Package org.postgresql.util

Interface Summary
LruCache.CreateAction<Key,Value> When the entry is not present in cache, this create action is used to create one.
LruCache.EvictAction<Value> Action that is invoked when the entry is removed from the cache.
PGBinaryObject PGBinaryObject is a inteface that classes extending PGobject can use to take advantage of more optimal binary encoding of the data type.

Class Summary
Base64 This code is a stripped down version of Robert Harder's Public Domain Base64 implementation.
ByteConverter Helper methods to parse java base types from byte arrays.
GT This class provides a wrapper around a gettext message catalog that can provide a localized version of error messages.
HostSpec Simple container for host and port.
LruCache<Key,Value extends CanEstimateSize> Caches values in simple least-recently-accessed order.
ObjectFactory Helper class to instantiate objects.
PGbytea Converts to and from the postgresql bytea datatype used by the backend.
PGInterval This implements a class that handles the PostgreSQL interval type
PGmoney This implements a class that handles the PostgreSQL money and cash types
PGobject PGobject is a class used to describe unknown types An unknown type is any type that is unknown by JDBC Standards
PGTime This class augments the Java built-in Time to allow for explicit setting of the time zone.
PGTimestamp This class augments the Java built-in Timestamp to allow for explicit setting of the time zone.
PGtokenizer This class is used to tokenize the text output of org.postgres.
PSQLDriverVersion This class holds the current build number and a utility program to print it and the file it came from.
PSQLState This class is used for holding SQLState codes.
StreamWrapper Wrapper around a length-limited InputStream.
UnixCrypt Contains static methods to encrypt and compare passwords with Unix encrypted passwords.

Exception Summary

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