Uses of Class

Packages that use PushbackString
org.owasp.esapi.codecs This package contains codecs for application layer encoding/escaping schemes that can be used for both canonicalization and output encoding. 

Uses of PushbackString in org.owasp.esapi.codecs

Methods in org.owasp.esapi.codecs with parameters of type PushbackString
 java.lang.Character XMLEntityCodec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString.
 java.lang.Character WindowsCodec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString.
 java.lang.Character VBScriptCodec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the character starting at index, or null if no decoding is possible.
 java.lang.Character UnixCodec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString.
 java.lang.Character PercentCodec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString.
 java.lang.Character OracleCodec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString.
 java.lang.Character MySQLCodec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString.
 java.lang.Character JavaScriptCodec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString.
 java.lang.Character HTMLEntityCodec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString.
 java.lang.Character DB2Codec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
 java.lang.Character CSSCodec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString.
 java.lang.Character Codec.decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString.

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