​(short x)
    Reverse the order of bytes in the given short.
    static void unpackBytes​(long value, byte[] buf, int ndx, int nBytes, boolean little)
    Translates nBytes of the given long and places the result in the given byte array.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • readFile

      public static java.lang.String readFile​(java.lang.String id) throws
      Reads the contents of the given file into a string.
      id - name of the file to read this can be any name supported by Location, not necessarily a file on disk
      the complete contents of the specified file
      Throws: - if the file cannot be read or is larger than 2GB
      See Also:
    • bytesToShort

      public static short bytesToShort​(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a short. If there are fewer than len bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to use for translation
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      len - number of bytes to use
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the short value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToShort

      public static short bytesToShort​(byte[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 2 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a short. If there are fewer than 2 bytes available the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to use for translation
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the short value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToShort

      public static short bytesToShort​(byte[] bytes, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 2 bytes of a byte array to a short. If there are fewer than 2 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to use for translation
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the short value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToShort

      public static short bytesToShort​(short[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array byond the given offset to a short. If there are fewer than len bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to use for translation
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      len - number of bytes to use
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the short value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToShort

      public static short bytesToShort​(short[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 2 bytes of a byte array byond the given offset to a short. If there are fewer than 2 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a short
      off - offset into array of bytes; should be non-negative and less than the length of the array
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the short value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToShort

      public static short bytesToShort​(short[] bytes, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 2 bytes of a byte array to a short. If there are fewer than 2 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a short
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the short value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToInt

      public static int bytesToInt​(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to an int. If there are fewer than len bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a int
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      len - number of bytes to use
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the int value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToInt

      public static int bytesToInt​(byte[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to an int. If there are fewer than 4 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a int
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the int value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToInt

      public static int bytesToInt​(byte[] bytes, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array to an int. If there are fewer than 4 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a int
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the int value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToInt

      public static int bytesToInt​(short[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to an int. If there are fewer than len bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a int
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      len - number of bytes to use
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the int value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToInt

      public static int bytesToInt​(short[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to an int. If there are fewer than 4 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a int
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the int value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToInt

      public static int bytesToInt​(short[] bytes, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array to an int. If there are fewer than 4 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a int
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the int value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToFloat

      public static float bytesToFloat​(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a float. If there are fewer than len bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a float
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      len - number of bytes to use
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the float value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToFloat

      public static float bytesToFloat​(byte[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array beyond a given offset to a float. If there are fewer than 4 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a float
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the float value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToFloat

      public static float bytesToFloat​(byte[] bytes, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array to a float. If there are fewer than 4 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a float
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the float value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToFloat

      public static float bytesToFloat​(short[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond a given offset to a float. If there are fewer than len bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a float
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      len - number of bytes to use
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the float value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToFloat

      public static float bytesToFloat​(short[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array beyond a given offset to a float. If there are fewer than 4 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a float
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the float value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToFloat

      public static float bytesToFloat​(short[] bytes, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array to a float. If there are fewer than 4 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a float
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the float value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToLong

      public static long bytesToLong​(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a long. If there are fewer than len bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a long
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      len - number of bytes to use
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the long value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToLong

      public static long bytesToLong​(byte[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a long. If there are fewer than 8 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a long
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the long value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToLong

      public static long bytesToLong​(byte[] bytes, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array to a long. If there are fewer than 8 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a long
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the long value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToLong

      public static long bytesToLong​(short[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a long. If there are fewer than len bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a long
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      len - number of bytes to use
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the long value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToLong

      public static long bytesToLong​(short[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a long. If there are fewer than 8 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a long
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the long value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToLong

      public static long bytesToLong​(short[] bytes, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array to a long. If there are fewer than 8 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a long
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the long value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToDouble

      public static double bytesToDouble​(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a double. If there are fewer than len bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a double
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      len - number of bytes to use
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the double value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToDouble

      public static double bytesToDouble​(byte[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a double. If there are fewer than 8 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a double
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the double value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToDouble

      public static double bytesToDouble​(byte[] bytes, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array to a double. If there are fewer than 8 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of bytes to be translated to a double
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the double value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToDouble

      public static double bytesToDouble​(short[] bytes, int off, int len, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first len bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a double. If there are fewer than len bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a double
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      len - number of bytes to use
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the double value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToDouble

      public static double bytesToDouble​(short[] bytes, int off, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array beyond the given offset to a double. If there are fewer than 8 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a double
      off - offset to the first byte in the array
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the double value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToDouble

      public static double bytesToDouble​(short[] bytes, boolean little)
      Translates up to the first 8 bytes of a byte array to a double. If there are fewer than 8 bytes available, the MSBs are all assumed to be zero (regardless of endianness).
      bytes - array of unsigned bytes to be translated to a double
      little - true if the bytes are provided in little-endian order
      the double value that results from concatenating the specified bytes
    • bytesToHex

