Class QuartzServer

  extended by org.quartz.listeners.SchedulerListenerSupport
      extended by org.quartz.impl.QuartzServer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class QuartzServer
extends SchedulerListenerSupport

Instantiates an instance of Quartz Scheduler as a stand-alone program, if the scheduler is configured for RMI it will be made available.

The main() method of this class currently accepts 0 or 1 arguemtns, if there is an argument, and its value is "console", then the program will print a short message on the console (std-out) and wait for the user to type "exit" - at which time the scheduler will be shutdown.

Future versions of this server should allow additional configuration for responding to scheduler events by allowing the user to specify JobListener, TriggerListener and SchedulerListener classes.

Please read the Quartz FAQ entries about RMI before asking questions in the forums or mail-lists.

James House

Method Summary
static void main(String[] args)
 void schedulerError(String msg, SchedulerException cause)
           Called by the Scheduler when a serious error has occured within the scheduler - such as repeated failures in the JobStore, or the inability to instantiate a Job instance when its Trigger has fired.
 void schedulerShutdown()
           Called by the Scheduler to inform the listener that it has shutdown.
 void serve(SchedulerFactory schedFact, boolean console)
Methods inherited from class org.quartz.listeners.SchedulerListenerSupport
getLog, jobScheduled, jobsPaused, jobsResumed, jobUnscheduled, triggerFinalized, triggersPaused, triggersResumed
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void serve(SchedulerFactory schedFact,
                  boolean console)
           throws Exception


public void schedulerError(String msg,
                           SchedulerException cause)

Called by the Scheduler when a serious error has occured within the scheduler - such as repeated failures in the JobStore, or the inability to instantiate a Job instance when its Trigger has fired.

The getErrorCode() method of the given SchedulerException can be used to determine more specific information about the type of error that was encountered.

Specified by:
schedulerError in interface SchedulerListener
schedulerError in class SchedulerListenerSupport


public void schedulerShutdown()

Called by the Scheduler to inform the listener that it has shutdown.

Specified by:
schedulerShutdown in interface SchedulerListener
schedulerShutdown in class SchedulerListenerSupport


public static void main(String[] args)
                 throws Exception

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