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AbstractOMEModelObject - Class in ome.xml.model
AbstractOMEModelObject() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.AbstractOMEModelObject
AbstractOMEXMLMetadata - Class in ome.xml.meta
A utility class for constructing and manipulating OME-XML DOMs.
AbstractOMEXMLMetadata() - Constructor for class ome.xml.meta.AbstractOMEXMLMetadata
Creates a new OME-XML metadata object.
AcquisitionMode - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
AcquisitionModeEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for AcquisitionMode.
AcquisitionModeEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.AcquisitionModeEnumHandler
add(Integer) - Method in class ome.units.unit.Unit
Increase the scaling offset in this unit by a scalar.
add(Double) - Method in class ome.units.unit.Unit
Increase the scaling offset in this unit by a scalar.
add(T) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ReferenceList
add(int, T) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ReferenceList
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ReferenceList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ReferenceList
addBinData(BinData) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
addBooleanAnnotation(BooleanAnnotation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
addChannel(Channel) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
addCommentAnnotation(CommentAnnotation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
addDataset(Dataset) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
addDetector(Detector) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
addDichroic(Dichroic) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
addDoubleAnnotation(DoubleAnnotation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
addExperiment(Experiment) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
addExperimenter(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
addExperimenterGroup(ExperimenterGroup) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
addFileAnnotation(FileAnnotation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
addFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
addFilterSet(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
addFolder(Folder) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
addImage(Image) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
addInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
addLightSource(LightSource) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
addLightSourceSettings(LightSourceSettings) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
addListAnnotation(ListAnnotation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
addLongAnnotation(LongAnnotation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
addMapAnnotation(MapAnnotation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
addMicrobeamManipulation(MicrobeamManipulation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experiment
addModelObject(String, OMEModelObject) - Method in interface ome.xml.model.OMEModel
addModelObject(String, OMEModelObject) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OMEModelImpl
addObjective(Objective) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
addPlane(Plane) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
addPlate(Plate) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
addPlateAcquisition(PlateAcquisition) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
addProject(Project) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
addReagent(Reagent) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
addReference(OMEModelObject, Reference) - Method in interface ome.xml.model.OMEModel
addReference(OMEModelObject, Reference) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OMEModelImpl
addROI(ROI) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
addScreen(Screen) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
addShape(Shape) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Union
addTagAnnotation(TagAnnotation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
addTermAnnotation(TermAnnotation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
addTiffData(TiffData) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
addTimestampAnnotation(TimestampAnnotation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
addWell(Well) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
addWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
addXMLAnnotation(XMLAnnotation) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
AffineTransform - Class in ome.xml.model
AffineTransform() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.AffineTransform
Default constructor.
AffineTransform(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.AffineTransform
Constructs AffineTransform recursively from an XML DOM tree.
AffineTransform(AffineTransform) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.AffineTransform
Copy constructor.
AggregateMetadata - Class in ome.xml.meta
A metadata store which delegates the actual storage to one or more sub metadata stores.
AggregateMetadata(List<BaseMetadata>) - Constructor for class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
Creates a new instance.
AHZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
AM - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Angle - Class in ome.units.quantity
Angle quantity.
Angle(Number, Unit<Angle>) - Constructor for class ome.units.quantity.Angle
Create an Angle.
ANGSTROM - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Annotation - Class in ome.xml.model
Annotation() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Annotation
Default constructor.
Annotation(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Annotation
Constructs Annotation recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Annotation(Annotation) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Annotation
Copy constructor.
AnnotationRef - Class in ome.xml.model
AnnotationRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.AnnotationRef
Default constructor.
AnnotationRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.AnnotationRef
Constructs AnnotationRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
AnnotationRef(AnnotationRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.AnnotationRef
Copy constructor.
APA - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Arc - Class in ome.xml.model
Arc() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Arc
Default constructor.
Arc(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Arc
Constructs Arc recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Arc(Arc) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Arc
Copy constructor.
ArcType - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
ArcTypeEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for ArcType.
ArcTypeEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.ArcTypeEnumHandler
AS - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
asDateTime(DateTimeZone) - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.Timestamp
Returns the timestamp as a Joda DateTime type.
asInstant() - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.Timestamp
Returns the timestamp as a Joda DateTime type.
ASTRONOMICALUNIT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.AbstractOMEModelObject
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.AbstractOMEModelObject
Takes the entire object hierarchy and produced an XML DOM tree taking into account class hierarchy.
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.AffineTransform
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.AffineTransform
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.AnnotationRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.AnnotationRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Arc
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Arc
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.BasicAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.BasicAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinaryFile
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinaryFile
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinaryOnly
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinaryOnly
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinData
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinData
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.BooleanAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.BooleanAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ChannelRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ChannelRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.CommentAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.CommentAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.DatasetRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.DatasetRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Detector
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Detector
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.DichroicRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.DichroicRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.DoubleAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.DoubleAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Ellipse
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Ellipse
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.EmissionFilterRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.EmissionFilterRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExcitationFilterRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExcitationFilterRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experiment
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experiment
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroupRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroupRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimentRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimentRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.External
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.External
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filament
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filament
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FileAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FileAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSetRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSetRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FolderRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FolderRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.GenericExcitationSource
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.GenericExcitationSource
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ImageRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ImageRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ImagingEnvironment
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ImagingEnvironment
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.InstrumentRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.InstrumentRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Label
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Label
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Laser
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Laser
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Leader
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Leader
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightEmittingDiode
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightEmittingDiode
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightPath
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightPath
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSource
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSource
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSourceSettings
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSourceSettings
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Line
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Line
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ListAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ListAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LongAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LongAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ManufacturerSpec
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ManufacturerSpec
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MapAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MapAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Mask
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Mask
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MetadataOnly
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MetadataOnly
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulationRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulationRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Microscope
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Microscope
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.NumericAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.NumericAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ObjectiveSettings
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ObjectiveSettings
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in interface ome.xml.model.OMEModelObject
Takes the entire object hierarchy and produces an XML DOM tree.
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Point
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Point
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Polygon
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Polygon
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Polyline
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Polyline
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Project
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Project
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ProjectRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ProjectRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pump
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pump
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reagent
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reagent
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ReagentRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ReagentRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Rectangle
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Rectangle
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reference
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reference
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Rights
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Rights
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROIRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROIRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Settings
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Settings
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StageLabel
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StageLabel
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TagAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TagAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TermAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TermAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TextAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TextAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TiffData
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TiffData
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TimestampAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TimestampAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TransmittanceRange
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TransmittanceRange
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TypeAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.TypeAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Union
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Union
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.UUID
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.UUID
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSample
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSample
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSampleRef
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSampleRef
asXMLElement(Document) - Method in class ome.xml.model.XMLAnnotation
asXMLElement(Document, Element) - Method in class ome.xml.model.XMLAnnotation
ATM - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
ATMOSPHERE - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
ATTO(Unit<T>) - Static method in class ome.units.UNITS
ATTOHERTZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
ATTOMETER - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
ATTOMETRE - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
ATTOPASCAL - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
ATTOSECOND - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
ATTOVOLT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
ATTOWATT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
AV - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
AW - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS


BAR - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
BaseMetadata - Interface in ome.xml.meta
A proxy capable of bidirectional communication of biological image data to and from a particular storage medium.
BasicAnnotation - Class in ome.xml.model
BasicAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BasicAnnotation
Default constructor.
BasicAnnotation(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BasicAnnotation
Constructs BasicAnnotation recursively from an XML DOM tree.
BasicAnnotation(BasicAnnotation) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BasicAnnotation
Copy constructor.
BinaryFile - Class in ome.xml.model
BinaryFile() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BinaryFile
Default constructor.
BinaryFile(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BinaryFile
Constructs BinaryFile recursively from an XML DOM tree.
BinaryFile(BinaryFile) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BinaryFile
Copy constructor.
BinaryOnly - Class in ome.xml.model
BinaryOnly() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BinaryOnly
Default constructor.
BinaryOnly(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BinaryOnly
Constructs BinaryOnly recursively from an XML DOM tree.
BinaryOnly(BinaryOnly) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BinaryOnly
Copy constructor.
BinData - Class in ome.xml.model
BinData() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BinData
Default constructor.
BinData(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BinData
Constructs BinData recursively from an XML DOM tree.
BinData(BinData) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BinData
Copy constructor.
Binning - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
BinningEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for Binning.
BinningEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.BinningEnumHandler
BooleanAnnotation - Class in ome.xml.model
BooleanAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BooleanAnnotation
Default constructor.
BooleanAnnotation(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BooleanAnnotation
Constructs BooleanAnnotation recursively from an XML DOM tree.
BooleanAnnotation(BooleanAnnotation) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.BooleanAnnotation
Copy constructor.


CBAR - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
CELSIUS - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
CENTI(Unit<T>) - Static method in class ome.units.UNITS
CENTIBAR - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
CENTIHERTZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
CENTIMETER - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
CENTIMETRE - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
CENTIPASCAL - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
CENTISECOND - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
CENTIVOLT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
CENTIWATT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Channel - Class in ome.xml.model
Channel() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Channel
Default constructor.
Channel(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Channel
Constructs Channel recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Channel(Channel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Channel
Copy constructor.
ChannelRef - Class in ome.xml.model
ChannelRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ChannelRef
Default constructor.
ChannelRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ChannelRef
Constructs ChannelRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
ChannelRef(ChannelRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ChannelRef
Copy constructor.
CHZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
clear() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ReferenceList
CM - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Color - Class in ome.xml.model.primitives
Primitive type that represents an RGBA color.
Color(Integer) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.primitives.Color
Color(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.primitives.Color
CommentAnnotation - Class in ome.xml.model
CommentAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.CommentAnnotation
Default constructor.
CommentAnnotation(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.CommentAnnotation
Constructs CommentAnnotation recursively from an XML DOM tree.
CommentAnnotation(CommentAnnotation) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.CommentAnnotation
Copy constructor.
compareTo(Angle) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Angle
Check quantities for equality.
compareTo(ElectricPotential) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.ElectricPotential
Check quantities for equality.
compareTo(Frequency) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Frequency
Check quantities for equality.
compareTo(Length) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Length
Check quantities for equality.
compareTo(Power) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Power
Check quantities for equality.
compareTo(Pressure) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Pressure
Check quantities for equality.
compareTo(Temperature) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Temperature
Check quantities for equality.
compareTo(Time) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Time
Check quantities for equality.
Compression - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
CompressionEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for Compression.
CompressionEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.CompressionEnumHandler
contains(Object) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ReferenceList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ReferenceList
ContrastMethod - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
ContrastMethodEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for ContrastMethod.
ContrastMethodEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.ContrastMethodEnumHandler
convertMetadata(MetadataRetrieve, MetadataStore) - Static method in class ome.xml.meta.MetadataConverter
Copies information from a metadata retrieval object (source) into a metadata store (destination).
convertValue(Number, Unit<Q>) - Method in class ome.units.unit.Unit
Convert a value in this unit to the specified unit.
copyBinDataList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
copyBooleanAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
copyChannelList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
copyCommentAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
copyDatasetList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
copyDetectorList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
copyDichroicList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
copyDoubleAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
copyExperimenterGroupList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
copyExperimenterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
copyExperimentList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
copyFileAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
copyFilterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
copyFilterSetList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
copyFolderList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
copyImageList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
copyInstrumentList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
copyLightSourceList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
copyLightSourceSettingsList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Detector
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightPath
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSource
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Project
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reagent
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
copyLinkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
copyLinkedChannelList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedChannelList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
copyLinkedChildFolderList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
copyLinkedDatasetList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedDatasetList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
copyLinkedDatasetList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
copyLinkedDatasetList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
copyLinkedDatasetList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Project
copyLinkedDetectorList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedDichroicList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedEmissionFilterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
copyLinkedEmissionFilterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightPath
copyLinkedExcitationFilterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
copyLinkedExcitationFilterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightPath
copyLinkedExperimenterGroupList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedExperimenterGroupList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
copyLinkedExperimenterGroupList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Leader
copyLinkedExperimenterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedExperimenterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
copyLinkedExperimentList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
copyLinkedFilterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedFilterSetEmissionFilterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
copyLinkedFilterSetExcitationFilterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
copyLinkedFilterSetList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
copyLinkedFolderList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedFolderList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
copyLinkedFolderList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
copyLinkedFolderList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
copyLinkedImageList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedImageList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
copyLinkedImageList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experiment
copyLinkedImageList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
copyLinkedImageList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
copyLinkedImageList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
copyLinkedImageList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
copyLinkedImageList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
copyLinkedImageList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
copyLinkedInstrumentList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedLaserList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pump
copyLinkedLeaderList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
copyLinkedLightPathEmissionFilterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
copyLinkedLightPathExcitationFilterList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
copyLinkedLightPathList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedLightPathList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
copyLinkedLightSourceList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedMicrobeamManipulationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
copyLinkedMicrobeamManipulationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
copyLinkedMicrobeamManipulationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
copyLinkedObjectiveList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedPlaneList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedPlateAcquisitionList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedPlateAcquisitionList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSample
copyLinkedPlateList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedPlateList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
copyLinkedProjectList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedProjectList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
copyLinkedProjectList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
copyLinkedProjectList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
copyLinkedReagentList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedROIList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedROIList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
copyLinkedROIList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
copyLinkedROIList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
copyLinkedScreenList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedScreenList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
copyLinkedShapeList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedWellList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
copyLinkedWellList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reagent
copyLinkedWellSampleList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
copyLinkedWellSampleList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
copyListAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
copyLongAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
copyMapAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
copyMicrobeamManipulationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experiment
copyObjectiveList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
copyPlaneList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
copyPlateAcquisitionList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
copyPlateList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
copyProjectList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
copyReagentList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
copyROIList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
copyScreenList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
copyShapeList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Union
copyTagAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
copyTermAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
copyTiffDataList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
copyTimestampAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
copyWellList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
copyWellSampleList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
copyXMLAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
Correction - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
CorrectionEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for Correction.
CorrectionEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.CorrectionEnumHandler
CPA - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
create(T, UnitsElectricPotential) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsElectricPotential
create(T, UnitsElectricPotential) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsElectricPotential
create(T, UnitsFrequency) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsFrequency
create(T, UnitsFrequency) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsFrequency
create(T, UnitsLength) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsLength
create(T, UnitsLength) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsLength
create(T, UnitsPower) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsPower
create(T, UnitsPower) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsPower
create(T, UnitsPressure) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsPressure
create(T, UnitsPressure) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsPressure
create(T, UnitsTemperature) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsTemperature
create(T, UnitsTemperature) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsTemperature
create(T, UnitsTime) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsTime
create(T, UnitsTime) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsTime
CreateBaseUnit(String, String) - Static method in class ome.units.unit.Unit
Create the "base unit" for a given measurement system.
createNewDocument() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AbstractOMEXMLMetadata
createRoot() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
createRoot() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
createRoot() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.FilterMetadata
createRoot() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataStore
Create root node.
createRoot() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
CS - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
CV - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
CW - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS


D - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Use UNITS.DAY instead.
DAHZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DAM - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DAPA - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DAS - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Dataset - Class in ome.xml.model
Dataset() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Dataset
Default constructor.
Dataset(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Dataset
Constructs Dataset recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Dataset(Dataset) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Dataset
Copy constructor.
DatasetRef - Class in ome.xml.model
DatasetRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DatasetRef
Default constructor.
DatasetRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DatasetRef
Constructs DatasetRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
DatasetRef(DatasetRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DatasetRef
Copy constructor.
DAV - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DAW - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DAY - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DBAR - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Use UNITS.DECIBAR instead.
DECA(Unit<T>) - Static method in class ome.units.UNITS
DECAHERTZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECAMETER - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECAMETRE - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECAPASCAL - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECASECOND - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECAVOLT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECAWATT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECI(Unit<T>) - Static method in class ome.units.UNITS
DECIBAR - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECIHERTZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECIMETER - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECIMETRE - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECIPASCAL - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECISECOND - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECIVOLT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DECIWATT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DEG - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Use UNITS.DEGREE instead.
DEGREE - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DEGREEC - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Use UNITS.CELSIUS instead.
DEGREEF - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DEGREER - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Use UNITS.RANKINE instead.
Detector - Class in ome.xml.model
Detector() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Detector
Default constructor.
Detector(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Detector
Constructs Detector recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Detector(Detector) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Detector
Copy constructor.
DetectorSettings - Class in ome.xml.model
DetectorSettings() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
Default constructor.
DetectorSettings(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
Constructs DetectorSettings recursively from an XML DOM tree.
DetectorSettings(DetectorSettings) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
Copy constructor.
DetectorType - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
DetectorTypeEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for DetectorType.
DetectorTypeEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.DetectorTypeEnumHandler
DHZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Dichroic - Class in ome.xml.model
Dichroic() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
Default constructor.
Dichroic(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
Constructs Dichroic recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Dichroic(Dichroic) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
Copy constructor.
DichroicRef - Class in ome.xml.model
DichroicRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DichroicRef
Default constructor.
DichroicRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DichroicRef
Constructs DichroicRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
DichroicRef(DichroicRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DichroicRef
Copy constructor.
DimensionOrder - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
DimensionOrderEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for DimensionOrder.
DimensionOrderEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.DimensionOrderEnumHandler
divide(Integer) - Method in class ome.units.unit.Unit
Divide the scaling conversion factor in this unit by a scalar.
divide(Double) - Method in class ome.units.unit.Unit
Divide the scaling conversion factor in this unit by a scalar.
DM - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DoubleAnnotation - Class in ome.xml.model
DoubleAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DoubleAnnotation
Default constructor.
DoubleAnnotation(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DoubleAnnotation
Constructs DoubleAnnotation recursively from an XML DOM tree.
DoubleAnnotation(DoubleAnnotation) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.DoubleAnnotation
Copy constructor.
DPA - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DS - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DummyMetadata - Class in ome.xml.meta
A dummy implementation for MetadataStore and MetadataRetrieve that is used when no other metadata implementations are available.
DummyMetadata() - Constructor for class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
dumpXML() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AbstractOMEXMLMetadata
Dumps the given OME-XML DOM tree to a string.
dumpXML() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadata
Dumps the given OME-XML DOM tree to a string.
dumpXML() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
DV - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
DW - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS


ElectricPotential - Class in ome.units.quantity
ElectricPotential quantity.
ElectricPotential(Number, Unit<ElectricPotential>) - Constructor for class ome.units.quantity.ElectricPotential
Create an ElectricPotential.
Ellipse - Class in ome.xml.model
Ellipse() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Ellipse
Default constructor.
Ellipse(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Ellipse
Constructs Ellipse recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Ellipse(Ellipse) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Ellipse
Copy constructor.
EmissionFilterRef - Class in ome.xml.model
EmissionFilterRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.EmissionFilterRef
Default constructor.
EmissionFilterRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.EmissionFilterRef
Constructs EmissionFilterRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
EmissionFilterRef(EmissionFilterRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.EmissionFilterRef
Copy constructor.
Enumeration - Interface in ome.xml.model.enums
Abstract superclass for all enumerations.
EnumerationException - Exception in ome.xml.model.enums
EnumerationException is the exception thrown when an enumeration is invalid or not found.
EnumerationException() - Constructor for exception ome.xml.model.enums.EnumerationException
EnumerationException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.xml.model.enums.EnumerationException
EnumerationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ome.xml.model.enums.EnumerationException
EnumerationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ome.xml.model.enums.EnumerationException
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Angle
Check quantities for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.ElectricPotential
Check quantities for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Frequency
Check quantities for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Length
Check quantities for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Power
Check quantities for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Pressure
Check quantities for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Temperature
Check quantities for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.units.quantity.Time
Check quantities for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MapPair
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.PrimitiveType
EXA(Unit<T>) - Static method in class ome.units.UNITS
EXAHERTZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
EXAHZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
EXAM - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
EXAMETER - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
EXAMETRE - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
EXAPA - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
EXAPASCAL - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
EXAS - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
EXASECOND - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
EXAV - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Use UNITS.EXAVOLT instead.
EXAVOLT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
EXAW - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Use UNITS.EXAWATT instead.
EXAWATT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
ExcitationFilterRef - Class in ome.xml.model
ExcitationFilterRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExcitationFilterRef
Default constructor.
ExcitationFilterRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExcitationFilterRef
Constructs ExcitationFilterRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
ExcitationFilterRef(ExcitationFilterRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExcitationFilterRef
Copy constructor.
Experiment - Class in ome.xml.model
Experiment() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Experiment
Default constructor.
Experiment(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Experiment
Constructs Experiment recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Experiment(Experiment) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Experiment
Copy constructor.
Experimenter - Class in ome.xml.model
Experimenter() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
Default constructor.
Experimenter(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
Constructs Experimenter recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Experimenter(Experimenter) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
Copy constructor.
ExperimenterGroup - Class in ome.xml.model
ExperimenterGroup() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
Default constructor.
ExperimenterGroup(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
Constructs ExperimenterGroup recursively from an XML DOM tree.
ExperimenterGroup(ExperimenterGroup) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
Copy constructor.
