Package org.parboiled

Class Parboiled


public class Parboiled extends Object
Main class providing the high-level entry point into the parboiled library.
  • Method Details

    • createParser

      public static <P extends BaseParser<V>, V> P createParser(Class<P> parserClass, Object... constructorArgs)

      Creates a parser object whose rule creation methods can then be used with one of the ParseRunner implementations.

      Since parboiled needs to extend your parser with certain extra logic (e.g. to prevent infinite recursions in recursive rule definitions) you cannot create your parser object yourself, but have to go through this method. Also your parser class has to be derived from BaseParser. If you want to use a non-default constructor you can provide its arguments to this method. Make sure your non-default constructor does not use primitive type parameters (like "int") but rather their boxed counterparts (like "Integer"), otherwise the constructor will not be found.

      Performing the rule analysis and extending the parser class is an expensive process (time-wise) and can take up to several hundred milliseconds for large grammars. However, this cost is only incurred once per parser class and class loader. Subsequent calls to this method are therefore fast once the initial extension has been performed.

      parserClass - the type of the parser to create
      constructorArgs - optional arguments to the parser class constructor
      the ready to use parser instance