Uses of Class

Packages that use EncryptionException
org.owasp.esapi The ESAPI interfaces and Exception classes model the most important security functions to enterprise web applications. 
org.owasp.esapi.crypto This package contains ESAPI cryptography-related classes used throughout ESAPI. 
org.owasp.esapi.reference This package contains reference implementations of the ESAPI interfaces. 
org.owasp.esapi.reference.crypto This package contains the reference implementation for some of the ESAPI cryptography-related classes used throughout ESAPI. 

Uses of EncryptionException in org.owasp.esapi

Methods in org.owasp.esapi that throw EncryptionException
 void User.changePassword(java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword1, java.lang.String newPassword2)
          Sets the user's password, performing a verification of the user's old password, the equality of the two new passwords, and the strength of the new password.
 PlainText Encryptor.decrypt(CipherText ciphertext)
          Decrypts the provided CipherText using the information from it and the master encryption key as specified by the property Encryptor.MasterKey as defined in the file.
 PlainText Encryptor.decrypt(javax.crypto.SecretKey key, CipherText ciphertext)
          Decrypts the provided CipherText using the information from it and the specified secret key.
 java.lang.String Encryptor.decrypt(java.lang.String ciphertext)
          Deprecated. As of 1.4.2; use Encryptor.decrypt(CipherText) instead, which also ensures message authenticity. This method will be completely removed as of the next major release or point release (3.0 or 2.1, whichever comes first) as per OWASP deprecation policy.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> HTTPUtilities.decryptQueryString(java.lang.String encrypted)
          Takes an encrypted querystring and returns a Map containing the original parameters.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> HTTPUtilities.decryptStateFromCookie()
          Calls decryptStateFromCookie with the *current* request.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> HTTPUtilities.decryptStateFromCookie(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Retrieves a map of data from a cookie encrypted with encryptStateInCookie().
 CipherText Encryptor.encrypt(PlainText plaintext)
          Encrypts the provided plaintext bytes using the cipher transformation specified by the property Encryptor.CipherTransformation and the master encryption key as specified by the property Encryptor.MasterKey as defined in the file.
 CipherText Encryptor.encrypt(javax.crypto.SecretKey key, PlainText plaintext)
          Encrypts the provided plaintext bytes using the cipher transformation specified by the property Encryptor.CipherTransformation as defined in the file and the specified secret key.
 java.lang.String Encryptor.encrypt(java.lang.String plaintext)
          Deprecated. As of 1.4.2; use Encryptor.encrypt(PlainText) instead, which also ensures message authenticity. This method will be completely removed as of the next major release or point release (3.0 or 2.1, whichever comes first) as per OWASP deprecation policy.
 java.lang.String HTTPUtilities.encryptHiddenField(java.lang.String value)
          Encrypts a hidden field value for use in HTML.
 java.lang.String HTTPUtilities.encryptQueryString(java.lang.String query)
          Takes a querystring (everything after the question mark in the URL) and returns an encrypted string containing the parameters.
 void HTTPUtilities.encryptStateInCookie(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> cleartext)
          Stores a Map of data in an encrypted cookie.
 void HTTPUtilities.encryptStateInCookie(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> cleartext)
          Calls encryptStateInCookie with the *current* response.
 java.lang.String EncryptedProperties.getProperty(java.lang.String key)
          Gets the property value from the encrypted store, decrypts it, and returns the plaintext value to the caller.
 java.lang.String Randomizer.getRandomGUID()
          Generates a random GUID.
 java.lang.String Encryptor.hash(java.lang.String plaintext, java.lang.String salt)
          Returns a string representation of the hash of the provided plaintext and salt.
 java.lang.String Encryptor.hash(java.lang.String plaintext, java.lang.String salt, int iterations)
          Returns a string representation of the hash of the provided plaintext and salt.
 java.lang.String Authenticator.hashPassword(java.lang.String password, java.lang.String accountName)
          Returns a string representation of the hashed password, using the accountName as the salt.
 java.lang.String EncryptedProperties.setProperty(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Encrypts the plaintext property value and stores the ciphertext value in the encrypted store.
 java.lang.String Encryptor.sign(java.lang.String data)
          Create a digital signature for the provided data and return it in a string.
 java.lang.String Encryptor.unseal(java.lang.String seal)
          Unseals data (created with the seal method) and throws an exception describing any of the various problems that could exist with a seal, such as an invalid seal format, expired timestamp, or decryption error.
 boolean User.verifyPassword(java.lang.String password)
          Verify that the supplied password matches the password for this user.

