Package org.parboiled

Class BaseParser<V>

Type Parameters:
V - the type of the parser values
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class BaseParser<V> extends BaseActions<V>
Base class of all parboiled parsers. Defines the basic rule creation methods.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Rule
    Matches any character except Chars.EOI.
    static final Rule
    Matches the special Chars.DEDENT character produces by the org.parboiled.buffers.IndentDedentInputBuffer
    static final Rule
    Matches nothing and always succeeds.
    static final Rule
    Matches the Chars.EOI (end of input) character.
    static final Rule
    Matches the special Chars.INDENT character produces by the org.parboiled.buffers.IndentDedentInputBuffer
    static final Rule
    Matches nothing and always fails.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static Action
    ACTION(boolean expression)
    Explicitly marks the wrapped expression as an action expression.
    AnyOf(char[] characters)
    Creates a new rule that matches any of the characters in the given char array.
    AnyOf(String characters)
    Creates a new rule that matches any of the characters in the given string.
    AnyOf(Characters characters)
    Creates a new rule that matches any of the given characters.
    Ch(char c)
    Explicitly creates a rule matching the given character.
    CharRange(char cLow, char cHigh)
    Creates a rule matching a range of characters from cLow to cHigh (both inclusively).
    FirstOf(Object[] rules)
    Creates a new rule that successively tries all of the given subrules and succeeds when the first one of its subrules matches.
    FirstOf(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
    Creates a new rule that successively tries all of the given subrules and succeeds when the first one of its subrules matches.
    IgnoreCase(char c)
    Explicitly creates a rule matching the given character case-independently.
    IgnoreCase(char... characters)
    Explicitly creates a rule matching the given string in a case-independent fashion.
    Explicitly creates a rule matching the given string in a case-independent fashion.
    <P extends BaseParser<V>>
    Creates a new instance of this parsers class using the no-arg constructor.
    NoneOf(char[] characters)
    Creates a new rule that matches all characters except the ones in the given char array and EOI.
    NoneOf(String characters)
    Creates a new rule that matches all characters except the ones in the given string and EOI.
    NTimes(int repetitions, Object rule)
    Creates a new rule that repeatedly matches a given sub rule a certain fixed number of times.
    NTimes(int repetitions, Object rule, Object separator)
    Creates a new rule that repeatedly matches a given sub rule a certain fixed number of times, optionally separated by a given separator rule.
    Creates a new rule that tries repeated matches of its subrule and succeeds if the subrule matches at least once.
    OneOrMore(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
    Creates a new rule that tries repeated matches of a sequence of the given subrules and succeeds if the sequence matches at least once.
    Creates a new rule that tries a match on its subrule and always succeeds, independently of the matching success of its sub rule.
    Optional(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
    Creates a new rule that tries a match on the sequence of the given subrules and always succeeds, independently of the matching success of its sub sequence.
    Sequence(Object[] rules)
    Creates a new rule that only succeeds if all of its subrule succeed, one after the other.
    Sequence(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
    Creates a new rule that only succeeds if all of its subrule succeed, one after the other.
    String(char... characters)
    Explicitly creates a rule matching the given string.
    String(String string)
    Explicitly creates a rule matching the given string.
    Test(Object rule)
    Creates a new rule that acts as a syntactic predicate, i.e.
    Test(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
    Creates a new rule that acts as a syntactic predicate, i.e.
    Creates a new rule that acts as an inverse syntactic predicate, i.e.
    TestNot(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
    Creates a new rule that acts as an inverse syntactic predicate, i.e.
    Converts the given object to a rule.
    toRules(Object... objects)
    Converts the given object array to an array of rules.
    Creates a new rule that tries repeated matches of its subrule.
    ZeroOrMore(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
    Creates a new rule that tries repeated matches of the sequence of the given sub rules.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • EOI

      public static final Rule EOI
      Matches the Chars.EOI (end of input) character.
    • INDENT

      public static final Rule INDENT
      Matches the special Chars.INDENT character produces by the org.parboiled.buffers.IndentDedentInputBuffer
    • DEDENT

      public static final Rule DEDENT
      Matches the special Chars.DEDENT character produces by the org.parboiled.buffers.IndentDedentInputBuffer
    • ANY

      public static final Rule ANY
      Matches any character except Chars.EOI.
    • EMPTY

      public static final Rule EMPTY
      Matches nothing and always succeeds.

      public static final Rule NOTHING
      Matches nothing and always fails.
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseParser

      public BaseParser()
  • Method Details

    • newInstance

      public <P extends BaseParser<V>> P newInstance()
      Creates a new instance of this parsers class using the no-arg constructor. If no no-arg constructor exists this method will fail with a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError. Using this method is faster than using Parboiled.createParser(Class, Object...) for creating new parser instances since this method does not use reflection.
      Type Parameters:
      P - the parser class
      a new parser instance
    • Ch

      public Rule Ch(char c)
      Explicitly creates a rule matching the given character. Normally you can just specify the character literal directly in you rule description. However, if you don't want to go through fromCharLiteral(char), e.g. because you redefined it, you can also use this wrapper.

