Class Parser


public class Parser extends Object
Basic query parser infrastructure. Note: This class should not be considered as pgjdbc public API.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static boolean
    static int
    digitAt(String s, int pos)
    Converts digit at position pos in string s to integer or throws.
    static boolean
    Identifies white space characters which the backend uses to determine if a String value needs to be quoted in array representation.
    static boolean
    isDigitAt(String s, int pos)
    Returns true if a given string s has digit at position pos.
    static boolean
    Checks if a character is valid as the second or later character of a dollar quoting tag.
    static boolean
    Checks if a character is valid as the start of a dollar quoting tag.
    static boolean
    Checks if a character is valid as the second or later character of an identifier.
    static boolean
    Checks if a character is valid as the start of an identifier.
    static boolean
    static boolean
    isSpace(char c)
    Identifies characters which the backend scanner considers to be whitespace.
    modifyJdbcCall(String jdbcSql, boolean stdStrings, int serverVersion, int protocolVersion, EscapeSyntaxCallMode escapeSyntaxCallMode)
    Converts JDBC-specific callable statement escapes { [? =] call <some_function> [(?, [?,..])] } into the PostgreSQL format which is select <some_function> (?, [?, ...]) as result or select * from <some_function> (?, [?, ...]) as result (7.3)
    static boolean
    parseAlterKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of CREATE keyword regardless of case.
    static boolean
    parseAsKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of AS keyword regardless of case.
    static boolean
    parseAtomicKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of ATOMIC keyword regardless of case.
    static boolean
    parseBeginKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of BEGIN keyword regardless of case.
    static int
    parseBlockComment(char[] query, int offset)
    Test if the / character at offset starts a block comment, and return the position of the last / character.
    static boolean
    parseCreateKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of CREATE keyword regardless of case.
    static boolean
    parseDeleteKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of DELETE keyword regardless of case.
    static int
    parseDollarQuotes(char[] query, int offset)
    Test if the dollar character ($) at the given offset starts a dollar-quoted string and return the offset of the ending dollar character.
    static int
    parseDoubleQuotes(char[] query, int offset)
    Find the end of the double-quoted string starting at the given offset.
    static boolean
    parseInsertKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of INSERT keyword regardless of case.
    parseJdbcSql(String query, boolean standardConformingStrings, boolean withParameters, boolean splitStatements, boolean isBatchedReWriteConfigured, boolean quoteReturningIdentifiers, String... returningColumnNames)
    Parses JDBC query into PostgreSQL's native format.
    static int
    parseLineComment(char[] query, int offset)
    Test if the - character at offset starts a -- style line comment, and return the position of the first \r or \n character.
    static long
    parseLong(String s, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
    Faster version of Long.parseLong(String) when parsing a substring is required
    static boolean
    parseMoveKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of MOVE keyword regardless of case.
    static boolean
    parseReturningKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of RETURNING keyword regardless of case.
    static boolean
    parseSelectKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of SELECT keyword regardless of case.
    static int
    parseSingleQuotes(char[] query, int offset, boolean standardConformingStrings)
    Find the end of the single-quoted string starting at the given offset.
    static boolean
    parseUpdateKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of UPDATE keyword regardless of case.
    static boolean
    parseValuesKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of VALUES keyword regardless of case.
    static boolean
    parseWithKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
    Parse string to check presence of WITH keyword regardless of case.
    static String
    replaceProcessing(String sql, boolean replaceProcessingEnabled, boolean standardConformingStrings)
    Filter the SQL string of Java SQL Escape clauses.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Parser

      public Parser()
  • Method Details

    • parseJdbcSql

      public static List<NativeQuery> parseJdbcSql(String query, boolean standardConformingStrings, boolean withParameters, boolean splitStatements, boolean isBatchedReWriteConfigured, boolean quoteReturningIdentifiers, String... returningColumnNames) throws SQLException
      Parses JDBC query into PostgreSQL's native format. Several queries might be given if separated by semicolon.
      query - jdbc query to parse
      standardConformingStrings - whether to allow backslashes to be used as escape characters in single quote literals
      withParameters - whether to replace ?, ? with $1, $2, etc
      splitStatements - whether to split statements by semicolon
      isBatchedReWriteConfigured - whether re-write optimization is enabled
      quoteReturningIdentifiers - whether to quote identifiers returned using returning clause
      returningColumnNames - for simple insert, update, delete add returning with given column names
      list of native queries
      SQLException - if unable to add returning clause (invalid column names)
    • parseSingleQuotes

      public static int parseSingleQuotes(char[] query, int offset, boolean standardConformingStrings)

      Find the end of the single-quoted string starting at the given offset.

      Note: for 'single '' quote in string', this method currently returns the offset of first ' character after the initial one. The caller must call the method a second time for the second part of the quoted string.

      query - query
      offset - start offset
      standardConformingStrings - standard conforming strings
      position of the end of the single-quoted string
    • parseDoubleQuotes

      public static int parseDoubleQuotes(char[] query, int offset)

      Find the end of the double-quoted string starting at the given offset.