      public static java.lang.String bytesToHex​(byte[] b)
      Translates the given byte array into a String of hexadecimal digits.
      b - the array of bytes to parse
      a string of length 2 * b.length representing the hexadecimal digits of each byte in b concatenated
    • parseShort

      public static java.lang.Short parseShort​(java.lang.String value)
      Parses the input string into a short
      value - a String representation of a short value
      null if the string could not be parsed
    • parseByte

      public static java.lang.Byte parseByte​(java.lang.String value)
      Parses the input string into a byte
      value - a String representation of a byte value
      null if the string could not be parsed
    • parseInteger

      public static java.lang.Integer parseInteger​(java.lang.String value)
      Parses the input string into an integer
      value - a String representation of an int value
      null if the string could not be parsed
    • parseLong

      public static java.lang.Long parseLong​(java.lang.String value)
      Parses the input string into a long
      value - a String representation of a long value
      null if the string could not be parsed
    • parseFloat

      public static java.lang.Float parseFloat​(java.lang.String value)
      Parses the input string into a float accounting for the locale decimal separator
      value - a String representation of a float value
      null if the string could not be parsed
    • parseDouble

      public static java.lang.Double parseDouble​(java.lang.String value)
      Parses the input string into a double accounting for the locale decimal separator
      value - a String representation of a double value
      null if the string could not be parsed
    • sanitizeDouble

      @Deprecated public static java.lang.String sanitizeDouble​(java.lang.String value)
      Normalizes the decimal separator for the user's locale.
      value - the String representation of a double value, which may contain invalid characters that prevent parsing
      see above
    • shortToBytes

      public static byte[] shortToBytes​(short value, boolean little)
      Translates the short value into an array of two bytes.
      value - the short to be split into bytes
      little - true if the returned bytes should be in little-endian order
      byte array with length 2
    • intToBytes

      public static byte[] intToBytes​(int value, boolean little)
      Translates the int value into an array of four bytes.
      value - the int to be split into bytes
      little - true if the returned bytes should be in little-endian order
      byte array with length 4
    • floatToBytes

      public static byte[] floatToBytes​(float value, boolean little)
      Translates the float value into an array of four bytes.
      value - the float to be split into bytes
      little - true if the returned bytes should be in little-endian order
      byte array with length 4
    • longToBytes

      public static byte[] longToBytes​(long value, boolean little)
      Translates the long value into an array of eight bytes.
      value - the long to be split into bytes
      little - true if the returned bytes should be in little-endian order
      byte array with length 8
    • doubleToBytes

      public static byte[] doubleToBytes​(double value, boolean little)
      Translates the double value into an array of eight bytes.
      value - the double to be split into bytes
      little - true if the returned bytes should be in little-endian order
      byte array with length 8
    • shortsToBytes

      public static byte[] shortsToBytes​(short[] values, boolean little)
      Translates an array of short values into an array of byte values.
      values - the shorts to be split into bytes
      little - true if the returned bytes should be in little-endian order
      byte array with length 2 * values.length
    • intsToBytes

      public static byte[] intsToBytes​(int[] values, boolean little)
      Translates an array of int values into an array of byte values.
      values - the ints to be split into bytes
      little - true if the returned bytes should be in little-endian order
      byte array with length 4 * values.length
    • floatsToBytes

      public static byte[] floatsToBytes​(float[] values, boolean little)
      Translates an array of float values into an array of byte values.
      values - the floats to be split into bytes
      little - true if the returned bytes should be in little-endian order
      byte array with length 4 * values.length
    • longsToBytes

      public static byte[] longsToBytes​(long[] values, boolean little)
      Translates an array of long values into an array of byte values.
      values - the longs to be split into bytes
      little - true if the returned bytes should be in little-endian order
      byte array with length 8 * values.length
    • doublesToBytes

      public static byte[] doublesToBytes​(double[] values, boolean little)
      Translates an array of double values into an array of byte values.
      values - the doubles to be split into bytes
      little - true if the returned bytes should be in little-endian order
      byte array with length 8 * values.length
    • unpackBytes

      public static void unpackBytes​(long value, byte[] buf, int ndx, int nBytes, boolean little)
      Translates nBytes of the given long and places the result in the given byte array.
      value - the long to be split into bytes
      buf - the byte array in which to store the unpacked bytes
      ndx - the offset to the first byte in the array
      nBytes - the number of unpacked bytes
      little - true if the unpacked bytes should be in little-endian order
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified indices fall outside the buffer
    • makeDataArray

      public static java.lang.Object makeDataArray​(byte[] b, int bpp, boolean fp, boolean little)
      Convert a byte array to the appropriate 1D primitive type array.
      b - Byte array to convert.
      bpp - Denotes the number of bytes in the returned primitive type (e.g. if bpp == 2, we should return an array of type short).
      fp - If set and bpp == 4 or bpp == 8, then return floats or doubles.
      little - Whether byte array is in little-endian order.
      an array of primitives
    • makeDataArray2D

