Interface ParameterList

public interface ParameterList

Abstraction of a list of parameters to be substituted into a Query. The protocol-specific details of how to efficiently store and stream the parameters is hidden behind implementations of this interface.

In general, instances of ParameterList are associated with a particular Query object (the one that created them) and shouldn't be used against another Query.

Parameter indexes are 1-based to match JDBC's PreparedStatement, i.e. the first parameter has index 1.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Use this operation to append more parameters to the current list.
    Unbind all parameter values bound in this list.
    Perform a shallow copy of this ParameterList, returning a new instance (still suitable for passing to the owning Query).
    @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int
    Get the number of IN parameters in this list.
    @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int
    Get the number of OUT parameters in this list.
    @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int
    Get the number of parameters in this list.
    Return the oids of the parameters in this list.
    @Nullable Object @Nullable []
    Returns the bound parameter values.
    registerOutParameter(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, int sqlType)
    setBinaryParameter(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, byte[] value, int oid)
    Binds given byte[] value to a parameter.
    setBytea(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, byte[] data, @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int offset, @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int length)
    Binds a binary bytea value stored as a bytearray to a parameter.
    setBytea(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, InputStream stream)
    Binds a binary bytea value stored as an InputStream.
    setBytea(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, InputStream stream, @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int length)
    Binds a binary bytea value stored as an InputStream.
    setBytea(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, ByteStreamWriter writer)
    Binds a binary bytea value stored as a ByteStreamWriter.
    setIntParameter(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, int value)
    Binds an integer value to a parameter.
    setLiteralParameter(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, String value, int oid)
    Binds a String value that is an unquoted literal to the server's query parser (for example, a bare integer) to a parameter.
    setNull(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, int oid)
    Binds a SQL NULL value to a parameter.
    setStringParameter(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, String value, int oid)
    Binds a String value that needs to be quoted for the server's parser to understand (for example, a timestamp) to a parameter.
    setText(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, InputStream stream)
    Binds a text value stored as an InputStream that is a valid UTF-8 byte stream.
    toString(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, boolean standardConformingStrings)
    Return a human-readable representation of a particular parameter in this ParameterList.
  • Method Details

    • registerOutParameter

      void registerOutParameter(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, int sqlType) throws SQLException
    • getParameterCount

      @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int getParameterCount()
      Get the number of parameters in this list. This value never changes for a particular instance, and might be zero.
      the number of parameters in this list.
    • getInParameterCount

      @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int getInParameterCount()
      Get the number of IN parameters in this list.
      the number of IN parameters in this list
    • getOutParameterCount

      @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int getOutParameterCount()
      Get the number of OUT parameters in this list.
      the number of OUT parameters in this list
    • getTypeOIDs

      int[] getTypeOIDs()
      Return the oids of the parameters in this list. May be null for a ParameterList that does not support typing of parameters.
      oids of the parameters
    • setIntParameter

      void setIntParameter(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, int value) throws SQLException
      Binds an integer value to a parameter. The type of the parameter is implicitly 'int4'.
      index - the 1-based parameter index to bind.
      value - the integer value to use.
      SQLException - on error or if index is out of range
    • setLiteralParameter

      void setLiteralParameter(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, String value, int oid) throws SQLException
      Binds a String value that is an unquoted literal to the server's query parser (for example, a bare integer) to a parameter. Associated with the parameter is a typename for the parameter that should correspond to an entry in pg_types.
      index - the 1-based parameter index to bind.
      value - the unquoted literal string to use.
      oid - the type OID of the parameter, or 0 to infer the type.
      SQLException - on error or if index is out of range
    • setStringParameter

      void setStringParameter(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, String value, int oid) throws SQLException
      Binds a String value that needs to be quoted for the server's parser to understand (for example, a timestamp) to a parameter. Associated with the parameter is a typename for the parameter that should correspond to an entry in pg_types.
      index - the 1-based parameter index to bind.
      value - the quoted string to use.
      oid - the type OID of the parameter, or 0 to infer the type.
      SQLException - on error or if index is out of range
    • setBytea

      void setBytea(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, byte[] data, @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int offset, @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int length) throws SQLException
      Binds a binary bytea value stored as a bytearray to a parameter. The parameter's type is implicitly set to 'bytea'. The bytearray's contains should remain unchanged until query execution has completed.
      index - the 1-based parameter index to bind.
      data - an array containing the raw data value
      offset - the offset within data of the start of the parameter data.
      length - the number of bytes of parameter data within data to use.
      SQLException - on error or if index is out of range
    • setBytea

      void setBytea(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, InputStream stream, @org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative int length) throws SQLException
      Binds a binary bytea value stored as an InputStream. The parameter's type is implicitly set to 'bytea'. The stream should remain valid until query execution has completed.
      index - the 1-based parameter index to bind.
      stream - a stream containing the parameter data.
      length - the number of bytes of parameter data to read from stream.
      SQLException - on error or if index is out of range
    • setBytea

      void setBytea(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, InputStream stream) throws SQLException
      Binds a binary bytea value stored as an InputStream. The parameter's type is implicitly set to 'bytea'. The stream should remain valid until query execution has completed.
      index - the 1-based parameter index to bind.
      stream - a stream containing the parameter data.
      SQLException - on error or if index is out of range
    • setBytea

      void setBytea(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, ByteStreamWriter writer) throws SQLException
      Binds a binary bytea value stored as a ByteStreamWriter. The parameter's type is implicitly set to 'bytea'. The stream should remain valid until query execution has completed.
      index - the 1-based parameter index to bind.
      writer - a writer that can write the bytes for the parameter
      SQLException - on error or if index is out of range
    • setText

      void setText(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, InputStream stream) throws SQLException
      Binds a text value stored as an InputStream that is a valid UTF-8 byte stream. Any byte-order marks (BOM) in the stream are passed to the backend. The parameter's type is implicitly set to 'text'. The stream should remain valid until query execution has completed.
      index - the 1-based parameter index to bind.
      stream - a stream containing the parameter data.
      SQLException - on error or if index is out of range
    • setBinaryParameter

      void setBinaryParameter(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, byte[] value, int oid) throws SQLException
      Binds given byte[] value to a parameter. The bytes must already be in correct format matching the OID.
      index - the 1-based parameter index to bind.
      value - the bytes to send.
      oid - the type OID of the parameter.
      SQLException - on error or if index is out of range
    • setNull

      void setNull(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, int oid) throws SQLException
      Binds a SQL NULL value to a parameter. Associated with the parameter is a typename for the parameter that should correspond to an entry in pg_types.
      index - the 1-based parameter index to bind.
      oid - the type OID of the parameter, or 0 to infer the type.
      SQLException - on error or if index is out of range
    • copy

      Perform a shallow copy of this ParameterList, returning a new instance (still suitable for passing to the owning Query). If this ParameterList is immutable, copy() may return the same immutable object.
      a new ParameterList instance
    • clear

      void clear()
      Unbind all parameter values bound in this list.
    • toString

      String toString(@org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive int index, boolean standardConformingStrings)
      Return a human-readable representation of a particular parameter in this ParameterList. If the parameter is not bound, returns "?".
      index - the 1-based parameter index to bind.
      standardConformingStrings - true if \ is not an escape character in strings literals
      a string representation of the parameter.
    • appendAll

      void appendAll(ParameterList list) throws SQLException
      Use this operation to append more parameters to the current list.
      list - of parameters to append with.
      SQLException - fault raised if driver or back end throw an exception
    • getValues

      @Nullable Object @Nullable [] getValues()
      Returns the bound parameter values.
      Object array containing the parameter values.