Class IcmpV4EchoPacket

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Iterable<Packet>, Packet

    public final class IcmpV4EchoPacket
    extends AbstractPacket
    pcap4j 0.9.11
    Kaito Yamada
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • getHeader

        public IcmpV4EchoPacket.IcmpV4EchoHeader getHeader()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        Returns the Header object representing this packet's header. This subclass have to override this method if the packet represented by the subclass has a header.
        Specified by:
        getHeader in interface Packet
        the Header object representing this packet's header. May be null if the header doesn't exist
      • getPayload

        public Packet getPayload()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        Returns the Packet object representing this packet's payload. This subclass have to override this method if the packet represented by the subclass has a payload.
        Specified by:
        getPayload in interface Packet
        getPayload in class AbstractPacket
        the Packet object representing this packet's payload. May be null if the payload doesn't exist