      public static java.lang.Object makeDataArray2D​(byte[] b, int bpp, boolean fp, boolean little, int height)
      Convert a byte array to the appropriate 2D primitive type array.
      b - Byte array to convert.
      bpp - Denotes the number of bytes in the returned primitive type (e.g. if bpp == 2, we should return an array of type short).
      fp - If set and bpp == 4 or bpp == 8, then return floats or doubles.
      little - Whether byte array is in little-endian order.
      height - The height of the output primitive array (2nd dim length).
      a 2D primitive array of appropriate type, dimensioned [height][b.length / (bpp * height)]
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if input byte array does not divide evenly into height pieces
    • swap

      public static short swap​(short x)
      Reverse the order of bytes in the given short.
      x - short value to byte swap
      short value resulting from byte swapping x
    • swap

      public static char swap​(char x)
      Reverse the order of bytes in the given char.
      x - char value to byte swap
      char value resulting from byte swapping x
    • swap

      public static int swap​(int x)
      Reverse the order of bytes in the given int.
      x - int value to byte swap
      int value resulting from byte swapping x
    • swap

      public static long swap​(long x)
      Reverse the order of bytes in the given long.
      x - long value to byte swap
      long value resulting from byte swapping x
    • swap

      public static float swap​(float x)
      Reverse the order of bytes in the given float.
      x - float value to byte swap
      float value resulting from byte swapping x
    • swap

      public static double swap​(double x)
      Reverse the order of bytes in the given double.
      x - double value to byte swap
      double value resulting from byte swapping x
    • stripString

      public static java.lang.String stripString​(java.lang.String toStrip)
      Remove null bytes from a string.
      toStrip - String from which to remove null bytes
      a String copy of toStrip with all null (0) bytes removed
    • samePrefix

      public static boolean samePrefix​(java.lang.String s1, java.lang.String s2)
      Check if two filenames have the same prefix. The order in which the filenames are supplied does not matter. Examples: s1 = /tmp/path.txt s2 = /home/anonymous/path.png returns true s1 = /tmp/path1.txt s2 = /tmp/path246.txt returns false s1 = /tmp/path.txt s2 = /tmp/path246.txt returns true
      s1 - first String filename to compare
      s2 - second String filename to compare
      true if the relative filename without suffix for either input filename is a substring of the other input filenames' relative filename without suffix
    • sanitize

      public static java.lang.String sanitize​(java.lang.String s)
      Remove unprintable characters from the given string.
      s - String from which to remove unprintable characters
      a String copy of s with tabs, newlines, and control characters removed
      See Also:
    • normalizeFloats

      public static float[] normalizeFloats​(float[] data)
      Normalize the given float array so that the minimum value maps to 0.0 and the maximum value maps to 1.0.
      data - array of float values to normalize
      array of float values in the range [0.0, 1.0]
    • normalizeDoubles

      public static double[] normalizeDoubles​(double[] data)
      Normalize the given double array so that the minimum value maps to 0.0 and the maximum value maps to 1.0.
      data - array of double values to normalize
      array of double values in the range [0.0, 1.0]
    • allocate

      public static byte[] allocate​(int... sizes) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
      Allocates a 1-dimensional byte array matching the product of the given sizes.
      sizes - list of sizes from which to allocate the array
      a byte array of the appropriate size
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the total size exceeds 2GB, which is the maximum size of an array in Java; or if any size argument is zero or negative
    • safeMultiply32

      public static int safeMultiply32​(int... sizes) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
      Checks that the product of the given sizes does not exceed the 32-bit integer limit (i.e., Integer.MAX_VALUE).
      sizes - list of sizes from which to compute the product
      the product of the given sizes
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the total size exceeds 2GiB, which is the maximum size of an int in Java; or if any size argument is zero or negative
    • safeMultiply64

      public static long safeMultiply64​(long... sizes) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
      Checks that the product of the given sizes does not exceed the 64-bit integer limit (i.e., Long.MAX_VALUE).
      sizes - list of sizes from which to compute the product
      the product of the given sizes
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the total size exceeds 8EiB, which is the maximum size of a long in Java; or if any size argument is zero or negative
    • containsValue

      public static boolean containsValue​(int[] array, int value)
      Returns true if the given value is contained in the given array.
      array - an array of ints to search
      value - the int for which to search
      true if array contains at least one occurence of value
      See Also:
      indexOf(int[], int)
    • indexOf

      public static int indexOf​(int[] array, int value)
      Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given value in the given array. If the value is not in the array, returns -1.
      array - an array of ints to search
      value - the int for which to search
      the index of the first occurence of value in array, or -1 if value is not found
    • indexOf

      public static int indexOf​(java.lang.Object[] array, java.lang.Object value)
      Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given value in the given Object array. If the value is not in the array, returns -1.
      array - an array of Objects to search
      value - the Object for which to search
      the index of the first occurence of value in array, or -1 if value is not found
    • makeSigned

      public static byte[] makeSigned​(byte[] b)
    • makeSigned

      public static short[] makeSigned​(short[] s)
    • makeSigned

      public static int[] makeSigned​(int[] i)