Class NativeQuery


public class NativeQuery extends Object
Represents a query that is ready for execution by backend. The main difference from JDBC is ? are replaced with $1, $2, etc.
  • Field Details

    • nativeSql

      public final String nativeSql
    • bindPositions

      public final int[] bindPositions
    • command

      public final SqlCommand command
    • multiStatement

      public final boolean multiStatement
  • Constructor Details

    • NativeQuery

      public NativeQuery(String nativeSql, SqlCommand dml)
    • NativeQuery

      public NativeQuery(String nativeSql, int[] bindPositions, boolean multiStatement, SqlCommand dml)
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString(@Nullable ParameterList parameters)
      Stringize this query to a human-readable form, substituting particular parameter values for parameter placeholders.
      parameters - a ParameterList returned by this Query's Query.createParameterList() method, or null to leave the parameter placeholders unsubstituted.
      a human-readable representation of this query
    • bindName

      public static String bindName(int index)
      Returns $1, $2, etc names of bind variables used by backend.
      index - index of a bind variable
      bind variable name
    • appendBindName

      public static StringBuilder appendBindName(StringBuilder sb, int index)
    • calculateBindLength

      public static int calculateBindLength(int bindCount)
      Calculate the text length required for the given number of bind variables including dollars. Do this to avoid repeated calls to AbstractStringBuilder.expandCapacity(...) and Arrays.copyOf
      bindCount - total number of parameters in a query
      int total character length for $xyz kind of binds
    • getCommand

      public SqlCommand getCommand()