ExperimenterGroupRef - Class in ome.xml.model
ExperimenterGroupRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroupRef
Default constructor.
ExperimenterGroupRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroupRef
Constructs ExperimenterGroupRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
ExperimenterGroupRef(ExperimenterGroupRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroupRef
Copy constructor.
ExperimenterRef - Class in ome.xml.model
ExperimenterRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterRef
Default constructor.
ExperimenterRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterRef
Constructs ExperimenterRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
ExperimenterRef(ExperimenterRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterRef
Copy constructor.
ExperimentRef - Class in ome.xml.model
ExperimentRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimentRef
Default constructor.
ExperimentRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimentRef
Constructs ExperimentRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
ExperimentRef(ExperimentRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.ExperimentRef
Copy constructor.
ExperimentType - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
ExperimentTypeEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for ExperimentType.
ExperimentTypeEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.ExperimentTypeEnumHandler
External - Class in ome.xml.model
External() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.External
Default constructor.
External(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.External
Constructs External recursively from an XML DOM tree.
External(External) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.External
Copy constructor.


FAHRENHEIT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
FEMTO(Unit<T>) - Static method in class ome.units.UNITS
FEMTOHERTZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
FEMTOMETER - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
FEMTOMETRE - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
FEMTOPASCAL - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
FEMTOSECOND - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
FEMTOVOLT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
FEMTOWATT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
FHZ - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Filament - Class in ome.xml.model
Filament() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Filament
Default constructor.
Filament(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Filament
Constructs Filament recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Filament(Filament) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Filament
Copy constructor.
FilamentType - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
FilamentTypeEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for FilamentType.
FilamentTypeEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FilamentTypeEnumHandler
FileAnnotation - Class in ome.xml.model
FileAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FileAnnotation
Default constructor.
FileAnnotation(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FileAnnotation
Constructs FileAnnotation recursively from an XML DOM tree.
FileAnnotation(FileAnnotation) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FileAnnotation
Copy constructor.
FillRule - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
FillRuleEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for FillRule.
FillRuleEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FillRuleEnumHandler
Filter - Class in ome.xml.model
Filter() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Filter
Default constructor.
Filter(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Filter
Constructs Filter recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Filter(Filter) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Filter
Copy constructor.
FilterMetadata - Class in ome.xml.meta
An implementation of MetadataStore that removes unprintable characters from metadata values before storing them in a delegate MetadataStore.
FilterMetadata(MetadataStore, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.xml.meta.FilterMetadata
Creates a new instance.
FilterRef - Class in ome.xml.model
FilterRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FilterRef
Default constructor.
FilterRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FilterRef
Constructs FilterRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
FilterRef(FilterRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FilterRef
Copy constructor.
FilterSet - Class in ome.xml.model
FilterSet() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
Default constructor.
FilterSet(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
Constructs FilterSet recursively from an XML DOM tree.
FilterSet(FilterSet) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
Copy constructor.
FilterSetRef - Class in ome.xml.model
FilterSetRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FilterSetRef
Default constructor.
FilterSetRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FilterSetRef
Constructs FilterSetRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
FilterSetRef(FilterSetRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FilterSetRef
Copy constructor.
FilterType - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
FilterTypeEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for FilterType.
FilterTypeEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FilterTypeEnumHandler
FM - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Folder - Class in ome.xml.model
Folder() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Folder
Default constructor.
Folder(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Folder
Constructs Folder recursively from an XML DOM tree.
Folder(Folder) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.Folder
Copy constructor.
FolderRef - Class in ome.xml.model
FolderRef() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FolderRef
Default constructor.
FolderRef(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FolderRef
Constructs FolderRef recursively from an XML DOM tree.
FolderRef(FolderRef) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.FolderRef
Copy constructor.
FontFamily - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
FontFamilyEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for FontFamily.
FontFamilyEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FontFamilyEnumHandler
FontStyle - Enum in ome.xml.model.enums
FontStyleEnumHandler - Class in ome.xml.model.enums.handlers
Enumeration handler for FontStyle.
FontStyleEnumHandler() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FontStyleEnumHandler
FOOT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
FPA - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Frequency - Class in ome.units.quantity
Frequency quantity.
Frequency(Number, Unit<Frequency>) - Constructor for class ome.units.quantity.Frequency
Create a Frequency.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.ArcType
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.Binning
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.Compression
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.ContrastMethod
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.Correction
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.DetectorType
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.DimensionOrder
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.ExperimentType
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.FilamentType
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.FillRule
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.FilterType
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.FontFamily
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.FontStyle
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.IlluminationType
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.Immersion
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.LaserMedium
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.LaserType
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.Marker
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.Medium
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.MicroscopeType
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.NamingConvention
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.PixelType
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.Pulse
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsElectricPotential
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsFrequency
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsLength
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsPower
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsPressure
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsTemperature
fromString(String) - Static method in enum ome.xml.model.enums.UnitsTime
FS - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
FT - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
Use UNITS.FOOT instead.
FV - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS
FW - Static variable in class ome.units.UNITS


GenericExcitationSource - Class in ome.xml.model
GenericExcitationSource() - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.GenericExcitationSource
Default constructor.
GenericExcitationSource(Element, OMEModel) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.GenericExcitationSource
Constructs GenericExcitationSource recursively from an XML DOM tree.
GenericExcitationSource(GenericExcitationSource) - Constructor for class ome.xml.model.GenericExcitationSource
Copy constructor.
getA00() - Method in class ome.xml.model.AffineTransform
getA01() - Method in class ome.xml.model.AffineTransform
getA02() - Method in class ome.xml.model.AffineTransform
getA10() - Method in class ome.xml.model.AffineTransform
getA11() - Method in class ome.xml.model.AffineTransform
getA12() - Method in class ome.xml.model.AffineTransform
getAcquisitionDate() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getAcquisitionMode() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getAirPressure() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ImagingEnvironment
getAirPressureUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.ImagingEnvironment
getAlpha() - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.Color
Returns the alpha component of this color.
getAmplificationGain() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Detector
getAnnotator() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getArcAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getArcAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getArcAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Arc.
getArcAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getArcID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getArcID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getArcID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Arc.
getArcID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getArcLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getArcLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getArcLotNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LotNumber property of Arc.
getArcLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getArcManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getArcManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getArcManufacturer(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Manufacturer property of Arc.
getArcManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getArcModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getArcModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getArcModel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Model property of Arc.
getArcModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getArcPower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getArcPower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getArcPower(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Power property of Arc.
getArcPower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getArcSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getArcSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getArcSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SerialNumber property of Arc.
getArcSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getArcType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getArcType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getArcType(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Type property of Arc.
getArcType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getAttenuation() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSourceSettings
getBase64Binary() - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinData
getBaseUnit(UnitsElectricPotential) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsElectricPotentialEnumHandler
getBaseUnit(UnitsFrequency) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsFrequencyEnumHandler
getBaseUnit(UnitsLength) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsLengthEnumHandler
getBaseUnit(UnitsPower) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPowerEnumHandler
getBaseUnit(UnitsPressure) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPressureEnumHandler
getBaseUnit(UnitsTemperature) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTemperatureEnumHandler
getBaseUnit(UnitsTime) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTimeEnumHandler
getBigEndian() - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinData
getBigEndian() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getBinaryFile() - Method in class ome.xml.model.FileAnnotation
getBinaryFileBinData(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBinaryFileBinData(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBinaryFileBinData(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Base64Binary property of BinData.
getBinaryFileBinData(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBinaryFileBinDataBigEndian(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBinaryFileBinDataBigEndian(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBinaryFileBinDataBigEndian(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the BigEndian property of BinData.
getBinaryFileBinDataBigEndian(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBinaryFileBinDataCompression(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBinaryFileBinDataCompression(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBinaryFileBinDataCompression(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Compression property of BinData.
getBinaryFileBinDataCompression(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBinaryFileBinDataLength(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBinaryFileBinDataLength(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBinaryFileBinDataLength(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Length property of BinData.
getBinaryFileBinDataLength(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBinaryFileFileName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBinaryFileFileName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBinaryFileFileName(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FileName property of BinaryFile.
getBinaryFileFileName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBinaryFileMIMEType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBinaryFileMIMEType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBinaryFileMIMEType(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the MIMEType property of BinaryFile.
getBinaryFileMIMEType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBinaryFileSize(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBinaryFileSize(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBinaryFileSize(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Size property of BinaryFile.
getBinaryFileSize(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBinaryOnly() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
getBinaryOnlyMetadataFile() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBinaryOnlyMetadataFile() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBinaryOnlyMetadataFile() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the MetadataFile property of BinaryOnly.
getBinaryOnlyMetadataFile() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBinaryOnlyUUID() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBinaryOnlyUUID() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBinaryOnlyUUID() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the UUID property of BinaryOnly.
getBinaryOnlyUUID() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBinData() - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinaryFile
getBinData() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Mask
getBinData(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getBinning() - Method in class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
getBlue() - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.Color
Returns the blue component of this color.
getBooleanAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of links to a BooleanAnnotation.
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of BooleanAnnotation.
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Annotator property of BooleanAnnotation.
getBooleanAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBooleanAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of BooleanAnnotation elements.
getBooleanAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBooleanAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of BooleanAnnotation.
getBooleanAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBooleanAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of BooleanAnnotation.
getBooleanAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBooleanAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Namespace property of BooleanAnnotation.
getBooleanAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getBooleanAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getBooleanAnnotationValue(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Value property of BooleanAnnotation.
getBooleanAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getCalibratedMagnification() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
getChannel(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getChannelAcquisitionMode(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelAcquisitionMode(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelAcquisitionMode(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AcquisitionMode property of Channel.
getChannelAcquisitionMode(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Channel.
getChannelAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Channel.
getChannelAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Color property of Channel.
getChannelColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelContrastMethod(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelContrastMethod(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelContrastMethod(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ContrastMethod property of Channel.
getChannelContrastMethod(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Channel elements.
getChannelCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelEmissionWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelEmissionWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelEmissionWavelength(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the EmissionWavelength property of Channel.
getChannelEmissionWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelExcitationWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelExcitationWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelExcitationWavelength(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExcitationWavelength property of Channel.
getChannelExcitationWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelFilterSetRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelFilterSetRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelFilterSetRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FilterSetRef property of Channel.
getChannelFilterSetRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelFluor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelFluor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelFluor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Fluor property of Channel.
getChannelFluor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Channel.
getChannelID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelIlluminationType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelIlluminationType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelIlluminationType(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the IlluminationType property of Channel.
getChannelIlluminationType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Attenuation property of LightSourceSettings.
getChannelLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelLightSourceSettingsID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelLightSourceSettingsID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelLightSourceSettingsID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of LightSourceSettings.
