Class Dot11VendorSpecificElement

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Dot11VendorSpecificElement
    extends Dot11InformationElement
    IEEE802.11 Vendor Specific element
           1         1            variable          variable
     | Element ID |   Length   |Organization|Vendor-specific content
     |            |            |Identifier  |
     Element ID: 221
    The Vendor Specific element is used to carry information not defined in this standard within a single defined format, so that reserved element IDs are not usurped for nonstandard purposes and so that interoperability is more easily achieved in the presence of nonstandard information. The element requires that the first 3 or more octets of the Information field identify the entity that has defined the content of the particular Vendor Specific element.
    pcap4j 1.7.0
    Kaito Yamada
    See Also:
    IEEE802.11, Serialized Form