Uses of Class

Packages that use GroupMatcher
org.quartz The main package of Quartz, containing the client-side interfaces. 
org.quartz.core Contains the core classes and interfaces for the Quartz job scheduler. 
org.quartz.impl Contains implementations of the SchedulerFactory, JobStore, ThreadPool, and other interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler. 
org.quartz.simpl Contains simple / light-weight implementations (with no dependencies on external libraries) of interfaces required by the org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler. 
org.quartz.spi Contains Service Provider Interfaces that can be implemented by those wishing to create and use custom versions of Quartz back-end/behind-the-scenes services. 

Uses of GroupMatcher in org.quartz

Methods in org.quartz with parameters of type GroupMatcher
 Set<JobKey> Scheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Get the keys of all the JobDetails in the matching groups.
 Set<TriggerKey> Scheduler.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
          Get the names of all the Triggers in the given group.
 void Scheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Pause all of the JobDetails in the matching groups - by pausing all of their Triggers.
 void Scheduler.pauseTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
          Pause all of the Triggers in the groups matching.
 void Scheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Resume (un-pause) all of the JobDetails in matching groups.
 void Scheduler.resumeTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
          Resume (un-pause) all of the Triggers in matching groups.

Uses of GroupMatcher in org.quartz.core

Methods in org.quartz.core with parameters of type GroupMatcher
 Set<JobKey> RemotableQuartzScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 Set<JobKey> QuartzScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all the Jobs in the matching groups.
 Set<TriggerKey> RemotableQuartzScheduler.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
 Set<TriggerKey> QuartzScheduler.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all the Triggers in the matching groups.
 void RemotableQuartzScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 void QuartzScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> groupMatcher)
           Pause all of the JobDetails in the matching groups - by pausing all of their Triggers.
 void QuartzSchedulerMBeanImpl.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 void RemotableQuartzScheduler.pauseTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
 void QuartzScheduler.pauseTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Pause all of the Triggers in the matching groups.
 void RemotableQuartzScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 void QuartzScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Resume (un-pause) all of the JobDetails in the matching groups.
 void QuartzSchedulerMBeanImpl.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 void RemotableQuartzScheduler.resumeTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
 void QuartzScheduler.resumeTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Resume (un-pause) all of the Triggers in the matching groups.

Uses of GroupMatcher in org.quartz.impl

Methods in org.quartz.impl with parameters of type GroupMatcher
 Set<JobKey> RemoteMBeanScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 Set<JobKey> RemoteScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 Set<JobKey> StdScheduler.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 Set<TriggerKey> RemoteMBeanScheduler.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 Set<TriggerKey> RemoteScheduler.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 Set<TriggerKey> StdScheduler.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteMBeanScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 void RemoteScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void StdScheduler.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteMBeanScheduler.pauseTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 void RemoteScheduler.pauseTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void StdScheduler.pauseTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteMBeanScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 void RemoteScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void StdScheduler.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void RemoteMBeanScheduler.resumeTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler, passing the SchedulingContext associated with this instance.
 void RemoteScheduler.resumeTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.
 void StdScheduler.resumeTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Calls the equivalent method on the 'proxied' QuartzScheduler.

