Class PppPacket

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Iterable<Packet>, Packet

    public class PppPacket
    extends AbstractPacket
    pcap4j 1.4.0
    Kaito Yamada
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • getHeader

        public PppPacket.PppHeader getHeader()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        Returns the Header object representing this packet's header. This subclass have to override this method if the packet represented by the subclass has a header.
        Specified by:
        getHeader in interface Packet
        the Header object representing this packet's header. May be null if the header doesn't exist
      • getBuilder

        public PppPacket.Builder getBuilder()
        Description copied from interface: Packet
        Returns a new Builder object populated with this object's fields' values.
        Specified by:
        getBuilder in interface Packet
        Specified by:
        getBuilder in class AbstractPacket
        a new Builder object populated with this object's fields values
      • getPayload

        public Packet getPayload()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        Returns the Packet object representing this packet's payload. This subclass have to override this method if the packet represented by the subclass has a payload.
        Specified by:
        getPayload in interface Packet
        getPayload in class AbstractPacket
        the Packet object representing this packet's payload. May be null if the payload doesn't exist
      • getPad

        public byte[] getPad()
      • calcLength

        protected int calcLength()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        This method calculates the value length() will return by adding up the header length and the payload length. If you write this subclass which represents a packet with extra parts (e.g. a trailer), you need to override this method.
        calcLength in class AbstractPacket
        a calculated length
      • buildRawData

        protected byte[] buildRawData()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        This method builds the value getRawData() will return by concatenating the header's raw data and the payload's raw data. If you write this subclass which represents a packet with extra parts (e.g. a trailer), you need to override this method.
        buildRawData in class AbstractPacket
        a raw data built
      • buildString

        protected java.lang.String buildString()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        This method builds the value toString() will return by concatenating the header's string representation and the payload's string representation. If you write this subclass which represents a packet with extra parts (e.g. a trailer), you need to override this method.
        buildString in class AbstractPacket
        a string representation of this object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one. This method firstly compares this packet's header using the header's equals(Object) method, then compares this packet's payload using the payload's equals(Object) method. If you write this subclass with fields which represent somethings other than header or payload, you need to override this method.
        equals in class AbstractPacket
      • calcHashCode

        protected int calcHashCode()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPacket
        This method calculates the value hashCode() will return using the header's hash code and the payload's hash code. If you write this subclass which represents a packet with extra parts (e.g. a trailer), you need to override this method.
        calcHashCode in class AbstractPacket
        a calculated hash code value for the object