Package loci.common

Class IniList

    • Constructor Detail

      • IniList

        public IniList()
    • Method Detail

      • getHeaders

        public List<String> getHeaders()
        Gets the table names (headers) in the list.
        a List containing the name of each IniTable
      • getTable

        public IniTable getTable​(String tableName)
        Gets the table with the given name (header).
        tableName - the name of the table to look up
        the IniTable representing the named table, or null if no table with that name exists
      • flattenIntoHashMap

        public HashMap<String,​String> flattenIntoHashMap()
        Flattens all of the INI tables into a single HashMap whose keys are of the format "[table name] table key".
        a HashMap containing all key/value pairs in every IniTable as described above