Class Dot11ExtendedSupportedRatesElement

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Dot11ExtendedSupportedRatesElement
    extends Dot11AbstractSupportedRatesElement
    IEEE802.11 Extended Supported Rates element
           1         1               1-255
     |Element ID|  Length  | Extended Supported Rates
     Element ID: 50
    The Extended Supported Rates element specifies the rates in the OperationalRateSet parameter and zero or more BSS membership selector values that are not carried in the Supported Rates element. The Information field is encoded as 1 to 255 octets where each octet describes a single supported rate or BSS membership selector. Within Beacon, Probe Response, Association Response, Reassociation Response, Mesh Peering Open, and Mesh Peering Confirm management frames, each supported rate contained in the BSSBasicRateSet parameter is encoded as an octet with the MSB (bit 7) set to 1 and bits 6 to 0 are set to the appropriate value. Rates not contained in the BSSBasicRateSet parameter are encoded with the MSB set to 0, and bits 6 to 0 are set to the appropriate value from the valid range. The MSB of each octet in the Extended Supported Rate element in other management frame types is ignored by receiving STAs. Within Beacon, Probe Response, Association Response, Reassociation Response, Mesh Peering Open, and Mesh Peering Confirm management frames, each BSS membership selector contained in the BSSMembershipSelectorSet parameter is encoded as an octet with the MSB (bit 7) set to 1, and bits 6 to 0 are set to the encoded value for the selector.
    pcap4j 1.7.0
    Kaito Yamada
    See Also:
    IEEE802.11, Serialized Form