getChannelLightSourceSettingsID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelLightSourceSettingsWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelLightSourceSettingsWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelLightSourceSettingsWavelength(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Wavelength property of LightSourceSettings.
getChannelLightSourceSettingsWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelName(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelName(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelName(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Name property of Channel.
getChannelName(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelNDFilter(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelNDFilter(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelNDFilter(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the NDFilter property of Channel.
getChannelNDFilter(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelPinholeSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelPinholeSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelPinholeSize(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the PinholeSize property of Channel.
getChannelPinholeSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelPockelCellSetting(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelPockelCellSetting(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelPockelCellSetting(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the PockelCellSetting property of Channel.
getChannelPockelCellSetting(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChannelSamplesPerPixel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getChannelSamplesPerPixel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getChannelSamplesPerPixel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SamplesPerPixel property of Channel.
getChannelSamplesPerPixel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getChildrenByTagName(Element, String) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.AbstractOMEModelObject
Retrieves all the children of an element that have a given tag name.
getCO2Percent() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ImagingEnvironment
getColor() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getColor() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
getColumn() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
getColumnNamingConvention() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
getColumns() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
getCommentAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
getCommentAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getCommentAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getCommentAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of links to a CommentAnnotation.
getCommentAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getCommentAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getCommentAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getCommentAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of CommentAnnotation.
getCommentAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getCommentAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getCommentAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getCommentAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Annotator property of CommentAnnotation.
getCommentAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getCommentAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getCommentAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getCommentAnnotationCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of CommentAnnotation elements.
getCommentAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getCommentAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getCommentAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getCommentAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of CommentAnnotation.
getCommentAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getCommentAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getCommentAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getCommentAnnotationID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of CommentAnnotation.
getCommentAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getCommentAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getCommentAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getCommentAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Namespace property of CommentAnnotation.
getCommentAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getCommentAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getCommentAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getCommentAnnotationValue(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Value property of CommentAnnotation.
getCommentAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getCompression() - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinData
getCompression() - Method in class ome.xml.model.External
getContrastMethod() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getCorrection() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
getCorrectionCollar() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ObjectiveSettings
getCreator() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
getCutIn() - Method in class ome.xml.model.TransmittanceRange
getCutInTolerance() - Method in class ome.xml.model.TransmittanceRange
getCutInToleranceUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.TransmittanceRange
getCutInUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.TransmittanceRange
getCutOut() - Method in class ome.xml.model.TransmittanceRange
getCutOutTolerance() - Method in class ome.xml.model.TransmittanceRange
getCutOutToleranceUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.TransmittanceRange
getCutOutUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.TransmittanceRange
getDataset(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
getDatasetAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDatasetAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDatasetAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Dataset.
getDatasetAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDatasetAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDatasetAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDatasetAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Dataset.
getDatasetAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDatasetCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDatasetCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDatasetCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Dataset elements.
getDatasetCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDatasetDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDatasetDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDatasetDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of Dataset.
getDatasetDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDatasetExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDatasetExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDatasetExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExperimenterGroupRef property of Dataset.
getDatasetExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDatasetExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDatasetExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDatasetExperimenterRef(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExperimenterRef property of Dataset.
getDatasetExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDatasetID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDatasetID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDatasetID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Dataset.
getDatasetID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDatasetImageRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDatasetImageRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDatasetImageRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ImageRef property of Dataset.
getDatasetImageRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDatasetImageRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDatasetImageRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDatasetImageRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of ImageRef elements in Dataset.
getDatasetImageRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDatasetName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDatasetName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDatasetName(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Name property of Dataset.
getDatasetName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDatasetRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDatasetRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDatasetRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of DatasetRef elements.
getDatasetRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDeltaT() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getDeltaTUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experiment
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Project
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reagent
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
getDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
getDetector() - Method in class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
getDetector(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
getDetectorAmplificationGain(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorAmplificationGain(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorAmplificationGain(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AmplificationGain property of Detector.
getDetectorAmplificationGain(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Detector.
getDetectorAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Detector.
getDetectorAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Detector elements.
getDetectorCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorGain(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorGain(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorGain(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Gain property of Detector.
getDetectorGain(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Detector.
getDetectorID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorLotNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LotNumber property of Detector.
getDetectorLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorManufacturer(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Manufacturer property of Detector.
getDetectorManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorModel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Model property of Detector.
getDetectorModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorOffset(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorOffset(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorOffset(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Offset property of Detector.
getDetectorOffset(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SerialNumber property of Detector.
getDetectorSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorSettings() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getDetectorSettingsBinning(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorSettingsBinning(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorSettingsBinning(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Binning property of DetectorSettings.
getDetectorSettingsBinning(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorSettingsGain(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorSettingsGain(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorSettingsGain(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Gain property of DetectorSettings.
getDetectorSettingsGain(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorSettingsID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorSettingsID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorSettingsID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of DetectorSettings.
getDetectorSettingsID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorSettingsIntegration(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorSettingsIntegration(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorSettingsIntegration(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Integration property of DetectorSettings.
getDetectorSettingsIntegration(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorSettingsOffset(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorSettingsOffset(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorSettingsOffset(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Offset property of DetectorSettings.
getDetectorSettingsOffset(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorSettingsReadOutRate(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorSettingsReadOutRate(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorSettingsReadOutRate(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ReadOutRate property of DetectorSettings.
getDetectorSettingsReadOutRate(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorSettingsVoltage(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorSettingsVoltage(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorSettingsVoltage(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Voltage property of DetectorSettings.
getDetectorSettingsVoltage(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorSettingsZoom(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorSettingsZoom(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorSettingsZoom(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Zoom property of DetectorSettings.
getDetectorSettingsZoom(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorType(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Type property of Detector.
getDetectorType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorVoltage(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorVoltage(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorVoltage(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Voltage property of Detector.
getDetectorVoltage(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDetectorZoom(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDetectorZoom(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDetectorZoom(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Zoom property of Detector.
getDetectorZoom(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDichroic(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
getDichroicAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDichroicAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDichroicAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Dichroic.
getDichroicAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDichroicAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDichroicAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDichroicAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Dichroic.
getDichroicAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDichroicCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDichroicCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDichroicCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Dichroic elements.
getDichroicCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDichroicID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDichroicID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDichroicID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Dichroic.
getDichroicID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDichroicLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDichroicLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDichroicLotNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LotNumber property of Dichroic.
getDichroicLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDichroicManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDichroicManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDichroicManufacturer(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Manufacturer property of Dichroic.
getDichroicManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDichroicModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDichroicModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDichroicModel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Model property of Dichroic.
getDichroicModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDichroicSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDichroicSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDichroicSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SerialNumber property of Dichroic.
getDichroicSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDimensionOrder() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getDoubleAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of links to a DoubleAnnotation.
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of DoubleAnnotation.
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Annotator property of DoubleAnnotation.
getDoubleAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDoubleAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of DoubleAnnotation elements.
getDoubleAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDoubleAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of DoubleAnnotation.
getDoubleAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDoubleAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of DoubleAnnotation.
getDoubleAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDoubleAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Namespace property of DoubleAnnotation.
getDoubleAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getDoubleAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getDoubleAnnotationValue(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Value property of DoubleAnnotation.
getDoubleAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Ellipse.
getEllipseAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseFillColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillColor property of Ellipse.
getEllipseFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseFillRule(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillRule property of Ellipse.
getEllipseFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseFontFamily(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontFamily property of Ellipse.
getEllipseFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseFontSize(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontSize property of Ellipse.
getEllipseFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseFontStyle(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontStyle property of Ellipse.
getEllipseFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Ellipse.
getEllipseID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseLocked(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Locked property of Ellipse.
getEllipseLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseRadiusX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseRadiusX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseRadiusX(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the RadiusX property of Ellipse.
getEllipseRadiusX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseRadiusY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseRadiusY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseRadiusY(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the RadiusY property of Ellipse.
getEllipseRadiusY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeColor property of Ellipse.
getEllipseStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Ellipse.
getEllipseStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeWidth property of Ellipse.
getEllipseStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseText(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Text property of Ellipse.
getEllipseText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseTheC(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheC property of Ellipse.
getEllipseTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseTheT(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheT property of Ellipse.
getEllipseTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseTheZ(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheZ property of Ellipse.
getEllipseTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseTransform(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Transform property of Ellipse.
getEllipseTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseX(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the X property of Ellipse.
getEllipseX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEllipseY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getEllipseY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getEllipseY(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Y property of Ellipse.
getEllipseY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getEmail() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getEmissionWavelength() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getEmissionWavelengthUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getEndTime() - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.AcquisitionModeEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.ArcTypeEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.BinningEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.CompressionEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.ContrastMethodEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.CorrectionEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.DetectorTypeEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.DimensionOrderEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.ExperimentTypeEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FilamentTypeEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FillRuleEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FilterTypeEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FontFamilyEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FontStyleEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in interface ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.IEnumerationHandler
Retrieve the entity corresponding to this handler.
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.IlluminationTypeEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.ImmersionEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.LaserMediumEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.LaserTypeEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.MarkerEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.MediumEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.MicrobeamManipulationTypeEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.MicroscopeTypeEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.NamingConventionEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.PixelTypeEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.PulseEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsElectricPotentialEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsFrequencyEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsLengthEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPowerEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPressureEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTemperatureEnumHandler
getEntity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTimeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.AcquisitionModeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.ArcTypeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.BinningEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.CompressionEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.ContrastMethodEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.CorrectionEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.DetectorTypeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.DimensionOrderEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.ExperimentTypeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FilamentTypeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FillRuleEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FilterTypeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FontFamilyEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.FontStyleEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in interface ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.IEnumerationHandler
Attempt to find an enumeration from a list of enumeration values.
