Class EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder mergeFrom​( input,
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder>
      • getOpId

        public long getOpId()
         All remote tensors are identified by <Op ID, Output num>. To mimic this
         situation when directly sending tensors, we include an "artificial" op ID
         (which would have corresponded to the _Recv op when not using SendTensor).
        int64 op_id = 1;
        Specified by:
        getOpId in interface EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOpOrBuilder
        The opId.
      • setOpId

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder setOpId​(long value)
         All remote tensors are identified by <Op ID, Output num>. To mimic this
         situation when directly sending tensors, we include an "artificial" op ID
         (which would have corresponded to the _Recv op when not using SendTensor).
        int64 op_id = 1;
        value - The opId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearOpId

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder clearOpId()
         All remote tensors are identified by <Op ID, Output num>. To mimic this
         situation when directly sending tensors, we include an "artificial" op ID
         (which would have corresponded to the _Recv op when not using SendTensor).
        int64 op_id = 1;
        This builder for chaining.
      • getTensorsList

        public java.util.List<TensorProto> getTensorsList()
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
        Specified by:
        getTensorsList in interface EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOpOrBuilder
      • getTensorsCount

        public int getTensorsCount()
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
        Specified by:
        getTensorsCount in interface EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOpOrBuilder
      • getTensors

        public TensorProto getTensors​(int index)
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
        Specified by:
        getTensors in interface EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOpOrBuilder
      • setTensors

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder setTensors​(int index,
                                                                      TensorProto value)
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • setTensors

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder setTensors​(int index,
                                                                      TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • addTensors

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder addTensors​(TensorProto value)
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • addTensors

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder addTensors​(int index,
                                                                      TensorProto value)
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • addTensors

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder addTensors​(TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • addTensors

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder addTensors​(int index,
                                                                      TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • addAllTensors

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder addAllTensors​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends TensorProto> values)
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • clearTensors

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder clearTensors()
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • removeTensors

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder removeTensors​(int index)
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • getTensorsBuilder

        public TensorProto.Builder getTensorsBuilder​(int index)
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • addTensorsBuilder

        public TensorProto.Builder addTensorsBuilder()
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • addTensorsBuilder

        public TensorProto.Builder addTensorsBuilder​(int index)
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • getTensorsBuilderList

        public java.util.List<TensorProto.Builder> getTensorsBuilderList()
         The index within the repeated field is the output number that will help
         uniquely identify (along with the above op_id) the particular tensor.
        repeated .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.TensorProto tensors = 2;
      • setDeviceName

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder setDeviceName​(java.lang.String value)
         The device on which the tensors should be resident.
        string device_name = 3;
        value - The deviceName to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setDeviceNameBytes

        public EagerServiceOuterClass.SendTensorOp.Builder setDeviceNameBytes​( value)
         The device on which the tensors should be resident.
        string device_name = 3;
        value - The bytes for deviceName to set.
        This builder for chaining.