Uses of EncryptionException in org.owasp.esapi.crypto

Methods in org.owasp.esapi.crypto that throw EncryptionException
 byte[] CipherText.asPortableSerializedByteArray()
          Return this CipherText object as a portable (i.e., network byte ordered) serialized byte array.
static javax.crypto.SecretKey CryptoHelper.computeDerivedKey(javax.crypto.SecretKey keyDerivationKey, int keySize, java.lang.String purpose)
          Compute a derived key from the keyDerivationKey for either encryption / decryption or for authentication.
static CipherText CipherText.fromPortableSerializedBytes(byte[] bytes)
          Create a CipherText object from what is supposed to be a portable serialized byte array, given in network byte order, that represents a valid, previously serialized CipherText object using CipherText.asPortableSerializedByteArray().
static javax.crypto.SecretKey CryptoHelper.generateSecretKey(java.lang.String alg, int keySize)
          Generate a random secret key appropriate to the specified cipher algorithm and key size.
 void CipherText.setCiphertext(byte[] ciphertext)
          Set the raw ciphertext.
 void CipherText.setIVandCiphertext(byte[] iv, byte[] ciphertext)
          Set the IV and raw ciphertext.

Constructors in org.owasp.esapi.crypto that throw EncryptionException
CipherText(CipherSpec cipherSpec, byte[] cipherText)
          Construct from a CipherSpec object and the raw ciphertext.
CipherTextSerializer(byte[] cipherTextSerializedBytes)
          Given byte array in network byte order (i.e., big-endian order), convert it so that a CipherText can be constructed from it.

Uses of EncryptionException in org.owasp.esapi.reference

Methods in org.owasp.esapi.reference that throw EncryptionException
 void DefaultUser.changePassword(java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword1, java.lang.String newPassword2)
          Sets the user's password, performing a verification of the user's old password, the equality of the two new passwords, and the strength of the new password.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> DefaultHTTPUtilities.decryptQueryString(java.lang.String encrypted)
          Takes an encrypted querystring and returns a Map containing the original parameters.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> DefaultHTTPUtilities.decryptStateFromCookie()
          Calls decryptStateFromCookie with the *current* request.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> DefaultHTTPUtilities.decryptStateFromCookie(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Retrieves a map of data from a cookie encrypted with encryptStateInCookie().
 java.lang.String DefaultHTTPUtilities.encryptHiddenField(java.lang.String value)
          Encrypts a hidden field value for use in HTML.
 java.lang.String DefaultHTTPUtilities.encryptQueryString(java.lang.String query)
          Takes a querystring (everything after the question mark in the URL) and returns an encrypted string containing the parameters.
 void DefaultHTTPUtilities.encryptStateInCookie(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> cleartext)
          Stores a Map of data in an encrypted cookie.
 void DefaultHTTPUtilities.encryptStateInCookie(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> cleartext)
          Calls encryptStateInCookie with the *current* response.
 java.lang.String DefaultRandomizer.getRandomGUID()
          Generates a random GUID.
 java.lang.String FileBasedAuthenticator.hashPassword(java.lang.String password, java.lang.String accountName)
          Returns a string representation of the hashed password, using the accountName as the salt.

Uses of EncryptionException in org.owasp.esapi.reference.crypto

Methods in org.owasp.esapi.reference.crypto that throw EncryptionException
 PlainText JavaEncryptor.decrypt(CipherText ciphertext)
          Decrypts the provided CipherText using the information from it and the master encryption key as specified by the property Encryptor.MasterKey as defined in the file.
 PlainText JavaEncryptor.decrypt(javax.crypto.SecretKey key, CipherText ciphertext)
          Decrypts the provided CipherText using the information from it and the specified secret key.
 java.lang.String JavaEncryptor.decrypt(java.lang.String b64IVCiphertext)
 CipherText JavaEncryptor.encrypt(PlainText plaintext)
          Encrypts the provided plaintext bytes using the cipher transformation specified by the property Encryptor.CipherTransformation and the master encryption key as specified by the property Encryptor.MasterKey as defined in the file.
 CipherText JavaEncryptor.encrypt(javax.crypto.SecretKey key, PlainText plain)
          Encrypts the provided plaintext bytes using the cipher transformation specified by the property Encryptor.CipherTransformation as defined in the file and the specified secret key.
 java.lang.String JavaEncryptor.encrypt(java.lang.String plaintext)
static Encryptor JavaEncryptor.getInstance()
 java.lang.String DefaultEncryptedProperties.getProperty(java.lang.String key)
          Gets the property value from the encrypted store, decrypts it, and returns the plaintext value to the caller.
 java.lang.String JavaEncryptor.hash(java.lang.String plaintext, java.lang.String salt)
          Returns a string representation of the hash of the provided plaintext and salt.
 java.lang.String JavaEncryptor.hash(java.lang.String plaintext, java.lang.String salt, int iterations)
          Returns a string representation of the hash of the provided plaintext and salt.
 java.lang.String DefaultEncryptedProperties.setProperty(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Encrypts the plaintext property value and stores the ciphertext value in the encrypted store.
 java.lang.String JavaEncryptor.sign(java.lang.String data)
          Create a digital signature for the provided data and return it in a string.
 java.lang.String JavaEncryptor.unseal(java.lang.String seal)
          Unseals data (created with the seal method) and throws an exception describing any of the various problems that could exist with a seal, such as an invalid seal format, expired timestamp, or decryption error.

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