Uses of Class

Packages that use CipherText
org.owasp.esapi The ESAPI interfaces and Exception classes model the most important security functions to enterprise web applications. 
org.owasp.esapi.crypto This package contains ESAPI cryptography-related classes used throughout ESAPI. 
org.owasp.esapi.reference.crypto This package contains the reference implementation for some of the ESAPI cryptography-related classes used throughout ESAPI. 

Uses of CipherText in org.owasp.esapi

Methods in org.owasp.esapi that return CipherText
 CipherText Encryptor.encrypt(PlainText plaintext)
          Encrypts the provided plaintext bytes using the cipher transformation specified by the property Encryptor.CipherTransformation and the master encryption key as specified by the property Encryptor.MasterKey as defined in the file.
 CipherText Encryptor.encrypt(javax.crypto.SecretKey key, PlainText plaintext)
          Encrypts the provided plaintext bytes using the cipher transformation specified by the property Encryptor.CipherTransformation as defined in the file and the specified secret key.

Methods in org.owasp.esapi with parameters of type CipherText
 PlainText Encryptor.decrypt(CipherText ciphertext)
          Decrypts the provided CipherText using the information from it and the master encryption key as specified by the property Encryptor.MasterKey as defined in the file.
 PlainText Encryptor.decrypt(javax.crypto.SecretKey key, CipherText ciphertext)
          Decrypts the provided CipherText using the information from it and the specified secret key.

Uses of CipherText in org.owasp.esapi.crypto

Methods in org.owasp.esapi.crypto that return CipherText
 CipherText CipherTextSerializer.asCipherText()
          Return the actual CipherText object.
static CipherText CipherText.fromPortableSerializedBytes(byte[] bytes)
          Create a CipherText object from what is supposed to be a portable serialized byte array, given in network byte order, that represents a valid, previously serialized CipherText object using asPortableSerializedByteArray().

Methods in org.owasp.esapi.crypto with parameters of type CipherText
static boolean CryptoHelper.isCipherTextMACvalid(javax.crypto.SecretKey sk, CipherText ct)
          If a Message Authentication Code (MAC) is required for the specified CipherText object, then attempt to validate the MAC that should be embedded within the CipherText object by using a derived key based on the specified SecretKey.
static boolean CryptoHelper.isMACRequired(CipherText ct)
          Check to see if a Message Authentication Code (MAC) is required for a given CipherText object and the current settings.

Constructors in org.owasp.esapi.crypto with parameters of type CipherText
CipherTextSerializer(CipherText cipherTextObj)

Uses of CipherText in org.owasp.esapi.reference.crypto

Methods in org.owasp.esapi.reference.crypto that return CipherText
 CipherText JavaEncryptor.encrypt(PlainText plaintext)
          Encrypts the provided plaintext bytes using the cipher transformation specified by the property Encryptor.CipherTransformation and the master encryption key as specified by the property Encryptor.MasterKey as defined in the file.
 CipherText JavaEncryptor.encrypt(javax.crypto.SecretKey key, PlainText plain)
          Encrypts the provided plaintext bytes using the cipher transformation specified by the property Encryptor.CipherTransformation as defined in the file and the specified secret key.

Methods in org.owasp.esapi.reference.crypto with parameters of type CipherText
 PlainText JavaEncryptor.decrypt(CipherText ciphertext)
          Decrypts the provided CipherText using the information from it and the master encryption key as specified by the property Encryptor.MasterKey as defined in the file.
 PlainText JavaEncryptor.decrypt(javax.crypto.SecretKey key, CipherText ciphertext)
          Decrypts the provided CipherText using the information from it and the specified secret key.

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