Class DirectSchedulerFactory

  extended by org.quartz.impl.DirectSchedulerFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DirectSchedulerFactory
extends Object
implements SchedulerFactory

A singleton implementation of SchedulerFactory.

Here are some examples of using this class:

To create a scheduler that does not write anything to the database (is not persistent), you can call createVolatileScheduler:

  DirectSchedulerFactory.getInstance().createVolatileScheduler(10); // 10 threads * // don't forget to start the scheduler: DirectSchedulerFactory.getInstance().getScheduler().start();

Several create methods are provided for convenience. All create methods eventually end up calling the create method with all the parameters:

  public void createScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore, String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort)

Here is an example of using this method:

* *
// create the thread pool SimpleThreadPool threadPool = new SimpleThreadPool(maxThreads, Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); threadPool.initialize(); * // create the job store JobStore jobStore = new RAMJobStore();

  DirectSchedulerFactory.getInstance().createScheduler("My Quartz Scheduler", "My Instance", threadPool, jobStore, "localhost", 1099); * // don't forget to start the scheduler: DirectSchedulerFactory.getInstance().getScheduler("My Quartz Scheduler", "My Instance").start();

You can also use a JDBCJobStore instead of the RAMJobStore:

  DBConnectionManager.getInstance().addConnectionProvider("someDatasource", new JNDIConnectionProvider("someDatasourceJNDIName"));

  JobStoreTX jdbcJobStore = new JobStoreTX(); jdbcJobStore.setDataSource("someDatasource"); jdbcJobStore.setPostgresStyleBlobs(true); jdbcJobStore.setTablePrefix("QRTZ_"); jdbcJobStore.setInstanceId("My Instance");

Mohammad Rezaei, James House
See Also:
JobStore, ThreadPool

Field Summary
Constructor Summary
protected DirectSchedulerFactory()
Method Summary
 void createRemoteScheduler(String rmiHost, int rmiPort)
          Creates a proxy to a remote scheduler.
 void createRemoteScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, String rmiHost, int rmiPort)
          Same as createRemoteScheduler(String rmiHost, int rmiPort), with the addition of specifying the scheduler name and instance ID.
 void createRemoteScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, String rmiBindName, String rmiHost, int rmiPort)
          Same as createRemoteScheduler(String rmiHost, int rmiPort), with the addition of specifying the scheduler name, instance ID, and rmi bind name.
 void createScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore)
          Same as createScheduler(ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore), with the addition of specifying the scheduler name and instance ID.
 void createScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore, Map schedulerPluginMap, String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort, long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval, boolean jmxExport, String jmxObjectName)
          Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool, job store, and plugins, and binds it to RMI.
 void createScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore, String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort, long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval)
          Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool and job store and binds it to RMI.
 void createScheduler(ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore)
          Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool and job store.
 void createVolatileSchduler(int maxThreads)
          Deprecated. see correctly spelled method.
 void createVolatileScheduler(int maxThreads)
          Creates an in memory job store (RAMJobStore) The thread priority is set to Thread.NORM_PRIORITY
 Collection getAllSchedulers()
           Returns a handle to all known Schedulers (made by any StdSchedulerFactory instance.).
static DirectSchedulerFactory getInstance()
protected  org.slf4j.Logger getLog()
 Scheduler getScheduler()
           Returns a handle to the Scheduler produced by this factory.
 Scheduler getScheduler(String schedName)
           Returns a handle to the Scheduler with the given name, if it exists.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_SCHEDULER_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected DirectSchedulerFactory()

Method Detail


protected org.slf4j.Logger getLog()


public static DirectSchedulerFactory getInstance()


public void createVolatileScheduler(int maxThreads)
                             throws SchedulerException
Creates an in memory job store (RAMJobStore) The thread priority is set to Thread.NORM_PRIORITY

maxThreads - The number of threads in the thread pool
SchedulerException - if initialization failed.


public void createVolatileSchduler(int maxThreads)
                            throws SchedulerException
Deprecated. see correctly spelled method.

