Uses of Class

Packages that use IntrusionException
org.owasp.esapi The ESAPI interfaces and Exception classes model the most important security functions to enterprise web applications. 
org.owasp.esapi.reference This package contains reference implementations of the ESAPI interfaces. 

Uses of IntrusionException in org.owasp.esapi

Methods in org.owasp.esapi that throw IntrusionException
 void IntrusionDetector.addEvent(String eventName, String logMessage)
          Adds the event to the IntrusionDetector.
 void IntrusionDetector.addException(Exception exception)
          Adds the exception to the IntrusionDetector.
 void Validator.assertValidFileUpload(String context, String filepath, String filename, File parent, byte[] content, int maxBytes, List<String> allowedExtensions, boolean allowNull)
          Validates the filepath, filename, and content of a file.
 void Validator.assertValidFileUpload(String context, String filepath, String filename, File parent, byte[] content, int maxBytes, List<String> allowedExtensions, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidFileUpload with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 void Validator.assertValidHTTPRequestParameterSet(String context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Set<String> required, Set<String> optional)
          Validates that the parameters in the current request contain all required parameters and only optional ones in addition.
 void Validator.assertValidHTTPRequestParameterSet(String context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Set<String> required, Set<String> optional, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidHTTPRequestParameterSet with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String Validator.getValidCreditCard(String context, String input, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a canonicalized and validated credit card number as a String.
 String Validator.getValidCreditCard(String context, String input, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidCreditCard with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 Date Validator.getValidDate(String context, String input, DateFormat format, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a valid date as a Date.
 Date Validator.getValidDate(String context, String input, DateFormat format, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidDate with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String Validator.getValidDirectoryPath(String context, String input, File parent, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a canonicalized and validated directory path as a String, provided that the input maps to an existing directory that is an existing subdirectory (at any level) of the specified parent.
 String Validator.getValidDirectoryPath(String context, String input, File parent, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidDirectoryPath with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 Double Validator.getValidDouble(String context, String input, double minValue, double maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a validated real number as a double.
 Double Validator.getValidDouble(String context, String input, double minValue, double maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidDouble with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 byte[] Validator.getValidFileContent(String context, byte[] input, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull)
          Returns validated file content as a byte array.
 byte[] Validator.getValidFileContent(String context, byte[] input, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidFileContent with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String Validator.getValidFileName(String context, String input, List<String> allowedExtensions, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a canonicalized and validated file name as a String.
 String Validator.getValidFileName(String context, String input, List<String> allowedExtensions, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidFileName with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String Validator.getValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Returns canonicalized and validated input as a String.
 String Validator.getValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, boolean canonicalize)
          Returns validated input as a String with optional canonicalization.
 String Validator.getValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, boolean canonicalize, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidInput with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String Validator.getValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidInput with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 Integer Validator.getValidInteger(String context, String input, int minValue, int maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a validated integer.
 Integer Validator.getValidInteger(String context, String input, int minValue, int maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidInteger with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String Validator.getValidListItem(String context, String input, List<String> list)
          Returns the list item that exactly matches the canonicalized input.
 String Validator.getValidListItem(String context, String input, List<String> list, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidListItem with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 Double Validator.getValidNumber(String context, String input, long minValue, long maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a validated number as a double within the range of minValue to maxValue.
 Double Validator.getValidNumber(String context, String input, long minValue, long maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidSafeHTML with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 char[] Validator.getValidPrintable(String context, char[] input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidPrintable with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String Validator.getValidPrintable(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidPrintable with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String Validator.getValidRedirectLocation(String context, String input, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a canonicalized and validated redirect location as a String.
 String Validator.getValidRedirectLocation(String context, String input, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidRedirectLocation with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String Validator.getValidSafeHTML(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Returns canonicalized and validated "safe" HTML that does not contain unwanted scripts in the body, attributes, CSS, URLs, or anywhere else.
 String Validator.getValidSafeHTML(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidSafeHTML with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 boolean Validator.isValidCreditCard(String context, String input, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidCreditCard and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidCreditCard(String context, String input, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidCreditCard and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidDate(String context, String input, DateFormat format, boolean allowNull)
          Calls isValidDate and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidDate(String context, String input, DateFormat format, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls isValidDate and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidDirectoryPath(String context, String input, File parent, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidDirectoryPath and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidDirectoryPath(String context, String input, File parent, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidDirectoryPath and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidDouble(String context, String input, double minValue, double maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidDouble and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidDouble(String context, String input, double minValue, double maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidDouble and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidFileContent(String context, byte[] input, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidFileContent and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidFileContent(String context, byte[] input, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidFileContent and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidFileName(String context, String input, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidFileName with the default list of allowedExtensions
 boolean Validator.isValidFileName(String context, String input, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidFileName with the default list of allowedExtensions
 boolean Validator.isValidFileName(String context, String input, List<String> allowedExtensions, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidFileName and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidFileName(String context, String input, List<String> allowedExtensions, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidFileName and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidFileUpload(String context, String filepath, String filename, File parent, byte[] content, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidFileUpload and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidFileUpload(String context, String filepath, String filename, File parent, byte[] content, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidFileUpload and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidHTTPRequestParameterSet(String context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Set<String> required, Set<String> optional)
          Calls assertValidHTTPRequestParameterSet and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidHTTPRequestParameterSet(String context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Set<String> required, Set<String> optional, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls assertValidHTTPRequestParameterSet and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Calls isValidInput and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, boolean canonicalize)
          Calls isValidInput and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, boolean canonicalize, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls isValidInput and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls isValidInput and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidInteger(String context, String input, int minValue, int maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidInteger and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidInteger(String context, String input, int minValue, int maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidInteger and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidListItem(String context, String input, List<String> list)
          Calls getValidListItem and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidListItem(String context, String input, List<String> list, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidListItem and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidNumber(String context, String input, long minValue, long maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidNumber and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidNumber(String context, String input, long minValue, long maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidNumber and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidPrintable(String context, char[] input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidPrintable and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidPrintable(String context, char[] input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidPrintable and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidPrintable(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidPrintable and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidPrintable(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidPrintable and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidSafeHTML(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidSafeHTML and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean Validator.isValidSafeHTML(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errorList)
          Calls getValidSafeHTML and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 void HTTPUtilities.verifyCSRFToken(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Checks the CSRF token in the URL (see User.getCSRFToken()) against the user's CSRF token and throws an IntrusionException if it is missing.

