Package org.quartz.simpl

Contains simple / light-weight implementations (with no dependencies on external libraries) of interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler.


Class Summary
CascadingClassLoadHelper A ClassLoadHelper uses all of the ClassLoadHelper types that are found in this package in its attempts to load a class, when one scheme is found to work, it is promoted to the scheme that will be used first the next time a class is loaded (in order to improve performance).
HostnameInstanceIdGenerator InstanceIdGenerator that names the scheduler instance using just the machine hostname.
InitThreadContextClassLoadHelper A ClassLoadHelper that uses either the context class loader of the thread that initialized Quartz.
LoadingLoaderClassLoadHelper A ClassLoadHelper that uses either the loader of it's own class (this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass( ..
PropertySettingJobFactory A JobFactory that instantiates the Job instance (using the default no-arg constructor, or more specifically: class.newInstance()), and then attempts to set all values in the JobExecutionContext's JobDataMap onto bean properties of the Job.
RAMJobStore This class implements a JobStore that utilizes RAM as its storage device.
SimpleClassLoadHelper A ClassLoadHelper that simply calls Class.forName(..).
SimpleInstanceIdGenerator The default InstanceIdGenerator used by Quartz when instance id is to be automatically generated.
SimpleJobFactory The default JobFactory used by Quartz - simply calls newInstance() on the job class.
SimpleThreadPool This is class is a simple implementation of a thread pool, based on the ThreadPool interface.
SimpleTimeBroker The interface to be implemented by classes that want to provide a mechanism by which the QuartzScheduler can reliably determine the current time.
ThreadContextClassLoadHelper A ClassLoadHelper that uses either the current thread's context class loader (Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass( ..
ZeroSizeThreadPool This is class is a simple implementation of a zero size thread pool, based on the ThreadPool interface.

Package org.quartz.simpl Description

Contains simple / light-weight implementations (with no dependencies on external libraries) of interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler.

See the Quartz project for more information.

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