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.IlluminationTypeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.ImmersionEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.LaserMediumEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.LaserTypeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.MarkerEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.MediumEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.MicrobeamManipulationTypeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.MicroscopeTypeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.NamingConventionEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.PixelTypeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.PulseEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsElectricPotentialEnumHandler
getEnumeration(ElectricPotential) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsElectricPotentialEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsFrequencyEnumHandler
getEnumeration(Frequency) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsFrequencyEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsLengthEnumHandler
getEnumeration(Length) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsLengthEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPowerEnumHandler
getEnumeration(Power) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPowerEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPressureEnumHandler
getEnumeration(Pressure) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPressureEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTemperatureEnumHandler
getEnumeration(Temperature) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTemperatureEnumHandler
getEnumeration(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTimeEnumHandler
getEnumeration(Time) - Method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTimeEnumHandler
getExcitationWavelength() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getExcitationWavelengthUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getExperiment() - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
getExperiment(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
getExperimentCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimentCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimentCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Experiment elements.
getExperimentCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimentDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimentDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimentDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of Experiment.
getExperimentDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
getExperimenterAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Experimenter.
getExperimenterAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Experimenter.
getExperimenterAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Experimenter elements.
getExperimenterCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterEmail(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterEmail(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterEmail(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Email property of Experimenter.
getExperimenterEmail(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterFirstName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterFirstName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterFirstName(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FirstName property of Experimenter.
getExperimenterFirstName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterGroup(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of ExperimenterGroup.
getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in ExperimenterGroup.
getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterGroupCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterGroupCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterGroupCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of ExperimenterGroup elements.
getExperimenterGroupCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterGroupDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterGroupDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterGroupDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of ExperimenterGroup.
getExperimenterGroupDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExperimenterRef property of ExperimenterGroup.
getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of ExperimenterRef elements in ExperimenterGroup.
getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterGroupID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterGroupID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterGroupID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of ExperimenterGroup.
getExperimenterGroupID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterGroupLeader(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterGroupLeader(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterGroupLeader(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Leader property of ExperimenterGroup.
getExperimenterGroupLeader(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterGroupName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterGroupName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterGroupName(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Name property of ExperimenterGroup.
getExperimenterGroupName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Experimenter.
getExperimenterID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterInstitution(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterInstitution(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterInstitution(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Institution property of Experimenter.
getExperimenterInstitution(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterLastName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterLastName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterLastName(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LastName property of Experimenter.
getExperimenterLastName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterMiddleName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterMiddleName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterMiddleName(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the MiddleName property of Experimenter.
getExperimenterMiddleName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimenterUserName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimenterUserName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimenterUserName(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the UserName property of Experimenter.
getExperimenterUserName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimentExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimentExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimentExperimenterRef(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExperimenterRef property of Experiment.
getExperimentExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimentID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimentID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimentID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Experiment.
getExperimentID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExperimentType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getExperimentType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getExperimentType(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Type property of Experiment.
getExperimentType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getExposureTime() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getExposureTimeUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getExternal() - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinaryFile
getExternalDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
getExternalIdentifier() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
getExternalIdentifier() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
getFieldIndex() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
getFilamentAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilamentAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilamentAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Filament.
getFilamentAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilamentID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilamentID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilamentID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Filament.
getFilamentID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilamentLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilamentLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilamentLotNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LotNumber property of Filament.
getFilamentLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilamentManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilamentManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilamentManufacturer(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Manufacturer property of Filament.
getFilamentManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilamentModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilamentModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilamentModel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Model property of Filament.
getFilamentModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilamentPower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilamentPower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilamentPower(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Power property of Filament.
getFilamentPower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilamentSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilamentSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilamentSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SerialNumber property of Filament.
getFilamentSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilamentType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilamentType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilamentType(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Type property of Filament.
getFilamentType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFileAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
getFileAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFileAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFileAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of links to a FileAnnotation.
getFileAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFileAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFileAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFileAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of FileAnnotation.
getFileAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFileAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFileAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFileAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Annotator property of FileAnnotation.
getFileAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFileAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFileAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFileAnnotationCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of FileAnnotation elements.
getFileAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFileAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFileAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFileAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of FileAnnotation.
getFileAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFileAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFileAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFileAnnotationID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of FileAnnotation.
getFileAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFileAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFileAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFileAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Namespace property of FileAnnotation.
getFileAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFileName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinaryFile
getFileName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.UUID
getFillColor() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
getFillRule() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
getFilter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
getFilterAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Filter.
getFilterAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Filter.
getFilterAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Filter elements.
getFilterCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterFilterWheel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterFilterWheel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterFilterWheel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FilterWheel property of Filter.
getFilterFilterWheel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Filter.
getFilterID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterLotNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LotNumber property of Filter.
getFilterLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterManufacturer(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Manufacturer property of Filter.
getFilterManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterModel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Model property of Filter.
getFilterModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SerialNumber property of Filter.
getFilterSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSet(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
getFilterSetCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSetCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSetCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of FilterSet elements.
getFilterSetCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSetDichroicRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSetDichroicRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSetDichroicRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the DichroicRef property of FilterSet.
getFilterSetDichroicRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSetEmissionFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSetEmissionFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSetEmissionFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the EmissionFilterRef property of FilterSet.
getFilterSetEmissionFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSetEmissionFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSetEmissionFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSetEmissionFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of EmissionFilterRef elements in FilterSet.
getFilterSetEmissionFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSetExcitationFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSetExcitationFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSetExcitationFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExcitationFilterRef property of FilterSet.
getFilterSetExcitationFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSetExcitationFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSetExcitationFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSetExcitationFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of ExcitationFilterRef elements in FilterSet.
getFilterSetExcitationFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSetID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSetID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSetID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of FilterSet.
getFilterSetID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSetLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSetLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSetLotNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LotNumber property of FilterSet.
getFilterSetLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSetManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSetManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSetManufacturer(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Manufacturer property of FilterSet.
getFilterSetManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSetModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSetModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSetModel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Model property of FilterSet.
getFilterSetModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterSetSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterSetSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterSetSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SerialNumber property of FilterSet.
getFilterSetSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFilterType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFilterType(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Type property of Filter.
getFilterType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFilterWheel() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
getFirstC() - Method in class ome.xml.model.TiffData
getFirstName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getFirstT() - Method in class ome.xml.model.TiffData
getFirstZ() - Method in class ome.xml.model.TiffData
getFluor() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getFolder(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
getFolderAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Folder.
getFolderAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFolderAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Folder.
getFolderAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFolderCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Folder elements.
getFolderCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFolderDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of Folder.
getFolderDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFolderFolderRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderFolderRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderFolderRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FolderRef property of Folder.
getFolderFolderRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFolderID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Folder.
getFolderID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFolderImageRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderImageRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderImageRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ImageRef property of Folder.
getFolderImageRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFolderImageRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderImageRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderImageRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of ImageRef elements in Folder.
getFolderImageRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFolderName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderName(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Name property of Folder.
getFolderName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFolderRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of FolderRef elements.
getFolderRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFolderROIRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderROIRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderROIRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ROIRef property of Folder.
getFolderROIRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFolderROIRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getFolderROIRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getFolderROIRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of ROIRef elements in Folder.
getFolderROIRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getFontFamily() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
getFontSize() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
getFontSizeUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
getFontStyle() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
getFrequencyMultiplication() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Laser
getGain() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Detector
getGain() - Method in class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
getGenericExcitationSourceAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of GenericExcitationSource.
getGenericExcitationSourceAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getGenericExcitationSourceID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of GenericExcitationSource.
getGenericExcitationSourceID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getGenericExcitationSourceLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceLotNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LotNumber property of GenericExcitationSource.
getGenericExcitationSourceLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getGenericExcitationSourceManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceManufacturer(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Manufacturer property of GenericExcitationSource.
getGenericExcitationSourceManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getGenericExcitationSourceMap(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
Gets the Map value associated with this generic light source
getGenericExcitationSourceMap(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
Gets the Map value associated with this generic light source
getGenericExcitationSourceMap(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the MapAnnotation values from a GenericExcitationSource.
getGenericExcitationSourceMap(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
Gets the Map value associated with this generic light source
getGenericExcitationSourceModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceModel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Model property of GenericExcitationSource.
getGenericExcitationSourceModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getGenericExcitationSourcePower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourcePower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourcePower(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Power property of GenericExcitationSource.
getGenericExcitationSourcePower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getGenericExcitationSourceSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getGenericExcitationSourceSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SerialNumber property of GenericExcitationSource.
getGenericExcitationSourceSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getGreen() - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.Color
Returns the green component of this color.
getHashSHA1() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getHeight() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Mask
getHeight() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Rectangle
gethref() - Method in class ome.xml.model.External
getHumidity() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ImagingEnvironment
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.AnnotationRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ChannelRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.DatasetRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Detector
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.DichroicRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experiment
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroupRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimentRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSetRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.FolderRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ImageRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.InstrumentRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Leader
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSource
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSourceSettings
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulationRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ObjectiveSettings
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Project
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ProjectRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pump
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reagent
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ReagentRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reference
Retrieves the reference's target object ID.
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROIRef
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSample
getID() - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSampleRef
getIFD() - Method in class ome.xml.model.TiffData
getIlluminationType() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getImage(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
getImageAcquisitionDate(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageAcquisitionDate(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageAcquisitionDate(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AcquisitionDate property of Image.
getImageAcquisitionDate(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Image.
getImageAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Image.
getImageAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Image elements.
getImageCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of Image.
getImageDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExperimenterGroupRef property of Image.
getImageExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageExperimenterRef(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExperimenterRef property of Image.
getImageExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageExperimentRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageExperimentRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageExperimentRef(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExperimentRef property of Image.
getImageExperimentRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Image.
getImageID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageInstrumentRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageInstrumentRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageInstrumentRef(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the InstrumentRef property of Image.
getImageInstrumentRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageMicrobeamManipulationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageMicrobeamManipulationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageMicrobeamManipulationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the MicrobeamManipulationRef property of Image.
getImageMicrobeamManipulationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageName(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Name property of Image.
getImageName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageROIRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageROIRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageROIRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ROIRef property of Image.
getImageROIRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImageROIRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImageROIRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImageROIRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of ROIRef elements in Image.
getImageROIRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImagingEnvironment() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getImagingEnvironmentAirPressure(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImagingEnvironmentAirPressure(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImagingEnvironmentAirPressure(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AirPressure property of ImagingEnvironment.
getImagingEnvironmentAirPressure(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImagingEnvironmentCO2Percent(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImagingEnvironmentCO2Percent(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImagingEnvironmentCO2Percent(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the CO2Percent property of ImagingEnvironment.
getImagingEnvironmentCO2Percent(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImagingEnvironmentHumidity(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImagingEnvironmentHumidity(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImagingEnvironmentHumidity(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Humidity property of ImagingEnvironment.
getImagingEnvironmentHumidity(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImagingEnvironmentMap(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
Gets the Map value associated with this imaging environment
getImagingEnvironmentMap(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
Gets the Map value associated with this imaging environment
getImagingEnvironmentMap(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the MapAnnotation values from a ImagingEnvironment.
getImagingEnvironmentMap(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
Gets the Map value associated with this imaging environment
getImagingEnvironmentTemperature(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getImagingEnvironmentTemperature(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getImagingEnvironmentTemperature(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Temperature property of ImagingEnvironment.
getImagingEnvironmentTemperature(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getImmersion() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
getIndex() - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSample
getInstitution() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Detector
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSource
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
getInstrument(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
getInstrumentAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getInstrumentAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getInstrumentAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Instrument.
getInstrumentAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getInstrumentAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getInstrumentAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getInstrumentAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Instrument.
getInstrumentAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getInstrumentCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getInstrumentCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getInstrumentCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Instrument elements.
getInstrumentCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getInstrumentID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getInstrumentID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getInstrumentID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Instrument.
getInstrumentID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getIntegration() - Method in class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
getInterleaved() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getIris() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
getLabelAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Label.
getLabelAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelFillColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillColor property of Label.
getLabelFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelFillRule(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillRule property of Label.
getLabelFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelFontFamily(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontFamily property of Label.
getLabelFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelFontSize(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontSize property of Label.
getLabelFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelFontStyle(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontStyle property of Label.
getLabelFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Label.
getLabelID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelLocked(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Locked property of Label.
getLabelLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeColor property of Label.
getLabelStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Label.
getLabelStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeWidth property of Label.
getLabelStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelText(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Text property of Label.
getLabelText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelTheC(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheC property of Label.
getLabelTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelTheT(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheT property of Label.
getLabelTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelTheZ(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheZ property of Label.
getLabelTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelTransform(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Transform property of Label.
getLabelTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelX(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the X property of Label.
getLabelX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLabelY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLabelY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLabelY(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Y property of Label.
getLabelY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Laser.
getLaserAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserFrequencyMultiplication(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserFrequencyMultiplication(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserFrequencyMultiplication(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FrequencyMultiplication property of Laser.
getLaserFrequencyMultiplication(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Laser.
getLaserID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserLaserMedium(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserLaserMedium(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserLaserMedium(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LaserMedium property of Laser.
getLaserLaserMedium(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserLotNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LotNumber property of Laser.
getLaserLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserManufacturer(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Manufacturer property of Laser.
getLaserManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserMedium() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Laser
getLaserModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserModel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Model property of Laser.
getLaserModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserPockelCell(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserPockelCell(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserPockelCell(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the PockelCell property of Laser.
getLaserPockelCell(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserPower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserPower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserPower(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Power property of Laser.
getLaserPower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserPulse(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserPulse(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserPulse(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Pulse property of Laser.
getLaserPulse(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserPump(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserPump(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserPump(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Pump property of Laser.
getLaserPump(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserRepetitionRate(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserRepetitionRate(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserRepetitionRate(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the RepetitionRate property of Laser.
getLaserRepetitionRate(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SerialNumber property of Laser.
getLaserSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserTuneable(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserTuneable(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserTuneable(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Tuneable property of Laser.
getLaserTuneable(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserType(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Type property of Laser.
getLaserType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLaserWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLaserWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLaserWavelength(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Wavelength property of Laser.
getLaserWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLastName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getLeaderCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLeaderCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLeaderCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Leader elements.
getLeaderCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLength() - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinData
getLensNA() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
getLightEmittingDiodeAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of LightEmittingDiode.
getLightEmittingDiodeAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightEmittingDiodeID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of LightEmittingDiode.
getLightEmittingDiodeID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightEmittingDiodeLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeLotNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LotNumber property of LightEmittingDiode.
getLightEmittingDiodeLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightEmittingDiodeManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeManufacturer(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Manufacturer property of LightEmittingDiode.
getLightEmittingDiodeManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightEmittingDiodeModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeModel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Model property of LightEmittingDiode.
getLightEmittingDiodeModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightEmittingDiodePower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodePower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodePower(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Power property of LightEmittingDiode.
getLightEmittingDiodePower(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightEmittingDiodeSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightEmittingDiodeSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SerialNumber property of LightEmittingDiode.
getLightEmittingDiodeSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightPath() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getLightPathAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightPathAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightPathAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of LightPath.
getLightPathAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightPathAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightPathAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightPathAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in LightPath.
getLightPathAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightPathDichroicRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightPathDichroicRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightPathDichroicRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the DichroicRef property of LightPath.
getLightPathDichroicRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightPathEmissionFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightPathEmissionFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightPathEmissionFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the EmissionFilterRef property of LightPath.
getLightPathEmissionFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightPathEmissionFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightPathEmissionFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightPathEmissionFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of EmissionFilterRef elements in LightPath.
getLightPathEmissionFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightPathExcitationFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightPathExcitationFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightPathExcitationFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExcitationFilterRef property of LightPath.
getLightPathExcitationFilterRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightPathExcitationFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightPathExcitationFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightPathExcitationFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of ExcitationFilterRef elements in LightPath.
getLightPathExcitationFilterRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightSource(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
getLightSource() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSourceSettings
getLightSourceAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightSourceAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightSourceAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in LightSource.
getLightSourceAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightSourceCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightSourceCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightSourceCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of LightSource elements.
getLightSourceCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLightSourceSettings() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getLightSourceSettings(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
getLightSourceType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLightSourceType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLightSourceType(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the type of a LightSource.
getLightSourceType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Line.
getLineAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineFillColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillColor property of Line.
getLineFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineFillRule(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillRule property of Line.
getLineFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineFontFamily(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontFamily property of Line.
getLineFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineFontSize(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontSize property of Line.
getLineFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineFontStyle(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontStyle property of Line.
getLineFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Line.
getLineID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineLocked(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Locked property of Line.
getLineLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineMarkerEnd(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineMarkerEnd(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineMarkerEnd(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the MarkerEnd property of Line.
getLineMarkerEnd(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineMarkerStart(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineMarkerStart(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineMarkerStart(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the MarkerStart property of Line.
getLineMarkerStart(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeColor property of Line.
getLineStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Line.
getLineStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeWidth property of Line.
getLineStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineText(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Text property of Line.
getLineText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineTheC(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheC property of Line.
getLineTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineTheT(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheT property of Line.
getLineTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineTheZ(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheZ property of Line.
getLineTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineTransform(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Transform property of Line.
getLineTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineX1(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineX1(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineX1(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the X1 property of Line.
getLineX1(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineX2(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineX2(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineX2(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the X2 property of Line.
getLineX2(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineY1(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineY1(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineY1(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Y1 property of Line.
getLineY1(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLineY2(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLineY2(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLineY2(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Y2 property of Line.
getLineY2(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Detector
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightPath
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSource
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Project
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reagent
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
getLinkedAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
getLinkedChannel(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedChannel(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
getLinkedChildFolder(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
getLinkedDataset(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedDataset(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getLinkedDataset(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
getLinkedDataset(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getLinkedDataset(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Project
getLinkedDetector(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedDichroic(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedDichroic() - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
getLinkedDichroic() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightPath
getLinkedEmissionFilter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
getLinkedEmissionFilter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightPath
getLinkedExcitationFilter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.FilterSet
getLinkedExcitationFilter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightPath
getLinkedExperiment(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getLinkedExperiment() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getLinkedExperimenter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedExperimenter() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
getLinkedExperimenter() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experiment
getLinkedExperimenter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
getLinkedExperimenter() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getLinkedExperimenter() - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
getLinkedExperimenter() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Project
getLinkedExperimenterGroup(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedExperimenterGroup() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
getLinkedExperimenterGroup(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getLinkedExperimenterGroup() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getLinkedExperimenterGroup(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Leader
getLinkedExperimenterGroup() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Project
getLinkedFilter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedFilterSet() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getLinkedFilterSet(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
getLinkedFilterSetEmissionFilter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
getLinkedFilterSetExcitationFilter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
getLinkedFolder(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedFolder(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
getLinkedFolder(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getLinkedFolder(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
getLinkedImage(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedImage(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
getLinkedImage(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experiment
getLinkedImage(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getLinkedImage(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
getLinkedImage(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
getLinkedImage(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
getLinkedImage(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
getLinkedImage(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
getLinkedImage() - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSample
getLinkedInstrument(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedInstrument() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getLinkedLaser(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pump
getLinkedLeader(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
getLinkedLightPath(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedLightPath(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dichroic
getLinkedLightPathEmissionFilter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
getLinkedLightPathExcitationFilter(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Filter
getLinkedLightSource(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedMicrobeamManipulation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getLinkedMicrobeamManipulation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getLinkedMicrobeamManipulation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
getLinkedObjective(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedPlane(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedPlate(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedPlate(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
getLinkedPlateAcquisition(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedPlateAcquisition(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSample
getLinkedProject(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedProject(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
getLinkedProject(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getLinkedProject(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
getLinkedPump() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Laser
getLinkedReagent(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedReagent() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
getLinkedROI(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedROI(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
getLinkedROI(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getLinkedROI(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.MicrobeamManipulation
getLinkedScreen(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedScreen(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
getLinkedShape(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedWell(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getLinkedWell(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reagent
getLinkedWellSample(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getLinkedWellSample(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
getListAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
getListAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getListAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getListAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of links to a ListAnnotation.
getListAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getListAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getListAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getListAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of ListAnnotation.
getListAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getListAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getListAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getListAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Annotator property of ListAnnotation.
getListAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getListAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getListAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getListAnnotationCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of ListAnnotation elements.
getListAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getListAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getListAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getListAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of ListAnnotation.
getListAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getListAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getListAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getListAnnotationID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of ListAnnotation.
getListAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getListAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getListAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getListAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Namespace property of ListAnnotation.
getListAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLocked() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Shape
getLongAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
getLongAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLongAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLongAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of links to a LongAnnotation.
getLongAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLongAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLongAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLongAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of LongAnnotation.
getLongAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLongAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLongAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLongAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Annotator property of LongAnnotation.
getLongAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLongAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLongAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLongAnnotationCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of LongAnnotation elements.
getLongAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLongAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLongAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLongAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of LongAnnotation.
getLongAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLongAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLongAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLongAnnotationID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of LongAnnotation.
getLongAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLongAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLongAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLongAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Namespace property of LongAnnotation.
getLongAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLongAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getLongAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getLongAnnotationValue(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Value property of LongAnnotation.
getLongAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ManufacturerSpec
getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ManufacturerSpec
getMap() - Method in class ome.xml.model.GenericExcitationSource
getMap() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ImagingEnvironment
getMapAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.StructuredAnnotations
getMapAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMapAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMapAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of links to a MapAnnotation.
getMapAnnotationAnnotationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMapAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMapAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMapAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of MapAnnotation.
getMapAnnotationAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMapAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMapAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMapAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Annotator property of MapAnnotation.
getMapAnnotationAnnotator(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMapAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMapAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMapAnnotationCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of MapAnnotation elements.
getMapAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMapAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMapAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMapAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of MapAnnotation.
getMapAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMapAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMapAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMapAnnotationID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of MapAnnotation.
getMapAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMapAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMapAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMapAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Namespace property of MapAnnotation.
getMapAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMapAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
Gets the Map value associated with this annotation
getMapAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
Gets the Map value associated with this annotation
getMapAnnotationValue(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the values from a MapAnnotation.
getMapAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
Gets the Map value associated with this annotation
getMarkerEnd() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Line
getMarkerEnd() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Polyline
getMarkerStart() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Line
getMarkerStart() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Polyline
getMaskAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Mask.
getMaskAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskBinData(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskBinData(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskBinData(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Base64Binary property of BinData.
getMaskBinData(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskBinDataBigEndian(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskBinDataBigEndian(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskBinDataBigEndian(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the BigEndian property of BinData.
getMaskBinDataBigEndian(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskBinDataCompression(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskBinDataCompression(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskBinDataCompression(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Compression property of BinData.
getMaskBinDataCompression(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskBinDataLength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskBinDataLength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskBinDataLength(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Length property of BinData.
getMaskBinDataLength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskFillColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillColor property of Mask.
getMaskFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskFillRule(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillRule property of Mask.
getMaskFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskFontFamily(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontFamily property of Mask.
getMaskFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskFontSize(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontSize property of Mask.
getMaskFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskFontStyle(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontStyle property of Mask.
getMaskFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskHeight(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskHeight(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskHeight(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Height property of Mask.
getMaskHeight(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Mask.
getMaskID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskLocked(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Locked property of Mask.
getMaskLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeColor property of Mask.
getMaskStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Mask.
getMaskStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeWidth property of Mask.
getMaskStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskText(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Text property of Mask.
getMaskText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskTheC(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheC property of Mask.
getMaskTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskTheT(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheT property of Mask.
getMaskTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskTheZ(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheZ property of Mask.
getMaskTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskTransform(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Transform property of Mask.
getMaskTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskWidth(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Width property of Mask.
getMaskWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskX(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the X property of Mask.
getMaskX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaskY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMaskY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMaskY(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Y property of Mask.
getMaskY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMaximumFieldCount() - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
getMedium() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ObjectiveSettings
getMetadataFile() - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinaryOnly
getMetadataOnly() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getMicrobeamManipulation(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experiment
getMicrobeamManipulation() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSourceSettings
getMicrobeamManipulationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of MicrobeamManipulation elements.
getMicrobeamManipulationCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicrobeamManipulationDescription(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationDescription(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationDescription(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of MicrobeamManipulation.
getMicrobeamManipulationDescription(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicrobeamManipulationExperimenterRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationExperimenterRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationExperimenterRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExperimenterRef property of MicrobeamManipulation.
getMicrobeamManipulationExperimenterRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicrobeamManipulationID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of MicrobeamManipulation.
getMicrobeamManipulationID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Attenuation property of LightSourceSettings.
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of LightSourceSettings elements in MicrobeamManipulation.
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsID(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsID(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsID(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of LightSourceSettings.
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsID(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsWavelength(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsWavelength(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsWavelength(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Wavelength property of LightSourceSettings.
getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsWavelength(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicrobeamManipulationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of MicrobeamManipulationRef elements.
getMicrobeamManipulationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicrobeamManipulationROIRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationROIRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationROIRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ROIRef property of MicrobeamManipulation.
getMicrobeamManipulationROIRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicrobeamManipulationROIRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationROIRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationROIRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of ROIRef elements in MicrobeamManipulation.
getMicrobeamManipulationROIRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicrobeamManipulationType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicrobeamManipulationType(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Type property of MicrobeamManipulation.
getMicrobeamManipulationType(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicroscope() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
getMicroscopeLotNumber(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicroscopeLotNumber(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicroscopeLotNumber(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LotNumber property of Microscope.
getMicroscopeLotNumber(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicroscopeManufacturer(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicroscopeManufacturer(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicroscopeManufacturer(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Manufacturer property of Microscope.
getMicroscopeManufacturer(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicroscopeModel(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicroscopeModel(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicroscopeModel(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Model property of Microscope.
getMicroscopeModel(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicroscopeSerialNumber(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicroscopeSerialNumber(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicroscopeSerialNumber(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SerialNumber property of Microscope.
getMicroscopeSerialNumber(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMicroscopeType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getMicroscopeType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getMicroscopeType(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Type property of Microscope.
getMicroscopeType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getMiddleName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Experimenter
getMIMEType() - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinaryFile
getModel() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ManufacturerSpec
getModelObject(String) - Method in interface ome.xml.model.OMEModel
getModelObject(String) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OMEModelImpl
getModelObjects() - Method in interface ome.xml.model.OMEModel
getModelObjects() - Method in class ome.xml.model.OMEModelImpl
getName() - Method in class ome.units.UNITS
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Dataset
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ExperimenterGroup
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Folder
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.MapPair
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Project
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reagent
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ROI
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
getName() - Method in class ome.xml.model.StageLabel
getNamespace() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Annotation
getNDFilter() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getNominalMagnification() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Objective
getNumberValue() - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeFloat
getNumberValue() - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeInteger
getNumberValue() - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.NonNegativeLong
getNumberValue() - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.PercentFraction
getNumberValue() - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.PositiveFloat
getNumberValue() - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.PositiveInteger
getNumberValue() - Method in class ome.xml.model.primitives.PositiveLong
getNumberValue() - Method in interface ome.xml.model.primitives.PrimitiveNumber
getObjective(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Instrument
getObjective() - Method in class ome.xml.model.ObjectiveSettings
getObjectiveAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Objective.
getObjectiveAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Objective.
getObjectiveAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveCalibratedMagnification(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveCalibratedMagnification(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveCalibratedMagnification(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the CalibratedMagnification property of Objective.
getObjectiveCalibratedMagnification(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveCorrection(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveCorrection(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveCorrection(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Correction property of Objective.
getObjectiveCorrection(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Objective elements.
getObjectiveCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Objective.
getObjectiveID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveImmersion(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveImmersion(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveImmersion(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Immersion property of Objective.
getObjectiveImmersion(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveIris(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveIris(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveIris(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Iris property of Objective.
getObjectiveIris(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveLensNA(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveLensNA(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveLensNA(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LensNA property of Objective.
getObjectiveLensNA(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveLotNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the LotNumber property of Objective.
getObjectiveLotNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveManufacturer(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Manufacturer property of Objective.
getObjectiveManufacturer(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveModel(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Model property of Objective.
getObjectiveModel(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveNominalMagnification(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveNominalMagnification(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveNominalMagnification(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the NominalMagnification property of Objective.
getObjectiveNominalMagnification(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SerialNumber property of Objective.
getObjectiveSerialNumber(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveSettings() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getObjectiveSettingsCorrectionCollar(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveSettingsCorrectionCollar(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveSettingsCorrectionCollar(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the CorrectionCollar property of ObjectiveSettings.
getObjectiveSettingsCorrectionCollar(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveSettingsID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveSettingsID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveSettingsID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of ObjectiveSettings.
getObjectiveSettingsID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveSettingsMedium(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveSettingsMedium(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveSettingsMedium(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Medium property of ObjectiveSettings.
getObjectiveSettingsMedium(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveSettingsRefractiveIndex(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveSettingsRefractiveIndex(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveSettingsRefractiveIndex(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the RefractiveIndex property of ObjectiveSettings.
getObjectiveSettingsRefractiveIndex(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getObjectiveWorkingDistance(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getObjectiveWorkingDistance(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getObjectiveWorkingDistance(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the WorkingDistance property of Objective.
getObjectiveWorkingDistance(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getOffset() - Method in class ome.units.unit.Unit
Get the conversion offset for this unit.
getOffset() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Detector
getOffset() - Method in class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
getPhysicalSizeX() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getPhysicalSizeXUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getPhysicalSizeY() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getPhysicalSizeYUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getPhysicalSizeZ() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getPhysicalSizeZUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getPinholeSize() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getPinholeSizeUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getPixels() - Method in class ome.xml.model.BinData
getPixels() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getPixels() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Image
getPixels() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getPixels() - Method in class ome.xml.model.TiffData
getPixelsBigEndian(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsBigEndian(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsBigEndian(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the BigEndian property of Pixels.
getPixelsBigEndian(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsBinData(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsBinData(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsBinData(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Base64Binary property of BinData.
getPixelsBinData(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the BigEndian property of BinData.
getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsBinDataCompression(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsBinDataCompression(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsBinDataCompression(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Compression property of BinData.
getPixelsBinDataCompression(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsBinDataCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsBinDataCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsBinDataCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of BinData elements in Pixels.
getPixelsBinDataCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsBinDataLength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsBinDataLength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsBinDataLength(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Length property of BinData.
getPixelsBinDataLength(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsDimensionOrder(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsDimensionOrder(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsDimensionOrder(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the DimensionOrder property of Pixels.
getPixelsDimensionOrder(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Pixels.
getPixelsID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsInterleaved(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsInterleaved(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsInterleaved(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Interleaved property of Pixels.
getPixelsInterleaved(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the PhysicalSizeX property of Pixels.
getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the PhysicalSizeY property of Pixels.
getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the PhysicalSizeZ property of Pixels.
getPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsSignificantBits(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsSignificantBits(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsSignificantBits(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SignificantBits property of Pixels.
getPixelsSignificantBits(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsSizeC(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsSizeC(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsSizeC(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SizeC property of Pixels.
getPixelsSizeC(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsSizeT(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsSizeT(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsSizeT(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SizeT property of Pixels.
getPixelsSizeT(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsSizeX(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsSizeX(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsSizeX(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SizeX property of Pixels.
getPixelsSizeX(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsSizeY(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsSizeY(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsSizeY(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SizeY property of Pixels.
getPixelsSizeY(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsSizeZ(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsSizeZ(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsSizeZ(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the SizeZ property of Pixels.
getPixelsSizeZ(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsTimeIncrement(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsTimeIncrement(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsTimeIncrement(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TimeIncrement property of Pixels.
getPixelsTimeIncrement(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPixelsType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPixelsType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPixelsType(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Type property of Pixels.
getPixelsType(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlane(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Pixels
getPlaneAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlaneAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlaneAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Plane.
getPlaneAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlaneAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlaneAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlaneAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Plane.
getPlaneAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlaneCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlaneCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlaneCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Plane elements.
getPlaneCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlaneCount() - Method in class ome.xml.model.TiffData
getPlaneDeltaT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlaneDeltaT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlaneDeltaT(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the DeltaT property of Plane.
getPlaneDeltaT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlaneExposureTime(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlaneExposureTime(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlaneExposureTime(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExposureTime property of Plane.
getPlaneExposureTime(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlaneHashSHA1(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlaneHashSHA1(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlaneHashSHA1(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the HashSHA1 property of Plane.
