
object Series
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(values: Any*): Series

This method can be used to construct a Series with the given values.

This method can be used to construct a Series with the given values.

def fromArray(values: Array[Any]): Series
def fromArray(values: Array[Any], schema: StructType): Series
def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]): Series
def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any]): Series
def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any], schema: StructType): Series
def fromMap(map: Map[String, Any], schema: StructType): Series
def fromMap(map: JsObject, schema: StructType): Series
def fromSeq(values: Seq[Any]): Series

This method can be used to construct a Series from a Seq of values.

This method can be used to construct a Series from a Seq of values.

def fromSeq(values: Seq[Any], schema: StructType): Series
def fromSplit(columns: Seq[String], values: Seq[Any]): Series
def fromTuple(tuple: Product): Series
def fromTuple(tuple: Product, schema: StructType): Series
def merge(rows: Series*): Series

Merge multiple rows into a single series, one after another.

Merge multiple rows into a single series, one after another.

def merge(rows: Array[Series]): Series
def unapplySeq(row: Series): Some[Seq[Any]]

This method can be used to extract fields from a Series object in a pattern match. Example:

This method can be used to extract fields from a Series object in a pattern match. Example:


val pairs = {
 case Series(key: Int, value: String) =>
   key -> value

Concrete fields

Returns an empty row.

Returns an empty row.