Class IsRememberedAuthorizer

    • Constructor Detail

      • IsRememberedAuthorizer

        public IsRememberedAuthorizer()
      • IsRememberedAuthorizer

        public IsRememberedAuthorizer​(java.lang.String redirectionUrl)
    • Method Detail

      • isAuthorized

        public boolean isAuthorized​(WebContext context,
                                    SessionStore sessionStore,
                                    java.util.List<UserProfile> profiles)
        Description copied from interface: Authorizer
        Checks if the user profiles and / or the current web context are authorized.
        context - the web context
        sessionStore - the session store
        profiles - the user profiles
        if the access is authorized
      • isProfileAuthorized

        public boolean isProfileAuthorized​(WebContext context,
                                           SessionStore sessionStore,
                                           UserProfile profile)
        Description copied from class: ProfileAuthorizer
        Whether a specific profile is authorized.
        Specified by:
        isProfileAuthorized in class ProfileAuthorizer
        context - the web context
        sessionStore - the session store
        profile - the user profile
        whether a specific profile is authorized