      Note: for "double "" quote in string", this method currently returns the offset of first &quot; character after the initial one. The caller must call the method a second time for the second part of the quoted string.

      query - query
      offset - start offset
      position of the end of the double-quoted string
    • parseDollarQuotes

      public static int parseDollarQuotes(char[] query, int offset)
      Test if the dollar character ($) at the given offset starts a dollar-quoted string and return the offset of the ending dollar character.
      query - query
      offset - start offset
      offset of the ending dollar character
    • parseLineComment

      public static int parseLineComment(char[] query, int offset)
      Test if the - character at offset starts a -- style line comment, and return the position of the first \r or \n character.
      query - query
      offset - start offset
      position of the first \r or \n character
    • parseBlockComment

      public static int parseBlockComment(char[] query, int offset)
      Test if the / character at offset starts a block comment, and return the position of the last / character.
      query - query
      offset - start offset
      position of the last / character
    • parseDeleteKeyword

      public static boolean parseDeleteKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of DELETE keyword regardless of case. The initial character is assumed to have been matched.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseInsertKeyword

      public static boolean parseInsertKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of INSERT keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseBeginKeyword

      public static boolean parseBeginKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of BEGIN keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseAtomicKeyword

      public static boolean parseAtomicKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of ATOMIC keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseMoveKeyword

      public static boolean parseMoveKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of MOVE keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseReturningKeyword

      public static boolean parseReturningKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of RETURNING keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseSelectKeyword

      public static boolean parseSelectKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of SELECT keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseAlterKeyword

      public static boolean parseAlterKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of CREATE keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseCreateKeyword

      public static boolean parseCreateKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of CREATE keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseUpdateKeyword

      public static boolean parseUpdateKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of UPDATE keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseValuesKeyword

      public static boolean parseValuesKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of VALUES keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseLong

      public static long parseLong(String s, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
      Faster version of Long.parseLong(String) when parsing a substring is required
      s - string to parse
      beginIndex - begin index
      endIndex - end index
      long value
    • parseWithKeyword

      public static boolean parseWithKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of WITH keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • parseAsKeyword

      public static boolean parseAsKeyword(char[] query, int offset)
      Parse string to check presence of AS keyword regardless of case.
      query - char[] of the query statement
      offset - position of query to start checking
      boolean indicates presence of word
    • isDigitAt

      public static boolean isDigitAt(String s, int pos)
      Returns true if a given string s has digit at position pos.
      s - input string
      pos - position (0-based)
      true if input string s has digit at position pos
    • digitAt

      public static int digitAt(String s, int pos)
      Converts digit at position pos in string s to integer or throws.
      s - input string
      pos - position (0-based)
      integer value of a digit at position pos
      NumberFormatException - if character at position pos is not an integer
    • isSpace

      public static boolean isSpace(char c)
      Identifies characters which the backend scanner considers to be whitespace.

      c - character
      true if the character is a whitespace character as defined in the backend's parser
    • isArrayWhiteSpace

      public static boolean isArrayWhiteSpace(char c)
      Identifies white space characters which the backend uses to determine if a String value needs to be quoted in array representation.

      c - Character to examine.
      Indication if the character is a whitespace which back end will escape.
    • isOperatorChar

      public static boolean isOperatorChar(char c)
      c - character
      true if the given character is a valid character for an operator in the backend's parser
    • isIdentifierStartChar

      public static boolean isIdentifierStartChar(char c)
      Checks if a character is valid as the start of an identifier. PostgreSQL 9.4 allows column names like _, ‿, ⁀, ⁔, ︳, ︴, ﹍, ﹎, ﹏, _, so it is assumed isJavaIdentifierPart is good enough for PostgreSQL.
      c - the character to check
      true if valid as first character of an identifier; false if not
      See Also:
    • isIdentifierContChar

      public static boolean isIdentifierContChar(char c)
      Checks if a character is valid as the second or later character of an identifier.
      c - the character to check
      true if valid as second or later character of an identifier; false if not
    • charTerminatesIdentifier

      public static boolean charTerminatesIdentifier(char c)
      c - character
      true if the character terminates an identifier
    • isDollarQuoteStartChar

      public static boolean isDollarQuoteStartChar(char c)
      Checks if a character is valid as the start of a dollar quoting tag.
      c - the character to check
      true if valid as first character of a dollar quoting tag; false if not
    • isDollarQuoteContChar

      public static boolean isDollarQuoteContChar(char c)
      Checks if a character is valid as the second or later character of a dollar quoting tag.
      c - the character to check
      true if valid as second or later character of a dollar quoting tag; false if not
    • modifyJdbcCall

      public static JdbcCallParseInfo modifyJdbcCall(String jdbcSql, boolean stdStrings, int serverVersion, int protocolVersion, EscapeSyntaxCallMode escapeSyntaxCallMode) throws SQLException
      Converts JDBC-specific callable statement escapes { [? =] call <some_function> [(?, [?,..])] } into the PostgreSQL format which is select <some_function> (?, [?, ...]) as result or select * from <some_function> (?, [?, ...]) as result (7.3)
      jdbcSql - sql text with JDBC escapes
      stdStrings - if backslash in single quotes should be regular character or escape one
      serverVersion - server version
      protocolVersion - protocol version
      escapeSyntaxCallMode - mode specifying whether JDBC escape call syntax is transformed into a CALL/SELECT statement
      SQL in appropriate for given server format
      SQLException - if given SQL is malformed
    • replaceProcessing

      public static String replaceProcessing(String sql, boolean replaceProcessingEnabled, boolean standardConformingStrings) throws SQLException

      Filter the SQL string of Java SQL Escape clauses.

      Currently implemented Escape clauses are those mentioned in 11.3 in the specification. Basically we look through the sql string for {d xxx}, {t xxx}, {ts xxx}, {oj xxx} or {fn xxx} in non-string sql code. When we find them, we just strip the escape part leaving only the xxx part. So, something like "select * from x where d={d '2001-10-09'}" would return "select * from x where d= '2001-10-09'".

      sql - the original query text
      replaceProcessingEnabled - whether replace_processing_enabled is on
      standardConformingStrings - whether standard_conforming_strings is on
      PostgreSQL-compatible SQL
      SQLException - if given SQL is wrong