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      c - the char to match
      a new rule
    • IgnoreCase

      public Rule IgnoreCase(char c)
      Explicitly creates a rule matching the given character case-independently.

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      c - the char to match independently of its case
      a new rule
    • CharRange

      public Rule CharRange(char cLow, char cHigh)
      Creates a rule matching a range of characters from cLow to cHigh (both inclusively).

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same arguments will yield the same rule instance.

      cLow - the start char of the range (inclusively)
      cHigh - the end char of the range (inclusively)
      a new rule
    • AnyOf

      public Rule AnyOf(String characters)
      Creates a new rule that matches any of the characters in the given string.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      characters - the characters
      a new rule
    • AnyOf

      public Rule AnyOf(char[] characters)
      Creates a new rule that matches any of the characters in the given char array.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      characters - the characters
      a new rule
    • AnyOf

      public Rule AnyOf(Characters characters)
      Creates a new rule that matches any of the given characters.

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      characters - the characters
      a new rule
    • NoneOf

      public Rule NoneOf(String characters)
      Creates a new rule that matches all characters except the ones in the given string and EOI.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      characters - the characters
      a new rule
    • NoneOf

      public Rule NoneOf(char[] characters)
      Creates a new rule that matches all characters except the ones in the given char array and EOI.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      characters - the characters
      a new rule
    • String

      public Rule String(String string)
      Explicitly creates a rule matching the given string. Normally you can just specify the string literal directly in you rule description. However, if you want to not go through fromStringLiteral(String), e.g. because you redefined it, you can also use this wrapper.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      string - the String to match
      a new rule
    • String

      public Rule String(char... characters)
      Explicitly creates a rule matching the given string. Normally you can just specify the string literal directly in you rule description. However, if you want to not go through fromStringLiteral(String), e.g. because you redefined it, you can also use this wrapper.

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      characters - the characters of the string to match
      a new rule
    • IgnoreCase

      public Rule IgnoreCase(String string)
      Explicitly creates a rule matching the given string in a case-independent fashion.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      string - the string to match
      a new rule
    • IgnoreCase

      public Rule IgnoreCase(char... characters)
      Explicitly creates a rule matching the given string in a case-independent fashion.

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      characters - the characters of the string to match
      a new rule
    • FirstOf

      public Rule FirstOf(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
      Creates a new rule that successively tries all of the given subrules and succeeds when the first one of its subrules matches. If all subrules fail this rule fails as well.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same arguments will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the first subrule
      rule2 - the second subrule
      moreRules - the other subrules
      a new rule
    • FirstOf

      public Rule FirstOf(Object[] rules)
      Creates a new rule that successively tries all of the given subrules and succeeds when the first one of its subrules matches. If all subrules fail this rule fails as well.

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      rules - the subrules
      a new rule
    • OneOrMore

      public Rule OneOrMore(Object rule)
      Creates a new rule that tries repeated matches of its subrule and succeeds if the subrule matches at least once. If the subrule does not match at least once this rule fails.

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the subrule
      a new rule
    • OneOrMore

      public Rule OneOrMore(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
      Creates a new rule that tries repeated matches of a sequence of the given subrules and succeeds if the sequence matches at least once. If the sequence does not match at least once this rule fails.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same arguments will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the first subrule
      rule2 - the second subrule
      moreRules - the other subrules
      a new rule
    • Optional

      public Rule Optional(Object rule)
      Creates a new rule that tries a match on its subrule and always succeeds, independently of the matching success of its sub rule.

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the subrule
      a new rule
    • Optional

      public Rule Optional(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
      Creates a new rule that tries a match on the sequence of the given subrules and always succeeds, independently of the matching success of its sub sequence.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same arguments will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the first subrule
      rule2 - the second subrule
      moreRules - the other subrules
      a new rule
    • Sequence

      public Rule Sequence(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
      Creates a new rule that only succeeds if all of its subrule succeed, one after the other.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same arguments will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the first subrule
      rule2 - the second subrule
      moreRules - the other subrules
      a new rule
    • Sequence

      public Rule Sequence(Object[] rules)
      Creates a new rule that only succeeds if all of its subrule succeed, one after the other.

