Class OpDef.AttrDef.Builder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,,,, java.lang.Cloneable, OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class OpDef.AttrDef.Builder
    implements OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
     Description of the graph-construction-time configuration of this
     Op.  That is to say, this describes the attr fields that will
     be specified in the NodeDef.
    Protobuf type org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.OpDef.AttrDef
    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • clear

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder clear()
        Specified by:
        clear in interface
        Specified by:
        clear in interface
        clear in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public OpDef.AttrDef getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public OpDef.AttrDef build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public OpDef.AttrDef buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • clone

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder clone()
        Specified by:
        clone in interface
        Specified by:
        clone in interface
        clone in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • setField

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setField​( field,
                                              java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        setField in interface
        setField in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • clearField

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder clearField​( field)
        Specified by:
        clearField in interface
        clearField in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • clearOneof

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder clearOneof​( oneof)
        Specified by:
        clearOneof in interface
        clearOneof in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • setRepeatedField

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setRepeatedField​( field,
                                                      int index,
                                                      java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        setRepeatedField in interface
        setRepeatedField in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • addRepeatedField

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder addRepeatedField​( field,
                                                      java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        addRepeatedField in interface
        addRepeatedField in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder mergeFrom​( other)
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder mergeFrom​( input,
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
         A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
         Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
         the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
        string name = 1;
        Specified by:
        getName in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
        The name.
      • getNameBytes

        public getNameBytes()
         A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
         Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
         the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
        string name = 1;
        Specified by:
        getNameBytes in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
        The bytes for name.
      • setName

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setName​(java.lang.String value)
         A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
         Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
         the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
        string name = 1;
        value - The name to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearName

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder clearName()
         A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
         Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
         the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
        string name = 1;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setNameBytes

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setNameBytes​( value)
         A descriptive name for the argument.  May be used, e.g. by the
         Python client, as a keyword argument name, and so should match
         the regexp "[a-z][a-z0-9_]+".
        string name = 1;
        value - The bytes for name to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getType

        public java.lang.String getType()
         One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
         "int", etc.).
        string type = 2;
        Specified by:
        getType in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
        The type.
      • getTypeBytes

        public getTypeBytes()
         One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
         "int", etc.).
        string type = 2;
        Specified by:
        getTypeBytes in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
        The bytes for type.
      • setType

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setType​(java.lang.String value)
         One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
         "int", etc.).
        string type = 2;
        value - The type to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearType

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder clearType()
         One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
         "int", etc.).
        string type = 2;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setTypeBytes

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setTypeBytes​( value)
         One of the type names from attr_value.proto ("string", "list(string)",
         "int", etc.).
        string type = 2;
        value - The bytes for type to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasDefaultValue

        public boolean hasDefaultValue()
         A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
         a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue default_value = 3;
        Specified by:
        hasDefaultValue in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
        Whether the defaultValue field is set.
      • getDefaultValue

        public AttrValue getDefaultValue()
         A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
         a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue default_value = 3;
        Specified by:
        getDefaultValue in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
        The defaultValue.
      • setDefaultValue

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setDefaultValue​(AttrValue value)
         A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
         a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue default_value = 3;
      • setDefaultValue

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setDefaultValue​(AttrValue.Builder builderForValue)
         A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
         a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue default_value = 3;
      • mergeDefaultValue

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder mergeDefaultValue​(AttrValue value)
         A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
         a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue default_value = 3;
      • clearDefaultValue

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder clearDefaultValue()
         A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
         a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue default_value = 3;
      • getDefaultValueBuilder

        public AttrValue.Builder getDefaultValueBuilder()
         A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
         a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue default_value = 3;
      • getDefaultValueOrBuilder

        public AttrValueOrBuilder getDefaultValueOrBuilder()
         A reasonable default for this attribute if the user does not supply
         a value.  If not specified, the user must supply a value.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue default_value = 3;
        Specified by:
        getDefaultValueOrBuilder in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
         Human-readable description.
        string description = 4;
        Specified by:
        getDescription in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
        The description.
      • getDescriptionBytes

        public getDescriptionBytes()
         Human-readable description.
        string description = 4;
        Specified by:
        getDescriptionBytes in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
        The bytes for description.
      • setDescription

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setDescription​(java.lang.String value)
         Human-readable description.
        string description = 4;
        value - The description to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearDescription

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder clearDescription()
         Human-readable description.
        string description = 4;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setDescriptionBytes

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setDescriptionBytes​( value)
         Human-readable description.
        string description = 4;
        value - The bytes for description to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getHasMinimum

        public boolean getHasMinimum()
         For type == "int", this is a minimum value.  For "list(___)"
         types, this is the minimum length.
        bool has_minimum = 5;
        Specified by:
        getHasMinimum in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
        The hasMinimum.
      • setHasMinimum

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setHasMinimum​(boolean value)
         For type == "int", this is a minimum value.  For "list(___)"
         types, this is the minimum length.
        bool has_minimum = 5;
        value - The hasMinimum to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearHasMinimum

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder clearHasMinimum()
         For type == "int", this is a minimum value.  For "list(___)"
         types, this is the minimum length.
        bool has_minimum = 5;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setMinimum

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setMinimum​(long value)
        int64 minimum = 6;
        value - The minimum to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearMinimum

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder clearMinimum()
        int64 minimum = 6;
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasAllowedValues

        public boolean hasAllowedValues()
         The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
         of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
         If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
         of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
         If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
         "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue allowed_values = 7;
        Specified by:
        hasAllowedValues in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
        Whether the allowedValues field is set.
      • getAllowedValues

        public AttrValue getAllowedValues()
         The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
         of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
         If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
         of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
         If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
         "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue allowed_values = 7;
        Specified by:
        getAllowedValues in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
        The allowedValues.
      • setAllowedValues

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setAllowedValues​(AttrValue value)
         The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
         of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
         If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
         of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
         If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
         "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue allowed_values = 7;
      • setAllowedValues

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setAllowedValues​(AttrValue.Builder builderForValue)
         The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
         of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
         If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
         of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
         If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
         "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue allowed_values = 7;
      • mergeAllowedValues

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder mergeAllowedValues​(AttrValue value)
         The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
         of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
         If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
         of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
         If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
         "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue allowed_values = 7;
      • clearAllowedValues

        public OpDef.AttrDef.Builder clearAllowedValues()
         The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
         of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
         If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
         of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
         If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
         "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue allowed_values = 7;
      • getAllowedValuesBuilder

        public AttrValue.Builder getAllowedValuesBuilder()
         The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
         of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
         If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
         of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
         If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
         "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue allowed_values = 7;
      • getAllowedValuesOrBuilder

        public AttrValueOrBuilder getAllowedValuesOrBuilder()
         The set of allowed values.  Has type that is the "list" version
         of the "type" field above (uses the "list" field of AttrValue).
         If type == "type" or "list(type)" above, then the "type" field
         of "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed DataTypes.
         If type == "string" or "list(string)", then the "s" field of
         "allowed_values.list" has the set of allowed strings.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.AttrValue allowed_values = 7;
        Specified by:
        getAllowedValuesOrBuilder in interface OpDef.AttrDefOrBuilder
      • setUnknownFields

        public final OpDef.AttrDef.Builder setUnknownFields​( unknownFields)
        Specified by:
        setUnknownFields in interface
        setUnknownFields in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>
      • mergeUnknownFields

        public final OpDef.AttrDef.Builder mergeUnknownFields​( unknownFields)
        Specified by:
        mergeUnknownFields in interface
        mergeUnknownFields in class<OpDef.AttrDef.Builder>