Uses of Interface

Packages that use ThreadPool
org.quartz.core Contains the core classes and interfaces for the Quartz job scheduler. 
org.quartz.impl Contains implementations of the SchedulerFactory, JobStore, ThreadPool, and other interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler. 
org.quartz.simpl Contains simple / light-weight implementations (with no dependencies on external libraries) of interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler. 

Uses of ThreadPool in org.quartz.core

Methods in org.quartz.core that return ThreadPool
 ThreadPool QuartzSchedulerResources.getThreadPool()
           Get the ThreadPool for the QuartzScheduler to use.

Methods in org.quartz.core with parameters of type ThreadPool
 void QuartzSchedulerResources.setThreadPool(ThreadPool threadPool)
           Set the ThreadPool for the QuartzScheduler to use.

Uses of ThreadPool in org.quartz.impl

Methods in org.quartz.impl with parameters of type ThreadPool
 void DirectSchedulerFactory.createScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore)
          Same as DirectSchedulerFactory.createScheduler(ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore), with the addition of specifying the scheduler name and instance ID.
 void DirectSchedulerFactory.createScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore, Map schedulerPluginMap, String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort, long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval, boolean jmxExport, String jmxObjectName)
          Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool, job store, and plugins, and binds it to RMI.
 void DirectSchedulerFactory.createScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore, String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort, long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval)
          Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool and job store and binds it to RMI.
 void DirectSchedulerFactory.createScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, ThreadExecutor threadExecutor, JobStore jobStore, Map schedulerPluginMap, String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort, long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval, boolean jmxExport, String jmxObjectName)
          Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool, job store, and plugins, and binds it to RMI.
 void DirectSchedulerFactory.createScheduler(String schedulerName, String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, ThreadExecutor threadExecutor, JobStore jobStore, Map schedulerPluginMap, String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort, long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval, boolean jmxExport, String jmxObjectName, int maxBatchSize, long batchTimeWindow)
          Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool, job store, and plugins, and binds it to RMI.
 void DirectSchedulerFactory.createScheduler(ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore)
          Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool and job store.

Uses of ThreadPool in org.quartz.simpl

Classes in org.quartz.simpl that implement ThreadPool
 class SimpleThreadPool
           This is class is a simple implementation of a thread pool, based on the ThreadPool interface.
 class ZeroSizeThreadPool
           This is class is a simple implementation of a zero size thread pool, based on the ThreadPool interface.

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