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same arguments will yield the same rule instance.

      rules - the sub rules
      a new rule
    • Test

      public Rule Test(Object rule)

      Creates a new rule that acts as a syntactic predicate, i.e. tests the given sub rule against the current input position without actually matching any characters. Succeeds if the sub rule succeeds and fails if the sub rule rails. Since this rule does not actually consume any input it will never create a parse tree node.

      Also it carries a SuppressNode annotation, which means all sub nodes will also never create a parse tree node. This can be important for actions contained in sub rules of this rule that otherwise expect the presence of certain parse tree structures in their context. Also see SkipActionsInPredicates

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the subrule
      a new rule
    • Test

      public Rule Test(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)

      Creates a new rule that acts as a syntactic predicate, i.e. tests the sequence of the given sub rule against the current input position without actually matching any characters. Succeeds if the sub sequence succeeds and fails if the sub sequence rails. Since this rule does not actually consume any input it will never create a parse tree node.

      Also it carries a SuppressNode annotation, which means all sub nodes will also never create a parse tree node. This can be important for actions contained in sub rules of this rule that otherwise expect the presence of certain parse tree structures in their context. Also see SkipActionsInPredicates

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same arguments will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the first subrule
      rule2 - the second subrule
      moreRules - the other subrules
      a new rule
    • TestNot

      public Rule TestNot(Object rule)

      Creates a new rule that acts as an inverse syntactic predicate, i.e. tests the given sub rule against the current input position without actually matching any characters. Succeeds if the sub rule fails and fails if the sub rule succeeds. Since this rule does not actually consume any input it will never create a parse tree node.

      Also it carries a SuppressNode annotation, which means all sub nodes will also never create a parse tree node. This can be important for actions contained in sub rules of this rule that otherwise expect the presence of certain parse tree structures in their context. Also see SkipActionsInPredicates

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the subrule
      a new rule
    • TestNot

      public Rule TestNot(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)

      Creates a new rule that acts as an inverse syntactic predicate, i.e. tests the sequence of the given sub rules against the current input position without actually matching any characters. Succeeds if the sub sequence fails and fails if the sub sequence succeeds. Since this rule does not actually consume any input it will never create a parse tree node.

      Also it carries a SuppressNode annotation, which means all sub nodes will also never create a parse tree node. This can be important for actions contained in sub rules of this rule that otherwise expect the presence of certain parse tree structures in their context. Also see SkipActionsInPredicates

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same arguments will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the first subrule
      rule2 - the second subrule
      moreRules - the other subrules
      a new rule
    • ZeroOrMore

      public Rule ZeroOrMore(Object rule)
      Creates a new rule that tries repeated matches of its subrule. Succeeds always, even if the subrule doesn't match even once.

      Note: This methods carries a Cached annotation, which means that multiple invocations with the same argument will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the subrule
      a new rule
    • ZeroOrMore

      public Rule ZeroOrMore(Object rule, Object rule2, Object... moreRules)
      Creates a new rule that tries repeated matches of the sequence of the given sub rules. Succeeds always, even if the sub sequence doesn't match even once.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same arguments will yield the same rule instance.

      rule - the first subrule
      rule2 - the second subrule
      moreRules - the other subrules
      a new rule
    • NTimes

      public Rule NTimes(int repetitions, Object rule)
      Creates a new rule that repeatedly matches a given sub rule a certain fixed number of times.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same arguments will yield the same rule instance.

      repetitions - The number of repetitions to match. Must be >= 0.
      rule - the sub rule to match repeatedly.
      a new rule
    • NTimes

      public Rule NTimes(int repetitions, Object rule, Object separator)
      Creates a new rule that repeatedly matches a given sub rule a certain fixed number of times, optionally separated by a given separator rule.

      Note: This methods provides caching, which means that multiple invocations with the same arguments will yield the same rule instance.

      repetitions - The number of repetitions to match. Must be >= 0.
      rule - the sub rule to match repeatedly.
      separator - the separator to match, if null the individual sub rules will be matched without separator.
      a new rule
    • ACTION

      public static Action ACTION(boolean expression)
      Explicitly marks the wrapped expression as an action expression. parboiled transforms the wrapped expression into an Action instance during parser construction.
      expression - the expression to turn into an Action
      the Action wrapping the given expression
    • toRules

      public Rule[] toRules(Object... objects)
      Converts the given object array to an array of rules.
      objects - the objects to convert
      the rules corresponding to the given objects
    • toRule

      public Rule toRule(Object obj)
      Converts the given object to a rule. This method can be overriden to enable the use of custom objects directly in rule specifications.
      obj - the object to convert
      the rule corresponding to the given object