Uses of Interface

Packages that use Matcher
org.quartz The main package of Quartz, containing the client-side interfaces. 
org.quartz.core Contains the core classes and interfaces for the Quartz job scheduler. 

Uses of Matcher in org.quartz

Methods in org.quartz that return types with arguments of type Matcher
 List<Matcher<JobKey>> ListenerManager.getJobListenerMatchers(String listenerName)
          Get the set of Matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.
 List<Matcher<TriggerKey>> ListenerManager.getTriggerListenerMatchers(String listenerName)
          Get the set of Matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.

Methods in org.quartz with parameters of type Matcher
 void ListenerManager.addJobListener(JobListener jobListener, Matcher<JobKey>... matchers)
          Add the given JobListener to the Scheduler, and register it to receive events for Jobs that are matched by ANY of the given Matchers.
 boolean ListenerManager.addJobListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Add the given Matcher to the set of matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.
 void ListenerManager.addTriggerListener(TriggerListener triggerListener, Matcher<TriggerKey>... matchers)
          Add the given TriggerListener to the Scheduler, and register it to receive events for Triggers that are matched by ANY of the given Matchers.
 boolean ListenerManager.addTriggerListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
          Add the given Matcher to the set of matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.
 boolean ListenerManager.removeJobListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Remove the given Matcher to the set of matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.
 boolean ListenerManager.removeTriggerListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
          Remove the given Matcher to the set of matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.

Method parameters in org.quartz with type arguments of type Matcher
 void ListenerManager.addJobListener(JobListener jobListener, List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)
          Add the given JobListener to the Scheduler, and register it to receive events for Jobs that are matched by ANY of the given Matchers.
 void ListenerManager.addTriggerListener(TriggerListener triggerListener, List<Matcher<TriggerKey>> matchers)
          Add the given TriggerListener to the Scheduler, and register it to receive events for Triggers that are matched by ANY of the given Matchers.
 boolean ListenerManager.setJobListenerMatchers(String listenerName, List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)
          Set the set of Matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.
 boolean ListenerManager.setTriggerListenerMatchers(String listenerName, List<Matcher<TriggerKey>> matchers)
          Set the set of Matchers for which the listener will receive events if ANY of the matchers match.

Uses of Matcher in org.quartz.core

Methods in org.quartz.core that return types with arguments of type Matcher
 List<Matcher<JobKey>> ListenerManagerImpl.getJobListenerMatchers(String listenerName)
 List<Matcher<TriggerKey>> ListenerManagerImpl.getTriggerListenerMatchers(String listenerName)

Methods in org.quartz.core with parameters of type Matcher
 void ListenerManagerImpl.addJobListener(JobListener jobListener, Matcher<JobKey>... matchers)
 boolean ListenerManagerImpl.addJobListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
 void ListenerManagerImpl.addTriggerListener(TriggerListener triggerListener, Matcher<TriggerKey>... matchers)
 void ListenerManagerImpl.addTriggerListener(TriggerListener triggerListener, Matcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
 boolean ListenerManagerImpl.addTriggerListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
 boolean ListenerManagerImpl.removeJobListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<JobKey> matcher)
 boolean ListenerManagerImpl.removeTriggerListenerMatcher(String listenerName, Matcher<TriggerKey> matcher)

Method parameters in org.quartz.core with type arguments of type Matcher
 void ListenerManagerImpl.addJobListener(JobListener jobListener, List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)
 void ListenerManagerImpl.addTriggerListener(TriggerListener triggerListener, List<Matcher<TriggerKey>> matchers)
 boolean ListenerManagerImpl.setJobListenerMatchers(String listenerName, List<Matcher<JobKey>> matchers)
 boolean ListenerManagerImpl.setTriggerListenerMatchers(String listenerName, List<Matcher<TriggerKey>> matchers)

Uses of Matcher in org.quartz.impl.matchers

Classes in org.quartz.impl.matchers that implement Matcher
 class AndMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches using an AND operator on two Matcher operands.
 class EverythingMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches on the complete key being equal (both name and group).
 class GroupMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches on group (ignores name) property of Keys.
 class KeyMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches on the complete key being equal (both name and group).
 class NameMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches on name (ignores group) property of Keys.
 class NotMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches using an NOT operator on another Matcher.
 class OrMatcher<T extends Key>
          Matches using an OR operator on two Matcher operands.
 class StringMatcher<T extends Key>
          An abstract base class for some types of matchers.

Fields in org.quartz.impl.matchers declared as Matcher
protected  Matcher<T> AndMatcher.leftOperand
protected  Matcher<T> OrMatcher.leftOperand
protected  Matcher<T> NotMatcher.operand
protected  Matcher<T> AndMatcher.rightOperand
protected  Matcher<T> OrMatcher.rightOperand

Methods in org.quartz.impl.matchers that return Matcher
 Matcher<T> AndMatcher.getLeftOperand()
 Matcher<T> OrMatcher.getLeftOperand()
 Matcher<T> NotMatcher.getOperand()
 Matcher<T> AndMatcher.getRightOperand()
 Matcher<T> OrMatcher.getRightOperand()

Methods in org.quartz.impl.matchers with parameters of type Matcher
<U extends Key>
AndMatcher.and(Matcher<U> leftOperand, Matcher<U> rightOperand)
          Create an AndMatcher that depends upon the result of both of the given matchers.
<U extends Key>
AndMatcher.and(Matcher<U> leftOperand, Matcher<U> rightOperand)
          Create an AndMatcher that depends upon the result of both of the given matchers.
<U extends Key>
NotMatcher.not(Matcher<U> operand)
          Create a NotMatcher that reverses the result of the given matcher.
<U extends Key>
OrMatcher.or(Matcher<U> leftOperand, Matcher<U> rightOperand)
          Create an OrMatcher that depends upon the result of at least one of the given matchers.
<U extends Key>
OrMatcher.or(Matcher<U> leftOperand, Matcher<U> rightOperand)
          Create an OrMatcher that depends upon the result of at least one of the given matchers.

Constructors in org.quartz.impl.matchers with parameters of type Matcher
AndMatcher(Matcher<T> leftOperand, Matcher<T> rightOperand)
AndMatcher(Matcher<T> leftOperand, Matcher<T> rightOperand)
NotMatcher(Matcher<T> operand)
OrMatcher(Matcher<T> leftOperand, Matcher<T> rightOperand)
OrMatcher(Matcher<T> leftOperand, Matcher<T> rightOperand)

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