Uses of IntrusionException in org.owasp.esapi.reference

Methods in org.owasp.esapi.reference that throw IntrusionException
 void DefaultIntrusionDetector.addEvent(String eventName, String logMessage)
          Adds the event to the IntrusionDetector.
 void DefaultValidator.assertValidFileUpload(String context, String directorypath, String filename, File parent, byte[] content, int maxBytes, List<String> allowedExtensions, boolean allowNull)
          Validates the filepath, filename, and content of a file.
 void DefaultValidator.assertValidFileUpload(String context, String filepath, String filename, File parent, byte[] content, int maxBytes, List<String> allowedExtensions, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidFileUpload with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 void DefaultValidator.assertValidHTTPRequestParameterSet(String context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Set<String> required, Set<String> optional)
          Validates that the parameters in the current request contain all required parameters and only optional ones in addition.
 void DefaultValidator.assertValidHTTPRequestParameterSet(String context, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Set<String> required, Set<String> optional, ValidationErrorList errors)
          ValidationErrorList variant of assertIsValidHTTPRequestParameterSet Uses current HTTPRequest saved in ESAPI Authenticator
 String DefaultValidator.getValidCreditCard(String context, String input, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a canonicalized and validated credit card number as a String.
 String DefaultValidator.getValidCreditCard(String context, String input, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidCreditCard with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 Date DefaultValidator.getValidDate(String context, String input, DateFormat format, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a valid date as a Date.
 Date DefaultValidator.getValidDate(String context, String input, DateFormat format, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidDate with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String DefaultValidator.getValidDirectoryPath(String context, String input, File parent, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a canonicalized and validated directory path as a String, provided that the input maps to an existing directory that is an existing subdirectory (at any level) of the specified parent.
 String DefaultValidator.getValidDirectoryPath(String context, String input, File parent, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidDirectoryPath with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 Double DefaultValidator.getValidDouble(String context, String input, double minValue, double maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a validated real number as a double.
 Double DefaultValidator.getValidDouble(String context, String input, double minValue, double maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidDouble with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 byte[] DefaultValidator.getValidFileContent(String context, byte[] input, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull)
          Returns validated file content as a byte array.
 byte[] DefaultValidator.getValidFileContent(String context, byte[] input, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidFileContent with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String DefaultValidator.getValidFileName(String context, String input, List<String> allowedExtensions, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a canonicalized and validated file name as a String.
 String DefaultValidator.getValidFileName(String context, String input, List<String> allowedParameters, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidFileName with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String DefaultValidator.getValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, boolean canonicalize, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Validates data received from the browser and returns a safe version.
 String DefaultValidator.getValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Validates data received from the browser and returns a safe version.
 Integer DefaultValidator.getValidInteger(String context, String input, int minValue, int maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a validated integer.
 Integer DefaultValidator.getValidInteger(String context, String input, int minValue, int maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidInteger with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 String DefaultValidator.getValidListItem(String context, String input, List<String> list)
          Returns the list item that exactly matches the canonicalized input.
 String DefaultValidator.getValidListItem(String context, String input, List<String> list, ValidationErrorList errors)
          ValidationErrorList variant of getValidListItem
 Double DefaultValidator.getValidNumber(String context, String input, long minValue, long maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a validated number as a double within the range of minValue to maxValue.
 Double DefaultValidator.getValidNumber(String context, String input, long minValue, long maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidSafeHTML with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 char[] DefaultValidator.getValidPrintable(String context, char[] input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Returns canonicalized and validated printable characters as a byte array.
 char[] DefaultValidator.getValidPrintable(String context, char[] input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          ValidationErrorList variant of getValidPrintable
 String DefaultValidator.getValidPrintable(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Returns canonicalized and validated printable characters as a String.
 String DefaultValidator.getValidPrintable(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          ValidationErrorList variant of getValidPrintable
 String DefaultValidator.getValidRedirectLocation(String context, String input, boolean allowNull)
          Returns a canonicalized and validated redirect location as a String.