See Also:


public void createRemoteScheduler(String rmiHost,
                                  int rmiPort)
                           throws SchedulerException
Creates a proxy to a remote scheduler. This scheduler can be retrieved via getScheduler()

rmiHost - The hostname for remote scheduler
rmiPort - Port for the remote scheduler. The default RMI port is 1099.
SchedulerException - if the remote scheduler could not be reached.


public void createRemoteScheduler(String schedulerName,
                                  String schedulerInstanceId,
                                  String rmiHost,
                                  int rmiPort)
                           throws SchedulerException
Same as createRemoteScheduler(String rmiHost, int rmiPort), with the addition of specifying the scheduler name and instance ID. This scheduler can only be retrieved via getScheduler(String)

schedulerName - The name for the scheduler.
schedulerInstanceId - The instance ID for the scheduler.
rmiHost - The hostname for remote scheduler
rmiPort - Port for the remote scheduler. The default RMI port is 1099.
SchedulerException - if the remote scheduler could not be reached.


public void createRemoteScheduler(String schedulerName,
                                  String schedulerInstanceId,
                                  String rmiBindName,
                                  String rmiHost,
                                  int rmiPort)
                           throws SchedulerException
Same as createRemoteScheduler(String rmiHost, int rmiPort), with the addition of specifying the scheduler name, instance ID, and rmi bind name. This scheduler can only be retrieved via getScheduler(String)

schedulerName - The name for the scheduler.
schedulerInstanceId - The instance ID for the scheduler.
rmiBindName - The name of the remote scheduler in the RMI repository. If null defaults to the generated unique identifier.
rmiHost - The hostname for remote scheduler
rmiPort - Port for the remote scheduler. The default RMI port is 1099.
SchedulerException - if the remote scheduler could not be reached.


public void createScheduler(ThreadPool threadPool,
                            JobStore jobStore)
                     throws SchedulerException
Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool and job store. This scheduler can be retrieved via getScheduler()

threadPool - The thread pool for executing jobs
jobStore - The type of job store
SchedulerException - if initialization failed


public void createScheduler(String schedulerName,
                            String schedulerInstanceId,
                            ThreadPool threadPool,
                            JobStore jobStore)
                     throws SchedulerException
Same as createScheduler(ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore), with the addition of specifying the scheduler name and instance ID. This scheduler can only be retrieved via getScheduler(String)

schedulerName - The name for the scheduler.
schedulerInstanceId - The instance ID for the scheduler.
threadPool - The thread pool for executing jobs
jobStore - The type of job store
SchedulerException - if initialization failed


public void createScheduler(String schedulerName,
                            String schedulerInstanceId,
                            ThreadPool threadPool,
                            JobStore jobStore,
                            String rmiRegistryHost,
                            int rmiRegistryPort,
                            long idleWaitTime,
                            long dbFailureRetryInterval)
                     throws SchedulerException
Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool and job store and binds it to RMI.

schedulerName - The name for the scheduler.
schedulerInstanceId - The instance ID for the scheduler.
threadPool - The thread pool for executing jobs
jobStore - The type of job store
rmiRegistryHost - The hostname to register this scheduler with for RMI. Can use "null" if no RMI is required.
rmiRegistryPort - The port for RMI. Typically 1099.
idleWaitTime - The idle wait time in milliseconds. You can specify "-1" for the default value, which is currently 30000 ms.
SchedulerException - if initialization failed


public void createScheduler(String schedulerName,
                            String schedulerInstanceId,
                            ThreadPool threadPool,
                            JobStore jobStore,
                            Map schedulerPluginMap,
                            String rmiRegistryHost,
                            int rmiRegistryPort,
                            long idleWaitTime,
                            long dbFailureRetryInterval,
                            boolean jmxExport,
                            String jmxObjectName)
                     throws SchedulerException
Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool, job store, and plugins, and binds it to RMI.

schedulerName - The name for the scheduler.
schedulerInstanceId - The instance ID for the scheduler.
threadPool - The thread pool for executing jobs
jobStore - The type of job store
schedulerPluginMap - Map from a String plugin names to SchedulerPlugins. Can use "null" if no plugins are required.
rmiRegistryHost - The hostname to register this scheduler with for RMI. Can use "null" if no RMI is required.
rmiRegistryPort - The port for RMI. Typically 1099.
idleWaitTime - The idle wait time in milliseconds. You can specify "-1" for the default value, which is currently 30000 ms.
SchedulerException - if initialization failed


public Scheduler getScheduler()
                       throws SchedulerException

Returns a handle to the Scheduler produced by this factory.

you must call createRemoteScheduler or createScheduler methods before calling getScheduler()

Specified by:
getScheduler in interface SchedulerFactory
SchedulerException - if there is a problem with the underlying Scheduler.


public Scheduler getScheduler(String schedName)
                       throws SchedulerException

Returns a handle to the Scheduler with the given name, if it exists.

Specified by:
getScheduler in interface SchedulerFactory


public Collection getAllSchedulers()
                            throws SchedulerException

Returns a handle to all known Schedulers (made by any StdSchedulerFactory instance.).

Specified by:
getAllSchedulers in interface SchedulerFactory

Copyright 2001-2011, Terracotta, Inc.