Uses of Class

Packages that use DisallowConcurrentExecution
org.quartz The main package of Quartz, containing the client-side interfaces.   

Uses of DisallowConcurrentExecution in org.quartz

Classes in org.quartz with annotations of type DisallowConcurrentExecution
 interface StatefulJob
          Deprecated. use DisallowConcurrentExecution and/or PersistJobDataAfterExecution annotations instead.

Uses of DisallowConcurrentExecution in

Classes in with annotations of type DisallowConcurrentExecution
 class DirectoryScanJob
          Inspects a directory and compares whether any files' "last modified dates" have changed since the last time it was inspected.
 class FileScanJob
          Inspects a file and compares whether it's "last modified date" has changed since the last time it was inspected.

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