 String DefaultValidator.getValidRedirectLocation(String context, String input, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          ValidationErrorList variant of getValidRedirectLocation
 String DefaultValidator.getValidSafeHTML(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Returns canonicalized and validated "safe" HTML that does not contain unwanted scripts in the body, attributes, CSS, URLs, or anywhere else.
 String DefaultValidator.getValidSafeHTML(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidSafeHTML with the supplied errorList to capture ValidationExceptions
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidCreditCard(String context, String input, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidCreditCard and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidCreditCard(String context, String input, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidCreditCard and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidDate(String context, String input, DateFormat format, boolean allowNull)
          Calls isValidDate and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidDate(String context, String input, DateFormat format, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls isValidDate and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidDirectoryPath(String context, String input, File parent, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidDirectoryPath and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidDirectoryPath(String context, String input, File parent, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidDirectoryPath and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidDouble(String context, String input, double minValue, double maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidDouble and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidDouble(String context, String input, double minValue, double maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidDouble and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidFileContent(String context, byte[] input, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidFileContent and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidFileContent(String context, byte[] input, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidFileContent and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidFileName(String context, String input, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidFileName with the default list of allowedExtensions
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidFileName(String context, String input, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidFileName with the default list of allowedExtensions
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidFileName(String context, String input, List<String> allowedExtensions, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidFileName and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidFileName(String context, String input, List<String> allowedExtensions, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidFileName and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidFileUpload(String context, String directorypath, String filename, File parent, byte[] content, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidFileUpload and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidFileUpload(String context, String directorypath, String filename, File parent, byte[] content, int maxBytes, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidFileUpload and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Returns true if data received from browser is valid.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, boolean canonicalize)
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, boolean canonicalize, ValidationErrorList errors)
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidInput(String context, String input, String type, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidInteger(String context, String input, int minValue, int maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidInteger and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidInteger(String context, String input, int minValue, int maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidInteger and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidNumber(String context, String input, long minValue, long maxValue, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidNumber and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidNumber(String context, String input, long minValue, long maxValue, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidNumber and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidPrintable(String context, char[] input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidPrintable and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidPrintable(String context, char[] input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidPrintable and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidPrintable(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidPrintable and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidPrintable(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidPrintable and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidRedirectLocation(String context, String input, boolean allowNull)
          Returns true if input is a valid redirect location.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidRedirectLocation(String context, String input, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Returns true if input is a valid redirect location.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidSafeHTML(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull)
          Calls getValidSafeHTML and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 boolean DefaultValidator.isValidSafeHTML(String context, String input, int maxLength, boolean allowNull, ValidationErrorList errors)
          Calls getValidSafeHTML and returns true if no exceptions are thrown.
 void DefaultHTTPUtilities.verifyCSRFToken()
          Calls verifyCSRFToken with the *current* request.
 void DefaultHTTPUtilities.verifyCSRFToken(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Checks the CSRF token in the URL (see User.getCSRFToken()) against the user's CSRF token and throws an IntrusionException if it is missing.

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