Package org.quartz.impl

Contains implementations of the SchedulerFactory, JobStore, ThreadPool, and other interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler.


Class Summary
DirectSchedulerFactory A singleton implementation of SchedulerFactory.
QuartzServer Instantiates an instance of Quartz Scheduler as a stand-alone program, if the scheduler is configured for RMI it will be made available.
RemoteMBeanScheduler An implementation of the Scheduler interface that remotely proxies all method calls to the equivalent call on a given QuartzScheduler instance, via JMX.
RemoteScheduler An implementation of the Scheduler interface that remotely proxies all method calls to the equivalent call on a given QuartzScheduler instance, via RMI.
SchedulerRepository Holds references to Scheduler instances - ensuring uniqueness, and preventing garbage collection, and allowing 'global' lookups - all within a ClassLoader space.
StdJobRunShellFactory Responsible for creating the instances of JobRunShell to be used within the QuartzScheduler instance.
StdScheduler An implementation of the Scheduler interface that directly proxies all method calls to the equivalent call on a given QuartzScheduler instance.
StdSchedulerFactory An implementation of SchedulerFactory that does all of its work of creating a QuartzScheduler instance based on the contents of a Properties file.

Package org.quartz.impl Description

Contains implementations of the SchedulerFactory, JobStore, ThreadPool, and other interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler.

Classes in this package may have dependencies on third-party packages.

See the Quartz project for more information.

Copyright 2001-2010, Terracotta, Inc.