Package org.quartz.utils

Interface Summary
ConnectionProvider Implementations of this interface used by DBConnectionManager to provide connections from various sources.

Class Summary
CircularLossyQueue<T> An implementation of a CircularQueue data-structure.
DBConnectionManager Manages a collection of ConnectionProviders, and provides transparent access to their connections.
DirtyFlagMap An implementation of Map that wraps another Map and flags itself 'dirty' when it is modified.
JNDIConnectionProvider A ConnectionProvider that provides connections from a DataSource that is managed by an application server, and made available via JNDI.
Key Object representing a job or trigger key.
Pair Utility class for storing two pieces of information together.
PoolingConnectionProvider A ConnectionProvider implementation that creates its own pool of connections.
PropertiesParser This is an utility calss used to parse the properties.
StringKeyDirtyFlagMap An implementation of Map that wraps another Map and flags itself 'dirty' when it is modified, enforces that all keys are Strings.
TriggerStatus Object representing a job or trigger key.
UpdateChecker Check for updates and alert users if an update is available

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