Uses of GroupMatcher in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore

Methods in org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore with parameters of type GroupMatcher
 int StdJDBCDelegate.deletePausedTriggerGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
 int DriverDelegate.deletePausedTriggerGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
 Set<JobKey> JobStoreSupport.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all of the Job s that matcher the given groupMatcher.
protected  Set<JobKey> JobStoreSupport.getJobNames(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
 Set<TriggerKey> JobStoreSupport.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all of the Trigger s that match the given group Matcher.
protected  Set<TriggerKey> JobStoreSupport.getTriggerNames(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
 Set<String> JobStoreSupport.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Pause all of the Jobs matching the given groupMatcher - by pausing all of their Triggers.
 Set<String> JobStoreSupport.pauseTriggerGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Pause all of the Triggers matching the given groupMatcher.
 Set<String> JobStoreSupport.pauseTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Pause all of the Triggers matching the given groupMatcher.
 Set<String> JobStoreSupport.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Resume (un-pause) all of the Jobs in the given group.
 Set<String> JobStoreSupport.resumeTriggerGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Resume (un-pause) all of the Triggers matching the given groupMatcher.
 Set<String> JobStoreSupport.resumeTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Resume (un-pause) all of the Triggers matching the given groupMatcher.
 Set<JobKey> StdJDBCDelegate.selectJobsInGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Select all of the jobs contained in a given group.
 Set<JobKey> DriverDelegate.selectJobsInGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Select all of the jobs contained in a given group.
 List<String> StdJDBCDelegate.selectTriggerGroups(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
 List<String> DriverDelegate.selectTriggerGroups(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
 Set<TriggerKey> StdJDBCDelegate.selectTriggersInGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Select all of the triggers contained in a given group.
 Set<TriggerKey> DriverDelegate.selectTriggersInGroup(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Select all of the triggers contained in a given group.
protected  String StdJDBCDelegate.toSqlLikeClause(GroupMatcher<?> matcher)
 int StdJDBCDelegate.updateTriggerGroupStateFromOtherState(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher, String newState, String oldState)
           Update all of the triggers of the given group to the given new state, if they are in the given old state.
 int DriverDelegate.updateTriggerGroupStateFromOtherState(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher, String newState, String oldState)
           Update all of the triggers of the given group to the given new state, if they are in the given old state.
 int StdJDBCDelegate.updateTriggerGroupStateFromOtherStates(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher, String newState, String oldState1, String oldState2, String oldState3)
           Update all triggers in the given group to the given new state, if they are in one of the given old states.
 int DriverDelegate.updateTriggerGroupStateFromOtherStates(Connection conn, GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher, String newState, String oldState1, String oldState2, String oldState3)
           Update all triggers in the given group to the given new state, if they are in one of the given old states.

Uses of GroupMatcher in org.quartz.impl.matchers

Methods in org.quartz.impl.matchers that return GroupMatcher
<T extends Key<T>>
GroupMatcher.groupContains(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches groups containing the given string.
<T extends Key<T>>
GroupMatcher.groupEndsWith(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches groups ending with the given string.
<T extends Key<T>>
GroupMatcher.groupEquals(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches groups equaling the given string.
<T extends Key<T>>
GroupMatcher.groupStartsWith(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches groups starting with the given string.
static GroupMatcher<JobKey> GroupMatcher.jobGroupContains(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches job groups containing the given string.
static GroupMatcher<JobKey> GroupMatcher.jobGroupEndsWith(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches job groups ending with the given string.
static GroupMatcher<JobKey> GroupMatcher.jobGroupEquals(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches job groups equaling the given string.
static GroupMatcher<JobKey> GroupMatcher.jobGroupStartsWith(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches job groups starting with the given string.
static GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> GroupMatcher.triggerGroupContains(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches trigger groups containing the given string.
static GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> GroupMatcher.triggerGroupEndsWith(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches trigger groups ending with the given string.
static GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> GroupMatcher.triggerGroupEquals(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches trigger groups equaling the given string.
static GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> GroupMatcher.triggerGroupStartsWith(String compareTo)
          Create a GroupMatcher that matches trigger groups starting with the given string.

Uses of GroupMatcher in org.quartz.simpl

Methods in org.quartz.simpl with parameters of type GroupMatcher
 Set<JobKey> RAMJobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all of the Job s that match the given groupMatcher.
 Set<TriggerKey> RAMJobStore.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Get the names of all of the Trigger s that match the given groupMatcher.
 List<String> RAMJobStore.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Pause all of the JobDetails in the given group - by pausing all of their Triggers.
 List<String> RAMJobStore.pauseTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Pause all of the known Triggers matching.
 Collection<String> RAMJobStore.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
           Resume (un-pause) all of the JobDetails in the given group.
 List<String> RAMJobStore.resumeTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
           Resume (un-pause) all of the Triggers in the given group.

Uses of GroupMatcher in org.quartz.spi

Methods in org.quartz.spi with parameters of type GroupMatcher
 Set<JobKey> JobStore.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Get the keys of all of the Job s that have the given group name.
 Set<TriggerKey> JobStore.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
          Get the names of all of the Trigger s that have the given group name.
 Collection<String> JobStore.pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> groupMatcher)
          Pause all of the Jobs in the given group - by pausing all of their Triggers.
 Collection<String> JobStore.pauseTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
          Pause all of the Triggers in the given group.
 Collection<String> JobStore.resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher)
          Resume (un-pause) all of the Jobs in the given group.
 Collection<String> JobStore.resumeTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher)
          Resume (un-pause) all of the Triggers in the given group.

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