getPlaneHashSHA1(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlanePositionX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlanePositionX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlanePositionX(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the PositionX property of Plane.
getPlanePositionX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlanePositionY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlanePositionY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlanePositionY(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the PositionY property of Plane.
getPlanePositionY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlanePositionZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlanePositionZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlanePositionZ(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the PositionZ property of Plane.
getPlanePositionZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlaneTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlaneTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlaneTheC(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheC property of Plane.
getPlaneTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlaneTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlaneTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlaneTheT(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheT property of Plane.
getPlaneTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlaneTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlaneTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlaneTheZ(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheZ property of Plane.
getPlaneTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlate(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
getPlate() - Method in class ome.xml.model.PlateAcquisition
getPlate() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Well
getPlateAcquisition(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plate
getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of PlateAcquisition.
getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in PlateAcquisition.
getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateAcquisitionCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of PlateAcquisition elements.
getPlateAcquisitionCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateAcquisitionDescription(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionDescription(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionDescription(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of PlateAcquisition.
getPlateAcquisitionDescription(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateAcquisitionEndTime(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionEndTime(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionEndTime(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the EndTime property of PlateAcquisition.
getPlateAcquisitionEndTime(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateAcquisitionID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of PlateAcquisition.
getPlateAcquisitionID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateAcquisitionMaximumFieldCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionMaximumFieldCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionMaximumFieldCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the MaximumFieldCount property of PlateAcquisition.
getPlateAcquisitionMaximumFieldCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateAcquisitionName(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionName(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionName(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Name property of PlateAcquisition.
getPlateAcquisitionName(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateAcquisitionStartTime(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionStartTime(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionStartTime(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StartTime property of PlateAcquisition.
getPlateAcquisitionStartTime(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the WellSampleRef property of PlateAcquisition.
getPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Plate.
getPlateAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Plate.
getPlateAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateColumnNamingConvention(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateColumnNamingConvention(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateColumnNamingConvention(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ColumnNamingConvention property of Plate.
getPlateColumnNamingConvention(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateColumns(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateColumns(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateColumns(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Columns property of Plate.
getPlateColumns(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Plate elements.
getPlateCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of Plate.
getPlateDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateExternalIdentifier(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateExternalIdentifier(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateExternalIdentifier(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExternalIdentifier property of Plate.
getPlateExternalIdentifier(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateFieldIndex(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateFieldIndex(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateFieldIndex(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FieldIndex property of Plate.
getPlateFieldIndex(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Plate.
getPlateID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateName(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Name property of Plate.
getPlateName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of PlateRef elements.
getPlateRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateRowNamingConvention(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateRowNamingConvention(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateRowNamingConvention(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the RowNamingConvention property of Plate.
getPlateRowNamingConvention(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateRows(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateRows(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateRows(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Rows property of Plate.
getPlateRows(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateStatus(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateStatus(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateStatus(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Status property of Plate.
getPlateStatus(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateWellOriginX(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateWellOriginX(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateWellOriginX(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the WellOriginX property of Plate.
getPlateWellOriginX(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPlateWellOriginY(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPlateWellOriginY(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPlateWellOriginY(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the WellOriginY property of Plate.
getPlateWellOriginY(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPockelCell() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Laser
getPockelCellSetting() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Channel
getPointAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Point.
getPointAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointFillColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillColor property of Point.
getPointFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointFillRule(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillRule property of Point.
getPointFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointFontFamily(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontFamily property of Point.
getPointFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointFontSize(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontSize property of Point.
getPointFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointFontStyle(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontStyle property of Point.
getPointFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Point.
getPointID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointLocked(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Locked property of Point.
getPointLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPoints() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Polygon
getPoints() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Polyline
getPointStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeColor property of Point.
getPointStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Point.
getPointStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeWidth property of Point.
getPointStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointText(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Text property of Point.
getPointText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointTheC(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheC property of Point.
getPointTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointTheT(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheT property of Point.
getPointTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointTheZ(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheZ property of Point.
getPointTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointTransform(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Transform property of Point.
getPointTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointX(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the X property of Point.
getPointX(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPointY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPointY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPointY(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Y property of Point.
getPointY(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Polygon.
getPolygonAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonFillColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillColor property of Polygon.
getPolygonFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonFillRule(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillRule property of Polygon.
getPolygonFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonFontFamily(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontFamily property of Polygon.
getPolygonFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonFontSize(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontSize property of Polygon.
getPolygonFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonFontStyle(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontStyle property of Polygon.
getPolygonFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Polygon.
getPolygonID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonLocked(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Locked property of Polygon.
getPolygonLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonPoints(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonPoints(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonPoints(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Points property of Polygon.
getPolygonPoints(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeColor property of Polygon.
getPolygonStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Polygon.
getPolygonStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeWidth property of Polygon.
getPolygonStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonText(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Text property of Polygon.
getPolygonText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonTheC(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheC property of Polygon.
getPolygonTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonTheT(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheT property of Polygon.
getPolygonTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonTheZ(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheZ property of Polygon.
getPolygonTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolygonTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolygonTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolygonTransform(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Transform property of Polygon.
getPolygonTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Polyline.
getPolylineAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineFillColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillColor property of Polyline.
getPolylineFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineFillRule(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillRule property of Polyline.
getPolylineFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineFontFamily(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontFamily property of Polyline.
getPolylineFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineFontSize(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontSize property of Polyline.
getPolylineFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineFontStyle(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontStyle property of Polyline.
getPolylineFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Polyline.
getPolylineID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineLocked(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Locked property of Polyline.
getPolylineLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineMarkerEnd(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineMarkerEnd(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineMarkerEnd(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the MarkerEnd property of Polyline.
getPolylineMarkerEnd(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineMarkerStart(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineMarkerStart(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineMarkerStart(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the MarkerStart property of Polyline.
getPolylineMarkerStart(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylinePoints(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylinePoints(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylinePoints(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Points property of Polyline.
getPolylinePoints(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeColor property of Polyline.
getPolylineStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Polyline.
getPolylineStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeWidth property of Polyline.
getPolylineStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineText(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Text property of Polyline.
getPolylineText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineTheC(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheC property of Polyline.
getPolylineTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineTheT(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheT property of Polyline.
getPolylineTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineTheZ(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheZ property of Polyline.
getPolylineTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPolylineTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getPolylineTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getPolylineTransform(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Transform property of Polyline.
getPolylineTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getPositionX() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getPositionX() - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSample
getPositionXUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getPositionXUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.WellSample
getPositionY() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getPositionY() - Method in class ome.xml.model.WellSample
getPositionYUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getPositionYUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.WellSample
getPositionZ() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getPositionZUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.Plane
getPower() - Method in class ome.xml.model.LightSource
getPowerUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.LightSource
getProject(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.OME
getProjectAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getProjectAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getProjectAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Project.
getProjectAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getProjectAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getProjectAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getProjectAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Project.
getProjectAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getProjectCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getProjectCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getProjectCount() - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Project elements.
getProjectCount() - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getProjectDatasetRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getProjectDatasetRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getProjectDatasetRef(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the DatasetRef property of Project.
getProjectDatasetRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getProjectDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getProjectDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getProjectDescription(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of Project.
getProjectDescription(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getProjectExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getProjectExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getProjectExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExperimenterGroupRef property of Project.
getProjectExperimenterGroupRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getProjectExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getProjectExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getProjectExperimenterRef(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ExperimenterRef property of Project.
getProjectExperimenterRef(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getProjectID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getProjectID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getProjectID(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Project.
getProjectID(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getProjectName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getProjectName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getProjectName(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Name property of Project.
getProjectName(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getProtocolDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
getProtocolIdentifier() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
getPulse() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Laser
getQuantity(T, UnitsElectricPotential) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsElectricPotentialEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsElectricPotential) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsElectricPotentialEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsFrequency) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsFrequencyEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsFrequency) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsFrequencyEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsLength) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsLengthEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsLength) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsLengthEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsPower) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPowerEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsPower) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPowerEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsPressure) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPressureEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsPressure) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsPressureEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsTemperature) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTemperatureEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsTemperature) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTemperatureEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsTime) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTimeEnumHandler
getQuantity(T, UnitsTime) - Static method in class ome.xml.model.enums.handlers.UnitsTimeEnumHandler
getRadiusX() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Ellipse
getRadiusY() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Ellipse
getReadOutRate() - Method in class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
getReadOutRateUnitXsdDefault() - Static method in class ome.xml.model.DetectorSettings
getReagent(int) - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
getReagentAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getReagentAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getReagentAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Reagent.
getReagentAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getReagentAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getReagentAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getReagentAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Reagent.
getReagentAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getReagentCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getReagentCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getReagentCount(int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the number of Reagent elements.
getReagentCount(int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getReagentDescription(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getReagentDescription(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getReagentDescription(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Description property of Reagent.
getReagentDescription(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getReagentID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getReagentID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getReagentID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Reagent.
getReagentID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getReagentIdentifier() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Reagent
getReagentName(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getReagentName(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getReagentName(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Name property of Reagent.
getReagentName(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getReagentReagentIdentifier(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getReagentReagentIdentifier(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getReagentReagentIdentifier(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ReagentIdentifier property of Reagent.
getReagentReagentIdentifier(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getReagentSetDescription() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
getReagentSetIdentifier() - Method in class ome.xml.model.Screen
getRectangleAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the AnnotationRef property of Rectangle.
getRectangleAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleFillColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillColor property of Rectangle.
getRectangleFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleFillRule(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FillRule property of Rectangle.
getRectangleFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleFontFamily(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontFamily property of Rectangle.
getRectangleFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleFontSize(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontSize property of Rectangle.
getRectangleFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleFontStyle(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the FontStyle property of Rectangle.
getRectangleFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleHeight(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleHeight(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleHeight(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Height property of Rectangle.
getRectangleHeight(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleID(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the ID property of Rectangle.
getRectangleID(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleLocked(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Locked property of Rectangle.
getRectangleLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeColor property of Rectangle.
getRectangleStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Rectangle.
getRectangleStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the StrokeWidth property of Rectangle.
getRectangleStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleText(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the Text property of Rectangle.
getRectangleText(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleTheC(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheC property of Rectangle.
getRectangleTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleTheT(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheT property of Rectangle.
getRectangleTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.AggregateMetadata
getRectangleTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.DummyMetadata
getRectangleTheZ(int, int) - Method in interface ome.xml.meta.MetadataRetrieve
Get the TheZ property of Rectangle.
getRectangleTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml.meta.OMEXMLMetadataImpl
getRectangleTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.xml